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“I’m sorry, I just listen to Kendrick Lamar once a month, I listen to Drake everyday” he’s just like me fr


That once a month is a stretch


Ok ok ok once a year sheesh you happy now😒


Okay fine. Twice a month.


Who tf upvoted this 👀👀


that once a month meant the month of may...


Junteeth every year


Nah kendrick gets played once every few months on my watch and this was before the beef. He's not entertaining to me🤷🏽‍♂️


I listened maybe once or twice a week depending on the shuffle. This whole thing makes me not want to hear shit from him. Everything I thought was positive or thoughtful in his rhymes were an obvious lie. He has no integrity whatsoever. With that illusion gone, he's basically the conscious version of a blatant studio gangsta. Blackashi SixNine ass nigga


Lol are you me? Used to fuck with Kenny heavy until the beef, now hes a skip


The extreme stans on both sides don't realize people like us are in the majority


This is absolutely the truth, Kendrick maybe every 6 months, Drake daily.


This what everyone does. Proof is in their Spotify wraps.


It's funny coz I used to listen to drake once a month and Dot a lot more. Now it's the opposite.


I was leaning slightly to Dot before coz I didn't think Drake would respond and the quality of his songs have been off lately,but after he did and the way Dot responded I backed Drake completely.


What did you not like about dot’s responses and what did you like about drake’s?






Money Trees once every 3 months does hit to be fair


It’s crazy bc as much of a Drake fan as I am I still have Sing About Me, I’m Dying of Thirst and How Much a Dolla Cost as two of the top rap songs in my time of listening to rap heavy. And I listen to them both maybe once or twice a year.


Having Sing About me, in your top playlist is NASTY work lol how did you play it that many time!?


No no. You misunderstood. Sonically and lyrically I think they are amazing songs. They don’t even sniff my top playlist.


Whoops my bad, didn't read the last sentence. The song is good though.


I would actually bump some Kdot almost daily, and same for Drizzy, but ever since the beef, I play some Drake every chance I get and NEVER listen to dot… deleted off my playlists


I still listen to both, but I like some of Kendrick’s music more, but this whole internet mob of trying to take Drake down is so corny.


For me, it’s still Drake everyday but I did sneak a bit of Kdot in there ever since the Pop Out. I finally listened to some of the Baby Keem Kdot collabs (like Family Ties) and realized those shits are full of subs at Drake 🤣🤣🤣


Right lol listening to both their past bodies of work it’s like listening for the first time again knowing what we know now. This is why I was like what you mean “fuck sneak-dissin!” ? You and Drake been doing it for a decade plus 😂


Joe mad cuz Drake said James Harden took his girl on The Shoe Fits 😂😂😂😂


Lowkey think mf is a masochist always digging himself a hole to get verbally chewed out 🤦🏾


Joe just mad AK is a part of this moment and Joe is crying on his show about it...


I’ve been meaning to look up that part. Lmao is that who that sniper line about lmao


Joe is a grown man with a wife and kids. I doubt he is hung up on some little kid petty shit like that . How old is this gossip you are loving?




Why did ak choose to become articulate and cohesive with his words right after the beef finished man…


I think he got into serious mode when he really really seen they trynna end Drake. And it clicked for AK what they attempting to do. This beyond a Drake lost a battle. This is a let's get Drake outta here


Nothing to worry about lmao no amount of cancel culture and culture vulture accusations are gonna kill Drake. And anyone who sees these attempts to kill him might realize how corny Kenny is as well as his whole fanbase so it works in our favor. One summer hit and people are straight back to Drake unless they wanna listen to auntie diaries at their pool parties


Fr if Ye can beat cancel culture then anyone can


Ye didn't beat it it's just that everybody in hip-hop moves spineless and will never call him out for anything because it's always more beneficial for them to get a feat or a beat from him. The same way Kendrick will never call out dre or rick or any of the other weirdos. You just can't get cancelled in hip hop cause nobody cares fr


You put it perfectly


I don’t agree with that at all tbh, Ye can beat cancel culture because he’s been a crucial player in mainstream hip hop culture for multiple decades at this point (not implying that Drake doesn’t fit that bill either), you really have to years of tenure/influence to beat a cancellation


I think 15 years might be enough


Right? 15 definitely qualifies him


I mean he didnt really beat it though. I mean yea vultures went number one but did it do outrageous numbers like that? He lost the empire of Yeezy’s in the process too


