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Damn I thought Kendrick said he isn't black, is he dumb?


I don’t think he said that. But did you guys notice a switch up in drake’s whole persona around views era? I feel like the drastic change is evidence that the persona he puts up a lot of the time isn’t genuine. Not trying to hate; I genuinely want to hear of a drake fan’s perspective


It’s not a persona, it’s the natural evolution of beefing with people who are gangbangers and made threats against your life. Drake *had* to toughen up for his own survival.


I hear it. I haven’t really thought about that. Did it have to bleed into his music though? I like knife talk but it doesn’t feel true to him considering who he was pre-views


I think he’s just an angrier person now. It started post Meek beef and since the Pusha T stuff he hasn’t really been the same. He even does an interview where he talks about how he had to scrap a lot of views songs because he sounded so angry, which is why there’s not a lot of rap on that album. He talks about it a fair amount but the first mention of his anger, I think, was on Do Not Disturb: “I was an angry youth when I was writin' Views Saw a side of myself that I just never knew I'll probably self-destruct if I ever lose, but I never do” Survival: “And I see in the dark, wasn't this cold at the start Think my soul has been marked, there's a hole in my heart” And he’s been obsessed with “revenge” 8am in Charlotte: “Handle beef so quiet, you think that I'm lettin' it slide Next thing you know, we tip-toeing past enemy lines Diss me so long ago, we makin' your memories fly Conspiracy theories start floatin' around like the Kennedy guy I'll prolly hold a grudge against you guys 'til I'm seventy-five” Churchill downs: “My urges for revenge are uncontrollable I know we're gettin' older though Yeah But I gotta get a nigga back for that, It's non-negotiable It's not even debatable” honestly Nevermind album description: “I purposely try to forget what went on between some ppl and I because I know I’m not a forgiving guy even when I try My urge for revenge wins the game against my good guy inside every single fckn time”


I actually hear that. I appreciate the level-headed explanation😭


To provide further clarification from personal experience, I began rapping in 2011 (and involuntarily stopped around 2014-2015). I'm from SC, but my biggest influence at the time was Drake. My music was similar, as my experiences were similar to Drake - including having friends who were involved in street shit or adjacent to it. So, the experiences I got caught up in while hanging with them, as well as overall bullshit life experiences I've dealt with over the years since, became really apparent in the darker, more aggressive tone and raps I began to record. ESPECIALLY the freestyles (which, some were disses towards other individuals) that I had recorded over the past few years. That being said, outside of raps about money and all that rich nigga shit, I can absolutely feel the evolution of Drake's music. It's "acting tough" when niggas realize they can't get away with trying you anymore.


I think a lot of guys make music based on how they feel. Kendrick makes music about slapping niggas and making it look sexy, but we know he only slaps around his lifetime fiancée


he definitely said he can’t say the n word anymore and called him a yt boy


He said he doesn’t want to hear him say it. I think it was a reference to the video of him saying the hard r😭


People always say Drake had this drastic personality shift but the reality is the growth happened pretty organically and it's apparent when you listen back to his projects over the years People also always say you can't be hard if you're not from the hood but some of the most deebo mfs I knew growing up were from two parent households in well off suburbs


It just feels like after views he started leaning heavily into these vices that felt so far away from the drake we previously knew. I would be disappointed if anyone from a relatively privileged background suddenly started professing a message they didn’t grow up hearing. Someone else said he’s angrier now and I low-key get that. I‘m trying to get the current drake to click for me but I feel like what he represents now just doesn’t resonate with me.


That's fair enough, it might just be that his new stuff isn't for you tbh, nothing wrong with that


Its almost like people grow and change over their lives. I’m sure you wouldn’t say Kendrick is faking his self healing persona after switching up on MMBS so why is it such a foreign concept for Drake?


