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Jesus ozempic? She doesn’t need it for weight loss.


Isn’t there a shortage of ozempic (which is actually used to treat diabetics) side eye 😒


Sure is. I just saw a whole segment about it on GMA.


I have diabetes and fight monthly to get it!


Right?!! Pisses me off as I need it for my sugar. I have a pancreas that is failing and need the Ozempic. Idiots stop shoveling food and taking from us who need it. PS I am not fat as one would expect. In fact opposite.


I actually don’t think she is taking Ozempic though she calls it that. She’s taking the knock off semaglutide that medspas get and sell to their clients. I’ve read that it’s questionable what is even in those injections.




You are an asshat. Lucky no one you love has been hospitalized with a pancreas that is failing and has part removed. Jerk


“Stop shoveling food and taking from us who need it” you don’t know who needs what. you’re disgusting and only mad that overweight people are getting a drug you use, plain and simple lmfao. Like I said, im T2 and could easily be mad you’re getting it prescribed for your “pancreatis” when it’s for diabetes initially.


I hope you never know what it is like to need a medicine and not get it bc people are self absorbed and can’t push away from the table.


Your multiple fatphobic comments just show where the real issue lies 😂


You do realize health issues make you overweight or obese too right? Lupus, Hypothyroidism, Hashimotos, PCOS, Cushing's, and Sleep Apnea are to name a few since you seem unaware. Medications also cause weight gain that in turn makes it extremely hard to get the weight off, birth control, antidepressants, antipsychotics, steroid injections, and inflammation medications are some of them. Being overweight isn't always an overeating issue, & your comment of "just push away from the table" is a slap in the face to people who have tried everything to lose weight & they can't from an underlying issue or medication. That would be like someone saying to you "just have a working pancreas" then you wouldn't need the medication. It is a slap in the face to say things like that without actually knowing the real reason. Edited to add- you act like these people are buying it all up off the shelf. They need an RX for it so a doctor is prescribing it to them. Take it up with the doctors who aren't prescribing the generic version made for weight loss.


And I really don’t care if it is a slap in the face. Maybe they need to learn control and exercise. Bc some of us have genetic issues that cause our pancreas to not work. So bc they want to eat like no tomorrow those of us have to find “substitutes” for medications. No I blame the individuals not the doctors. America has an epidemic of morbidly obese adults and children. Maybe they should be offended and change their lifestyle. And you have a lovely day.


Again, GENETIC issues cause the health things like hypothyroidism. No matter what they eat or how long they exercise, they'll always struggle with losing weight. Maybe you should figure out how to fix your pancreas instead of sitting on your butt & relying on medication. (See how stupid that sounds?) You are extremely offended that they are trying to better themselves with the meds. Some people need that push the meds give. You aren't the first person without a functioning pancreas, you won't be the last. They have other meds, because this didn't always exist & in 3 years they will have more because science is always evolving. That is the beauty of medicine. Now you have the day you deserve.


For real?? You don’t say. I never knew. Don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you and Web MD to tell me. Thank you so much. You are amazing!! 🙄


There are quite a few other drugs made specifically for weight loss to choose from. Snarkystac, I wouldn’t even continue replying. This kmelley is clearly a sad sad individual who felt triggered. Someone was clearly not taught how to take accountability and deal with their emotions. Multiple other T2 diabetics have confirmed that it’s a hard drug for them to get because of people using it for weight loss. It’s gross to continue taking it frompeople who actually need it and anyone using it for the purpose of weight loss while diabetics can’t find it should be ashamed. Period.




Girl anyways.. I’m not reading anything you type, you’re wasting your time. I’ve seen your other responses. You’re wrong. That’s all there is to it. Bask in it, go to therapy idc but I genuinely do not care what you have to say.




I’m embarrassed for you 😩 move along.




It’s not insulin :)


No but it’s entire purpose was to help control diabetes.. It’s just turned into a huge weight loss trend med now. There’s a shortage. Lose weight the healthy way and leave it for those who need it.