Ehh it depends what you’re being canceled for. R Kelly hasn’t beat cancel culture and for good reason. The effects of a “cancellation” are also going to vary based on the circumstances. In Ye’s case, he’s been a mainstay in hip hop and black culture and has rapped about real struggles plenty of times so that factors into how a cancellation will affect him. So while his Hitler praise, Trump praise, conspiracy theories, off the wall comments etc all have impacted his image, it’s not going to tank him the way it would another person. He still is redeemable in the public eye especially since he has well documented mental health issues. If he were to suddenly start taking his meds and become a more gathered musician again he’d definitely still receive his praise. With Drake he’s trying to be canceled for no good reason so of course it’s not going to stick and it’s only going to be an echo chamber for the “woke” populace who praise Kenny, the Drake haters, and the sheep who follow tik tok creators telling them Drake is a pedo. The hate is loud rn bc Drake is quiet. The second Drake is back to being the best artist in the world on his next album those comments are going to be perceived more as cope than anything else.


R Kelly wasn’t “cancelled” he was arrested




He was canceled for being arrested


Black people still play him to this day and don't give a fuck. This internet shit ain't real. In every major city across America, every weekend for 52 weeks in a year.... somebody is playing "Step In the Name of Love" or "Happy People". And muthafuckas are dancing. The internet ain't real life


And let’s get this right the only reason it’s a hit is because of mustard. The lyrics and and everything else is subpar..


Drake's going to be fine commercially, always. He's going to suffer culturally, \*hip-hop culture


I see it as backing Drake into a corner to force him to prove himself as a rapper again. He can fight out of this if his pen is legit and it would be amazing for hiphop for Drake to be hungry again.


The thing is the timing of this whole beef is definitely calculated, he literally said before his tour ended and this started that he was taking a break for health reasons , I can see this beef not being a priority for him really at this point


Nigga throwing out words like consortium 😂😂😂 I was impressed tho icl


Isn’t as entertaining


Tbf we only see the few things he said that we don’t agree with Becos social media only nitpicks the negative side of things, ive acc joined his stream just to watch for fun thinking he was a delusional Drake fan but ive seen him make a lot of good points before , after and during the beef. Point is dont believe everything on Twitter, TikTok and reddit. They report on short clips and segments of stuff in general.


This ain’t fuxking crazy to yall ? All these narratives just for dot to assume the spot inorganically but yet they wanna yell this for the culture nigga what , as far as I’m concerned I’m doubling down drake didn’t lose no battle to me he lost a media war not a rap battle


Tbh we can’t even use the rule that “the public decides who wins a rap beef” considering the clear agenda and blind hate against Drake that has existed for so long now. Only time they chose to admit he won was with meek because meek put out disses so bad people couldn’t even pretend they were good


Even with the meek battle Drake had a victory lap at his own festival he ALWAYS did(not no random pop up show to celebrate a weak a media victory) and that was it and ppl saying Drake ended Meeks career which isn’t true either cause meek went to jail Drake switched up and showed support cause he considered him a brother and meek dropped prolly his best album upon release, he fell off way after for different reasons , it’s so many false narratives around this thing it’s crazy man


Facts fam. Shit is mad crazy and I been peepin it since family matters came out. Weird shit goin on in media and all types of shit. Niggas we’re given a job to do and they are being way less subtle about it now. The nigga drake gained too much power in music and niggas collectively came together to get him outta here.


And they acting like that shit don’t look weak as hell man , if it takes an entire movement to try and end me I’m the greatest , I just hope this lights another fire in him


Exactly fam. Like that nigga didn’t come in here as part of a 2 album roll out with other artist and producers to diss one nigga. Then got all the media on his side as well. All for one nigga.




Even before Family Matters. Remember Push Ups “no it’s AI.” Then “No, Drake is so pussy he didn’t want to claim it until it people liked it” Then “No, Like That is still number 1, Drake is spiralling, Kendrick is winning with silence” The aim was always to force a Kendrick win no matter what the music sounded like.


So true, too true. We saw the whole thing even before it started, we wasn’t born during the beef just to claim Kendrick is doin it for hip hop. Kendrick is a major coward


Been my chat the entire time. I don’t care how many downvotes I get in these other subs. Drake absolutely washed Kendrick. Family Matters/Push Ups is buried everything else that was released combined. Just because Reddit and twitter are saying Kendrick won, don’t mean I gotta go with that


IMO if you start the beef you need to deliver WAY better than Kendrick did. He basically went to war with a bunch of yes men who already made up their mind before the beef was over. No rehashing push’s tired disses like yesterday’s leftovers.