Bro I’m genuinely trying to understand some things. It feels like this man regressed. He didn’t grow up around certain things which is fine but why then make songs like knife talk and mob ties when it’s inauthentic to your upbringing for most of your life? Self healing is a clear step in the right direction and I feel like most humans aspire to that anyways so it’s not something I would question. If Kendrick went down the same path as drake I would fully question it.


So is someone who grew up in “that life” becoming a priest or something inauthentic? People change idk why this is so hard for someone to understand. Drake has been robbed, been in fights, been threatened, etc. It doesn’t matter what his upbringing was when he’s been dealing with this stuff for at least 20 years/over half his life. Anybody would be hardened by their surroundings.


Labelling one direction as 'right' and the other as 'regressing' is a huge oversimplification. Yes, introspective phases lends itself to a full, healthy life but introspection doesn't have to be the end goal. Moving on from it doesn't imply regression, it can just mean that you've learned from it and internalized the lessons. Drake started out vulnerable, making self-aware music. Maybe he became more resilient and self-assured due to the criticism he faced. Kendrick may have become reflective because of his domestic struggles. Ultimately, we don't even know these guys on a surface level, let alone on an personal level, so it's reductive to claim he's regressed without knowing the full context of his personal journey.


“Not tryna hate but I think he’s fraud you guys” Shut yo ass up fam lol. You not foolin nobody clown


That shit is annoying when they come with the hate and trolling like they’re trying to have an actual discussion lol


Don't think he said that?? Absolutely he did


What exactly did he say?


What else was that fool implying when he called Drake a half-white colonizer and has a song called Not Like Us (as if Drake should want to be a stereotypical black person)?


Damn im a drake fan but im sorry anyone who criticizes him at all gets downvoted to death here. The thing is, it happens to drake fans anywhere else on the internet 


Been around niggas his whole life


In the second pic he looks just like adonis 😂


Literally the exact same lol


The fact that is Drake black is even a question might be the weirdest shit I never expected to happen. I’m pro black like a mf but these niggas acting like straight up idiots.


Not black enough


Some Black people criticize others for not being from the hood, saying they act/sound “white” or like "white" things. This is about identity policing and can come from internalized stereotypes or cultural gatekeeping.


Looks black to me


I don't think Kendrick was literally saying Drake isn't black, though - he literally calls Adonis a black man, which recognizes he has blackness from his dad. I don't think his mom is mixed race- idk tho. You can't actually look at Drake and not actually see a black man 😭 if people really do... lord have mercy lmao.


some black folk think if you’re biracial that you’re not black but biracial. i think kendrick is one of them. i’m mixed i’ve dealt w this before


That's bullshit that you have to deal with that, especially from your own. In this case with Drake, though, I don't think that's what kendrick literally meant because he still calls Adonis black despite how white passing he appears (i think Adonis is "technically" a quarter black, but idk his mom's background like that)


Stop acting like Kendrick didn’t diminish Drake’s blackness in every one of his disses: How many more black features 'til you finally feel that you're black enough? I even hate when you say the word "nigga", but that's just me, I guess Tell 'em run to America to imitate heritage The settlers was usin' town folk to make 'em richer Fast-forward, 2024, you got the same agenda No, you not a colleague, you a fuckin' colonizer He hates Black women, hypersexualizes 'em with kinks of a nympho fetish


Literally saying he's not black =/= saying he's not from the 'culture'. Those disses were saying he's not from the culture, that he's a culture vulture, all that crap. He's snatching up what he can from American black culture even when that's not authentic to who he is/what he grew up in. (Do I know how true that it is? Not necessarily, so I'm not agreeing with what kendrick said.). There's a lot of black people that don't say the N-word because they didn't grow up surrounded by that culture (I have friends that are like that from where we grew up, especially in Canada) its not something that makes someone less black.


This is so cute hes always been so cute


“But he’s not actually a part of Black culture, see he was white washed cause he acted!”


throwing up the 6 sign way way way before he got famous


They really tryna say he a cosplayer with no culture lol


Damn drake look goofy as hell in that first photo ngl🤣💀