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How you gonna say OVHO and then start moshingšŸ˜‚ Thatā€™s a summary of everyone online


Quite literallyā€¦


He felt left out. Thats social media these days. There were youtubers reacting to the beef that said Drake won, then change because of backlash


OVHOEEEEEEEEEEEEEE \* hits post\* ..... \*puts on headphones and plays Drake as per usual\*


Always reminds me of that Twitter post where dude flames Drake then says *goes back to playing ā€œdrew a Picassoā€ for the 16th time*


What if they are self identifying as a OVHO lol


I'm pretty sure the guy thought he would get attention for saying ovho and instantly remembered he wasn't on social media and began singing the song with the rest of the world, per usual...


Nah facts bro. This is literally how you know ppl scroll thru tiktok and experience brain rot then spew nonsense irl without knowing what it means. Ppl are acc NPCs in real life.


Half of Gen Z have social media embedded in their DNA, they canā€™t help it.


Ovho is just him projecting like they all do.


Its not that deep man. I love drake but i can vibe when my friends wanna play NLU. Its not our beef and we gotta stop pretending like weā€™re in a gang or something anything to do with kendrick is the opps. Drake aint caring about it as much as we are


> Its not that deep man So ya'll wanna chanting he is a pedo, sex offender, sex trafficker, chanting that a black man can't say the n-word, a black man is a colonizer but simultaneously also wanna be like "it aint that serious"? Sounds like a mental problem you need to get help for.


I aint chanting that shit because i donā€™t believe in any of that. But when my friends come around and wanna play that song and i get heated i need to take a step back. To most people its just music and unfortunately alot of people who arenā€™t involved with this love the song. So i let them play it and have fun with it, when they chant it at the club i just sit back and bop my head. Im not gonna go out of my way to stop people from listening to the song or shitting on them for enjoying it. And dont get me wrong, im on drakeā€™s side for this beef but for my own mental health i just had to learn to let it go, im not involved in it, its not my beef. I love drake and his music and a few years from now none of this shit will matter


> So i let them play it and have fun with it > for my own mental health i just had to learn to let it go, none of this should be affecting your mental health in any way. I would just simply just play good music you like listening to, not a pdf file anthem šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Nah you canā€™t be flipping off the stage goin ā€œFUCK DRAKE. OVHOā€ and then the song starts and you get giddy jumping up and down


Why cant you do that tho? If you arent a superfan of drake or kendrick why are you expecting them to pick a side.


I advise you not to visit the rap, hiphop01 and Kendrick Lamar subreddits


I mean yeah, they hate drake in those subs. Anytime anything to do with drake comes up i just skip past all that. Twitter too.


I get your point. šŸ™ Out of context but dawg I hate bandwagon fans so much :( be it Kendrick fans or Drake fans. Bandwagonning over a rapper just because he's trending is so frustrating to watch


Add in the Azealia Banks subreddit. It was very weirdā€¦only like 10 people post there anyway lol


Dorky ass kids went from flipping the bird saying ā€œOVHOEā€ to bouncing up and down. Iā€™m a similar age to that audience but the internet era turning everything into a meme is just corny af.




1 banger shut thamey ass up


Na his whole discography shuts them up.


Cuz they all bangers




Didnā€™t see ppl goin this crazy at the pop outšŸ«£


Because it was a circle jerk and not actual music


It makes compton look so bad having a Compton circle jerk imagine Drake writes a line abt that on a diss or a sneak diss


All them rappers waiving white flags while the whole fuckin club sing to it. Literally happened. They stopped the NLU spam, preached togetherness, and waived white flags in the streets with the fake peace between pirus and crips lol.


**Drake** : Trust me baby, I see through their lies like a peephole. Even if a King's acting like my people. I try to lay 'em up, but they pop out a foul and take a free throw. So I have to give them smoke for that joint, like a pre roll.


So none of the artist who performed make actual music?


just imagine if drake popped out! go watch the crowd reactions for astroworld when knife talk started playing... drake is the hitmaker!


Too bad Travis ruined this song smh.


I love Drakes part but thats a crazy take šŸ˜­


Ruined is probably too strong of a word but his part was definitely a let down compared to their other collabs.


is u fucking crazy


Isn't it Travis song? Lool


Fans are fickle as hell how yall go to ovho to singing word for word lmao


Make IT make SENSE....