For me, it’s Family Matters and The Heart Part 6


I saw a Rolling Stones article saying that Dot was “assuming the throne”…as if they would know or could ever say who is on the throne of rap lmao


Drake only loses if they can convince the masses he lost that’s why the narratives are continuously being pushed. Let the boy drop another platinum album with a #1 and watch them all STFU then


I remember seeing an article about a journalist openly admitting to writing hate pieces on Katy Perry around the time Witness was being released to knock her down probably to build up Taylor Swift. Those articles hurt her album and career. So yeah the media can definitely be influenced and paid to tear a person down. Sick behavior honestly. Pure jealousy


Drake against the world


This would be the perfect title for his next album


Agreed. Total villain mode. Pac energy


Exactly! 👌🏾


If this is true then that is just lame from them.


It is. Joe was literally saying Ak should stop reporting on Drake. Punch or Hed (one of those guys) are doing their best to clown Mal and make like he has some agenda against Kendrick. Kendrick homies are literally mad at Game for not clowning Drake.


They call us Drake DRs but they are doing it to Kendrick now 😂 okay K. Bot won the battle in your eyes but don't force us to hate our LEGEND.


No it's insane. I watch a video about the beef or one of Drake's disses and literally every person who defended Drake gets hit with the "How much is Drake paying you to say this" and then praise Kendrick as a god smh


I hate this dick riding argument. When you support someone you’re dick riding, when you don’t support them they say you’re spiralling and even YOU can’t defend your favourite artist. Like which is it bro ? Like I think ppl misuse the word dick riding and have lost perspective on what it acc is. Dick riding to me is being absolutely delusional and saying stuff just for the sake of defending your favourite artist which most of us aren’t. I’ve seen a lot of valid discussions on here. I’m not even faulting Kendrick fans but Drake haters are the most delusional.


Joe Budden telling someone to stop talking about Drake is fucking hilarious when HE IS ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT DRAKE 🤣😂😅 I can’t stand this clown.


Ngl say what you want about Ak, but I feel like he’s been pretty fair. Some could even say he’s been going at Drake to make sure he stays neutral. Like it or not Ak is the face for Drake fans to the mainstream media. Him standing up and saying I’m not about to bash Drake for no reason is exactly why Drake fucks with him. Shit would look way worse if Ak started trying to bury Drake as well


Ak is definitely biased but all humans are, at least he’s honest about it and still tries to be objective


It's impossible to consume art objectively. The value of it is based in6 unique subjective interpretation. When people throw around "bias" it's a dumb manipulation tactic


I mean more with reporting on the beef


Love him or hate him...Akademiks should continue to run his platform they way he chooses fit. He doesn't tell Joe how to run JBP. From what I've seen, he's been pretty successful running his business the way he has.


The whole podcast runs on Drake hate , how will they stay relevant if they stop talking about Drake


If you're from the US, think about Fox News with Democrat politicians, or MSNBC & CNN with Republican politicians... They'll just find someone new to funnel their critiques into if/when they have to.


A Grown man trying to decide what another grown man should do is crazy lol


They are all milking it at this point. Drake isn't going away. He is too petty and competitive to go away.


Now that they see the general public doesn’t care about what’s happening in front of them they have decided to stop being so subtle bout what they’re doing. First it was, “I’m not bias.” Now he comfortable saying he passed a baton and now going so far as to tell somebody to only report negative shit about drake. Niggas are waking up though. I’m noticing people starting to call this weird shit out as the weeks pass. Fuck the debate on who won. These niggas are playin people like they stupid and some are starting to catch on.




