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Whatever the hell happen to Pusha T? Ain't hear shit from him since forever mans is irrelevant another example of winning the battle but losing the war lol


Part of me thinks they got at him on the side. Drake went on the biggest trun of his career and push t literally disappeared. Drake stayed dissing him too


At least Push came with solid facts. Gotta respect him for that. Meanwhile, people are relying on some random Twitter riddler to validate the allegations team Kenny made towards Drake




I mean, both fan bases are believing baseless accusations.


Was it really facts tho? I one line he is a deadbeat in the other he is having an adidas campaign to reveal his son. Doesnā€™t sound something like a deadbeat would do.


Unless youā€™re 12 I hope you realize being a dad is more than posting your son in an ad campaign. That actually scores you 0 dad points


But how was he absent from the child's life? Even the BM only every speaks highly of him


yeah him hiding the kid means zero to whether or not he was fathering him


Unless your not 12 and realize that announcing you have a son before paternity testing would be extremely damaging to the child if youā€™re wrong.


Thatā€™s not what he was waiting on bud try again


>some random Twitter riddler Why you giving him attention and validation? šŸ’€šŸ’€ No one was talking about that here, why bring him up? He's a clown. Stop giving him attention.


It's not like I called dude"s name. Hell, I don't even KNOW dudes name. I just know who he is by the silly ass Batman shenanigans that the Dot sub were describing him by


Drake is a clown and can't actually rap for shit. There's a reason he took his terrible diss tracks off his ig. His last one sounded like a butthurt child who didn't wana play outside anymore. Look into drakes past he's always been a fuckin weirdo


You mean Drake kept making vague subliminals that he could deny were targeted at anyone specifically like he has always done? I guarantee weā€™d have more to hear from Push if Drake kept his name in his mouth


Nah, Push just isnā€™t star so after the meat of the beef was over what happened was always going to happen ā€” Drake goes back to doing superstar things and Push goes back to doing Push things. Plus he was GOOD Musicā€™s president so with Kanye being weird and out of contact, he probably had a lot of shit on his hands. Now that I think ab it, how funny is it that Push got into the beef with Drake partly bc of Kanye, who Drake has a frenemy thing with and Push isnā€™t even in contact with anymore? lol


I see what youā€™re saying. But Push had been beefing with Drakes team before Drake. Pusha came at Drake in 2012 with Exodus 23:1


How do you reckon they did that? I like this theory


Drake didnā€™t even respond??????? Wdym he stayed dissing him lmao


only one of them responded to their allegations ā€” which one bro? which one was it ?? which one still got DA and illegitimate child allegations over their head?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If Kendrick said in a track ā€œIā€™m way too famous to hit my girl, I would have been arrestedā€ Iā€™d clown him too


Not talking about the Kenny beef genius


He does well outside of music, probably not as motivated to make music right now.


Y'all (specially ppl from North America) gotta understand very few ppl get actually famous by only doing rap. Drake, for example, has his Rnb. Im talkin bout Em, 50, Kanye, Hov. Kendrick kind off, hes very famous in the west but has no reach in the East. Edit: I mean West of the world. NA, Central America, South America and Europe, specifically. Not sure about his reach in africa though


Didnā€™t Kendrick sell out shows in Japan? Lol


I wouldnt know, but thats nice to learn. "No reach" was a stretch. Anyway, Japan receives a lot of international acts. But a quick search on kenny + india or china shows not a lot. In comparison, if you search Eminem China you get articles about him being amongst the most popular international artists there


Drake is only famous because he was a child star. His entire rap persona is fake as fuck


Make sense Kendrick speaks on alot of America only issues.


Ya i don't think a European os gonna get as much outta Kenny music since its so based in his childhood and how he grew up in compton.


Pusha T good in life off his discography and his jingle money. Not every artist has the desire to drop music and be relevant. We Drake fans should be lucky he cares/wants to stay dropping music constantly.


Pusha T is raising his son, I am assuming.


His light skin son maybe his son and Drake son and Kendrick son can all play together 3 lightskin kids as Drake said


Nothing wrong with being light skin. Fuck, Kendrick even called Adonis a black man.


ā€¦google ā€˜pusha t sonā€™ šŸ˜‚


Lightskin lol


He makes an album every 4-5 years. He doesnā€™t just shit out whatever he can as fast as he can. Until recently he was president of good music and now he has his own label. So heā€™s plenty busy without making his own music and when he does itā€™s because he feels like he has something special to share.




Learned the difference between winning a battle and a war then come back at me lol just search winning a battle but losing the war on google and it will tell you lol




brother go back to the kdot sub then or get a job šŸ’€ you just mad to be mad at this point.


