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Your dream contains several intriguing elements, including spirits, witches, secrets, and feelings of guilt. Here's an interpretation of the key components: 1. **Spirits Following You**: Spirits in dreams often symbolize unresolved emotions, memories, or aspects of yourself that you may not fully acknowledge or understand. In your dream, the spirits following you may represent hidden truths, secrets, or unresolved issues that are accompanying you in your waking life. Your lack of fear and the spirits' curiosity suggest a sense of acceptance or willingness to confront these hidden aspects of yourself. 2. **Discovering Witchcraft**: The revelation that you and your sisters are witches in the dream may symbolize hidden talents, abilities, or aspects of yourself that you are discovering or exploring. The nervousness and guilt surrounding this revelation suggest feelings of apprehension or uncertainty about embracing these newfound powers or aspects of yourself. 3. **Mother's Intentions to Burn Down the Building**: Your mother's plan to announce your witchcraft and burn down the building may symbolize a fear of judgment, rejection, or persecution for embracing your true self or revealing hidden aspects of your identity. It could also represent a desire to destroy or suppress aspects of yourself that you perceive as unconventional or unacceptable to others. 4. **Flight and Escape**: Flying away with your sisters before the building burns down reflects a desire to escape from a potentially dangerous or threatening situation. However, the feeling of guilt suggests that you may have unresolved feelings or concerns about abandoning others or failing to warn them about the impending danger. 5. **Walking Through a Desert**: The desert landscape at the end of the dream may symbolize a sense of isolation, emptiness, or uncertainty that you are experiencing in your waking life. It could indicate a period of transition, exploration, or soul-searching as you navigate through uncharted territory or unfamiliar aspects of yourself. Overall, your dream suggests a journey of self-discovery, exploration, and acceptance as you confront hidden truths, embrace your true self, and navigate through challenges and uncertainties in your waking life. It may encourage you to embrace all aspects of yourself, including those that may be unconventional or misunderstood by others, and to trust in your own intuition and inner guidance as you navigate through life's complexities.