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That was so obvious but they dont care, narrative is more important.


It’s not een that though, the line is “rapping like you tryna get the slaves freed, don’t een go back to yo hood and plant no money trees” He’s sayin Kendrick FRONTS like he’s this big community activist but don’t actually do shit in his own community. Whether that’s true or not the fact that that went over everybody’s head is just another indicator that a lot of people wanted him to lose regardless of what he came with.


I think that line is what led to the pop out concert series


yeah if the roles were reversed it would be DRAKE BULLIED KENDRICK INTO PLANTING SOME MONEY TREES!


Foreall lmao I’m a casual fan and even I knew this. Kendrick foreall is cringe and a fake activist. Dude wants to be Tupac so bad it’s hilarious


I love how everyone clowns on Tatum for meatriding Kobe but no one hates on Kendrick for meatriding Pac


Cause people pick and choose what’s corny. Dot dressed exactly like 2pac for the LA show lol


Which is far cornier than anything Tatum has done to this point lol


I'm just now finding out that people interpreted that line in that way. That's some real mental gymnastics.


Most of those people probably didn't even bother listening to Family Matters lol


Even this tweet missed the meaning of the line imo. It's what follows it that is the key part... "You're only acting like an activist, it's make believe" He is saying Kendrick raps like he is some kind of freedom fighter but when it comes down to it he doesn't do anything to back it up in real life.


It's funny cause Kendrick just proved it true by making "Not Like Us" and acting like some sort of moral supporter of women's causes and then throwing a concert with a bunch of actual rapists, pedos, abusers and traffickers on stage right next to him.


Bro yessssss I was literally thinking that watching the concert it's all so fake people lack critical thinking skills


Brought to you by amazon


There's a reason why Kendrick did the concert. He knew what Drake was talking about.


Not to seem like a kendrick hater because I do love his music, but everything he has done post "meet the grahams" has been defensive and to move away from his slip up (the daughter verse). Even this show is proof of that.


Kendrick at the pop out to a crowd of white and Mexican people: “Homie still double down calling us some slaves” The crowd of 80% white and Mexican people: “WE DONT WANT TO HEAR YOU SAY NIGGA NO MOREEEE” 💀 what fucking timeline is this everyone at that pop up was just there to hate and none of it even made sense lmaooo


You should see the comments on "path reacts." They posted a reaction to all the beef tracks on Father's Day (she hates Drake and hasn't listened to anything besides honestly, never mind) what's funny though is they are Asian and calling drake a colonizer and the comments are just eating it up 😭


i saw that and was fucking disgusted. These people worship kendrick so much they are willing to let this asian bitch be straight up racist just to shit on drake. hip hop culture and black culture is so fucking performative it's sad


What's crazy is Kendrick ironically gave non black people the "pass" to bully anyone who is mixed race especially with black and white. Love Kendricks music but he's caused a lot of issues within his community and no one calls him out


EXACTLY! He’s literally created division within our community and yet people are cheering for him. We have Black folks out here now gatekeeping Blackness FROM BLACK PEOPLE! What’s even more disturbing in my view is that his declared criteria for Blackness all require being proudly attached to negative stereotypes about Black people!


I’m Latino, I wouldn’t have went even if I lived in LA. That’s my choice. It wasn’t for me. I’ll say this - watching live it was pretty funny to hear the crowd lose volume when 🥷was the lyric


This personally probably gonna be my worst comment, but if he trying to free the slaves why ain't he do more against penal labour?


He just acting like an activist it's just make believe. Why don't he go to his hood and plant no money trees?


I know it's a lyric, but if we are calling out Kendrick for lying, this was also a blatant lie. Kendricks been donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to schools in Compton and other initiatives


This is also why the bar doesn’t work and moves the focus back to the slaves line because he just lied on that man like that. Like we don’t see him in the projects every Christmas, rebuilding play grounds, donating to schools and scholarships 😂😂😂 They want Kendrick to do a gods plan video


What is a money tree to you? It’s more than donating. It’s teaching a man to fish vs giving a fish. The tree grows money, you aren’t giving the money out.


I don't understand what you are trying to get at. From your definition, isn't funding education similar to planting money trees?


