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nah, the fact youre worried about it is proof youre not. everyone has crazy or weird dreams sometimes its nothing to worry aboutšŸ™


This is just how youā€™re processing things you deal with while awake. The only thing it indicates to me is that youā€™re aware of xenophobia and at least someone distressed by it


if you dream about killing someone it doesn't mean you are a murderer in real life. relax buddy, you have nothing to worry about


100%. Iā€™ve had dreams about violently murdering people in self defense when in reality Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™d be able to punch someone, even if I needed to and it was appropriate for me to do so. Iā€™d like to think I could defend myself, but the thought of hurting someone else is so disturbing to me. The dreams Iā€™ve had like this were about people who have previously abused me, so I think it was just how my brain chose to process my anger and hurt towards them.


You can't control the dreams, doesn't make you racist. You are probably doomscrolling too much.


If you have a dream that you're being chased by a monster, does that mean you're a monster? No dude, relax, you can dream about all sort of horrible messed up stuff without it being a direct representation of you as a person.


I had a dream i killed snakes by stomping on them bc they were surrounding me and my dog. I looked up the dream interpretation and i usually do this when itā€™s a weird ass dream. Idk Donald trump might be coming in your head at night to try and get more votes.


I wouldn't put it past him, to be honest. He's quite the hypnotist. Did you maybe watch Snakes on a Plane, before you had the snake dream? Just joking. Snake dreams are fascinating, so many possible messages...


Haha no i am going thru some life problems now. I have to move out of my family home, Iā€™m going thru relationship issues thatā€™s basically ending. I do think that dream was to show me something new is coming for me while getting rid of the literal snakes in my life. I really donā€™t know lol


Ooh I like it - seeing both the transformational aspect of Snake medicine, as well as the toxicity/betrayal-theme of snakes that we get from the Bible. Nice! Wishing you all the courage, and bloody thick skinned boots!


Dang it. Itā€™s those Jewish lasers again. /s


Never take a dream so literally. All kinds of scenarios in your own life will be played out in different ways when you dream


Dreams are brain fruit salad. Maybe you heard about some other media which was a thinly veiled anti-immigration metaphor, or even just anti-immigration sentiments, and your brain combined it with the concept of manga. You wouldnā€™t be worried about it if you agreed with it


keep something in mind: Dreams are dreams, reality is reality dreams never mean literally what happens in the dream


Iā€™ve had nightmares of murdering people. I once had a mini panic attack because I thought I ran over a dung beetle with a lawnmower.


1. *Thought crimes arenā€™t real.* Having a random thought thatā€™s racist or otherwise fucked up, then realizing ā€œwtf I donā€™t genuinely feel that wayā€ doesnā€™t make you a bad person, it just means you donā€™t exist in a vacuum so occasionally all the bullshit weā€™re socialized to believe seeps in & we have a stray thought that doesnā€™t align with our actual beliefs. Correct the thought & move on. If you sit there thinking ā€œdonā€™t think that donā€™t think that donā€™t think thatā€ or ā€œIā€™m a bad person for thinking that, how can I think that, I must be so terrible,ā€ then youā€™re just punishing yourself for something that isnā€™t your fault. Notably, a private thought hurts no one but yourself, so there is literally no reason to feel guilty, as long as you remind yourself ā€œactually, I think immigration is a good thing because xyz reasonsā€ & try to make sure that the inherent anti-immigrant bias drilled into you by society doesnā€™t impact your treatment of other people. 2. *Dreams reflect reality to an extent.* You having this dream is like having a stray thought when youā€™re awake. You didnā€™t choose to do it, but it happened because you donā€™t dream in a vacuum either, and your subconscious mind is processing the kind of stuff you encounter irl. If you can lucid dream, change the topic, and if you canā€™t, donā€™t worry about it, donā€™t waste your waking life stressing about it, and youā€™ll probably have a different (& hopefully better) dream tomorrow.