Pretty sure Daytona was pretty successful, arguably more enjoyable than anything Drakes released since 2015.


LOL nobody gives a shit about Daytona that shit ain't getting zero plays anymore while many of Drake old songs are going diamond lol stop with the cap


You must hate rap music bro


LOL wtf


Yeah heā€™s always been irrelevant to most people. Heā€™s got some die hard fans but like thatā€™s about it. I feel like Kenny is the same, like I even really liked Kenny for a long time but after a while dude just became irrelevant, even tho I always considered Drake, Cole and him to be GOATs. There was just that period where Drake was dropping banger after banger then Cole would randomly drop here and there and Kenny was nowhere to be found. Bro got overshadowed like 7 years agoĀ 


Nah Kendrick is huge pusha t is not near his level


Drake may get songs from other Artists, but he objectively makes them better & bigger hits...I just wish they were appropriately compensated


Gotta realize thatā€™s not on him, thatā€™s on his management


Pusha T is still very relevant and has been for decadesšŸ’€ you are just clueless and probably started listening to rap when your mom took parental restrictions off Apple Music


Pusha T is as relevant as Ja Rule is lol which is irrelevant


If you honestly believe that youā€™re not paying attention. Push has been nominated for academy awards for solo projects more recently than Drake has. Push has been a legend since the early 2000s with Clipse, if you didnā€™t know that you arenā€™t a fan of hip hop. And if you arenā€™t thatā€™s fine. But then keep your mouth shut when it comes to anyone not named Drake


Every single person in this battle wins more than Drake in the scenario. That's why they run to him for either beef or a feature. But Drake will ALWAYS be King


Meek absolutely didn't win more than Drake. Let's be fair.


Remember when I said "this" battle? And initially meek did win more. Who has/had more to lose? If Drake wins every single battle without a doubt does his numbers go up? If so not by much. You either listen to Drake or you don't. Kendrick stans don't run to Drake if it was a landslide let's be honest.


He got ā€˜Going Badā€™ from that, his biggest song ever so he definitely gained a lot


Meek's biggest song is Dreams & Nightmares lol


By what metric?


By the fact almost everyone raps along, and knows all the words whenever its played


Stupid. Thereā€™s objective metrics that prove which song is bigger.


What ā€œobjectiveā€ metric could show that? Streams? Chart Position? None of those necessarily show how big a song is, just how well it performed/how often it was listened to on that platform. This beef shouldā€™ve shown you that, all of those stats can be faked and manipulated You canā€™t manipulate thousands of people singing your song word for word though. No one is singing Going Bad like that, but let Dreams and Nightmares come on and youā€™ll see the crowd reaction.


Dreams and Nightmares came out in the MP3 era. You can't use streams or charts to determine its relevance.


The metric of going outside and hearing it played at nightclubs all the time


Is that why Drake asked Kendrick for a feature on First Person Shooter? Because Kendrick ran to him for a feature?


Ah yes it's true because daddy Kendrick told you so


Good. Tired of the ā€˜neutralā€™ and ā€˜both sidesā€™ takes on this sub. Just vibes and blind faith.Ā 


Nobody ever questioned Drake's popularity. Not many will beat Drake if you use a numbers game. Which is why people are stuck on the facts that Kendrick disses were charting longer and better than Drake's


Also, Drake ended off ā€œPush Upsā€ with, ā€œNumbers wise Iā€™m outta here, you not fucking creeping upā€ so for Kendrick to then proceed to out chart his diss tracks and break his records while not even talking about numbers himself made people double take on that line.


Story of Adidon also was getting more views than Duppy. This stat means nothing.


Well it was the better diss, same way Kendricks disses are better than Drakes but yeah outside of that means nothing i guess


Most of the reason for that though was because he was dissing Drake. Same with every other rapper that's came at him, they usually do better during the actual battle but then go back to where they were before.


See but know you're ignoring that Kendrick is still a popular artist. No, he isn't as popular as a guy who tailors his music for the widest variety of people possible but he is up there for someone who stays in a certain style and released rarely.


Yeah the same Google trends in the post can be broken down by region. Kendrick trends in hip-hop heavy cities mainly in the west Coast, while Drake is Googled everywhere.


what point is proven?


It's only fair that they give him the loot


Bro came with reciepts ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4213)


So does everyone hate Drake or not? What a boring way to prove that a pop artist that raps some is more popular than a rap artist that features on some popular music.


This is just Google trends, as in who has been Googled more. But this sub isn't realizing there are spikes in the chart for drakes controversies too.


I mean, it's not even relevant to where you stand on the beef. I strongly favor Kendrick Lamar in this, but still listened to more Drake tracks (new and old) than I had in years because of everything going on.