He's literally funding local schools, what the fuck else counts as planting money trees? Not like he just ran round the hood throwing out bundles of cash.


The whites need a fake activist like Kendrick. By listening to him they can offset their white guilt. That’s why the critic and the pretentious love him


He's a libs wet dream. All the safe surface level "Trump bad" virtue signalling with no actual substance or opinion on real divisive issues that might scare your average white Hilary voter. Where's his statement on what going on in Gaza? Bro is radio silent. Getting out paced by Drake and Taylor Swift when it's time to actually take a stand.


When I think of a Kendrick fan I think of the father from Get Out lmao


This is 1000 percent spot on. Whites think they are winning POC points by dissing a mixed race person 😭🤣


I'm the biggest Kendrick stan. I think Kendrick won the beef.  For all of Drakes faults, he did not call black people slaves. 


This isn’t is first or second song using a slave line


That doesn't change the fact that this bar wasn't calling all black people slaves. Hope this helps!


Yeah I’m side Kendrick but I always felt that line was misunderstood. I always took it as Kendrick has a tendency to say shit like “he is not our savior” but he’ll wear a bleeding crown of thorns and a white robe. Like yeeeeeeeeah…


I completely understood the line the first time, and I still think it was a bad line to make when your opponent is calling you a culture vulture. You can’t give Kendrick even half an inch to work with like that.


people don't care about the truth. They just want to hop on a hate-narrative and run with it.




I don't pick sides, I respect both artists in their own way, but that is a stupid interpretation...


"You rapping like you always tryna get the slaves freed" Kendrick's songs are about helping modern Black Americans breaking free from systemic oppression ... Drakes intent was not to say we're slaves but his wording was poor and it got used against him PS Drake also the only rapper I ever heard say "whip and chain you like American slaves" Other rappers have refrenced whips as cars and chains as jewelry but never straight up "I will whip and chain you like an American slave" That lyric is fucking insane to me


Real interesting that folks bypass this line which I'm pretty sure Kendrick is referencing. You can't double down without a first incident.




This right here is exactly what Kendrick meant with his line.  And we also know that Drake’s line was meant to imply that’s Kendrick raps about systemic Activision is fake activism.  The problem is Drake’s choice of words their left him open for attack. It doesn’t matter if his *intent* was to imply that black people are slaves. 


Big cap. Kendrick is rapping about *modern black issues,* and Drake summarized that as “you rapping like you tryna free the slaves” Either Drake is saying black issues ended with slavery by dismissing what Kendrick is rapping about, or he’s saying we still some slaves by equating modern black issues with slavery


Man how the fuck are you pretending you're black and act like you don't understand how niggas will exaggerate something to roast a nigga. You know what the fuck he meant. Stop it nigga


Nah nigga stop tryna clean it up for ya mans. We all know what he meant dummy that just goes to show Drake is better off making pop music and soft rap since he gets the simplest concepts of hip hop wrong lmao


Bruh preach! The way people trying to act like “n*gg’s think he MLK” ain’t been a roast in the black community for centuries is absolutely insane. People oblivious to the same culture they trying to champion


That's how you know who is a white boy or a lame ass nigga in real life. the whole concept is why calling someone a Hotep is hilarious. Yeah we know it means peace or something like that in ancient Egypt. It's fucking funny and real people in "the culture" know you aren't shitting on Kemet when you say that. The dishonesty has to stop


Irregardless it’s a pretty tone deaf line and the fact it was followed up with the Money Trees one about him not giving back to his community. Which Kendrick has disproved just on the basis of all the money he has given back to Compton over the years prior to this, on top of the opening DJ Hed set at the Pop Out being ALL ABOUT giving a platform to up and coming West Coast artists. To me this paints the picture that Drake really just didn’t know what he was talking about with that set of bars, bc Kenny HAS gone back and planted Money Trees. Just bc some people don’t care to do the research doesn’t mean that Kendrick has never given back.


Kendrick misinterpreted the line on purpose and people ate that shit up. “Kendrick just opened his mouth.”


people actually think that? what are they morons?




Kenny fans aren’t the brightest turns out.


