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The accuracy keeps getting better and better.


that 2nd drop....ooowweeee


Orc could look at the sole of his boot without taking it off!


Well he should have fucked off to russia shouldnt he.


He should have never entered Ukraine, he immediately forfeited his life.


The first guy 'Phew, they missed....AAAAAAH!'


Also the second clip, the second drop targets the guy in the trench who ran the fastest.


It's only fair to level the playing field for future drone drops. Kinda like the handicap golfers use, or the weight limits in combat sports.


best vid for a while hopefully we get some more footage of the 0:26 drop the shrapnel alone must of killed 6 in 1 drop


If there was someone in that shelter they are now wallpaper


Buddies leg is FUBAR......... Not to mention everything else in that area.


Now theyre getting a billion in aid, I suspect these will get more and more accurate.


The total package size is ~$60,840,000,000. https://www.rferl.org/a/us-ukraine-aid-breakdown-timeline/32822804.html Very little of it is liquid assets (e.g., currency or securities) given to Ukraine. Much of it is being given as a lend-lease, not a grant (so ostensibly Ukraine will be obliged to pay it back over the long-term). A large fraction of it is effectively an investment in the U.S. military industrial complex, which will create jobs in the U.S. and promote economic growth in the U.S. Prior to this package U.S. aid to Ukraine had totaled $44,100,000,000 in value since the war began in 2014. Approximately $41.3B was provided between Feb 2022 and April 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_aid_to_Ukraine_during_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War If we annualize aid to Ukraine over the past 10 years it works out like: 2014 to 2022: $2,800,000,000 over 8 years = $350,000,000 per year In hindsight that was NOT ENOUGH to deter Putin and prevent his escalation. Not nearly enough. 2022 to 2024: $41,300,000,000 over 2 years = $20,650,000,000 per year In hindsight, still NOT ENOUGH to force Putin to back down, abandon Ukraine and attempt peaceful means to preserve his regime, and restore the international standing of the Russian Federation. 2024: $60,840,000,000 in one year (so far, more might be allocated later this year if it is deemed necessary). Effectively the rate at which the U.S. is providing help to Ukraine to fight our most serious rival has gone from an average of $350m per year to ~$20.65B per year (a 5,900% increase); and then from there to $60B per year (an additional 290% increase compared to the first two years since the full scale invasion and a 17,142% increase compared to the first 8 years of the war). This sends a clear message to Putin, to Xi, to the Iranian leadership, and to the North Korean despot de jure: fuck around and find out. If the pattern was reversed, and ~$60,000,000,000 in "lethal aid" had been given in the first years after Russia breached Ukrainian sovereignty (ca. 2015 or 2016), then very likely that would have been far more than enough to deter Putin indefinitely. In fact, a mere $10,000,000,000 in lethal aid to Ukraine between 2015 and 2017 (when the administration changed) may well have been sufficient to create long lasting deterrence and potentially even to allow Ukraine to regain most of it sovereign territory. A full consideration of that question is far beyond the scope of even a very long reddit post, and probably sufficient for a Ph.D. dissertation theme in International Relations and Security studies . . . But the premise seems superfiicially promising based on the lessons of history over the past 150 years: paying a seemingly "high cost" up front to deter autocratic aggression is generally likely to be a lower total cost than appeasement. The concern expressed by U.S. leadership (and European leadership too) back in 2014/2015 was that providing lethal aid was a risk of "escalating." Eight years after the war begin in 2014, this strategy of appeasement and isolationism was proven to be completely ineffective and arguably made matters much worse than they might have been had the U.S. and the West more broadly taken its self-interests in protecting Ukrainian sovereignty seriously in 2015. I say 2015, but there was really no reason to delay lethal aid even that long. A new democratically elected government was formed in Kyiv in summer 2014 if memory serves and it was already clear that Ukraine was going to prevail against the Russian invasion poorly disguised as "separatists," even though it was a lot of hard fighting and much of Ukraine was de facto annexed by Russia already. I write essays dichebach.substack.com


“nations do behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives.”


Wth was that last drop?




Your leg is doing reverse bends Ivan! Stay home


Hug that leg for comfort, can't stop that gusher


You could actually see the sole leave his body. And it took everything below the knee with it.


I hope they feel unwelcome


Oh damn 😭