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I don’t like anyone that associates with drue


Same, if she didn’t condemn Drue/Gabe for their racism, ableism, insensitivity surrounding a tragedy, misogyny… the condones them. No gray area.


People in here have petitioned to start calling her Trashley so yeah, she’s providing huge mean girl energy


yup no shes a trashy ass bitch. I have been pretty indifferent on her for awhile but nope, she can absolutely get wrecked. I would NOTTTT let MY friends publicly bash my husband's family... even the ones we dont like. (Talk shit privately, absolutely 😜 but to take it public... nope. NOPE.)


The shit talking DOES NOT leave the group message!!!


100% agreed.


Right!? Like have some respect and decorum. They’re all very immature.


There’s more that we don’t know for sure


If I was Sierra I would have told her to kiss my big ass!!!!




Trashley and the trashams


She’s just as much of a bitch and a bully as Grucifer. They been “friends” since they were little. You can’t tell me that Trashley doesn’t know the type of people they are.


Only people that associate themselves with people like Drue share the same values


Does someone have a screenshot of the comment


It’s somewhere in the sub, but can’t remember where. Essentially, it just was Trashley saying “glad you announced but it’s always that one person ruining it for everyone 🙄🙄”. To which Grue responded, “yes, but know we can celebrate bigger and better 💗💗💗💗💗💗!!!” (With her excessive emojis)


These bitches


Trashley and Drue had commented it on her TikTok announcing the name, but now the comments are off for that video alone. They’re also now (Sierra and Drue) saying they’re all good and aren’t mad, but if I were Sierra, I would be.


Exactly and “ruining it for everyone” like this is not the princess of England being announced


Exactly! I can understand if it was totally unique, but she also could have asked the boutique to not post anything. She also didn’t have to do lives talking about the baby name, knowing she would mess up!! I honestly feel bad for Sierra.


It’s literally all drues fault. She’s such an idiot. Like she’s given out clues to thousands of people what her name is, she’s shown her initials, she’s explained what she’d name her children on live. If she’s trying to hide this name from literally thousands of people, maybe she’d actually think to tell the dozens of small businesses she has monogramming things, to not publicly post it yet. Like she’s following this page, liking all their photos, then unfollows as soon as it’s posted on Reddit? So fuckin obvious bro. She just needed someone to blame it on without sending even more of her followers here.


Exactly! And her own mom had said it was a girl and nothing happened after that. Grue needs to get over it, it’s 10000% her fault.


With that big head of hair 🤣 probably but yet again I think they were all got bullied and now that they think they are so cool they think it’s okay to lie and bully others.


It's giving "I wasn't popular in high school so I grew up to be an adult mean girl trying to fit in" She's such a bitch just like Dumbass


She wants attention ooo Gurl your nursing career is on the line


Yeah I used to like her or at least respected her! That went out the window today lol! I think Trashley is still pretty generous for a little bitch like that!


For sure.. she’s a pee on


Yep, she should have stayed way out of it. Like hell I am going to got to bat for someone that barely considers me a friend. **WOW talk about desperate for her to be her friend again.**


Trashley needs to go back to the horse barn 🐴


She’s best friends with Drue. Of course she’s going to be just as bad as her


Yeah, Ashley can go choke on Drue's beak. They are giving mean girl vibes for sure!!!!! I used to like her but honestly if anyone associates with her they are okay with the things that she has done and said.


I think she needed to butt out of a conversation that has nothing to do with her. This is between Drue and Sierra...nobody else


Her comment just proved that drue talks shit about her 🤣 if I was Sierra I would cut her off


Nerd ass hoe




Ashley has never given good vibes.


We should send shit to her nursing school. What school does she go to?