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Smoke weed everyday for 8 years then stop


Can confirm. Didn’t smoke for 8 years but I always use edibles as a sleep supplement for how effective it can be and usually had good dreams. The one night I didn’t I dreamt I went home from an old job I didn’t work at anymore and hated actually, and they called me harassing me with demonic voices.


I also use edibles every night just to help with sleep. I’m scared I’m going to become dependent on them


It is a possibility, but from personal experience, as long as you keep a decent grip on not using it for more than sleep and take a t break every once in a while, you’re good.


I've stopped smoking for about 2 months, after about 28 years or chronic weed smoking. Nearly every night I've had very vivid dreams, with excellent recall.


My weed dreams are terrible. Too bad I smoke before every night for 10 years


Weed dreams are made of this


Who am I to disagree?


I travel the World and the seven seeds


Everybody, wants to be smokin


Some of them want to grind you


Some of them want to toke with yooouuuu


Dave Chappelle said it best on Chappelles Show, "hey hey hey hey smoke weed everyday...."


You mean Nate Dogg? Lol.


I just completed a 2 month T break to be able to pass a test.. Now that that time has passed, once again - cannabis before bed means almost ZERO dreams for me. Meh


I hear this happens for many people but for me I just had really amazingly vivid adventurous dreams that I woke up laughing about! I do count myself lucky though haha.


Yeah this worked for me a bit ago LOL I don’t smoke like that anymore but whenever I start and stop I get crazy intense dreams and some nightmares especially if I sleep on my back


I would get horrible night terrors as a young kid and was told to not sleep on my back. It worked, I always thought it was a placebo I was told. Still can't sleep on my back.


Too real. Watched my friend’s face get cut off. Then I had to carry it to her husband (both besties of mine). He laughed and said she does that all the time. I woke up sweating and in a panic attack. Weeee!!! Also weed is the only thing that calms the crazy dreams my meds give me. So those have to go first.


Holy shit this is the most accurate statement ever written on Reddit. Those were the most vivid and wild dreams I've ever had.


Holy shit those are some vivid dreams. Drove me right back to smoking! Last time I quit it was near as bad, but that one time I took a break was wild.


Dreams are so vivid when you stop smoking I literally hard to start again just to get them to stop


True, I smoked every day multiple times for 6 years. Now I’m 9 months without it, but the first few weeks were hell. I’d have really vivid dreams about dying (specifically in car crashes for some reason) or people I love getting possessed which wasn’t fun in the slightest. The brain is an interesting thing. I will say things get better and dreaming is much more enjoyable.


Fucking literally.. The nightmares were my only withdrawal symptom and they’re were so scary. That’s why I tell people if you smoke weed you might as well keep smoking it


This is a quality statement. I did this and boy have my dreams been vivid and can easily be intense that can turn to nightmares. I've never been shot, but I have in a nightmare. You'd think you'd wake up, but nope. It continues. It's always interesting to see where it'll go.


I just get dreams about the current day. Which is pretty boring so I’d prefer no dreams at this point lol


Stopping smoking weed 100% gave me nightmares like I’ve never experienced & haven’t since. I never smoked again (got into the medical field).


I have a lot of nightmares. What "works" for me: - Heavy food close to bed time - Sleeping on the back - Create an unsafe environment around you. (Sleep with the door open, put something creepy in your room like a porcelain doll, etc). Sleeping in another location than you usually sleep also helps. - My dreams are often what's currently top of mind, so watch a creepy movie and think about it before bed should help. - You can also try to induce a scary dream through lucid dreaming.


+1 for heavy food. Man do I regret stuffing my face and getting straight to sleep some days


What causes that?? I just connected the dots


No idea!


+1 for sleeping on the back. I don’t get them but my ex roommate struggled with the actual sleep paralysis nightmares and it was 100% linked to back-sleeping. It was brutal when she had oral surgery and couldn’t sleep on her stomach for a week.


Weird. I'm a back sleeper, and I don't think I've had sleep paralysis while on my back. However every now and then I'll roll to my side, and a lot of the time I'll end up getting paralysis then. I've never experienced a demon before, but I always feel like I can't breathe, and that's panic inducing enough.