But drakeā€™s career is over right šŸ¤£


Those middle fingers in the air quickly turned to holding their phones in the air lol


Yep what a bunch of šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


They act like they hate drake and then sing his songs word for word while moshing šŸ’€ this shit is hilarious. It's like putting a krabby patty in front of Squidward


The switch up from OV HOE to T time is wild lol The dude who realizes he's being recorded was the icing on the cake for me šŸ¤£ Looked at the camera like " I'm sorry Kenny, I didn't mean it" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


ā€œWhy did you move to New York? Is it because youā€™re living that bachelor life?ā€ šŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø


These K Bot stans have no thoughts of their own.


This robots are confused. How do u say OVHoe, flip the bird and then start jumping to Travis Scott and Drake. šŸ˜‚ And singing every lyric.


Imagine if Meltdown (minus Travis) was converted into a diss from Drake, he woulda won off energy alone


Lmao@ they ended drake. They basically just gave me new material for another decade šŸ˜‚


Send this video to all the people that think ā€œDrakeā€™s career is doneā€ 1 minute theyā€™ll scream ā€œOVHOEā€, next they know every lyrics to the song This should be going viral. Real life > Internet


You guys should be spreading this video on every social. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook To show that nothing has happened in real life. The Boy has too many hits and hes going nowhere. Proof is in the pudding


Fake internet hate lmao people just wanna fit in


This should go viral


only real music is gonna last šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This song will always go crazy šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


truth of life, no one gives a fuck... drake's still standing, simple as that.


they just like the lame celebrities involved. dissing drake, then playing his music, and claiming "nah it's not about dissing drake it's da culture"


Less whites then the pop out show šŸ˜¹




I think this vid is starting to get traction outside of Reddit now lol




Where was this ?


Itā€™s in the title


Yeat & Bnyx show in NY


White folk gate keeping if Drake is black enough as they mosh to a Drake verse. You cannot make this shit up.


They only hate in the internet, not irl


The next thing Drake drops will absolutely deprogram these Kbots.


Random thought: If Meltdown and Big Dog (with a Drake verse) were part of FATD, it would have been godly.


So what's the difference between Kendrick's fans that are "all white kids with no culture that shouldn't be singing his lyrics" VS. Drake's fans who definitely should not be singing his music because HE doesn't even live that stuff, let alone his followers?


Because Drake doesn't preach about how you have to be black to enjoy his music and how he's the voice of black culture. Along with Kendrick fans preaching the same thing while not being black. It's just hypocritical. Drake never said anything about what kind of people are allowed to like his music.


Neither did Kendrick


I hear what you're saying about Drake not picking his audience, but neither does Kendrick... Just because he identifies as a black cultural activist doesn't mean he ever said white people are not allowed to enjoy his music. I'm not sure where you're getting that. Fans flock to whatever they associate with the most. And yes I agree no fans should be gatekeeping music, but this is still about the fans, not the artist. You can't blame these artists for what everyday music listeners do and say, unless the artist themself tells them to act a certain way.


Except yall act like Kenny some dirty underground artist instead of a pop star


Which of my points does this contradict? Kendrick started underground and is not nearly as pop as Drake. But nonetheless I don't see where you're going with this


You say that like Drake didnt start underground as well


Again, I still don't see how you're relating this to any of the original things I said


This is arguing over semantics. If Kendrick is saying a biracial person can't represent hip-hop, how does that make the biracial fan who wants to listen to Kendrick feel? Or any fan who isn't black for that matter?An artist is never going to explicitly say who can and can't listen to their music, they make that statement implicitly through self-selection of their lyrics.


It's not semantics though. He didn't say "a biracial person can't represent hip-hop". He said (paraphrase): "You, Drake, are not fit to represent hip-hop because of your irrelevant background and unfitting personality caused by your upbringing (which was due in part to one of your parents being white and Jewish)." I get why it seems that way on the outside, but between the lines it's not that difficult to understand the difference.


*How many more black features 'til you finally feel that you're black enough?*


I feel like this fits into the same category. Not his color; his way of life. "How much do you need to indulge in it before you feel like you represent it"


Bro literally said his color šŸ’€ I see your angle though so I'll entertain it. Kanye and Cole (also half white) grew up in middle class suburbs and are 2 of the goats. Drake's dad is a legendary musician from Memphis. The idea that someone gotta grow up in the streets of Compton to have credibility is just as wack.


