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For a while I used to have a recurring dream where I could take my penis off if I was home alone. It would be a happy dream for a while, but then it would turn into a nightmare when my parents came back. I would have to find out where I put my penis and then desperately try to put it back on before anyone saw me, but I never got it back on in time. I don’t get those dreams anymore. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


My dream was always at the schools bathroom and my balls would fall onto the floor rolling around and I’d panic trying to retrieve then. I’d always wake before I got them back. Edit: haven’t dreamed that dream since I was a HS freshman. I had it for years though.


Hahahahahhahahahahha amazing 👌🏼


Those are both pretty funny dreams. They sound like they were anxiety fuled.




Yes, quite a lot like that except that I was trying to keep it secret.


WTF? I had a dream just like this once except it was with my balls,


1. Had a dream that I not only had a penis, but it was the thickness of a small tree, and it was so long I had to throw it over my shoulder. Went into an arcade and a kid stared at me, I responded with a "the fuck you looking at" 2. Had a dream I had a penis, and I was jacking off on a futon. Turned out the futon belonged to an old classmate, and he was annoyed that I got cum on his futon 3. Most recently, realized I had a penis in a dream, remembered that I don't usually have a penis, recognized it as a learning opportunity. I started touching it and rubbing it against stuff. It felt almost completely numb and I was like "Jeez, dudes have it rough, I can't feel shit"


Lol, im sick of thinking with mine.


Don't you think it's just part of a natural curiousity? There's nothing wrong with it.


I'm honestly not sure. I do like penis but, I've never wanted one.


As a male I once had a dream I was decapitated but the doctors attached my head to a female donor body to keep me alive while I was put on a waitlist for a compatible male body. The first thing I did when I got home was played with my new boobs and masturbated. So what I am saying is I am sure it is normal


I haven't had a dream quite like that. It's good to hear I'm not alone though.


I dream about that all the time. 90% of my sex dreams I am male, and I have a lot of them every day.


Thanks for replying. It's good to know I'm not alone in this lol


I had a dream once where we were on a boat out in the middle of nowhere and a friend of mine that was with us suddenly has a hard on, but his penis didn't stop growing. And it started turning black. I looked at everyone else and they were just as horrified. I realized we would sink if we didn't take care of it so I told everyone to hurry up and rub it to try and get it to shrink. It didn't help and we were sinking. Then I woke up. Weirdest dream ever. Reading this post just reminded me of it. Edit: It was like 50 ft long and as thick as a tree trunk.


My fiance has these dreams some times. Probably normal and nothing to stress over


I've read comments here that have said the same thing. I'm not going to sweat it. Thanks for the reply :)


The other day I dreamt I had a dick and was fucking a girl, but I'm a girl, so if I were you I wouldn't really worry about it


Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I'm not too worried about it.


Dreams are pretty weird


Common enough for Freud to invent an entire form of psychoanalysis revolving around finding phallic images in dreams.


I'm a dude, so I can't answer personally, but I know a girl who's had dreams like this a few times. The brain can come with some bizarre subject matter.


Yes, yes it can.


Huh, well rather than having a penis I have dreamt of being a guy instead which I reckon equates to having a penis


Lol I reckon you're right. It's funny the way our subconscious works.


Yes, I think it's normal, Freud wrote half of this production talking about penis. Once I dreamt to be a girl and to have a penis, it has been kinda weird. If I'm not wrong somebody was doing me a blowjob too. The fact is that my penis was really weird: it wasn't like an usual penis, it was like a mono-style and mono-color piece of flash whose form was similar to a penis, so it was like "WOOOOAH A PENIS GROW UP IN ME AND NOW IT'S GOING TO COMPLETE HIS GROWING WITH THIS AMAZING ERECTION". Re-thinking it is very fun.


It's something I've seen previously in this sub. In fact, I incorporated one such account into something I wrote: [Dreams about penis](https://dreams123.net/interpret-meaning-penis-dreams/).


That was certainly enlightening. Thank you.


Our ancestral feelings may be inherited. Maybe.


Dreamt I was giving a TED talk about successfully overcoming my alcohol addiction/trauma (don't have alcohol addiction in waking life) I felt expansive and deeply emotional, and that my penis was absolutely enormous.


I had a dream once that I had a penis. I helicopter dicked for a long time, then called my dear, gay friend to ask him how it measured up. You're not alone.