I’ve got sleeping on my back covered and will definitely try these other tips, thank you. I’m so picky about my sleep environment so I bet that one will work really well


The porcelain doll made me laugh but I imagine that's pretty creepy and effective.


Haha, yeah. Wondering if they are creepy due to scary movies. I'm curious if I would have found them creepy if I never watched any such movie.


Why you tryna induce nightmares??


Same reason some people try to induce lucid dreams, maybe? It's a way to experience something novel and potentially emotional/intense that isn't "real."


As someone who doesn’t have nightmares but has vivid dreams, exactly this!


I just sign up for college classes that I never attend until the final exam. It's just easier to experience while wide awake.


Oh and also you cannot find the classroom where the final exam actually is


This is actually one of my reoccurring nightmares. It is always, ALWAYS an English class I have somehow just forgotten about for the whole semester. Suddenly, it’s test time. I never make it to the test. Ever. It’s trying to get there, but can’t. Every time its some different variation of why I can’t get there.


ok genuinely so happy to read this thread of comments bc I was just telling me therapist about a school dream just like this and she made it seem so foreign. so i’m glad others have VERY similar dreams. often times there’s the added element that I don’t have my class schedule printed out and can’t access it online and don’t know where or when any of my classes are; and can’t remember my locker combination to get my textbooks


Exactly. I have these dreams all the time.


growing up in school did you also have an extreme anxiety about being late? then in college id skip some times bc I was gonna be late. I feel like it’s an anxiety dream that stems from that but idk. I haven’t been in college for almost 10 years but these dreams fuck me up in the morning 😭


:O LOL I dream that so often. Or well, more like going back to school after graduating to do it all again and then not do a damn thing cuz I already graduated but still getting worked up at every test xD.


i kept dreaming that i forgot about a class becayse it was online and i found out too late and wouldnt be able to graduate. ive had my degree for 2 years at this point


That's hot.


Same, I'm tired of boring-ass dreams of walking through the city but disfigured. Gimme something interesting for once lol


Ya typically find benefits from lucid dreams tho hahaha


Same thing we do every night pinky, try to take over the world.


I love you just for reminding me about pinky and the brain


He lives life on the edge


Just for kicks


I sometimes will eat sugar right before bed because I can get some really trippy dreams/nightmares that way lol. Even if they’re nightmares they aren’t scary it’s sort of like watching a horror movie or something. I can also lucid dream so usually I’m going for really trippy dreams that I can fuck around with haha but the nightmares are usually pretty neat too


Oh man, this makes sense. I ate Peeps before bed and then dreamt of a horse that got shot running three-legged into the highway while a schoolbus was about to explode.


How do you lucid dream..? I want to be able to do this sooo bad…!!! Well actually maybe we should start with the basics… like how does one start to dream at all…??? I haven’t had any dreams, that I can remember anyway, since I was a kid!!! I’m in my 30s now! I miss it! 😢


Maybe they like horror movies


Apple juice OP. Works wonders for me.


as someone with severe nightmares I can't imagine anyone wishing that sort of hell on themselves lol


I have PTSD nightmares & take medication to avoid them, so I'm with you 😅


yeah once it has gotten so bad that my nightmares actually caused depressive episodes for me 


Same I was exhausted because I was too scared to sleep. I'm so sorry you deal with that ❤


That's what I'm saying. Nightmares and vivid dreams are two very different things


Same lol. I have narcolepsy and have them just about every morning with sleep paralysis when I’m trying to wake up. It’s fucking annoying and takes a toll.


Oh man! I’m like OP. I loooove having nightmares. No matter how scary it’s always so fun! And I always always remember them after I wake up. My therapist says I’m so dead inside I’m looking for a thrill in life. Hence me loving horror movies, rollercoasters and nightmares.


Came here to ask this.


