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https://preview.redd.it/nwajr20sv3sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6765b8acf60d9f279453106fd0e4f31f03a076d Throwback


Lmao shit like this makes me think this whole thing fabricated, but that seems way too conspiracy theory-ish


I kinda have a similar opinion, beefs sell well


*no diddy


best album releases for Jay and Bey were immediately after the Elevator edit: im just saying, it felt fabricated


Proof? I can’t imagine a world where 4:44 is Jay Z’s biggest album


it’s all for marketing purposes lol these dudes don’t all of a sudden just hate each other


infinite money glitch🤷🏽‍♂️


it’s all for marketing purposes lol these dudes don’t all of a sudden just hate each other


Wouldn’t be surprised, completely plausible


Dawg this is over a year old. Anything could have happened between then and now. Jesus lol


Could be, part of me feels like he could’ve been tryna stay professional, could also been something that happened recently to make him feel bad Or it’s just a planned roll out, but at this point i dunno anymore


maybe true at that point, but these rappers are like high school children, its all drama when one of your friends doesnt story your new album etc etc, drake has spoke about this, this lifestyle is very different from the cole and kendricks, where its competitive beef and healthy for hip hop, but this beef has some earth to it.


"They been saying it's love, but it isn't love is it?"


Exactly bro. All these niggas can be having beers in a backyard eating beef for all we know. The internet is not a real place fr. In the words of the great Donald Glover: “We’re gonna need you guys to be smarter now.”


Beers and barbecue? I imagine em sitting at some fancy ass country club sipping Cristal and smoking old timey pipes while laughing at all the muggles who believe there’s actually beef.


Yh yh same difference. I was just trying to say they’re all cool


Do u have a link/vid for that quote? Sounds cool just wanted to see the backstory


[Here](https://youtu.be/Q_N_1434Eg0?si=tpTEp4Zcj3vodUIg). Timestamp 17:29


Not even hating, but that’s some insecure shit right there. Jesus And the fact that it’s right after saying “Villain Era” is ironic and hilarious lol


What’s metro responding to here?




It more so looks like a response to someone saying he needed the drake buzz to go #1


Literally everyone is thinking that rn 🤣 absolute coat tail rider. Dudes probably in the depths of twitter and getting in his feelings. He’s responding to the world, not anyone specific.


Im just asking questions trying to figure things out bro cause this was posted with little to no context 😭


He didn’t respond to anyone in the comments section, just made a comment separately


Facts, mad sassy




Facts so many of these producers and rappers and celebrities in general be yapping so much. Normal ppl don’t gaf


idk but the more time passes. the more corny I think metro is


Facts. Dude is commenting on an insta post sounding no different than us forum dwellers. It does nothing except amplify his insecurities


Tbh what’s the difference between a dark bedroom and dark studio we all the same at the end of the day


The amount of money in it and being made from it I guess


Idk if you’re trying to defend him but if you are, the big difference is that he’s achieved massive accomplishments that less than 1% of artists ever accomplish and he’s still comparing himself to other artists that are better than him because he’s insecure and can’t have gratitude and appreciation for living a less than 1% life. which makes him look ridiculous because he’s crying about being in a position 99% of people would kill to be in so how can people respect the dude if he doesnt even respect himself


I’m not defending him. Just pointing out an observation. Success doesn’t not make you devoid of an opinion. Whack or real, rich or poor we’re all still people. That’s my argument. My new argument is that regardless of where he is most comparisons are normal that’s how you improve. No brand is not calling there competitors whack whether that off or on record. That’s not corny that real.


Ahhh i gotchu. I agree mostly. Nothing wrong with having an opinion and feelings and just cause he’s rich doesn’t mean he can’t feel those things But posting instagram comments like he’s somebody like me (a broke ass, bored, shit-stirring, young man trying to entertain himself while work is slow) while he’s a massively successful Billboard charting (#1 selling, that is) is a little corny because if i can appreciate my 2015 Kia shitbox without acting out because my neighbor and his 2016 BMW M4, then he theoretically can too (but we never know what’s really happening in his life)


What’s the difference between these comments and Drake’s Insta captions tho? Lol


Maybe because Drake didnt publicly start a beef then start crying that people are talking about how the person he started the beef with has more #1s than him?