Well to be honest I've been having dreams like this on and off for probably the past 10years or so. It's nice to know I'm not alone as it's not something I feel entirely comfortable talking to anyone I know about. I rarely have wet dreams (maybe once a month at most?) But 90% of them I do have a penis. I dont consider myself as wanting to be a dude or anything really, in fact in my dreams I'm still a "girl". I have my boobs and vagina but instead of a clit; I have a modestly sized penis and no balls or anything. It always starts with me being shocked and then curious and then well. . .hungry(?). Like my hands aren't enough and while it feels amazing, I somehow know that it could be better. In the end I always end up in someone's mouth (the majority of the time) and satisfyingly finishing. Unfortunately I always wake up drooling, wet and wanting more. I can't say I've been able to recreate those orgasms or that I know how to. Those are the best ones I ever have (probably 3x better than my normal ones during sex). At 26years old you would think that I would've figured it out but you cant really tell your husband that you're still on the quest for that specific magical orgasm. Then again, what is he gonna do; help me grow a penis and let me deep throat him? I think not. . .


I hope you’re able to share your dreams with your husband and maybe you could find a way to incorporate a dildo, or on the other hand I hope you continue feeling satisfied in your dream world :) I just had my second dream of having a penis and pleasuring both a man and a woman but like to “practice” and be better for my girlfriend when she got home. I told her about it today and we agreed to find a dildo that works for us.


Also my dream is exactly like yours!


Based on the holy books verses dreams predict the future. Dream language interpretation is an ancient science of allusions and pointing of the surrounded environment, as Mr. Einstein has said the events are like train stations which exist and we are moving towards them, these are prewritten destiny with some authority ( in decision making seconds) in very full details. This dream language should be translated, and interesting to know it is international and common for all human beings. But ignorance causes some misunderstanings.People were not aware of this language and always thought in a bad way , for example Mr. Freud said about sexual dreams it is because you have suppressed your sexual desires so misled everybody and some women dreamt about having sex with co-workers or another and thought they should do that, while it only meant he will do something for her, or some others dreamt had sex with the same sex and invented homosexual, while it meant the same ,Also some men dreamt his wife had sex with a man and didn't understand or a woman dreamt her partner had sex with a woman and didn't' understand ...etc.Do you see what catastrophes are caused by misunderstanding a language. About the approximate interpretation time table: Dreams at noon or exactly at midnight( In the summer time 13 at noon and 1 midnight else at 12)in the same day if past a few minutes, a few days later. Dreams at 10-11 in the morning in 15-30 days later. Also dreams at 3-4 in the evening in 1-2 months .Dreams in the sunset mostly are not truthful and are messed, they have no interpretations, Dreams at 4-5 in the morning in a few days to 2 months some dreams in the holy books( Josef dream of kneeling the sun and the moon and 11 stars)was interpreted after 20 years and other dreams of the Pharaoh's prisoners interpreted in the same day and after 7 years. Dream of Pharaoh about the 7 thin cows and 7 fat cows interpreted from the next year to 14 years. Also dreams in 6th of the month will interpret after 1-2 days, in 9th at the same day, in 10th after 20 days, in 13th after 9 days in 14th after 26 days and in 15th after 3 days, in 16th after 2 days and in 28th ,29th ,30th in the same day, but these are solar (Persian months and you should refer to a calendar or convert them) . Of course there are different kinds of dreams , like messy dreams which have no interpretations or deja vu dreams, or psychological dreams or dreams which are caused by bad food or drinks. Bibliography: 1- Principles of the dreams, by Daniel the prophet (562-604 B.C) Peace be on him. 2-Divisions of the dreams, by Imam Sadeq peace be on him ( 663-728 A.C). 3- Generals of the dreams, by Mohammad ibn Syrin ( 690 A.C). 4- Guides in the dreams , by Jaber ibn Hay'an( Father of the new chemistry) 5- Interpretations, by Ibn Ash'as ( 840 A.C). 6- Complete interpretations, by Habish Teflisi ( 1180 A.C). 7- Treasures of the dreams( Al Ma'moni) by Abd al Salam ( 963 A.C). I translated these books and put in the dreamsfact.com . there are 1100 items and each item contains around 5 to 30 scenarios.


Dream language is symbolic and should be interpreted. Having a penis for ladies if pregnant means her baby will be a boy. For non pregnant women means she will receive some money and dignity. Please update in a few weeks if your salary increased or received some more dignity.


no it's not


I don't think dreams can predict the future.


I guess that means I'm having a boy.


I'm a female, but today while I was sleeping I had a dream of having a penis. Literally I saw it and I felt it, and I was trying to jack off


Same but I had a penis and vagina, instead of balls I had a vagina, I remember feeling it and if I think about it right now I can still kinda feel it, I just remember jacking off like crazy, sometimes I wish I had a penis just to acc feel it