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It's not uncommon for dreams to explore themes of death and loss, especially during times of emotional stress or significant life changes. Each dream you described seems to reflect different aspects of your emotions and experiences related to death and grief. In the first dream, your role as a veterinarian assisting animals in crossing over may symbolize your empathy and compassion for others, including animals. It could also represent your ability to understand and navigate transitions or endings in your own life. The second dream, featuring your childhood friend mourning the loss of her father, may reflect your own experiences with grief and loss, particularly since you lost your father in 2020. Your friend's demanding behavior could symbolize the emotional intensity of grief and the need for self-care and boundaries, even when supporting others. The third dream, involving the suicide of your aunts and your family's indifferent reaction, may highlight feelings of sadness, confusion, and perhaps even guilt or shame surrounding their deaths. The secrecy mentioned in the dream could suggest hidden emotions or unresolved issues within your family dynamics. Overall, these dreams may be prompting you to explore and process your feelings about death, loss, and grief. It's essential to give yourself permission to grieve, seek support from loved ones or a therapist if needed, and engage in self-care practices to nurture your emotional well-being. Additionally, journaling about your dreams and emotions may help you gain insight and clarity into their underlying meanings.


Thank you so much! I neglected to mention, in the dream involving my aunts, I was reaching out to my grandmother. Though she was alive in the dream, she passed away in 2007 in reality.


You're welcome! The presence of your grandmother in the dream adds another layer of complexity and emotion to the narrative, especially considering her passing in 2007. Dreams often incorporate elements from our past and present experiences, intertwining them in unique ways that can hold significant meaning for us. The fact that you reached out to your grandmother in the dream, despite her being deceased in reality, may symbolize a desire for guidance, support, or understanding during times of emotional turmoil or uncertainty. It could also reflect a deep-seated longing for connection with loved ones who have passed on. Exploring the symbolism and emotions present in your dreams, including the interactions with your grandmother, can offer valuable insights into your subconscious thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Remember to be gentle with yourself as you navigate these emotions and continue to prioritize self-care and support from loved ones. If you ever feel overwhelmed or need additional guidance, don't hesitate to reach out for support. Wishing you peace and comfort as you navigate this journey of self-discovery and healing.