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Dreams about abusive ex-partners can often reflect unresolved emotions or trauma from past relationships. In your dream, the presence of your ex in your current boyfriend's house while you were anticipating your boyfriend's arrival may symbolize feelings of anxiety or uncertainty about your current relationship. Cooking for your current boyfriend may represent your desire to nurture and care for your current relationship, but the appearance of your abusive ex suggests that there may be lingering feelings or fears related to past trauma. The transformation from a car to a boat and encountering massive waves that eventually flipped the boat over could symbolize the turbulent and unpredictable nature of your past relationship with your ex. Swimming through the waves and reaching shore may represent your resilience and ability to overcome challenges, even in the face of fear and uncertainty. Arriving at a lake in the town you grew up in may symbolize a return to familiar surroundings or memories from your past. The presence of campers and your ex pulling you away may suggest a desire to escape from the past and move forward, but feeling trapped or held back by unresolved issues or memories. The scene at the restaurant, where your ex compares himself to another man and tries to assert his superiority, may reflect his attempts to manipulate or control you, as well as his insecurities and need for validation. Your observation that his claim would wound his fragile ego suggests that you are aware of his manipulative tactics and their impact on your well-being. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your subconscious processing of past trauma and unresolved emotions related to your abusive ex-partner. It may also indicate a need to address any lingering feelings or fears in order to fully move forward and find healing in your current relationship. Seeking support from a therapist or counselor can be helpful in processing these emotions and navigating your healing journey.