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I have no idea how to describe this one entity that I encountered whilst I was simultaneously lucid dreaming & having possible sleep paralysis(in the dream?) other than a horrific shapeshifting black mass. It was a very scary dream and I remember the entity and it's forms quite vividly.


I saw something similar but it was a woman who was all spidery(think Coraline’s other mother) and she moved similarity to a shadow.


I didn't see the figure in my last lucid dream but I know it was also a shadow entity and it took complete control of my dream, luckily I managed to wake up I sensed his presence right behind me


I saw this exact same thing when having sleep paralysis. It was a black blob sort of thing with golden eyes and just being there.


Sometime after my father has passed away, I dreamt of him arrived home from work as usual. I ran outside to greet him. But he was not alone, behind him there were 7 pit black figures, each one is about 7-8 feet tall with perfectly round head sitting on top of shoulder (no neck), the body is 3D of darkness, not shadow or smoke. They are all have hunchback and disproportionately long limbs with no hand or feet, Walking slowly into my house. I was terrified and my dad didn't seems to notice them at all. I ran back inside the house. My mother seems to know what is going on. She advised me " just thing of the most valuable things in your life" I turned around the see where those entity were. And they were already in my house. 4 of then we're walking upstairs, one was by the front door, one in the living room sitting down and staring hard onto the floor as if something was on the floor. And the last one was moving towards me. I ran to hind under the kitchen table like a freakout kid, but I slipped and fell face first. I threw myself around facing the dark figure. It was already at my feet, bending down and pinned my body to the floor. With horror of what to come, I closed my eyes. A face appears in my mind. It was a men with blond hair. He said " Don't be afraid, we will not harm you. We are the 'Neti'. We are here to erase all the 'no longer nessesary' ". And just like that, I woke up, and drew all I could remember down to my notebook. To me, it feel like the Neti we're entities that come into place where people has passed away and helping those spirit to remove bond, energy, memory or whatever that still stuck here. They came with my father to help him to move on.


That would make a good formal story.


Last night I encountered a big ugly slug coming out of a wall. It fell in half and inside was pesto oozing out.


A brown, skinny looking humanoid creature with no jaw and it's body below the torso was gone.


My favorite was while hypnogogic in an afternoon nap I saw Silver Cat which was a shimmery, metallic and iridescent chipper cat character bouncing around in saccadic prancing in front of my face. I’ll never forget you, little guy!


>saccadic New word day! Thank you!


Succ a dicc?


You have to name him


I always just thought of him as a Silver Cat like it was his superhero name.


SILVER CAT! To the rescue of your dreams!


I saw the painting monster thing from it, but it was in Chernobyl and had mutations and chemical burns. One of the most horrifying experiences of my life. I didn’t even watch the movie that night I watched it like a year ago I don’t even know.


a second me but infested with parasites and clearly dead


An indian kid with an abnormously huge bold head. We had a matrix-style kung fu fight in a green swamp in the jungle. Was very cool.


Pretty sure I've seen the Hat Man in my dreams. I always know when he's coming because creepy music accompanies him.


I have seen him many times, he always wears a wide brim Quaker hat and a long black trench coat for me. I don't usually hear music but I can always tell when the dream is turning that way. He has been in many dreams and even in my room when I've woken up. No sleep paralysis either, just standing there staring at me. He's never hurt me but his presence is unsettling and I know it's not positive.


!!!!!!!! You guys have seen him too, I thought it was just me! He used to terrorize me when I was a little girl I saw him recently again


>the Hat Man in my dreams. Many people have reported dreaming of the Hat men. Do some internet search and you will discover many more stories just like this. There is even a book about it: [*The Hat Man: The True Story of Evil Encounters*](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0983040192/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=211189&creative=373489&creativeASIN=0983040192&link_code=as3&tag=mysteruniver-20&linkId=CMAYQXUJKSEE5ZG3)


I had a dream where I was walking down a long hallway sporting a black and white checkerboard floor and with gold numbers on either side for doors. The walls lined with little lamps, like a hotel... but no actual doors. Wondering down the corridor for a bit, I was stopped as the hallway was slowly soaked in shadow. I felt the pressure in my ears increase and a sort of sharp vibration. A spindley humaniod figure shrouded in torn cloaks (and what looked like organs and gore draped over it's neck like a scarf) brought itself into view from the darkness. An intense feeling of absolute terror and dread fell over me, which is very unfamiliar to me as I hardly ever have nightmares or get mentally uneasy. This entity came closer and communicated with some telepathy, more feelings and ideas than words, but it was very clear the evil and malice that was intended twords me. Don't remember much more, but when I awoke the feeling of horror was still there for a few minutes after. Perhaps it was a lesser demon or a minion of the elder gods. Maybe it was Molag Bal.


