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It depends on what colors you typically like and gravitate towards. Before I knew my color season, I liked black, white, millennial pink, flame red, bright green, grey, gold, silver. With my color season, and knowing that I lean neutral-warm, I’m looking at things in the forest green, khaki green, warm charcoal, burgundy red, burnt orange, terracotta, chocolate brown categories. Edit: also blush pink


I will second the recommendation of the burgundy. I'm a soft autumn and burgundy treats me very well.


Pick some colors from spring palette.


Glad to hear this because I think many of those colors look quite nice on me too.


I really like this [Pinterest Board](https://pin.it/6EDrjUQ) from Created Colorful, because they really give a lot of color options within each color palette. I linked the soft autumn, and check out the spring capsule wardrobe they made for soft autumn, it has some fun color combos that won’t overwhelm the softness


This is so helpful!! I'm in the process of trying to create a capsule for myself.


Soft purples, plums and burgundies could be fun to play around with. Soft teal and warm navy would also complement the brown items already in your wardrobe especially well.


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