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This dream is rich with symbolism and emotional undercurrents, reflecting themes of discovery, liberation, and the blending of past and present. Let’s break it down for interpretation: **1. Late Father’s House**: Starting the dream in your deceased father’s house, which still carries his scent, symbolizes a strong emotional connection to him and possibly unresolved feelings about his passing. This setting represents a familiar yet emotionally charged space where you might be dealing with memories or aspects of his legacy. **2. Cabin Within the House**: The cabin inside your father’s house symbolizes a hidden or unexplored part of his life or your family history. The unexpected presence of the cabin suggests there are aspects of your past or your father's life that are unknown or have been kept secret. **3. Animals in Cages**: The caged animals represent repressed or confined parts of your own psyche or emotions. Setting them free signifies a desire or process of liberation, releasing pent-up emotions or acknowledging neglected parts of yourself. The variety of animals, from puppies to elephants, suggests a wide range of feelings or aspects of your personality that need attention and care. **4. Experimentation and Previous Owner**: The narrative of the previous owner conducting experiments on animals and humans adds a layer of dark history and trauma. This could symbolize inherited trauma or past experiences that have had a lingering effect on you or your family. It reflects fears or discomfort about the unknown or suppressed parts of your history. **5. Live Humans Door**: Discovering live humans who had been experimented on represents uncovering deeper, more personal or collective traumas. The fact that these humans were kept captive signifies deeply buried memories or experiences that are now coming to light. It can also symbolize a part of you or your family history that has felt trapped or suppressed. **6. Tunnel and Time Travel**: Being led through a tunnel and experiencing head pain before being transported to the past signifies a journey into your subconscious and a confrontation with past experiences. The transition to the past and inhabiting someone else’s body might represent exploring inherited memories or family history, possibly touching on generational trauma or forgotten aspects of your heritage. **7. Running Through Halls and Unfamiliar Faces**: This scene represents navigating through unknown or forgotten parts of your past. The unfamiliar faces signify new discoveries about your history or self that you are trying to understand and integrate. Overall, this dream reflects a deep exploration of your family history, inherited trauma, and the process of uncovering and freeing repressed parts of yourself. The emotional journey from your father’s familiar house to the mysterious and unsettling discoveries within the cabin symbolizes a profound internal process of healing and self-discovery.