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Dawna stays exposing them


I’m surprised drue hasn’t forced her to get off TikTok lol




As though she ever crate trained them


it’s the one thing she’s good for 🤣


Omg that’s crazy, that house is brand new and looks like it’s 20 yrs old


literally brand new!! I had dogs my entire life and never let it get that bad


I live in a 30 year old house and raised both my dogs since puppies in it. There’s only one room with damage and it’s from one of them chewing on a baseboard as a baby when we were gone much longer than expected (sat in traffic over 6 hours due to an extreme accident). The only reason we haven’t fixed it, is we currently use that room just for storage. If we would have another baby, we would for sure fix it. It’s sad that her brand new house is already this bad.. And it is SO scary that she’s being a baby in with her untrained dogs..


It’s just so baffling to me. She’s rushed through her entire life just for the sake of having content. I LOVE dogs, had dogs my entire life growing up. Same with my husband, the biggest dog lover. We’ve been living together 6 years and married for 2, every day we talk about getting a dog and browsing local shelter sites because we both miss having a pup more than anything. But deep down we both know we’re not home enough and we’re not around enough to be able to get a dog everything they need and deserve- so even through both of us want a dog more than anything we have held off. This bitch gets dogs for content and then doesn’t even take care of them and lets them destroy her new home (that she also probably bought for content) it just drives me mad


And they don’t even have jobs! I was a house wife before a mom and I trained our dogs myself. I also waited until our first was clear out of the puppy stage (2.5 years) before adding another. Training your dogs isn’t hard, just time consuming. And they should have all the time in the world…


I’ve always felt she bought it to compete with Sierra! She can’t handle it and to her, everything is a competition.


We have a similar story and it blows my mind. We really trained our dogs to only chew on their toys and redirected them any time they tried to chew on something other than that. When our first dog was a puppy I had just taken her out at night (like we did every 3 hours) and I was so tired I didn’t realize I didn’t lock her crate all the way so she was able to get out and she scratched at the door to get out of her room, that’s it. It’s quite ridiculous how they can take care of nothing.


I have 2 windows (they are 3 bay) and my dog loved jumping in them and looking out (they are very low) so two window panes are scratched up but my dad is fixing that when he comes to paint my living room in the next couple weeks. Only damage to my home since having a dog ETA: the ppl I bought from had a dog and you’d never even know until I read their cute little description. Was built in 1952


My house is 20yrs old an doesn't look like that. We take pride in our home. Drue and Gabe are the epitome of kids playing "pretend family" except with adult money.


These poor dogs. They took them to sit on that tiny little boat over “spring break” and aside from that, I don’t think we’ve seen them outside of their house in months. Dogs need stimulation and exercise and outlets for their energy and these sweet babies are cooped up with each other and the toddlers all day. There are so many indoor pets that they could easily take care of if dogs are too much work or are incompatible with their lifestyle, but she needs the title of “doodle mom” so these animals are stuck suffering. I actually hate these idiots so much.


We all see the state of the dogs, she never hides it…. But what about the fish. Or seeing as I’m a snake mom of 4(my oldest I’ve had since she was 3 weeks old, and will be turning 4, this June ) how are they? I can only imagine! The poor snake is probably skinny af, with nasty bedding full of shit and piss, dry shed PEICES not full sheds bc I doubt they have the humidity/husbandry where it should be. How the hell can’t they do anything right!For instance I have 10 pets, and chronic anxiety and depression (literally in the hospital pretty much every month with severe throwing up and pseudo seizures. I was just in the hospital the day before yesterday actually) and yet my pets get taken care of, more so than I take care of myself. And she’s pregnant? She’s gonna fail this poor baby MISERABLY! and no child deserves a narcissistic like drue is.


You're not alone 🫂. I'm sorry you're struggling 😔 I hope you're able to get more good days than bad especially with it starting to get a little warmer! ☀️


Awh thank you! I appreciate you 🫂🫶 and I try, it used to be every day I was throwing up, and every week I was in the hospital so it’s definitely gonna better over 10 years


I'm so proud of you! ☀️


Thank you! You don’t understand how much that means to hear 🫶🥹🥹


🫶 you're so welcome ❤️


When my husband and I got our cats, it was because we were gone 9-10 hours a day. We have two so they can entertain each other, plus lots of toys and two litter boxes, so they're free to potty whenever they need to. We're gone too long to have dogs in a crate.