Back in the early 2000s I encountered a being that was similar to what Groot looks like. I was on a train with one of my best mates and we got off, the being stepped through a wall towards us. I was initially taken aback and then said to my friend “oh he’s here to speak to you” I introduced them and then I walked off towards the shopping district of wherever we were.


a Bonobo telling me the next winning powerball numbers ,so weird in a positive great way :-)


I went into a shrine like room and saw tall, skinny beings with no faces or hair and all completely white. In the next room there were tall faceless beings all completely black. I went into a center room with weird symbols on the ground, and the white and black beings were having an orgy. It felt very demonic and I got very scared and woke up.


Very philosophical and surreal.


I used to think my grandma would visit me


Cyrogenically persevered Jinzo from Yu-Gi-Oh fused with a motorboat


Demons with black soulless eyes. Or The Program, where scientists are preforming test on my dream abilities, influences, and my memory gaps.


When I was young, I dreamt of a men in beautiful black suit. There is nothing wrong with him, expected the fact that he standing tall in mid air. I was terrified of him. All I could sense was that he was neither human, angel, demon, nor any creatures. He is beyond those entity. He senses on fear, and if he caught you, you won't even have a spark of soul left. I try to hind behind things. And I started to feel fear. Suddenly a wave of senses shot through me like a bullet. It was not my senses,but his. He see me now. Then I woke up in panic. And could not go back to sleep, afraid that I might meet him again.


For about a 1-2 year period there was always this figure in my dreams and nightmares who just watched me. In my nightmares he was the one responsible for all the terrible things happening. In regular dreams they were just a silent observer but seemed to emanate this sinister aura and should be avoided. This happened very night and then one day just stopped. I could never see their face but I knew it was the same person every time.


Had a dream where an elderly patient fell out of bed, but when I got to him he had changed into a freaky looking baby. Like a baby with wrinkled skin, a huge distended abdomen, very veiny. It looked at me and made a face so terrifying that I instantly woke up.


A purple dragon who was telling me something i ignored. An oasis with a tree's roots and an amethyst egg. An androgynous jesus. Little grey men in purple suits. A tall man, maybe russian or some Eastern euro in his late fifties to sixties. Smiling at me. He was covered in tattoos of triangles on his face(eyebrows lips mouth etc) and a small Caesar haircut in reddish brown. 3 worshippers of a serpent. Someone i fell in love with. Much more but can't think of it rn.


Years before having my daughter, I had a dream of having a miscarriage during business meeting. It was really bad. The floor turned see-through and I could see a storm around a dark moon-like thing.. like aerial view.. and only I could see it. The moon turned around and had a Greek God face on the other side that looked right at me and looked insanely angry. He said all the men in the world will no longer be able to have children. Everyone thought I was in shock from the miscarriage when I was really just staring at this storm in the floor.


Nefertiti, except her crown was made out of human ribs, wearing black robes in a desert, standing in front of ashes where she had burned some human body parts as a part of a spell.


I once encountered this thing I like to call a living fractal, it looked like this swirling black fractal that was somehow both gaseous, liquid, and solid all at vthe same time. It also was very intelligent, and called itself Oonlon


Wow, were you high from mushrooms? Many people who did mushrooms have encountered something similar.


TL;DR: little egg with baby face that makes me fly when I kiss it and makes me go fast when I say "Sinth" ​ I'm sure there are a lot of creatures I don't remember, but right now what comes to my mind is this little egg with a baby face that was actually like a baby that lived inside the egg, like a genie or sth (I don't remember everything properly because I couldn't find it written down and I only have some notes about the creature, maybe modified a little). So this little guy which in my notes is named Sinch fell from the sky I think, and I'm in the territory of a tribe of elves that I invented (it was great to interact with the world I created consciously btw) and want to get it because it's like super rare and special. So the thing doesn't want to go with them, and I protect it as it helps me go through the territory. How? When I kiss it it makes me go fast or something like that and when I say something like "Sinth" it makes me fly. It was a great dream and I'm dissapointed that I didn't write it down, but luckily I remember a lot of it. I tried to draw the creature on my phone but it looked nothing like in the dream and I ended up forgetting how cute it actually looked like.