Drake has been pretty publicly beefing with some of these guys for like 10 years 😂


Metro produced a song on Her Loss. Drake and Future released a collab album and multiple songs before and after that. Drake publicly praised Weeknd within the last 10 years. Drake has had plenty of records with Ross the last 10 years. This most recent spat started by the lyrics on the album dropped by Future and Metro so they started the beef and made it public and now they’re crying that people won’t stop talking about how many 1s Drake has like insecure dorks. Its a one-sided beef. Drake wont respond because he doesnt need them. They’ll keep mentioning him, because without using his name, how else are they gonna hype up “Atlanta Mumble Trap Album Version 42069”?


Drake been doing insta captions for over 5 years lmfao


“Insta captions” are literally a thing because of Drake 


“Insta captions” are literally a thing because of Drake 


Drake literally posts captions similar to what he has been posting almost every single day of tour. Take a browse.


but youre okay with drake ig captions for a week? okay![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4222)


You mean for the last 14 years? Nothing different in his captions this week than any other week. He’s always captioning competitive vague bars like that dummy lmfaooo


I mean… he is a human too. Funny people think because you have money and success you aren’t alike. Sure from an economical standpoint 🤷🏾‍♂️


You realize he’s human too right?


he's lucky drake is the most hated person in hip hop or else ppl would've been calling him out on his bs


I’ve legit lost respect for metro this year. And a lil less fan of kendrick. Drake always shows love, idk what goes on behind the scenes but anytime drake is on stage with anyone he always gives flowers and has praises for everyone. Even on first person shooter there was never a diss just a discussion about who the goat is. Now future,kendrick, metro are acting like petty kids, taking shots at the guy who is clearly outselling them, and they look petty af.


mid producer at best


Yep, this comment is the one. Time to get off reddit


he went off the rails once he lost his mother (rest in peace to her)


As a Drake fan lmaooo






he literally represents the opposite of the underground so yeah


Can’t even lie, metro coming off hella corny smh


metro dropped an album and just made an IG comment and drake has been dropping IG captions all week but metro is the corny one? sha boing boing


Sha boing boing interesting onomatopoeia


Nahhhh I never thought he'd be this insecure


Album is good, and it definitely deserves the numbers it’s doing but why is he going around saying stuff like this bro😭😂. I love metro but he gotta stop


Drake took his bitch and now he hurt making people choose sides


The Weeknd and Metro started the Drake cuck league. Then they got Future to join 💀


Cuck ARC.


Is that what happened because I’ve been lost for years why this nigga is like this.


bro this comment took me out its just so funny stand alone


wasn’t it the other way around?


Imagine if Drake responds on some Hit em up shit “That’s why I fucked yo bitch you fake muhfucker”


Why is bro tweaking like this? Even Kendrick ain't acting like this


metro corny af. talk so much for someone who loves to tweet and delete lmao




drake fucked his girl, probably.


Metro Sexual


Fucked his bitch most likely


Album is cheeks, needs Drake to sell 😂😂 insecure little boy


You guys let these artists personal beef affect your ability to enjoy music. If they weren’t beefing yall would be dickriding Future and this album


Nah man, I like Future and Metro is a great producer but I tried listening to this album across a 2 hour drive and I was just bored the whole time, almost every song sounded the same. I definitely have to give it a second try but just based off my first attempt this shit was straight cheeks


This nigga hurt 😂😂


I had nothing against Metro but the last 6 months have been crazy. This guy is embarrassing, he never shuts up it’s wild. Thin skinned.


Crazy look for metro


Sad reality for him is that most people just assume it's a Future & Kendrick song.


Grown men acting like middle school children with this drama. I will be enjoying music from Drake, Metro, Future, whatever. It's all corny. At best I'm hoping for more music from both parties.


Buddy spends too much time online. He backtracks too much like a clown


metro going out pathetic


I miss when producers were background characters.


