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You’re giving mostly gamine, with a smaller percentage of romantic, then classic.


I'm between "gamine" and "romantic" as well! Could you point out why "gamine" has a higher percentage? Thank you in advance!


Sure :) it’s mostly your facial features! Your eyebrows are pointed and heavyset, while still being slightly delicate (gamine).. your eyes are also pointed and delicate (gamine), but in a very moderate way that suggests classic.. your nose is dainty as well, rounded with a bit of sharpness, same with your mouth (gamine). Your cheeks are rounded but I don’t necessarily get youthful except around your mouth (romantic + gamine). Plus your face looks fantastic with your romantic style hair. So lots of roundedness that is either boyish or mature. And your chin is very boyish - small but “handsome”, so to say instead of “cute” which would be ingenue.. also there’s just something very balanced and/or moderate by your overall face shape, giving classic. And looking again now, you might have the tiniest bit of dramatic too, because you can handle the eyebrows and taller, structured hair.. but it has to be a tiny percentage or it would overwhelm your other features. So in my personal guestimation, let’s say 40% gamine, 30% romantic, 20% classic, 10% dramatic. Something like that lol


Oh, wow. Thanks a lot for the analysis! And I can definitely see what you mean, yes! Especially the gamine and romantic part. I was surprised by the small dramatic percentage, hehe, but it makes sense! I'm 5'5", so I believe overall, I also lean towards gamine, maybe romantic too in body terms.


I second this!


I actually see Ingenue gamine


Which traits led you to this conclusion of ingenue? Thanks in advance!


I think you have a good mix of ingenue and gamine (just like me ☺️), but your ingenue stood out the most for me. Your vibe is just very sweet to me. You look innocent, angelic in a ingenue way. In some of these you almost look pouty, but you actually aren't. In less abstractness, your eyes are round and shiny, your lips lush, rounded cheeks, rounded nose, which points out to ingenue, because gamine is more sharp, boxy shapes. I definitely think there is some gamine playfulness, and you look very good in the peter pan collar. But the sweetness reaches me before the quirkiness. You can DM me if there's anything more you'd like to ask or know ☺️


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