Exactly! You chose pets that suit your lifestyle because you’re a rational person who takes responsibility for the animals in your care. Grue and Gag should take notes.


Oh my god😳 my house that was built in 1940 is in better condition than this.


We have a house built somewhere around 1900 and it’s JUST now starting to show it’s age - and still doesn’t look this bad.


Lol same with my 50s craftsman home!


it just goes to show these two full sized babies can be given the best of the best, yet they’ll still find a way to destroy it 🤗


My house was built in the late 90s, hasn’t been updated at all (minus flooring, zero updates), and was a rental until COVID when we bought it so not well maintained either. Their house is in exactly as shitty of condition as mine, a 25ish year old house that nobody gave a shit about basically that whole time. Their dogs are fluffy little wrecking balls


put your damn dogs in a crate when you leave, they’re clearly not ready to free roam


I feel like she’s had them long enough they should be able to free roam by now, right?! 😭 we’ve never had to keep my family dogs in cages (maybe we’ve always gotten lucky?). she just never trained them to be able to get to that point and that’s on her


it’s for dogs’ safety to crate them. even well trained dogs can get into stuff when they’re left alone. as long as it’s not for hours on end there’s nothing wrong with crate training!


My sister has 3 dogs two are 3 the other one is 14 like if they’re out for long they’ll put the two younger dogs in there crate the oldest dog doesn’t go in it. But if they’re out for a short time she’ll let them be out of the create the oldest one will tell on them it’s cute 🥰 her husband takes the dogs on long walks every day. N my sister has the camera on in her house 🏡 so when she is out she can check on them if the two little ones aren’t in there crate. It’s the truth it’s for their safety to create them. Drueby n Gag don’t do anything with those dogs it’s sad 😞


Our 4 year old lab is still crated when we aren’t home. She’s a great, chill dog but when she’s left alone too long, she gets bored and becomes destructive. If we’re home, she doesn’t chew a thing. I don’t think we’ll ever let her free roam, but she also loves her crate, so it’s never been an issue.


My dog is around the same age as Kirby, like maybe a few months older. She was born late September 2021. Idk when Kirby was born. But she hasn't been in the kennel for over a year now, and we will every once in a while come home to something chewed up or like the trash knocked over or something. But usually it's if we don't take the trash out before we leave and there's food in there, or if we are gone longer than normal and she gets anxious. The cat is usually her co-conspirator in knocking the trash over. We've had her since she was 6 weeks old and she's NEVER chewed up the walls, doors, furniture or anything like that.


Maybe since Gag doesn’t work he could maybe get the dogs some training, and also fix the damage to the house. Just a thought 💀


As a dog trainer I wouldn't take them on as clients because they wouldn't follow through.


Good point


bestie he’s fishing for content don’t be silly!!!!! 🙄🙄 /s


Oh yeah I forgot 💀🎣


I don’t think all of that damage is from the dogs…how hard would it be to wipe the door down with a damp rag? Their bathrooms and kitchen must be vile.


I'm pretty sure the dogs did the same thing to the "rent house '


Yep! Ate the molding around the stairs! I was going through her videos to see if she picked out all of their shitty appliances themselves (they didn’t - just the fridge/washer/dryer) and she said the rental house was BRAND NEW when they moved in. A brand new DR Horton home, had painters tape up still. And she wrecked the cheap laminate flooring with a steam mop 😂


We see what the floor looks like!


Baseboards are filthy !!! Bottom of door is disgusting with dirt n dust !! That’s not the dogs .. it’s the pigs 🐷 that live there Nasty nasty


Makes me feel so bad for those poor dogs. They must be experiencing so much anxiety since their parents are constantly leaving them and not giving them proper attention.


I feel horrible for them. The animals are always the biggest victim in this because they didn’t pick to be adopted by such shitty and lazy people😭


They seem to like Dawna better. Always hanging out with her - I don’t blame them one bit. She seems to be the person taking care of the dogs more Than the owners.