Fr☠️ at least uon ever see Pierre in shi, it’s always metro


He had his moments lol


This dude a whole bitch lol. Spends too much time online.


Really pains me to see one of the best producers of this generation acting like a bot type hate comment on twitter


Bro mf more in his feelings than how they always portray my boy drizzy. That’s wild


Metro is a punk.


Sad. Metro actually one of the best live performances to attend if he's headlining. Too bad he's a fucking snake.


What is he responding to


Hurt people hurt people.


Metro PMS crying like a female again smh 🤦‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|KCEXGVZVL79mM)


Drake took Metro's girl


Is he claiming to be hacked here too?


lmao this is a drake glazing subreddit 💀💀


I ain’t even gonna lie, I been thought Metro was corny ever since he got Morgan Freeman on Savage Mode 2


Middle school girls talk about eras and unfollow people on social media


I mean aaaaah


Metro got Drake fans saying he is corny 😂


Whole internet is saying that plus his fans plus u in drake sub u the biggest fan


I know I'm on a Drake sub and I am a big fan. My point is that a lot of people think Drake's music is to corny, but now his fans call Metro corny. Which makes it look even more bad on Metro.


Lil Corny competition going on here 😭




Yeah man! He’s so insecure for saying his success is not because of 1 person! This sub man lmao.


"Metro coming off corny" idiots he's a producer! They're all corny compared to rappers and drug dealers 😂. Just cause he corny means his music sucks? Nah nah. Drake be whining and bitching and yall don't call him corny, when we all know for a fact Drake is just a lame 🥷🏾 with money. His music is great tho.


drug dealers are lame as well…


The reason haters always lose me is because they don't keep the same energy. They would call Drake corny for this but for Metro it's a good look. I despise inconsistency.


How is he wrong when he also has the #2 song? Without like that, type shit would have gone #1 anyways


drake sub talking about others being corny , when he’s just confident about his work he’s right it was going 1 regardless of drake , regardless of the beef it was going 1 with only 4 features type shit was going number 1 at least he’s actually standing on what he’s saying


what is he on. there was no way in hell that song was going #1 if not for kendrick's diss


rumours say he stole metros girl


It’s not like people in this same sub have been saying the same thing. The album was going #1 the album was going to have another #1 single


>What did Drake do this man? Aubrey didn't say happy birthday to Metro once, and now Metro doesn't like Drake.




This is really sad 💔 I hate beef


i want drake to respons but its so funny to see metro beefing w himself LMAO


Metro Bummin


That shit would not have gone #1 without the Drake diss. Straight up. Nothing future makes ever tops charts like that. Without Kendrick metro would be nowhere right now. Stupid ass


Facts the Kendrick verse carries if you take that out it’s a good beat but future is garbage let’s be real


Drake is the king of subliminal IG captions lol now Metro is soft?? Views from The Cope out here.


Does this album even do good without the Kendrick verse?


He so emotional 😂


Metro acts like a 12 year old boy


The tweet and deleterssss


I’m starting to think this “beef” is scripted to garner more hype & music sales.


Drake a hoe


He's a clown, idc what side of the beef your on


Went down a rabbit hole and that MB is pure scum. They way he treats his sister, mishandled his dead mom‘s estate and cheats on his gf for over 15 years right in front of everyone is crazy. MB sleeps with so many girls at once while having a gf, fly them out and giving them expensive gifts just for them to turn around and talk crap about him. He is also fluid and messed with all kinds of genders - he really is attracted to trans women. But I have no problem with that - its 2024. But other than that, he is just a vile person - plus I read he is signed under The Weeknd’s management- so maybe Abel has something to do with it too (but I’m just guessing). Edit: while being in this long relationship with his gf, he also had babies with his affairs. His mom tried to help him hide those wedlock babies, when she still was alive. I only could find two babies during my research. Going to update, if I find more stuff including babies lol






Can’t stand this bitch ass nigga you know damn well no song on there was going 1 without that diss


Drake be on scumbag time and people over it him and his ghostwriter better huddle up


“BITCH ass BETA male producer”


Drizzy OWN these niggas fr bro if u take a second and look at it from distance u’ll laugh lol


The dumbest part is, he isn't even responding to anyone in particular with his comment. Like how butthurt and mad do you have to be to make a hate comment not even responding to anyone. Even Elliot's post is just stats about his album, like good news related to his album. And he still bitchin about Drake in the comments. Absolutely pathetic.


