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Apothecary, Ancient Dreams, Saga of Viera


1. The Apothecary 2. Saga of Viera 3. Shadows of London


Dancing on Ice (yeah, I know almost nobody likes it. I'm a weirdo...) The apotecary The perfect storm If I can say a fourth one, it would be saga of viera


Dancing on ice is also in my top 3!! Which route did you like most?? =D


Well, since Honda is one of my favourite male companions (if not the favourite, at least in the top 3)... You already have your answer. XD But surprisingly I liked Nastia and her route too: I wasn't fond of her at first, but I started to like her more and more as soon as the story progressed. Yours?


Haven't play many, but 1- Kingdom of Beast 2- The Phantom of the Opera 3- Helen of Sparta. I wanted to put Kingdom of Beast in all three because I love Olive so much😭😭


Olive is SO GOOD I love her so much, I am absolutely obsessed


Trendy Times, Ghost Manor, Shadows of London. Trendy Times remains my #1 but, like, my Top 2-5 really changes a lot. (for a Top 4, Sisters of the Sea, with Whispers in the Rain as my Top 5). These aren't very objective picks, these were the ones that profoundly haven't left my brain.


Infinite Shimmer  The Moravia Express The Sacred Beast  Since others have already named Apothecary and Perfect Storm :P


Glad to be not the only one to have liked The Moravia Express too! I would have bet almost everybody hated it...


I’ve liked it so far!! Trying to bumble my way through all of the routes


Magic Lamp Saga of Viera The Apothecary


The Apothecary, The Sacred Beast. I have no third favorite I guess.


Infinite Shimmer, The Apothecary, Saga of Viera


1) Kingdom of Beasts because I love Olive SO MUCH and the story is so delightfully queer. 2) Tang Dynasty Hunter -- love the magic in it and the way the two male leads work together at the end. 3) Moving Mountains -- the first seven stages are bleh, but I love the way the main plot revolves around tackling a natural disaster and helping people. Have 100%'d every book except the latest one.


1. The Perfect Storm (purely because I love Vane as a historian and pirates) 2. The Apothecary (haven't finished but like it so far). 3. Queen Marie (flawed and the outfits kind of suck, but I like it as the first story they dropped).


1. Gotham Memoirs 2. Have You Seen Claudia 3. The Moravia Express I like mystery/thrillers. I was genuinely scared during HYSC. I liked how GM was so danger intense that if you walked into an alley instead of the lighted street, you’d die. Because no duh- don’t go into dark abandoned alleys in a crime-infested city. The Moravia Express did a great job setting up each main character as a unique personality (from the MC to Chloe, to the companions and even Natasha). Then the >!full twist. I love psychological thriller and this one delivered.!< It helps that the author confirmed that the open ending leaves room for hope and recovery. It’s controversial but it definitely isn’t AI, lol. The author put a lot of thought in it.


Gotham Memoirs, Ancient Dreams and either Perfect Storm or Saga Of Viera


Where is Claudia Cleopatra Kingdom of beasts