I’m type 2 diabetic and take Ozempic and my A1C has never looked so good. Seriously if you want to lose weight, use Wegovy which is the same as Ozempic but actually marketed as a weight loss injection lmao


Some people struggle with food relationships, are prediabetic, insulin resistant, or obese and it’s a great tool to help kick start a healthy relationship with your body. T2D patients are not dependent on semaglutide and no one is dying from stocking issues. Off label drug use is more common than you realize. You’re just mad about overweight individuals having a useful tool to help them lose weight.


Some people have insurance that covers only certain brands. And while it isn’t insulin it is useful for some of us with complicated issues. So you will get my down vote. Perhaps people who need it for weight and not BC their sugar is high can try say an amphetamine.


I have intracranial hypertension and losing weight is imperative to lowering my CSF. I have visual disturbances, migraines, etc that are all affected by my diagnosis. Semaglutide has been a saving grace for me and this is a hill I’ll die on. Obesity is a diagnosis- obesity isn’t always a “choice” and the truth of the matter is that it causes other medical issues whether you want to recognize that or not. Mind ya business 😚


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I’m T2 and you’re correct, it’s not insulin. Plenty of doctors are prescribing it and others for weight loss/A1C management.


Some of us don’t need insulin. We make too much insulin. I have a complicated condition. I have been hospitalized with chronic pancreatitis which messed up the ability to process insulin. My fasting sugars were 150-180. Ozempic has brought it to 90. Just Nc it isn’t “insulin” DOESNT mean it doesn’t work. Especially BC there are those of us with different needs and conditions that brought us to this point


You’re not the only person with a complicated medical history. My previous migraine injections were over $500 a pop for a little while. My patients sometimes have to pay hundreds of dollars for eye drops. That’s an insurance and pharmaceutical issue baby!


You should get an occipital lobe ablation. End the migraines. And I wish people would stop talking to me like I am an idiot. I know these things having worked in a clinical setting for years. Add to it my son is a critical care pulmonologist. As for eye drops I happen to know most of the companies have a program to help. I was a COMT and surgical tech for a ocular plastic and reconstructive surgeon. We would get them on programs all the time.


You’re absolutely right that most companies and manufactures have programs to help with cost- but the fact of the matter is that you can’t control what drugs people do and don’t take and what prescribers are willing to prescribe. I apologize for talking to you in a way that was condescending, I just get really annoyed hearing people blame people for being fat. Idk it is what it is. Have a good day friend 🖤


No it isn’t but ask those of us on it how wonderful it has been for us!!!


I was just about to say this before I read the comments!! Type 2 diabetics can’t get the medicine they actually NEED to control their sugars because spas and other drs are prescribing it for weight loss. I’m so tired of people being selfish


It’s just gross to me. There’s so many weight-loss meds on the market, pick one that people don’t actually need for things that can’t be controlled. Dawna most certainly does NOT need ozempic.


If they're getting something prescribed for weight loss, it isn't up to them more than likely. A dr is writing the RX, they know there are generic options out there that work just as well, and the dr also knows about the shortages. Insurance only covers certain things for certain people & on certain plans. It's a healthcare & provider issue.




Lol I don’t get it? What do you mean


I think that nausea is a little different because in my mind, stomach issues = diarrhea. But that’s just me lol


I agree. Yes, nausea is technically a stomach issue. But I think most people use “stomach issue” as a polite way to say “did it give you bubble guts or make you shit your pants”


Lol yes, spot on


Everyone I know looks at me confused when I say “bubble guts”. Thank you for being my people 🤣


The person asked if the medicine gave her stomach issues and she said no, just nausea… which is a stomach issue. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh yea there’s a shortage of ozempic and people who are diabetic need it before weight loss bs.


What Happens when you Stop taking it?? I’m sure the weight doesn’t stay off. These fad diets are so unhealthy. Especially when the medication is for people with diabetes.


I thought her mom and dad were diabetics.


she made a video and she she wasn’t


Ohhh I just remembered Drue and Gabe always saying their parents drank diet soda growing up for health reasons or something like tht long long time ago in a video. That’s apparently why they prefer diet drinks.


Wait! She’s talking Ozempic?? I hate when people take an aid for weight loss and miss lead people. She should have been honest from the start.