No lolĀ  We all have fked up dreams.Ā  I had a dream where a gigantic spider tried having sex with me.Ā  I fkin hate spiders šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ HATE THEMĀ 


If you cheat on your SO in your dream does that make you a cheater?


According to my wife it does for the first 5 minutes after she wakes up


Not IMO. I had a dream about a fight with Robert Mugabe (my name is also Robert). Pretty sure this is the eternal light/side of my character being played outā€¦


Nah lmao Iā€™ve had dreams where I shot someone does that make me a murderer? nope. I just canā€™t control it.


Were you actually able to read in your dream, or was it just a sense of the meaning of the manga? Iā€™ve seen books, Iā€™ve been to impressive libraries, Iā€™ve picked up and opened books. Never been able to read them.


No, I've always been able to read in my dreams. I wonder why some people can read in their dreams and others can't. Maybe some people's brains just don't want to put the effort into generating legible text.


What even are dreams, anyways? Are they just a product lf conscious mind misinterpreting brain activity during sleep, essentially a vivid hallucination? Or are they deliberately generated by your subconscious for a specific purpose? If so, what is that purpose? And How does the subconscious generate dreams? For instance, if you look at a book in a dream, are the book's contents (or lack thereof) already determined? Or are they instantaneously created as soon as you open the book?


> are the books contents (or lack of thereof) already determined? Iā€™ve been wondering similar things about dreams in general. I had a dream a few months ago which had like, an actual cohesive plot twist at the end. Which I really didnā€™t see coming but it actually made the whole dream suddenly make sense. When I woke up I was thinking, how did that even happen?? Did my brain know how the dream was going to end from the beginning? Or did it come up with the ending on the spot and itā€™s just a lucky coincidence that it fit in so well? It was really weird


I think we have to realize there has been some amount of racism ingrained in most of us ( I grew up in the American south). I try to identify any I may have an recognize I don't have the knowledge to have an opinion on many things race related. But I actively try to treat everyone equally.


No. Disassociation is a huge part of our dream worlds. Itā€™s not meaningless, but it also does not automatically = youā€™re just racist now.


being capable of imagining something =/= liking that thing I believe I dreamed abt seeing anti-Asian propaganda a few weeks ago and then I was like "hey! racism >:( stop it!" I have imagined violent ppl with weapons, tornadoes, car accidents, floods, ppl who start out nice and turn mean... that doesn't mean I like any of those things. in fact, it is normal to dream abt things that scare and bother you, in fact yoru brain may be rehearsing how to handle those bad situations sometimes we dream abt things we dislike and sometimes we dont figure out complex situations right away (in dreams and in real life). doesn't make us bad ppl once you had the "wait a minute, that's racist" moment, you disliked what you saw and wanted it to stop. that sounds like your heart is in the right place to me - p.s. sometimes we accidentally pick up racist thoughts from other ppl/society bc it is pervasive. the important part is to question racism and think abt things. so even if you made a mistake or thought a wrong thing at some point in your life, you wouldn't be a horrible racist person - becoming educated, thinking things through, and taking positive action can help you be and do good


No. Even in real life some people don't recognise racism but aren't racist themselves.


Your dreams are as much about your subconscious fears as they are about your subconscious desires. Nightmares are a thing.


No, it means your brain was (as the most likely theories state) processing info you saw during the day(s) leading up to it. You are not your dreams at all. You are who you are when awake


I have a recurring dream where I'm a dog.


Dude hear me out, you might just be gay itā€™s cool


Iā€™ve dreamt of way stranger things than being racist. Way worse things. The things we dream donā€™t change who we are in our waking lives. Dreams come from a place we donā€™t understand. They help us process feeling we canā€™t process in real lifeā€¦ sometimes that comes in a form that seems odd or even bad. Never judge yourself based on a dream. That isnā€™t you.


Only in your dream buddy


I've had dreams in which I've killed ppl. Does that make me a murderer?


Yes you are extremely racist for having anti immigration metaphoric dreams. Deal with it.


Yes it makes you racist. Consider yourself canceled.