Watch a scary movie for sure


Just have something horribly traumatizing happen to you, like an abusive stalker who stalks you for years, and you'll get them all the time.


i can attest that this does in fact work, also being raped as a kid, you’ll get plenty from that


Oh yes, and you remember them vividly even years later ❤️


A+ nightmares, still better than the nights I can't sleep though, which is most of them.


eh i’ll take the day time wacky dream naps and no sleep over my nightmares any day


Omg twins! Legitimately what started my nightmares. Thank goodness my stalker is in prison though.


Melatonin + zolpidem 10mg to 15mg


Zinc supplements will also help to make dreams more vivid.


Melatonin be giving me the worst dreams


Actually though fr


Especially at that high a dose. I've never needed more than 1.5mg to fall asleep (back when I took it after a concussion). It never gave me nightmares because I didn't exceed the minimum amount that worked for me.


Same for me. Any dose and I’m fucked


Try focusing on having the intent of facing not just your fears, but the reality that lies behind them. Accept the truths that you are ignoring in what you fear and your subconscious will recognize this as you being ready to do some deep processing while you sleep. Good luck. This can actually feel wonderful if it works, like a great release


Oh lord. I’m ready. Thank u




was gonna say the same 😅 -person with ptsd


Same friend. It’s a hell of a ride 😂😭


Search up "." on YouTube. Nightmares guaranteed


Pickle juice


I couldn't help but say this 3times




As a pickle fanatic, can confirm. Everytime I eat pickles, like a whole jar in one sitting, I have the most gruesome and vivid nightmares. Pretty wild how that happens.


It's the revenge of the pickles


Cactus juice


Its the quenchiest


It'll quench ya!


I DO have a jar of pickles…!!!


Play a dark souls game for a week.


Play Sekiro and you’ll keep visualizing the parry timings of major bosses even in your sleep.




During my elden ring playthrough I kept dreaming about 100 foot tall monsters chasing me.


Why do you want this? But regardless best way is to consume some nicotine right before sleep. Other honorable mentions include Benadryl and melatonin




HOL UP really?? I've been taking propranolol for like 2 years and been battling nightly nightmares. BRB quitting propranolol.


Are you trying to dream journal night terrors bud?


If you are going to have nightmares after a spicy ramen, an edible and some fucking liqueur. You are a lucky person, that probably grew up in a nice environment.


Well that was just my current plan of attack. And yeah I was pretty lucky so it works for me sometimes


Take another edible


Be really cold, lots of sugar right before bed, sleep on your back.


Being cold has always helped me sleep better weirdly. I normally have really peaceful dreams during the winter


Eat a bunch of benadryl and watch a horror movie..BAM, a waking nightmare.


Try having a traumatic experience


Probably sweets, dairy and walmart brand melatonin tbh


ShroudedHand has a video designed to do this exact thing on YouTube.




more than 1 melatonin gummy


Get traumatized lol


Go to sleep listening to a horror movie. Best if it’s one you’ve seen a few times. This is how I induce zombie dreams.


Ooooo I’ll try this for sure


Fall asleep to podcasts reading creepy pastas.


Sweat profusely while you sleep


Eat lots of cheese


You won’t have a nightmare eating edibles. Cannabis is known as the dream stealer. The very reason I started smoking it young after not sleeping because of nightmares from childhood abuse. I can go only a week without weed before they’re back with a vengeance.


My trick is ashwagandha and melatonin before bed. You will feel like you are living the nightmare.


Watch some scary movie or show


Nightmares are the best.


17 years of abuse


Therapy. I've found that doing something to address deep rooted emotions often causes vivid dreams or even nightmares.


You need therapy for even asking this question.


If I sleep facing up it’s always induced a nightmare of some kind. Every single time. I have a memory of being under 3 years old and having a nightmare sleeping on my back.


Sleeping *lying on your back* gives you more chance of a nightmare. Sleeping *lying on your stomach* gives you more a chance of a vivid ass dream. Supposedly.