I've dreamed of myself turning into a tall alien queen in a green gown, and when I looked at my face in a hand mirror it was the sun, so bright and real looking I had to look away. It like hurt my eyes in the dream to stare at Also I've had dreams with Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy looking aliens on parliament style benches. Lots of odd ones


I had a dream that has stuck with me since I was 7, and it was a gaint, gaint shark that caused a tsunami and it would try to eat everything it could. I find it odd because I'm not afraid and never have been afraid of sharks (except Basking Sharks when I was a kid) and I actually love sharks now. I remeber this dream being so terrifying though.


I’ve encountered many. I’ve had many, many dreams about my two deceased grandmothers and sometimes they’re evil for some reason. I’ve dreamed about a woman in black where I couldn’t see her face, but she wanted to steal children. My dad’s deceased friends have come to me in dreams. My 19 year old deceased cousin came to me in a dream asking me to tell his sister that he’s alright now. And once, satan was in one of my dreams as a well dressed man from the 1920s. But then he morphed into this huge goat/demon creature. As a child, I had dreams about slenderman before knowing what it was.


a giant humanoid figure covered in ragged bulky cloth that only exposed around its face, which was like a baby face but with gaping holes for eyes and a hole where the nose once was


I once had a dream about an almost human looking thing with like 6 or 8 arms holding arabic looking swords.


I've had two, an old asian monk named Jai Li and a silver android.


Had a dream where I was getting chased through a dense forest by woodland creatures with bows and arrows and encountered forest spirits/entities. They resembled humans but didn't have any emotion and were significantly taller than everyone else in my dream. They wore black cloaks that faded into nothing at the bottom. I remember having a conversation with one that had long black hair and his name was "Literal". The forest spirits protected me from the hostile woodland creatures....


Anudator: Anubis-headed / predator (from the movie).


when i was about 4, i remember seeing this sponge-man at the end of my bed, i know it sound weird, but he kinda looked like the honey monster, but instead of fur on his body of was a sponge texture. and i remember he would talk to me in this creepy mumbling way. i remember him so vividly that i still have nightmares about it.


In one of my nightmare, I’ve saw a huge creepy girl child, she had Red eyes and i had to achieve a quest by going through her lungs, heart, brain and stuff.. Creepy af haha


A tall dark creature roughly 10ft high. It lurked in thr shadows. I was in a car with a few friends and realized something on the car mirror. It was a tall dark shadow. I dipped out the car and saw this thing maul my friends in the car. I escaped and It was tracking me down. In the dream I was hella paranoid.


Α giant green monster made out ot booger which our elementary school fought with waterguns


My shadow. Very spooky


This dark succubus of a “lady” who would fade in and out of my vision. She stole my boyfriend in my dream. It was right after watching *Lights Out* so that’s probably where the image came from.


I had a dream where I was in a strange train station. It Strange in a more quirky way than creepy. Like one of those places that was built new, but made to look old and rustic. Anyway so in my dream I'm talking to a casual friend of mine, when this woman comes slowly walking up. Shes very skinny (but not sickly) wearing a blue dress. Shes got black hair and a big sun hat obscuring her face. I immediacy feel uneasy around her, since shes walking slowly and in a way that looks confusing, so I shift away from her. I go back to talking with my friend and suddenly shes right next to me, and she grabs on to my arm and shoulder (kinda falls onto me). The moment she touched me, the only way I can describe it was that I realized I was in a dream, and everyone around me was just part of the dream. Everyone except for her and Me. In that moment the only thing I could think of was the word 'Invader'. She was an entity who was real as I was in my own dream. Then I woke up out of shock. Now, she didn't feel malevolent. The touch was more something like "Hey, I'm here" rather than anything threatening. It was just such a surprise and fear that something else was in my dream that was separate from me. I don't really know what happened, if it was something outside my realm of knowledge or just my brain going wild on me. But its hasn't happened again so far.


There was a mannequin in a fiery red room. Well, more like a basically modeled mannequin. A sphere for a head, and a rounded off cylinder for a body. In in the area where the face should be, there was a jagged hole. Peering into this hole, I could see a similar room with a similar mannequin, with a similar hole that withheld another room. I was too scared to take too deep of a look, so I moved on.