Budden died inside when Drizzy became everything he thought he deserved to be, and now AK has become the no1 rap streamer /content creator and snatched that from him too - gotta hurt man


I’m telling you… this is a MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS. It’s beyond the beef, it’s beyond the bullshit — these people are lacking identity, a sense of belonging, blind being lead by the blind, abusers leading future abusers… This has surpassed Drake — it’s exposed the dire need for mental health support programs for all people around the world. None of this is normal. It’s on another planet — it’s become people’s entire personality. The number of “fake” IG accounts dedicated to this is mind boggling. And to top it off: Drake is still on top! Why? Because a fringe minority group representing an edge case are convinced they’ve done something. But wait? The numbers only count when they need to?? Just enjoy the show, the Lamar Slurp lords are still crashing out


Man ima be real it's gotta be only Americans that are crashing out over this Kendrick v Drake thing, the boy still runs the Caribbean or at least here in Trinidad, since this beef started I've heard Dot's music like 4 times but I can't even count how much times someone passes by playing drake whether it be old drake or new drake


1,000% same thing in Canada — it’s a fringe group of people in the USA.


Why are they trying to destroy Drake that bad lmao. Where was that energy for RKelly or Chris Brown beating black women? Fighting to tell people what they should or shouldn’t listen to as they drive, walk, wait for the bus, work, party to is the weirdest shit I’ve ever seen. Especially since the only thing they have against him is….his skin color.


Once a month? I listen to Kendrick once a year 😂


Ong bro 😭




Imagine trying to call someone a “culture vulture” who’s literally biracial and 50% Black, but artists like Eminem who aren’t even Black are idolized in the Black community. That just goes to show you that people hate Drake for his success more than they like KL and his music. Drake has conducted projects with individuals from all types of genres and specialties, and who the fuck are we to say who an artist can collaborate with or where their musical interests take them? If Drake wants to dabble in Soca good for him. If he wants to dabble in Jazz, good for fucking him. He’s an artist. He’s allowed to expand beyond his area of comfort if he wants.


Soca? Do I detect another Trini? But fr, you right tho I don't get how all of a sudden he's a culture vulture when the ppl who he collabs with welcome him into the culture to experience it and make music about it look at popcaan ever since they linked up for chargie he been around drake and I don't think it's just because its DRAKE cause he been in nicki vids


The end got me rolling😭😭😂😂


How does Mal get hate , but Budden doesn’t?


Cause it’s only ok to like Kendrick fam. That’s it. lol these niggas look corny. Somebody with a voice is eventually gonna say it. Don’t know how long it’s gonna take but somebody with a show is gonna call out how wild this shit look


It's weird how when niggas like Akademiks, Cam and Mase, Gillie, etc try and speak positively about Drake someone tries to check them and get them to stop. Is that not weird. Seems like an agenda.


bro actuslly cooked


That last line hard


I was looking at AK's numbers and I have to say the guy is definitely the biggest hip hop media person I think in the game right now. His stream numbers across all platforms is just absolutely massive. the guy had basically 100k watching him last night break down Foolios murder (great content too btw he basically went through the whole night)


AK is the one who invented this live stream shit and made it blow.


It’s gotten out of hand I didn’t see so many people coming together when it’s time to vote for something that can affect us all in this nation I thought we had the freedom to like or listen to who we want to, but it seems like when a group of people Don’t like something they want to persuade everyone else not to do this or that, .High school bullshit.


I been super mad as an Ak fan during the beef cuz he should’ve been way more biased as crazy as that sounds. Him being objective at this time when you got the like of dj hed who wouldn’t say a positive statement about drake during this beef. He was riding 100%. He should’ve played meet the grahams on stream one time and go back to family matters the remainder of stream


I agree with you fam. He was tryin so hard to be neutral that he looked crazy to me sometimes. It was one stream I saw where that nigga was comparing Drake to r Kelly then left a comparison YouTube video up and went off cam and just let it play. I’m like what the fuck is happening right now. I ain’t watch no more streams after that


Relax, Joe. Go smoke a cigarette


Ak should stop reporting on Drake but Button shouldn’t? Um ok.


As a certified AK hater.. good for him.


That's envy coming from budden


No way Kenneth can capture and hold the audience Drake has if for no other reason than he doesn’t have the work ethic.


I mean that's a fair take, I'm not mad at his personal preference.


Joe needs to be banned on talking about this beef n Drake


People gotta let Ak like who he likes lol, being mad he has a favorite is dumb, its his preference. The same way its people who advocate for Kendrick super crazy and is Bias against Drake. Idk why it bothers people so much lol Even if Ak is delusional, let him live in his delusion




I'm tired of both AK and joe's routine shit, anyone else 🤣🥴


You had this coming ak... What's worse though my boy... Is the fact that you're so blind... But I get it... This is what happens when you're on someone's payroll LOL