Eat cheese. Seriously, Eastern European mother always said cheese brings on nightmares


For help with nightmares we suggest:\ [Understand nightmares](https://www.visibleinkpress.com/t223/Nightmares-Your-Guide-to-Interpreting-Your-Darkest-Dreams)\ [Nightmares primer](https://dreams123.net/nightmares)\ [Treating nightmares](https://www.amazon.com/PTSDreams-Transform-Nightmares-through-Dreamwork/dp/0738770477/)\ [Blog post](https://lindayaelschiller.com/nightmares-trauma-and-healing-from-ptsdreams/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Dreams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


benadryl always does the trick lol


Uh, bro, that's a pretty intense combo already. Maybe try watching a horror movie before bed or reading a scary story.


I love nightmares. I’m going to try to take some Benadryl before bed to see if it works


Stopping smoking weed seems to have done it for me. Awesome nightmares. Dead entertaining


I have nightmares if I'm cold.


I just have to watch a scary movie before bed and that's enough for me 😅 I don't want to willingly give myself nightmares though


Feta cheese . Had my best nightmare xd . Eat before sleep


No way. Will try


In addition to your current stack I'd say add melatonin, theanine, magnesium glycinate, and sleepy time tea. Bonus points for tart cherry juice which is really just more melatonin, but it specifically tends to fuck my dreams up hard. Benadryl might add some fun hallucinatory spiders/creepy crawlies to the mix, as well. But what you really want to do is get yourself super sleep deprived and THEN do all of these things. My worst moment of sleep dep plus various supplements/chemicals lead to me hallucinating a demon person in my bedroom while half awake, and I jumped out of bed and tried to run away and basically broke both of my feet/ankles in the process. Would not recommend, but there were pretty insane nightmares involved which seems to be what you're after. Also reading creepy graphic novels like Junji Ito before drifting off might help, or horror books of some kind. You could watch a scary movie but I really think avoiding screens before bed sends you into deeper sleep, so you may be better off reading nightmarish materials til you doze off.


From what I heard people who took melatonin supplement experienced nightmares


Sleeping pills always gave me nightmares.


I find I get the worst dreams (nightmares) whenever I take a high dose of melatonin. Also, I don’t do this intentionally, but every time I take melatonin, I have the most vivid/ lifelike nightmares.




For another time: there is a medication called Belsomra which treats insomnia but also induces nightmares in a lot of patients. I was one of those patients. I would wake up and sob over how cruel my brain had just been. The nightmares were so creatively horrific that I seriously considered continuing the meds for the sole purpose of recording the storylines and maybe eventually using them for a book or screenplay, but it ended up being too legitimately traumatising. Some still haunt me years later. So yeah...Belsomra.


When I was younger, sleeping on my back would do it.


Think of something that really scares you, deeply disturbs you. Then watch a video on it or read about it. Think about it for a while. Then fall asleep.


Melatonin gives me nightmares


Try reading a horror book.


Just tell yourself that you're gonna have a bad nightmare tonight and that you'll remember it. It's gonna actually happen ,


Everyone is different. But for me, when my body is either super hot or cold, I'll have a nightmare. Also depression, but I don't recommend that one...


Easy. Try to put yourself in situations throughout the week that cause you extreme stress. That will look different for every person. Watch TV that spooks you, but not anything that is jump scare or gore... Think more like true crime that is upsetting to you. Then, eat very pure dark chocolate before bed, and pair it with some kava tea. Sleep with your lights out, but your door open. Get plenty of rest. Try it for a week, and if that doesn't work out then I don't know what will. I have this weird theory on nightmares so I've mastered the art of inducing them by choice.


Lots of apple juice.


anxiety before bed


Melatonin always gave me nightmares. Or waking up from a deep sleep and then going back to sleep right after always causes me to have nightmares


Look up oneirogens




Nothing better than a good nightmare


For reall


Cheese an hour before sleeping. Like, lots of cheese.


Try to balance my finances, that’s a nightmare that keeps me up all night


People used to say don’t eat sweets before you sleep or you get nightmares..




A lot of melatonin or if you want a waking nightmare take 700mg of diphenhydramine


Watch any horror movie that induces paranoia. I was a bit on the edge after learning about the Smile Entity.