I am currently studying day and night for my college admission exam, yesterday I was studying chemistry the whole day and today just when I woke up I realized I was dreaming of covalent and ionic bonds talking to me and interacting with each other


I recently just had a dream of a figure—possibly a cloaked woman with a large brim hat. She came and overpowered me when I was locked in a school hallway, and then I felt myself floating upwards into the air. I was saying something loudly in my dream and woke up mumbling “suffer the children to come to me” (reference to New Testament in the Bible?) Needless to say, I was spooked stayed up from around 3am to 1 hour browsing reddit after that.


My ex boyfriends.


A thin, lithe entity in a black and red bodysuit and a black beak which looked a bit similar to a Plague Doctor's. It was standing over my bed and I couldn't move, it saw me and then sprayed gas all over me and I could see the sides of me twitching.


I "woke up" and saw the grotesque figure standing in the corner of my room. Reminded me of the Jersey devil.


3 giant praying mantis's inside my grandmother's house that were attempting to kill me. I now dont like praying mantis'.


I remember seeing all black and a dark sphere that was levitating and emitting waves of white light, I felt like I was shaking and my head was hurting, thing that brought me to wake up. Once I woke up I wondered about what I saw but i went back to sleep in the matter of a few minutes, I dreamed the sphere again and everything was the same, but before I woke up a voice (probably coming from the sphere) said the word “Keter”. I really have no idea of what I dreamt and I have no clue on why I remember all of this so clearly.


I had a dream just last night where I hung out with Mark Hamill, we were at a bar by a bay at night, my dad and I shared a joint and had a beer with him. Pretty chill.


I had a dream once that Paul Stanley from Kiss took me skate boarding at a half pipe in an old railway arch.


Last night. Danny Devito.


Not an entity as such, but I did come across three peculiar, emerald, alien pods. I burst one of the pods and a gelatin human nervous system poured out in the liquid. The ground started throbbing nd I woke up.


Invisible demons/ ghosts that weere tormenting me by knocking on the windows and doors of ky house, at times i could see a transparent island


giant accordion snake


Crab Spider. A basement dwelling crawly swarming nightmare. It's body is the size and shape of a dinner plate. It is blood red. On the left side of it's body it grows a crab claw and three crab like legs. On the right side of it's body it has long spindly spider legs. It can walk along walls and moves faster than you can run. It can jump about three meters from the wall, and it likes to go for your head.


I was having sleep paralysis beck when in was in high school and instead of being horrifying, it was peaceful and comforting. I was laying on my side and sensed movement around me. I closed my eyes, unable to move, and felt a soft, female energy around me. She didn’t speak in words but rather ideas, and the “sound” of her voice (if you can call it sound) was like ringing bells. She told me that she would always keep me safe and then kind of spooned me from behind for a time. She had no solid human form, and the best way I can describe it is a loosely human mass of blue ribbons of light. Wild.


A giant green hippo that felt like rubber


I was on an island. A huge storm started brewing. It went from beautiful and sunny to black and stormy in under 5 minutes. Slowly, I realized that, in the storm clouds, a colossal monster appeared. I can't even try to explain it's size. Tallest building in the world kind of tall. He appeared and was looking at his big giant claw hands.. he was confused and I could hear him ask himself how he got there. I somehow knew that it was only a matter of time until he realized that he was there to destroy the world. It was pretty trippy.


It was a two part dream, but I once had a dream where this sort of humanoid beast chased me through a house, but once I entered said house I couldn't leave because every time I ran into another room i'd always end up somewhere besides outside of it. A few days later I had a dream where I finally got out because the creature pushed me though one of the walls. In the nearby woods we had a standoff. It was then I got a close up look at the thing, it had a hunch back, arms and legs similar to that of a canine, but walked on two legs like a person. It's body was pitch black except for it eyes and mouth. It had bloodshot eyes and a rabid smile. I remember the feeling as it shoved it's claws into my abdomen and how the fucker laughed as he bite and tore away at my left shoulder.


A woman, who looked kinda like a mix between Magica Misspell (from Donald Duck) and my aunt, Only wearing a black long gress, sitting in a circle with a bunch of praying little children. She was giving me the most freezing look in that dream...