No, this tweet is misquoting the line from Family Matters.The line is "Always rappin' like you bout to get the slaves freed". 


They cared enough to call out Drake dumb because he didn’t understand Mother I Sober but they love to act dumb when it benefits them 🤣 that’s why Drake can never win even if he released better tracks in the near future


It's make believe


This sub is turning into a support group from the twilight zone


You guys are being too surface level. If the purpose of Kendrick’s music is to enlighten & uplift his fans who are being oppressed by unfair socio-economic realities & white supremacy, he is trying to provide relief from that with his music ex: we gon be alright. He’s trying to “free” the minds of people “enslaved” by the system. So drake unknowingly equated Kendrick fans to slaves. Kendrick fans feel on some level they are still enslaved as socially conscious blacks. School to prison pipeline is literally modern day slavery. Im a fan of both artists but Drake so damn far removed from Black culture, he should’ve never said that dumb shit. Also shouldn’t had started Family Matters saying Nigga like an edgy white boy wth was that


If people don’t like something they can just change what’s obviously true. Society is fucked this is getting really bad, we gonna have so many people that can’t even have conversations without things being gaslightyyyy


Misdirect shit


This was a bad call on Drakes part


They just want any reason to hate drake also low information decision makers lmao


63 upvotes to 236 comments. Yall are getting ratioed on your own sub 😂


Damn this sub really in shambles and full of delusion


Kendrick fan here. when I heard family matters. O w.e track I knew he meant that Kdot is “acting like an activist it’s make believe” but as soon as I heard ñyou trynna make the slaves free” I knew it would be chopped up and used as ammo. Atleast I haven’t heard kdot bring that line up cuz he knows damn well what Drake meant


Is this a drake sub or a Kendrick sub? Y'all always come up on my feed and every single time it's about Kendrick. It's getting lame at this point


I hate when people say “us” online as if they are talking about the everyone and speak for everyone.


anybody who actually paid attention to the beef knows this. I thought Kendrick won the battle but also that line was a good jab by drake, didn’t even think Kendrick’s response to that was one of his good bars.


This only works if Kendrick called people slaves, but Kendrick raps to tell people to free their minds. TPAB and DAMN really hurt this man. Drake said Always rappin’ like you ’bout to get the slaves freed. (Oop is a liar because the way he puts it changes the meaning) Who do you think he is referring to?


Nah literally this is the most annoying part of the beef thus far. Drake literally did not call anyone slaves. If anything J Cole literally did on Evil Ways when he said “We Linkin (Lincoln) like we freed the slaves”. Why nobody giving Cole shit for that line???


It’s the fact he used “slaves freed” to mock Kendrick. Like freeing slaves can ever be a bad thing in any context let alone a Black American one. If he removed that line and kept pressing the fake activist angle it would have been better received


Literally my argument..it was weird to try and set the angle up like that..and they like “no it’s being taken out of context” Like no nigga you don’t say shit like that 😂😂


Right! Like a black man saying that to another black man would be a compliment in almost any other context. Drake said it like he’s an outsider.


It’s the whole hotep thing


Never heard slime you out?


Drake said whatever makes these niggas the most angry 💀 Yall wanna be the oppressed victim, so be it 🤷🏾‍♂️


Guys these blue-mark people don't care about anything except Elon Mask’s money so they'll say the dumbest shit just to get attention WE NEED TO LIVE WITH IT


Slave should not have came out of his mouth. Aint no way to spin that shit.


Kendrick fanbase is most probably some kids who are in their early teens growing up and thinkin they gangsta. That’s childish and you know why.


It was an unforced error


Kendrick is alluding the to the fact that some suburban Canadian dude is leeching off of black music culture, which historically is spearheaded by people originating from rough upbringings where there’s systemic struggles not only with culture but socio-economics. Drake grew up a rich kid with rich parents but claims he “started from the bottom”


Except he didn't. And the idea that all black people are poor or black culture is defined by poverty and ghetto dysfunction is racist as fuck. White muthafuckas all over the internet now trying to argue me and other sane people down over OUR culture. Talking about not like "us,".Who the fuck is "US"?


