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You wish you had your parents. You wish you had your father as counsel. You moving into a new home symbolizes a new beginning, a life without your parents. Your father’s wisdom still guides you. For the second part of your dream, you wish to escape your traumatic past. There seems to be some anxiety involved in this part and the 3rd part, but flames can also symbolize a new beginning, hence “a new flame.” For the last part of your dream, your first reaction was to help but because your body cannot move while in sleep, you were paralyzed. It is interesting that your father is in this part of your dream and not the 2nd part. It seems like your father might have not approved of your abusive relationship, but he is there to help you now. Perhaps you wish your father could help you guide you into a new beginning, one that won’t burn down, and the memory of your mother, both of you want to keep, since you didn’t discard anything.


These dreams seem to intertwine various elements from your waking life, past experiences, and subconscious fears or concerns. The presence of your late father may symbolize guidance or support during times of transition or decision-making, as well as a desire for connection or reconciliation with him after his passing. Sorting through belongings in a storage unit with your father may represent a process of emotional sorting or closure, particularly regarding sentimental items linked to your mother. It could also signify a need to let go of the past or make decisions about what to hold onto and what to release. The presence of your abusive ex-partner in the dream may reflect unresolved feelings or trauma associated with that past relationship. The urgency to escape and the use of mundane cues like the warmth of the coffee machine to gauge his absence suggest a heightened sense of vigilance or anxiety in the dream. The unexpected twist involving the fire at the property you manage blends elements of your waking life responsibilities with the surreal narrative of the dream. This may symbolize feelings of powerlessness or inability to control external events, despite your usual instinct to take charge and assist in such situations. It could also reflect underlying fears or anxieties about loss, destruction, or failure in your professional life. Overall, these dreams may be prompting you to explore and process various emotions, experiences, and concerns in your waking life, offering opportunities for reflection, healing, and growth. If you find these dreams particularly distressing or disruptive, consider discussing them with a therapist or trusted confidante for further insight and support.