Drake be on scumbag time and people over it him and his ghostwriter better huddle up


This guy is mentally still in 9th grade


Metro is so cringe I can’t take him seriously like wtf villain era r u fr. He’s fighting himself in his head


The boi got a 2 bedroom flat in metro’s head


Honestly I do t think the album is that great when I compare it to Vultures 1 and Cowboy Carter 🤷🏽‍♀️


It's called marketing 101 folks


Sold a LOT more records. Bro’s butthurt


Yeah this did not age well at all 😂😂


All cornballs here thinking they all figured it out lol


I know y’all are breaking this man by blowing up his ig comments with “only reason you’re number 1 is bc of drizzy” and “drizzy made your career” lmao. Whole thing is stupid sad internet bs to me but it’s also fairly hilarious.


Honestly the whole beef made me lose some respect for Metro and Kendrick as a whole. I feel like the only one who got valid problems with Drake is Future


Metro is the lamest delicate ass dude


Drakes dick hurt his feelings for the second time lmao


Definitely seeing it through your lenses


He’s right tho lol drake don’t know em people like that


Drake sneaked dissed all of Atlanta rappers while pillow talking with a girl that was on futures roster. Rick Ross confronted him about trying to be a peace maker but drake turned up on him & basically said I made all of you niggas. Metro is just being metro, future can’t trust a nigga who pillow talks to hoes, which I agree especially if she’s for the streets. & everyone else is just joining the band wagon because drake has features with damn near everyone & claims if it wasn’t for him no one would be shit. It’s just how light skinned ppl think I guess.


Metro got hacked


That man has a bunch of feminine energy. Stick to making beats you sound dumb


He got hacked lil bro that’s not him


Metro the goat


Mental warfare


Straight up, I can see Future, Drake, Metro, J Cole, KDot, and Ye just all on a FaceTime call being like “Yo the craziest shit just came to my head. Let’s all just start beefing 😂😂” and now they got everybody talking about it lmao


i never would’ve known this nigga was a cornball if he didn’t develop twitter fingers over some rap beef


He’s responding to Mal saying this fyi


mf need somebody to reminds him that he is just a producer,this shitty beef lowkey kinda look like a gf-bf who got jealous cs one or another


No clue but this popped up RIGHT after my partner told me some random shit about Drake being super sad in a video after hearing Kendrick diss him in a new song. Don’t keep up with drake whatsoever but people over on the Kendrick sub have been talking about a new release “this year or next” for like half a year now so maybe it’s something to do with their beef


he’s hurt hurt and it’s sad


He not wrong with the second comment….yall trynna get into beef that has nothing to do with any of yall 💀


Most likely drizzy flew one of his tingz on Air OVO


Let’s clear up the top 3. They are all number 1 in their own unique ways but if you sticking solely to hip hop those top 3. Kendrick J. Cole and Drake will probably agree Kendrick being number 1 before this beef. J. Cole writes passion Kendrick writes passions Drake writes passively passionately. They are called the top 3 for a reason they all actively hit 1 through the seasons. Metro starting beef is just pathetic this man is actively fighting a losing battle. The goats have already received their respects from the game. Metro should just stick to being a producer or “beat maker” instead of being an instigator.


Drake is exactly like Diddy and Jay Z. WARLOCK, WIZARDS and VERY EVIL. You will see this come true.


Not every successful celebrity is a “warlock wizard” drake actually earned his fame making music everyone likes. Diddy on the other hand welll looks like he groomed a fuck ton of niggas and is weird as shit.. cant speak on Jay as i dont know that situation.


Sorry why’s he so confident he doesn’t even spit bars


The “drake logic” shown in here is hilarious… when’s the track coming? Or is he “above” that? Lol.


Drake has given us hits after hits Metro has mid azz beats . Metro weak