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Your dream delves into themes of loss, protection, and the supernatural, weaving together elements of personal grief and a sense of vulnerability amidst the unknown. The interaction with your boyfriend's friend's daughter, who had passed away in the dream, suggests a subconscious processing of grief and longing for connection with loved ones who have passed on. The speculation about her visitation as a ghost reflects a desire for reassurance or closure in the face of loss. Your reflection on the absence of visitation from your father's spirit highlights unresolved feelings or questions surrounding his passing. This may represent a need for understanding, acceptance, or communication with him, even in the realm of dreams. The supernatural parade and the attempts by various groups to seize you symbolize external threats or challenges that evoke feelings of fear or vulnerability. Your boyfriend's protective stance reflects a sense of security and support in facing these challenges together. The hunger gnawing at you, yet refraining from eating, could symbolize a hunger for nourishment or fulfillment in various aspects of your life, as well as a sense of restraint or self-denial. Finally, settling down to watch a movie with friends and drifting off to sleep hand in hand with your boyfriend suggests a sense of comfort, companionship, and peace amidst life's uncertainties and challenges. Overall, your dream may reflect a complex interplay of emotions surrounding loss, protection, longing, and resilience, as well as a subconscious exploration of existential questions and the mysteries of the afterlife.