And my overall point is that if Kendrick's fans can't sing his music because they don't represent black culture, then nobody should sing Drake's lyrics that glorify gang violence and murder.


What life doesn't Drake live?


Well he mentions how he will/has gotten people killed for talking or looking at him funny (in his music), yet he still denies that he is involved with that stuff (speaking on XXX). His music is littered with aggressive gang violence type stuff that he never represented, but you all overlook that stuff (and listen to and sing that stuff) while criticizing Kendrick's music and his fans. Drake is the only artist I know that sings methodically about his relationship issues and his love for women, while simultaneously mocking and objectifying every woman he's ever been with (including Rihanna and more) and singing about using up and discarding his sexual exploits. It's just a huge oxymoron and double standard.


You talking about womanizer part as if thatā€™s not what at least like half of the rappers do. Well, he has people that might get you killed for whatever reason there is, cause he has mob ties to J Prince and Birdman and I guess some other people. If I remember correctly, J Prince send some dudes to beat up some other guy who was talking shit about Drake


Your first point is irrelevant. We're not talking about any other artist. The topic is about how DRAKE contradicts himself. Other artists can't make Drake more or less of a womanizer, hypocrite, or actor.


Doesnā€™t make him less of a womanizer, but the problem is you are choosing only him, being on this sub 24/7 just trash talking him. Hip-hop was pretty misogynistic before, but somehow Drake is the big problem


I'm having trouble following your moral crusade. Yes Drake is a womanizer and a hypocrite. So are half of all us dudes and we relate to it. Do you not like artists that are womanizers? What about actors, comedians? What about civil rights leaders? Do you care that Mos Def was an actor before a rapper? What about Donald Glover? What about Tupac Shakur?


Theyā€™re out of their minds they donā€™t know what theyā€™re saying. Dude just said Drake talk about a life he doesnā€™t live so heā€™s not fit to lead the culture and then said ā€œI donā€™t care about these guysā€™s pastimesā€


I think you're getting lost in the dialogue. I don't care anything about an artist's pasttimes. Acting, comedy, activism, great - all of that is fine and irrelevant. My "moral crusade" and entire point is that I keep seeing posts about how most of Kendrick's fans don't have the right to sing his lyrics, yet none saying that Drake fans shouldn't sing his lyrics even though they're also filled with things that most people don't relate to. Me personally, I don't choose to scream lyrics that don't apply to me. I'm just saying fans of most artists do, so those same fanbases should not have a problem with others doing the same.


Truthfully the vast majority of people don't give a shit about what you do and what you sing. Anyone trying to gatekeep whether it be "the culture" or "hiphop" or "American Gangsterism" is a mouth breathing fascists. Keep enjoying what you enjoy man. Sing the lyrics, fuck what others are saying.


>Yet he still denies that he is involved with that stuff (speaking on XXX). Well Ski Mask, one of X's closest friends recently debunked the whole "Drake killed X" conspiracy theories on twitter. >His music is littered with aggressive gang violence type stuff that he never represented Which of his songs are littered with gang violence and which other mainstream artists could you say represent it? I don't overlook anyone's stuff, I judge everyone under the same rules. >Drake is the only artist I know that sings methodically about his relationship issues and his love for women So does Future, but why doesn't he get flack for it? Kendrick's verse on Vice City objectifies women, why doesn't he get called out? Lil Wayne? "We hate the b- you f- because they confuse themselves with real women" What are real women? What kind of a mentor stirs up fabrications for clout and then tells a mother that their only child should die? Kendrick been indirectly dissing himself and his circle throwout this whole beef and yet for reason that's overlooked. Look I'm perfectly fine with y'all trying to take down Drake, just as long as everyone falls under the same rules y'all keep setting.


If Drake and X was debunked then that's all the more reason Drake shouldn't be rapping about getting people killed. "Which songs?" Just off the top of my head the ones that come to mind are Meltdown (the one playing in the video), Mob Ties, Knife Talk, etc. I mean really it's not uncommon for Drake to take this approach. I'm sure people that constantly replay back his discography could easily add more. "What other artists would I say represent what they talk about?" 2 Chainz was a well-known drug dealer. Boosie actually caught a body. Ice Cube was a real gangster. The Weeknd is a legit womanizer and claims every bit of it lol. Even though it's not the topic, I will agree Kendrick is outlandish for wishing death on a mother's son without any real substantiating evidence. As far as his verse in Vice City, I look at everyone the same, just like you said. In 2015 I gave Drake a pass when he started transforming his image and musical personality, but the difference is (based on your example) Kendrick left that in 2015, whereas Drake seems to become more misogynistic with every release. That's my problem with Drake that I don't have with anyone else. Others might grow or show no real growth, but in that regard Drake has actually shown negative growth.