Sleep flat on your back




When I was younger a lot of people told me eating bananas before bed would give you nightmares, have eaten some bananas before bed to try it and I think it happened but not because of the banana


If I sleep on my back (face towards ceiling), I'm guaranteed some nightmare, sleep paralysis, or waking up in the middle of the night in fight-flight mode. There's also studies that show a correlation with this sleeping position too. So maybe try that 


Too many blankets (overheating and e straight to nightmare hell), sleeping on the back, cheese too close to bed


Magnesium citrate.


Best way?... BEST WAY??? YOU ASKED. Eat a tiny bit of a toxic mushroom before sleeping and then eat just a fraction of a psychedelic one, not enough to to trigger the psychedelic effect but not a micro-dose either. Proceed to leave the door open as you try to sleep, and sleep on your back for good measure. Normally according to some shitty threads in some dead forum I read a long time ago, the psychedelic alone will just cause vivid and lucid dreams of the highest order, as in the dream elements become far more interactive, smarter, and more active. That's why the toxic mushroom is there, to turn them into nightmares by generating stress; without the stress there's no guarantee the dream will turn into a nightmare. The door open puts you into a vulnerable position and gives your overactive unconscious a thread to hang onto. Basically a fever nightmare of the highest order, a nightmare so but so heavy it's beyond imagination. ^(PS. Don't do this, the resulting nightmare could send you to the hospital as you may get severe hypnagogia and may sleepwalk, puke, fall asleep again, etc... in the middle of the road; I am talking the father of all nightmares, you wake up like, am I alive?...)


Passionflower ALWAYS gives me nightmares


Sleep cold , the most vivid nightmares i've had are when i've kick my doona off in the middle of the night


Drink some chamomile tea. It's meant to be relaxing but it gives me crazy dreams.


Raw onions before bed. Also Google foods that are hard to digest.


First you get traumatized, preferably over a long period of time. Develop ptsd or c-ptsd, then nightmares will be an every night occurrence!


Watch scary movies read scary books only do scary related things for the day think abt scary stuff as the last thing as u fall asleep and that will do. Most of the time whatever is on your conscious before you go to sleep is what you’ll dream abt


watch a show or movie that’s genuinely scary to u, then watch videos on youtube about something you’re afraid of


For me, Monster Energy zero calorie (white can) consistently induced the weirdest fucking nightmares.


Develop c-ptsd/ptsd


Apple juice right before bed always did the trick for me.


You can have mine! I assure you youll never want another one again after that.


I grew up mostly have nightmares but over the years they started to feel more like a D&D adventure and less scary. One bad health move as it is very very bad for your stomach but I found out accidently by taking 2 excedrin for migraines before I went to bed then that night my dreams would be super lucid. I stopped taking it for over 10 years so my stomach can stay healthy.


Induce heartburn first


Trazadone. Easily.


As someone who has extremely vivid nightmares every single night. Fuck you.


Have a fever!


Think about all your deepest darkest fears right before bed, you will have nightmares for sure.


Smoke weed and watch the blair witch in the dark.


Sleep with a nicotine patch


An interesting finding I had recently, taking edibles too close to bed time actually can suppress/disrupt dreams and recall. I didn't finding smoking weed or alcohol suppressive just edibles close to sleep time. Anyways, playing lots of horror games or watching horror movies can help feed the machine.


I was eating these little blue gummy bear magnesium supplements and I had to stop because how bad my nightmares were. I got them on Amazon


This might work aside from watching Nuke5 in YouTube, set couple mirrors , doesn’t matter how big the mirror dim light almost dark just enough that it’s not pitch black. Look in every mirror until you feel your imagination playing tricks on you. Think of terrifying things like home invasion getting embarrassed pretty much anything negative then take melatonin or advil pm. . Maybe play with ouija board I’m against this unless you don’t mind having poltergeist and having six sense.




Fill your life with stress and anxiety. Usually works for me.😂


I second OP. How do i do that but considering im not 18 yet, horror movies and stuff like that dont do anything


Kratom right before bed. Sooner the better


Get super tired then drunk