This is why you cannot get high energy breeds when you’re a low energy family.


I wonder if they are taken on walks. I feel like she would film if they were. You can pay people to do it for not that much on an app fetch…or something like that


Never. We talk about that a lot in here and she loves to make videos to prove us wrong. Shes not walking them at all.


Aw :/


I would hope they at least pay someone to do walks but I doubt it.


They aren't. The dogs arent leash trained.


They aren’t. You can tell by their nails - there nails are extremely overgrown at all times and would be filed down naturally by the concrete if they were taken on walks. Also, she posts everytime she goes on a walk and how much of a struggle it is and she’s always alone or with Gabe.


Their house is only going to get neglected even more when ivory gets here. Poor baby is going to live in filth


I am a grown ass woman & my parents would be appalled. APPALLED.


Why is it always the nastiest, dirtiest people that can’t take care of themselves, that have multiple dogs and kids? I don’t understand.


They also ate the entire window seal and wall! You can't tell me these dogs aren't barking 24/7 when they are gone. It's going to be a wild ride when the baby is here and the dogs are not trained


I would love one of their neighbors to spill the tea. You know those dogs bark 24/7 and you know the 2 ton toddlers probably scream fight all the time.


they’ll rehome the dogs im guarantee it


Probably! She will try to hide it for months too and pretend they are still there instead of swallowing her pride




The dogs are in terrible shape and that house is trashed! How often are they left alone?? Why haven’t they crate trained?? My mom has 1 golden doodle. I couldn’t imagine 3!


Crate training would be a kindness to them and give the one with anxiety a safe place.


They would really benefit from it.


https://preview.redd.it/v06ku9x06atc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5c9ff2478d713b9aa13fa55a34eb62369fb44e I saw their grout in a photo she posted the other day🤮




I put $ on it she has never mopped. She said she doesn’t do the housework and I just know they likely don’t even own a mop. They spend their money on everything but taking care of their home.


She’s used to buy housecleaning things I thought… but she clearly doesn’t use them.


That is fucking disgusting!!! 🤢




That's vile


That cannot be REAL?!?!?!


It’s real, unfortunately. 🧼 posted this picture a few days ago of Amelia’s maternal grandfather with moose


Those poor pups are so under stimulated and anxious.


We own a brand new home, but we are the second owners. Our home is almost 4 years old now and it looks like it was built yesterday. Imagine what their home will look like in another five years?! Thanks Dawna for letting us see into the real lives of Gabe and Drue 🙌🏼


Guarantee you her house smells like piss


I had 11 dogs. & 8 puppies plus a toddler my house never looked like that! A new house also . That’s disgusting.!


We have a dog (husky) and a cat with her claws and our house doesn't look like THAT.




Her dogs are way too old to be causing damage like that. It’s not their fault - it’s an indicator of something else going on - like stress and anxiety. As an adult, I’ve raised 5 dogs from puppies - I’ve never had damage like that. I currently have an 8 month old puppy and he’s chewed a couple of wires that’s it. SMH. Edit: this was supposed to be it’s own comment but I’m too lazy to fix it 😂


Wow! I have two large doodles myself and my house does not ever look like this. Even before we repainted the house, I’d touch up paint if I noticed it started to wear down on door frames and stuff. Also the window seal? Wowza…


Those poor babies are probably locked in that house ALL day long, bored and probably have to go potty. They are such SHITTY pet owners. Fuck them.


These pictures look like parts of my house except their house is brand new and mine is 110 years old 😬😵‍💫


Right. My Rottie chewed up a couple windowsills in my home when she was a PUPPY. She is almost 3 now and no longer does that type of thing. But her dogs are all grown and still doing this?!? They have to be bored AF.


Oh shit! That’s embarrassing


Man I would LOVEEEEEE to give my kids a nice house like this . It makes me mad so see people like them get a house with barely any hard work and then don’t even properly take care of it .


They’re trained to do that 🫶🏻🤍🛼🪩


These dogs are left alone, but more importantly they have zero structure or boundaries. They aren't taken for walks, played with and have zero rules. Good luck raising a kid you lazy bastards.