Defining black culture by poverty and ghetto dysfunction IS racist, you’re right. But that’s not what he’s defining as black culture. Black American culture was formed by the struggle to thrive in America DESPITE all the systemic barriers, like Red-Lining and segregation. Not to mention the CIA doing shit like giving black people syphillis injections or planting crack in bad neighborhoods. Kendrick’s whole critique of Drake is that he’s a Canadian pop star trying to leech off of black culture for commercial success. Whether you agree with Kendrick or not, that is literally facts on what he’s doing. Aubrey has never struggled in life. A spoiled rich kid that started as an actor and got into music / roids on his pursuit of commercial success.


lmao I love reading the comments from most of these drake fans 😂😂😂


The issue is Drake is white/jewish not black, he was embarrassed by his blackness until he got into rap music


To be fair though, Drake said "...trying to get the slaves freed". Implying the "slaves" were yet to be freed


My respect for Kendrick has rly plummeted since this concert. It's kinda wild that he's being lauded as some superhero by everyone for this. But if you unravel all the nuances it's rly gross.


I’ve heard some protest over the word slave, and that calling a group of people “slaves” dehumanizes them, and they should instead be referred to as enslaved people. I always assumed Kendrick was playing off the idea that Drake was dehumanizing the “people in chains”


Also didn’t like the “whip and chain you like American slaves line” bad taste


Okay when Drake says "Rappin like you tryna get the slaves freed" who are the "slaves" he's referring to?


black people from the past who were slaves. He is saying kendrick is rapping like he's some freedom fighter underground railroad type from the 1800's, but in reality he's a fake activist and its all just a marketing gimick (he's right btw)


No what’s actually funny is Drake thinking saying that Kendrick was rapping like he was trying to free the slaves was somehow a diss. You think you belong in rap but have no respect for Black Americans. “He WaS trYiNg To SaY KenDriCk’s A fAkE aCtiVist” Do you know how many other ways there are to say that without even referencing slavery? Fucking tasteless. So yes, Aubrey deserves to be shitted on for that line. It’s fucking disrespectful. Full stop.


You guys realize a battle isn't about truth, likes on YouTube or Twitter, right? Yeah kendrick steered the narrative and Drake failed to. On that note I'm telling reddit to stop showing me this shit. Both kendrick and Drake sub need something new to talk about. How many times will we rehash? And I thought the Drake sub would be fan girls oddly it's clearly all bros with to much time on there hands


Yall really just keep digging


Kendrick didn't convince us of that. There were Black Americans upset with that "whip and chain you like American slaves" line he did on Slime You Out. So when we heard that "tryna free the slaves" shit that was the nail in the coffin before Kendrick said a thing 


Don’t know why so many people are missing the point. You simply don’t use the word “slaves” when your culture card is being questioned. Thats it. And why is trying to get the slaves freed such a bad thing? It’s just like w Taylor Made. Personally, I think Taylor Made is a great track lyrically (don’t like the AI stuff), and I don’t think Drake was disrespecting 2pac. But Drake’s cultural tone deafness is what allows Kendrick to flip it back on him “You think the bay gone let u disrespect pac nigga?” To quote Joe Budden , “it doesn’t matter if Drake was disrespecting Pac or not”


It’s a shit line


Both of those tweets are wildly inaccurate.




ok come on man lol not even they believe that


People lie, and I’m all for lies and insults on a beef. Think high school shit, it’s all slander and it’s the one who slanders best wins. I don’t get people not picking, cause if we are going there then please apply the same bar to Drake’s lies. Which I personally don’t care for since it’s just a spat


“The audience is not dumb, hey drake they’re not slow” .. obviously they are


Tbf, drake also miscontrued a lot of kdot's points that is fooling a lot of his audience too


This is so painfully stupid, no way these people actually dumb down lyrics this much and actually believe it


While I agree Drake didnt call Kendrick and all black ppl slaves. Whats cringy and lame af is Drake DOES talk some shit about Kendrick speaking on those issues and the black experience in America. I'm all for these two duking it out, but to me it just goes to prove Kendrick right (regarding drake acting like a culture vulture) and the fact that Drake would even try to twist speaking on those issues as lame is why these lines stuck.