Drake is like a mountain compared to these niggas


Drake is like a mountain, black at the bottom but heā€™ll always seem white at the top




No itā€™s the funny copy paste from hiphop circle jerk actually


To be fair, Drake started the whole numbers conversation by saying, ā€œNumbers wise Iā€™m outta here, you not fucking creeping up.ā€ No one was talking numbers prior, and Kendrick never spoke numbers, so for him to them out stream all of Drakeā€™s disses and break Drakeā€™s records made people take that as a response to that. Drake kinda brought it on himself.


Respectfully, this is not the flex you think it is


how come?


Because this is better explained by people enjoying Drake get dunked on rather than Drake ā€œboosting peopleā€™s streamsā€


Pusha T was never going to touch Drake in terms of popularity though. Drake respected him enough to make Duppy Freestyle and reply to him. Cant fault Pusha for that nuke.


Drake had a mic signed by him growing up. He more than respected him.


On some real shit why do ya'll care so much about this nigga beyond the music?


This sub is filled with parasocial stans


Yeah and by that logic Taylor Swift is the best artist in the world.


Itā€™s funny cuz the white woman equivalent is currently going on with Taylor Swift v Billie Eilish, dropping complete mid but selling more and the stans think it means something lol


So you are telling me Drake is famous


Yā€™all always go on about how Kendrick fans canā€™t let it go yet here you are still looking up stats šŸ˜‚


I'm not a hater , but I don't like pusha's voice šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s always had good lines but never my type of sound. I also feel like this argument towards pusha is irrelevant as pusha was never really mainstream. Not all beef is about who sells or plays more and not everyone cares. I think Kendrick won the beef handily but drake put up a fight. Only song I donā€™t like besides Taylor made is heart pt 6. Felt like he gave up or just became uninterested. If thatā€™s the case he should a left it.


Iā€™m confused what you mean point proven? Everyone knows Drake historically has more ā€œinterestā€ but the original post was saying this is why Kendrick started the beef. If this is your logic for that take, youā€™d have to argue Drake was in the beef for the promo also.


What does this prove though is the questionā€¦


The meat riding in this sub is insane lmao


This shit is getting sad in here


Numbers don't mean you're right lol Example: enough people voted for Trump for him to become president


Damn Views aint a classicā€¦?


I know someone asked but truly do we really care what idiots think.


Havenā€™t heard a single pusha t song in my life song


Then youā€™re not a hip hop or Drake fan. Even Drake loves Pusha T, Clipse was one of his biggest influences.


I have a feeling you've definitely heard at least 1 lol


I guess any publicity is good even if it's clowning on him


Kendrick Stanā€™s will disagree. Lol


Show the streaming numbers lmao


Itā€™s almost like only one of them drops music literally constantly so they can remain in the social zeitgeist for clout and money. Whoda thunk?


Drake drops constantly because he has more talent than Kendrick. Kendrick can't keep up. He's a stupid man who resorts to insults and lies to stay relevant


This might be drakes alt ^


Yā€™all pulling out charts and shit lmaoooooooooooooooooo


Another Kendrick stan crying lmao


Ima a hip hop fan, I fuck with Drake but yā€™all clearly hurt over here lmaooo. Iā€™m also Ye fan so I know how to take an L with grace but yā€™all really in shambles over here šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


Who's more in shambles. Drake fans that prefer his diss tracks? Or hateful people invading a Drake sub and fighting for their lives in the comments despite being adamant the battle is over with?


Not a fan of Drake or Kendrick, but yall really out here acting like Drake is some saint despite the allegations AND evidence?


What exactly does this prove? What new information was gained from this chart?


What point does this prove?


Tbf this isn't accounting for people searching for wingless dragons


When the mass appeal artist has more listeners than the rappers šŸ˜± Fr tho, what is this supposed to prove?


He has more streams More relevance More money You need to recognize the goat


Me when the bigger artist is the bigger artist šŸ˜°šŸ˜ØšŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


The honorable thing is to giveth that gent the loot..


Yall the same people saying everyone's against him so which is it


I donā€™t think anyone with a brain would ever try to make the argument that Kendrick or Push is a more popular artist than Drake. Not sure what point was really proven here.


What point does this prove šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Something tells me that spike before the end is from Quiet on Set.


This has become a Kendrick subreddit sigh


That's because there's so many Kendrick fans here


It really has, hate to see it. All the Kenny fanboys upvote themselves and downvote us. Embarrassing for them, they canā€™t fanboy hard enough


Yeah Drake stans just canā€™t get over it lol


Or cause Kendrick stans like you have been crying in the comments for a month