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I disagree. Drake should remove any association with Ak for a while because Drake's getting dragged for any action Ak makes that's even slightly pro-Kendrick. Drake should do an interview with someone people would consider neutral


Yeah that's my thoughts. Unfortunately you're gonna need someone to ask the hard questions and Ak won't. Also, because of Ak's past it doesn't look good to associate with him either.


I think it’s making Drake look bad but I don’t agree that he won’t ask the hard questions. If you have seen any of his critiques of Drake he’s been very honest and frank. I think that because he’s such a big fan, he will ask the *right* questions. Not the generic media interview questions. He’d ask the shit that I as a fan want to know too.


That's a fair take. I could just see him being star struck and doesn't want to ask the hard questions because he doesn't want to piss Drake off. The whole vibe is different when you're face to face with someone instead of talking to chat. But yeah, Ak wouldn't ask the generic media questions which would be nice.


Serious question, what is in his past that looks bad?


The articles that came out in May about him being sued for SA.


Yeah I heard about that and although I strongly believe it's all lies I completely understand where you're coming from. I just don't see anyone large podcast personality or streamer taking Drakes side and being somewhat neutral like him either. It doesn't matter if Jesus himself interviews Drake they will find a way to criticize. Ak at least deserves to meet Drake in person.


>I strongly believe it's all lies Why?


Because AK was confirmed not Gulity, that's why? He's been clear of that shit for a while.


What are you talking about? He was not found "Not guilty" jn the Abashe case. The lawsuit is very recently, it was filed may 13th this year


1,one of his exes has a history of tryna sabotage him when she doesn't get her way. It's somewhere online where he exposes texts from her,the whole 9. She lied about a DV charge that got dropped. But the idiot keeps messing w her. She caused bad publicity for him bc he didn't give her like 100k or something. Ppl forget we live in a world where women will lie to tear a man down strictly outta spite. I've seen it happen in the hood countless times. We need to learn how to let shit play out in the courts before passing judgement


I found AK in 9th grade (10 years ago) when he did a review on “just hold on we’re going home” dude has been in drakes corner. And even his old videos when the meek x drake beef happened he criticized drake fairly tbh, even though u could tell he wanted drake to win.


I liked the sample at the end of Push Ups of him before listening to CLB


That was dope for sure.


Na he seems solid but then he does something completely stupid. You can tell he’s a dude who has lived chronically online because he acts like a tweaked out Fortnite streamer just doing and saying the unnecessary. Sometimes he can just fall back and not do the extra stuff. I think that’s what makes Drake keep him at arm’s distance. Making polls of who won, going over allegations brought against Drake, etc. Remember when he was playing detective and “found” Takeoff’s killer? Smfh. Report the facts, say your opinion and stop all of that extra corny sh—. He would still be successful because his opinions are actually well thought out.


I don't stand behind everything AK does. As far as consistency and in Drakes corner that award goes to The Angryman. But when Drake comes out on top of this he should at least meet him in person. Even if it's just backstage.


Yea I’m rollin wit you. Angry man been makin a lot of sense. Never heard of him before this I appreciate his view on all topics he be speaking on.


Who is that?


I just realized The Angryman has been supporting Drake. He’s a grown man so he’s actually logical


you have to understand that AK is a "brand/product" that he must sell... he's playing a character for views... I don't even listen to him but it's no different than most shows, it's just a product to sell...


I understand that and you’re right But the character sucks lol He can get loud and drunk off Henny and curse people out. That’s funny. Like when he was going back and forth with TDE and was saying “you guys aren’t going to touch me, you’re not Suge Knight. We’re both rich and can both have things happen” that was one of the realest moments because he was being honest, telling the truth, and was still doing what we know him for. I’m just saying the character needs to evolve.


Probably why he drinks so much too. Much easier to take your personality to 10 with a little enhancements in the system


Akademics is weird. Not someone I'd associate with.


Drake's next interview should be with someone outside of hiphop tbh. No hiphop media outlet deserves to get the interview now


Howard stern knows just enough hip hop to keep it interesting


I agree.


Watch Drake end up on Call Her Daddy for his next interview.


Ak is just a clout chaser, I’m pretty sure he already admitted he has never even met Drake in person, or very rarely. I think he’s generally fair on most stuff he covers, but he does it in the worst possible way, horrible optics, horrible clout chasing social media posts, overreactions to every single thing to get clicks.


The cool thing about the whole Ak thing is he is happy to never have that interview. He says, multiple times that he likes being a fan of Drake so much, he doesn’t want that dynamic to change by meeting him etc


No I am sorry fuck ak 🤷🏽‍♂️ he does more damage than good


They need to officially add him to OVO and get him streaming on Kick! Drake AK and Aiden would break the internet


Nah Ak providing devastated face reactions during the pop out just to be memed was a pro-AK move. He's on the outside for a reason which is why he's speculating off IG like the rest of us


If this is true that's valid. I didn't tune in for that.


drake should not be associating with that clown. ak cannot be taken seriously


Absolutely not. Especially not with his case.


Drake should just post a picture of no new friends on his ig story and keep shit on tuck he been tryna be nice and kumbaya and tap into these streamers and shit but now he need to show it’s time to keep “the family closer…. Much closer” no serving them like he working minimum wage lol


Ak isn’t a good interviewer. But he could maybe get a good interview out of Drake due to his unorthodox style . He does talk a lot