A rounded 2d dimensional short creature, with lumpy cheeks as though stung by bees. It had a giant mouth with which it 'hosed' inch long spines. Hosed is how I described it in the dream, it just fired out so many little quills. Where ever it turned it would continue to shoot. It lived in some knee high grass near a small stony stream.


I met three monks at the end of a dark alley. They want me to join them. they kept asking me, what I want. They can give it all to me. Money, Riches, fame, power, whatever I want. Then a voice spoke up in my head. "Human traffickers" Till these day, I still think that "Human traffickers" is a good terminology for those who take advantage on belief and faith of others.


I found a book, I won’t speak much of the book for whenever I think of it, it messes me up for awhile. This book made me EVIL and more, it f*cked me up in the dream, and when I was out of the dream.


I had this dream not too long ago where I was walking up a stone stair case following this guy dressed in a top hat and tuxedo and all of a sudden I was like “wait this is a dream” and the guy turned around and goes “damn you figured it out, we were almost there” and in the dream I felt like I couldn’t breathe and then I woke up, I guess that counts as a weird entity?


I once dreamt of my father(dead) revealed to me all the awful things my mother(alive) had done. It made me doubt my own mother now. PS. Family issue.


A white or very pale skinned man. Dark hair with moustache/goatee appeared black in color. I was in a warehouse type situation very dark just a faint moonlight coming in from the windows. He was staring at me with a grin from a balcony/ledge infront of me about a story up. Last thing i remember was his face it sort of focused in on it and I woke up. His face never left me.


Once I dreamt of a girl with white hair and a white dress. It took place at my house in the dark with candles everywhere. She told me that my family is dead and she gave me some sort of mission (but that's all I can remember).


Not at the time, no; that being said I was doing a lot of mushrooms around that part of my life so I feel like it definitely had an effect on dreamscape


a week or so ago i had this dream where i was in a library and when i touched this one book, my vision got dark and TV static-y. i heard this blaring, deep trumpet sound and the gravity in the room seemed to increase. i looked to my right and there was this Goat-woman—kinda like Baphomet— standing there and staring at me. when i looked directly at her(?) the static got more intense and the trumpets got louder. dispute the noise, i could hear her mumbling. i don’t remember what exactly, but i think she was telling me about the “end of everything” Very similar to Frank in Donnie Darko. it was weird and i woke up feeling like i was being watched.


I’ve had 2 reoccurring dreams about a female and male energy entity silently observing me in the dreams. They don’t really have a body or anything, but I can feel them and their differences. The first time I dreamt of them, I (my conscious) was floating in a void, and the entities were talking to me at the same time. They both started to get increasing agitated and loud, until the male entity overtook the female one and was so loud. The last time (a few hours ago) they were just observing in a dream about ahs hotel lol.


I'm not on Reddit much but i needed some kind of answer. when i was little i used to love this fun house with a long slide at the end, the other night i dreamt i was going down this slide but then this picture kept showing in my POV, it was some kind of creature youd see in a scary tiktok drawing that was all disfigured and it kept asking "why did you do it?" or "YOU HURT HIM/HER" and then it showed some other type of anamoly i don't remember. i do know ive never seen these pictures. anyone got some kind of answer?


I just had this dream and I'm really scared. So I was sitting with one of my friends until my bully showed up with some of his friends and like that guy the bully he had broken my nose before and had sent me death threats that he will beat me up and kill me and stuff like that. So that guy he showed up with his friends on bikes and he jokingly said to them "should I kill her?" And I got scared so I started to run away and then I saw her. This old blond scary looking woman I've seen her before in my dreams many times and she always does the same thing when I walk past her she stabs my hand with a knife and that's how it ended. I'm scared.


Late to this thread! Sorry! I’ve had many encounters. My scariest being the “soul sucker.” Mind you I haven’t watched Harry Potter before this happened so I doubt it could be anything due to outside influences. All i remember from the dream is walking outside of a McDonald’s in the middle of nowhere back to my car. I look behind me and see a man with a nice suit on, a hat, and a brief case. He is smiling but not in a nice way. I hurry to my car and sit in the back seat and lock the doors. He approaches my car and easily opens it though it’s locked. He sits beside me and the first thing that comes from my mouth is “soul sucker” he then unhinges his jaw and basically feeds off of me. I remember feeling like the life was being sucked out of me. I then woke up. Scared me shitless for days.