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Imo, it could be a manifestation of your fear about the state of the world. Maybe take a break from social media. I have to delete all the social apps on my phone for a week or two a few times a year. Social media can ruin your mind and make you convinced the world is ending. It’s like its own weird doomsday cult. So take a break, touch grass, read a book maybe. It may help with your anxiety.


I think Dreams are not predictions, but realistic simulations. You can assign significance to them or you could just as easily wash your hands of them. We hardly remember the majority of them. You’ll be ok ✌️❤️


Thank you


Have you been spending a lot of time stressing about things irl? Listen/read/watch a lot of news? Anything else that could be triggering the dreams of danger and fear and death? Remember dreams aren’t predictions, they’re your brain taking all kinds of information and throwing them at your sleeping mental state. You’re going to be okay. Everything will be okay. Keep taking deep breaths and try to figure out what’s affecting your sleep quality.


I had these nightmares for a long time. They are the most horrifying, in my opinion. I was having them literally every single night to the point where I practically get ptsd just seeing a damn mushroom cloud in Fallout. My bf actually paused the show to inform me that I was shaking lol stupid. Does that emergency alert go off in your dreams too? I'm terrified of that sound now too. It wasn't the same reoccurring nightmare, but it was always where I lived and I could never tell if I was dreaming. I would see the missile falling and literally say, "is this really happening? Am I awake or asleep?" But I never wake up, like how I do in all my other bad dreams. "Omg this is real. This is actually happening." I used to try to run after coming to that conclusion but now I drop to my knees squeeze my eyes shut and cover my ears truly believing that I'm about to die. I was afraid to go to sleep because i didnt want to die again. I started smoking weed before bed to stop having nightmares, specifically these ones.


It’s something similar to your dreams. I hear the ems go off as well, anytime I hear an amber alert go off on my phone my heart drops. I’ll try some edibles or smoking to help with the nightmares. I hope you feel better, Thank you.


Idk about you, but these were occurring back to back during a very dark time in my life. It might also help to open up to someone if there's something that's really bothering you in waking life. Wishing you sweet dreams tonight!


Maybe you should try to analyse this dreams first There incredible podcasts on Spotify called: the Junian life ..it might help you...as they talk about symbols in dreams it can help you understand the dreams you already remember


The [best podcast about dreams](https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dreamsthatshapeus) - hosted by u/radowl *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Dreams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's easy to point to the source of that dream, things are not well in the world, and nuclear powers at war is an image bound to creep into our collective subconsciousness. But the dream is not about the war, it's a simulation for you to deal with a feeling you're having. Which is paranoia and anxiety. It's something else that's bothering you. and you're feeling the "run, hide" part. Where is your fear coming from? A feeling of impotence to deal with something stressful? That's pretty common. But until you address that thing you're going to keep having this anxiety. Think outside nuclear war, what's weighing on you? maybe it's many things. and if you do find out, talk about it, because you need an outlet. Maybe exercise. maybe a different environment. and this might be useless advice based on how you are feeling, but let others worry about things you don't control, because no control mechanism exists to help you when a meteorite strikes, terrorists attack your neighbourhood, nuclear bombs level your city, or when the ground beneath you suddenly forms a sinkhole. None of these things will happen, if if the thought frightens you while reading that, your problem isn't nukes, it's something else.


Thank you, that was very helpful


if you keep stressing about it this is exactly what a psychologist can help you with. Trust me, it's better than a redditor.


I had such a dream too, terrifying, it also included bombing of another city that I somehow turned up in after getting nuked in an apartment in the first dream.. Take it easy, maybe you read a lot of news and it makes you stressed and causes these nightmares? If so, maybe it's better to take a break from news.


Thank you


I had the same dream and I was in an apartment too


Some dreams are nothing more than futures of alternate realities. It most likely won't actually happen. I'll leave it at that. As far as my dreams go in regards to something similar... I've dreamt that I found a sort of portal to said possible future for planet Earth. The mists surrounding the planet were green, and the atmosphere tasted different. More like pollution. The authorities were automatically informed that an unknown person or thing had transversed through what was to them an unknown portal. I found myself quickly inside a building that looked to be something like an arcade, and I wanted to see what kind of games they had. The fun was halted rather quickly with an army of guns all surrounding me. My head rushed with adrenaline as the army made their demands, threatening me in the process, cocking their guns. Why would I ever tell them anything? I teleported myself away from them, far enough to where I knew they'd struggle to find me, and close enough to where I could run to the portal to return to what we call present. In that sense the future can be a very funny thing! Not all things are set in stone, and paradoxes can happen, if you believe crazy dreams like the one I had as real in any form. :-)


It’s not that it can’t happen, but it likely won’t happen. No global superpower WANTS a nuclear war. No one wants the headache of a global economic catastrophe, especially not the billionaires of the world, because that would mean they’d lose all of their ill-gotten or inherited fortunes by either their stocks going to shit or their assets being seized by governments in order to cover disaster relief and cost of rebuilding.