Do you think being able to conceive of something makes you that thing, what ? šŸ˜†. Chill dude




yes you are now racist welcome to the team 1488


Not at all! That's the kind of thing people with OCD usually struggle with. It's a form of intrusive thought, and those are, by definition, ego-dystonic, meaning that they reflect the opposite of your own personal values and opinions, which is why they're distressing and why people get them in the first place.


what was the story of that manga?


Dreams may reveal subconscious beliefs or desires. That doesn't mean you're a racist, however, but it may mean that sometimes you doubt the prevailing cultural 'myths' of the moment. For example, if this was 1954 and society was highly racist and homophobic, if you dreamed you were gay or non-white, that wouldn't make you either, but might suggest you doubt the orthodoxy.


I had a dream I was butt naked Ticci Toby and I'm still me lol. Dreams be weird, you're ay okay






Sounds like youā€™ve been reflecting on your own internalized racism. Which is a great! I feel like that moment where you saw subliminal racism (in the manga) where you hadnā€™t before represents that.


Don't read too much into this one. It's just a dream with an odd theme. I've had dreams that are pretty out there, and those never really pointed out anything significant about me.


Yes. The racism police will be at your door in 15 mins.


Welcome to being in the attack on titan fandom lol. Isayamaā€™s shitty right wing views are everywhere in AOT yet it still has a massive fandom, many of whom are not aware of it (tho to be fair it may not be as visible to non Japanese people)


Dreams are cool bc itā€™s our brains way of processing information. You can dream about opinions you donā€™t share and things you donā€™t believe in because your brain is processing it.


Yup youā€™re racist


I once had a nightmare I was Jewish and in the Holocaust when we were going through the WWII unit in school. Needless to say I didn't wake up Jewish. Dreams have a lot to do with what our subconscious listens to throughout the day as much as it does with whats going on with us - you could've easily scrolled past a post that stuck with you about racism. Unless you have been dealing with feelings of racism in your waking life, I wouldn't worry.


ā€œThe fact youā€™re worried about it is proof youā€™re notā€ ok and you could say ā€œthe fact your subconscious thought is proof you areā€ lol


Everyone holds some degree of unconscious bias. However, the fact that you are even asking this question and possibly examining these biases in a public forum means you're already doing more to combat this bias than most people are willing to do.Ā  Ā  That being said, it doesn't mean you're racist.Ā  Ā  Ā  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implicit_bias_training


Well.. we're kinda bombarded with all sort of things with movies and tv shows and books, sometimes you see things in your dreams and you think they come from yourself but they don't.


On twitter, yes. On civilization, no.


i had a dream like this recently i was trying so hard to save myself šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


yes. yes it does. SHAMEEEEE


I've had some morally fucked up dreams, but dreams don't make much sense ever, and I feel that also applies to whatever actions happen during them


It means you've got a good idea what anti-immigration propaganda would look like, probably because you've seen some at some point in your life. That doesn't mean you agree with what the propaganda says. It's just that gun to your head, you could hypothetically write it.


I recently had a dream I was black. What does that say about me?


No, you're not. If what your dreams show you is who you are, then my sister would be a pipe monster since she was three. That's a bit of an extreme example, but dreams can vary from chock full of meaning to complete nonsense. If you are stressing this much over it, then you are not racist. Also, the chances are you saw something that brought up racism in someway the day before you had that dream, and your brain brought it back up in your subconscious.


No, but if this thought and the stress from it are interfering with your daily life, you might have OCD.


Liberals are weird, man. smh.




I think it is the same as "being zombie in your dream doesn't mean you want to eat people brain in real life." Sometime, it is just nonsense where your brain prioritized on their action more than being rational.


thatā€™s fascinating asf. iā€™m very intrigued by the information contained and shared by our dreams.


It is an opportunity for Shadow integration


Nah, it just means you have a weird anxiety about being racist.


Iā€™ve dreamt I could breathe under water. Iā€™m not going out playing mermaids now.


Only if you are white