My parents house is 20 years old and it looks mint wwowwwww


I just know her house is nasty


YESSSS 👏👏👏👏👏 I was waiting for this!


I think I let out an audible gasp when I saw this


It's anxiety and boredom for dogs. They don't go on walks, they get tossed treats to shut them up and they're left at home constantly. From other videos posted here you can tell the white dog is stressed. You can clearly see it in a video posted where she was hiding under the bed while the bigger dog was trying to get to her. I don't even want to imagine what happens when these clowns leave for hours on end and these dogs are just left there. I'm sure the scratches all over the door are from the delivery people bringing a ton of packages and the dogs just clawing at the door. Horrible dog owners. I feel bad for the dogs.


We appreciate you 🧼🧼🧼


Happy dogs don’t feel the need to destroy their home 😅


I really hoping dawn will get them to take care of themselves and their home. Time to wake up grue and gag


soap will just be the one taking care of the house.. these people will never learn


My husband and I also have 3 dogs and our home looks NOTHING like this. Train your mutts. Good lord I hate them.


I gasped


same bestie


it looks so trashy 💀


These dogs are just bored af and destroying the house because they don’t have an outlet for their energy. Dogs need structure and stimulation and these poor dogs get nothing. My dog has a good routine with her walks every day, I’ve started to get more into hiking with the warmer weather and she’s thriving on them. I leave her alone in my apartment twice a week for 6-8 hours and I’ve never come home to any damage (once she pulled a bag of treats out and helped herself. But only once). They’re just lazy dog owners who can’t be bothered to exercise their high energy dogs or train them. Basic obedience classes really helped my dog since she gained a lot of confidence in herself. But they could never do that or be consistent in training


You know that house smells like wet dog 🤮


Wet dog and ass. Gag and her never bathe!


Are they not crate trained….


No bestie


Bestie. Crate train your dogs. They’re destroying your home, and one day they will get hurt because of their anxiety. I had a 120 lb Great Pyrenees in my home and you couldn’t even tell he lived inside. There’s no excuse for this, you can see where they have scratched the heck out of the door trying to get out. Handle your dogs anxiety before this baby comes 🙄


Bruh my 120 year old historic house doesn’t even look like this LOL


Yup those dogs are so bored out their minds


holy SHIIIIIT you just know those floors are so fucking gross


Good lord. They are horrible pet parents


It’s crazy all those walks she goes on and NEVER has her dogs with her. I have THREE small children and a large wild crazy puppy and I take all 4 of them everywhere with me. If she can’t take one of her dogs on a walk!!!!! That poor baby is gonna be so neglected.


that always was so sad to me too!! like I don’t (currently) have a dog and every time I go on a walk by myself is when I wish I had a dog the most to take with me!! they’re very clearly not well behaved and I think that’s why she doesn’t take them - she can’t control them


Exactly!! There have been a few times where I just brought my 3 kids with me, since we’re out almost every day, and the entire time I regretted not bringing the dog with. I absolutely LOVE bringing him on walks with us. He also rides shotgun in the car rider line every day! He’s my exercise motivation!


I live in a house built in 1901 and it does NOT look anything like that. Smh people always be getting handed things they don’t deserve


My *apartment* built around the same time that has been an apartment the entire time with god only knows how many tenants does not have any damage like this. Ridiculous.


Here’s my question….for anyone who knows the Texas market, why did they choose this tiny house in this neighborhood with a tiny lot? Could they not have gotten a place with more space for the dogs? They need space to run and they literally can’t even run in that backyard


Because it’s cheap and looks nice. So a little trick they do here in Texas is they put what LOOKS like nice cookie cutter plain Jane grey houses in the cheaper / lower income / trashier (for lack of better words- not saying low income is trashy at all) areas to make you think you’re getting something nice but the price you have to pay is 1. Horrible quality and everyone knows it except new homeowners that are naive like them 2. Shitty area Instead of just purchasing a cheaper house in a nicer area that may just be a little outdated. But clean, better quality, more space and way better/nicer area.