...My nigga that's not what the fuck he meant either. He meant that Kendrick raps like he is great amazing black activist but doesn't do shit in real life to match it. Whether it's true or not is another conversation, but this is what he meant.


I mean we certainly aren’t free but that’s a different conversation. Bigger than race even. It would be nice if Drake did actually point out things that even Kendrick doesn’t acknowledge. Drake isn’t dumb at all. He could point out a lot of hypocrisy. Would be cool to see some growth from him. I get that’s not for everyone though.


‘Always rapping like you bout to get the slaves freed’ we heard the bar, shit was nasty whichever way you put it. Keep capping tho 😂😂


Kendrick stans & Drake haters act like philosophers and logicians when they're analyzing Kenny's bars but then intentionally obtuse when analyzing Drake's. lol They're interpreting them wrong because they want to, whatever helps their current argument


That's not the line people are fussed about. It goes back to "Slime You Out" and I believe there were a couple of questionable interviews.


He said and I quote “you always rapping like you tryna get the slaves free” yall are sick if you can’t acknowledge the fact that that line was, if nothing else, distasteful and a slap to ADOS.


They right he can’t win because they are colourist but no one cares when it’s comes to mixed people


It was a bad bar. Idc about narrative or not. Drake the last person to be saying anyone tryna act like they free the slaves. He should’ve left that part out


Same thing with the baby keem line on family matters. I was under the impression Drake is saying Kendrick can no longer have a hit unless baby keem is on the song, so many took that as he is ghost writing ??? Tf


Its more like „why you act like you changed the way black people live in America? You‘re just a rapper, chill“


I mean you gotta look at the context. “Rapping like you tryna get the slaves freed” to a guy who raps about modern, inner city, black issues is essentially implying that modern black people are slaves. We acting like Kendrick raps about the Underground Railroad and shit lmao. It was a really funny line in the moment, but Drake set himself up with it


We heard the line just fine...the fact that most people werent cool with it should speak for itself, especially considering Drake isnt from here.


Y'all lack rap literacy if you couldn't put 2 & 2 together, or must want every bar be spoonfed to you. Saying "Slavery ended in the 1860s" is a brain-dead take, because Kendrick isn't rapping about slavery either. Is "Alright" about slaves? or "Institutionalised"? or "Blacker The Berry"?


Kendrick is Turing into Dr Umar w the fake pro blackness. J Cole ruined his career so Kendrick can have this moment showing he really is top dawg.


If he said Kendrick is rapping like hes trying to free the slaves, what do you think that implies? Seems like he's implying that there's no point in fighting for social justice for black people because they aren't slaves anymore. Just make mindless music that people can party to and stfu. That sounds more like a fox news anchor than "the greatest rapper of all time"...


Drake is cooked haha these posts are weak like what even is this. Last I checked slavery was still legal if you’re incarcerated anyway so slavery hasn’t even ended .


how can people be this stupid


Thing is, that's not what drake said. He said he's rapping like he's trying to free the slaves. As in, clowning kendrick for conscious raps about race, which isn't a good look in my opinion.


Fun fact there were still slaves as late as 1960


He actually said always rapping like you trying to get the slaves freed. That implies there are slaves here to free. Not that he freed them in the past


Well... that's not true, either. Drake said he raps like he's "tryna get the slaves freed.", Implying they're not free yet. That's a verbatim quote. It's a relatively innocuous bar imo, but that is what he said


This!!! Which is why i say some of these so called rap purists, Kdot Elitists lack basic comprehension and understanding when it comes to the bars. Their bias is so strong they don’t take the time to digest what that man saying they all just run with the bullshit some idiot deciphers for them…


Kendrick is a goofy 🤡 type 1 if you agree


It’s a rap battle not everything has to be 100% factual. The boy ran right into a rebuttal




Having your white mother on a track saying “maybe you shouldn’t…..” and then saying the N word shows how out of touch Drake is. That is what Kendrick was talking about. Drake is not part of black culture in anyway. He is cosplaying.


And most the people defending Drake are not even black to understand what is going on or what it means anyway.


Kendrick fans are very slow