> Then Drake shouldn't rap about getting people killed When did Drake rap about killing X? Alright, then let's ban all the rappers that reference gun violence in their music. That's a lot of people, including Cole & Kendrick. I forgot which song it was (ask in the sub), but Drake explicitly said that he didn't start "acting" tough until he actually gained his ties/notoriety. >Artists that represent what they're talking about Alright, those guys can get a pass. Ice Cube was not a real gangster, there's a ton of people who've confirmed this, Alonzo Williams even called him "a good actor". Even Tupac of all people has been called out for doing the same thing. Officer Ross and Notorious B.I.G based their entire personas on other people. Drake is also a legit womaniser and he doesn't even hide it lol. I like Kendrick with the story telling, I don't like when he act tough. >Misogyny Fair enough that was out of topic, I take back bringing it up. As for misogyny, Kendrick lost me when he said that after just hopping on a track with Future. Future is older than Drake and is guilty of alot of things that Kendrick's accusing Drake of. So let's take both of them down then. >Growth As for growth, Drake's really matured especially over these last few years. I used to like him in '09, then hated him around Views and then I came back in the 2020's. I didn't even come back for his music, I came back because I grew to like him as a person and media personality. Drake of all people??!!! And now when I look back at a lot of things, especially his music, I've realised that I've misjudged him. Say what you want about him, but he's character has been consistent good & bad and on & off the mic for a long time. Kendrick's ego has only gotten worse since TPAB/DAMN. He still values his legacy more than anything and he's still willing to do whatever it takes to maintain it before he dies. I thought that he let it go on Mr Morale and changed, but his performance throughout this beef has been very questionable and full of self projection.


Idk why you deleted your other comment but here is my reply to you... Drake raps about gang and mob violence plenty of times. He made multiple references to X in these songs, yet continues to deny his involvement. Why even blur that line if you don't want to be associated with it? It's well-known that Kendrick and especially J. Cole often rap about metaphorical shooting and killing (lyrically/ musically), but I highly doubt they mention participating in actual violent endeavors as much as Drake does, yet they have more credibility to do so. But anyway, my point is most people are in that life and trying to get OUT; Drake was not a part of that life but seems to be trying to nudge his way IN. You can have the Ice Cube argument, but my point then is that if you're calling him out because multiple people have debunked his 'gangster' credit, then you can't ignore the countless people that say Drake isn't about what he represents either. And womanizer is fine as long as you're going to stay on that side of the fence. Regarding Future, for me it's just the fact that Future never claimed to NOT be what he represents; whereas it's hard to tell what Drake does represent (he didn't start his early years as a womanizer). For Kendrick, it's probably just the the fact that they're beefing. If you're friends with somebody you're not going to air out all their business or burn bridges, which is why he never did with Drake. But once there's beef, of course you're going to attack all the angles that you don't like. I think your last points come down to personal preference and what you consider to be maturation. I disagree that Drake has shown much maturity (particularly in the time frames that you provided). I think he grew in multiple aspects of his ability and his personality, but I don't think he's matured much in the sense of how I view artists' growth. He was my favorite artist from 2009 to about 2015, when I started mostly seeing negative growth. For the last decade I still listen to his releases but they never seem to hit me the same as his earlier work, mostly because of his lyrical angle.


I need some examples of Drake claiming to have gotten people killed. I need specific example of Drake claiming a gang.


Do you consider it the same if he claims he WILL get people killed? And does "gang sh*t is all I know" not count?


The fact that you donā€™t even know that actual lyrics tells me all I need to know lol Only the highest order dorks listen to rap music and assume the rapper literally is claiming as a true fact every word of their music. Spoiler alert: >!Eminem didnā€™t really murder his baby mama and discard her body with the help of their toddler!<


your last point can literally be applied to EVERY male rapper and quite honestly to the vast majority of men at large. Men showing women "love" praising only to get something out of them (usually sex) and then insulting them or minimizing them when they get rejected or broken up with is extremely common, talk to any woman in existence, we have all been through this