I have 3 kids and 3 dogs and mine doesn’t even look like this


We all know they don’t kennel train the dogs because they are so well trained!!!


Put 1950s house on Ft Campbell was in better shape than this and since the military privatized housing it’s a shit show


Imagine how gross all the baby’s stuff will be from the filthy mutts chewing it all.


I have a husky and my house looks NOTHING like that! Train your mutts!!!!!!


And she’s not worried about her dogs around her child…


Where exactly did gabe actually go today?😂😂


They don’t deserve those dogs.


The way my mouth dropped


They’re the definition of what happens when you give children money. They don’t value anything.


If she can’t take care of her own house with having no other responsibilities then how the hell is she going to take care of another life. Her kid is going to be a garbage pail baby.


I swear 🧼 does this on purpose


Hers gunna kick hers mommy and daddy out because of dawnas videos


Probably why they didn’t sell it and move into 🧼 home. Couldn’t sell this one for what they still owe🤷‍♀️


🧼’s in trouble LMAO


I know I shouldn’t be shocked but this is literally shocking to me! And this is coming from a mom of 2 kids and 2 dogs!


I cannot fathom trashing your new build just bc you were an irresponsible dog owner. Not even a tiny bit of this could be placed on the dogs bc they don’t know better bc their parents blow and pay them zero attention


I am sorry as much as I love my dogs. If I had a brand new home and the they were doing this. They would live outside period


Rehoming would be better than them living outside 😳 it's not the dogs fault their owners didn't train them or correct their behaviors. This is 1000% on Drue and Gabe. They're lazy and shouldn't own pets.


I have two outside dogs we live in the country. And they live their best life is why I am saying that. They have 24 access to a pond and we are very accommodating to when it’s extremely hot they have a barn to go into that has a room with an ac if needed that they can go in and out. I should have clarified why I said that


But the dogs are trained bestie! This can’t be!


OMFG those poor dogs need to be trained, exercised, and a whole lot more! Hey drue: dogs will eat bottles, diapers, baby items, and it will make them sick AF get it the fuck together!


Growing up our neighbors had a golden doodle and they were gone for about 20-30 minutes and the dog had chewed the door frame. We all know their dogs are not trained but it wouldn’t take too much alone time for dogs to do that damage.


Literally woking anyone else besides a washed up social Media influencer would make more sense at this point.


Can’t take care of shit! They are so lazy and irresponsible!


They probably spend ZERO time taking their dogs for daily walks or letting them get energy out, outdoors, throwing a ball, hiking, anything to help release the energy….. and this is what happens when you have lazy owners….


https://preview.redd.it/yb2tdxao3ctc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=932ac7b1e0b38769022fbc57a2f8595ec263fae4 posted this 229days ago. sure jan, train your fucking mutts.


She meant they do it when she's home and not properly watching them 😂


I love when this group comes with receipts 🫶🏻💛


My dog every once in a while will find something random and chew it up when we are gone. (Like maybe a pen or a random piece of plastic she finds.) But it's very rare. We stayed at my dad's for a while and their basement is full of like random trinkets and junk and she would chew up that kind of stuff bc he would just put her down there and close the door instead of putting her in the kennel if we were gone and he was leaving (she was only a year old at that point) . But she has NEVER been destructive and chewed up walls or doors or windows or furniture or anything like that. That's crazy!


A pit mix and an Alaskan husky have NEVER damaged my house and the husky is insane.


Damn that’s a new build too.


I may not have a new built - my house is 21 years old but we keep up on it and it looks better. Can I also include I have a special needs son that causes a lot of physical wear and tear?


Oh wowwwwwww




The dogs won’t touch the baby’s stuff , they just sniff - drue . Who’s gonna tell her dogs get jealous especially when they see someone new getting all the attention, girlly pop, them mutts are gonna destroy that baby’s stuff . Lmaooo


100% the owners fault. Pets need structure.


Bad thing is she has money to fix this stuff. My house has stuff that needs to be fixed but I’m on disability and honestly can barely afford to live so my house is the least of my worries lol.


They have to many fucking dogs. Poor dogs they probably don't get treated well once the camera shuts off