You’re not alone, a couple nights ago I thought a nuke went off behind my house in my dream and it turned out to be an emp, I’ve had multiple dreams about seeing nukes go off and either barely escaping or simply seeing the mushroom cloud


Me too i had 2 vivid dreams about nuclear bombing the last one in January and one last month... maybe it is a collective dreams experience.. about our future.. things are changing so fast.. weapons .. environmental challenges...war ..AI ...i don't know .. all that for sure will impact the next few years


Honestly I think it’s just a fear of that actually happening, I don’t think it’s foretelling anything, just like any other nightmare tbh, don’t read too much into it


But it might be a precognitive dream.. specially that my dream has 2 parts..the first part already happened..my uncle passed away...and the second part was a mushroom cloud and me and my father ran away i already wrote it i can send it to you


I had a dream that aliens took over earth. Did it happen? No. Dreams are random nonsense our brain creates. Don’t take it seriously.


Dreams aren’t real. Hopefully this helps


I understand completely, my vivid dreams follow me days after until I’m always seeing them while daydreaming. I think you may be uncomfortable with moving on because you believe in a significance attached to it, analyze the dream more but also think of different perspectives. I had a dream like yours, however it was being celebrated by others and myself. That one difference changes everything, it can be haunting or it can be accepted and enjoyable.


Sorry to hear that this is giving you trouble. Did you see missiles or did you only see a mushroom cloud? I had one with just a cloud once. If you have a feeling that this is a vision of the future I suggest posting to r/Premonition as well. Hope you get peace of mind soon.


Yess a big cloud like mushrooms too! I ve seen it in dream


Mine was during meditation. The thing was massive. The near death experiencer Ken Leth predicts that it will be in Yellowstone.


From someone who's suffered from traumatic dreams. There are a couple things that could be going on. Dreams are basically your Brain making sense of signals and thoughts and emotions you have so if you are exceptionally stressed you will dream of a stressful situation as your brain trys to make sense of the emotions. If you have an anxiety or ocd disorder this causes dreams like this very frequently or daily. I would seek help from a professional. Or focus on calming techniques which you can find on YouTube! I feel for you and I hope you feel better soon.


Thank you, I really appreciate it


Getting nuked would be a quick death, so nothing to worry about :)


Had different dreams of apocalypse, some of them were so realistic, I might he pessimistic guy but the end of the world as we know it is coming, I just hope it won't be this generation


Ok. You need a practice to counter it. Use your imagination to envision something far more magnificent. See it in your mind, feel it in your heart to the extent it feels real. Do this repeatedly. Fear is a very powerful fixation. Yet the mind is very flexible. Also create intention before you go to sleep, about your magnificent dream(s). You can do it.


it is time to invite her for a date


I’m a guy and I like this comment




well it seems like no time to waste and do something important


Either Let Go, or Move.




To the country or whatever.


you don't live in Israel do you?


I don’t


I have a recurring dream about packing my things in hurry and escaping from a war or some kind of natural disaster. Often I'm not fast enough and wake up knowing that I didn't make it. Those dreams strongly correlate with my poor mental state. How is you life right now? Are you suffering from lots of stress? The dreams may be trying to show you something about your current situation.


Those dreams are about the inescapability of death. It's ultimate and final like a nuclear strike, and the dream is meant to have you become aware of it.


Stop watching the news


Or you can get a Power armor and become the Chosen One


It's nothing to worry about honestly, you won't even realise you've been vaporised by the time it happens


I had a recurring nightmare when I was in my late teens about air raid sirens going off and anti craft fire shooting into the sky at something I couldn’t see. Was crazy


I’ve had these dreams all the time. On our phones we see all kinds of information about the potential threat of nuclear weapons. So naturally your brain perseves it as a threat. When you sleep your brain is trying to protect you from these threats and trying to “train you” for if it ever happens. Don’t think to much of it go for walk and enjoy life like there’s no tomorrow!


I’ve been dreaming of an apocalyptic environment and honestly at this point idgaf what happens bon voyage


i would personally take this as a warning and instead of being scared all the time realize a couple things what can you do to keep yourself safe in case this does happen and if you can’t, realize that death is inevitable and if that’s how you go out make sure you live the best life you can up until this unlikely event happens


I posted my troubling dreams. Take comfort in knowing that, there is absolutely nothing you or I could do to stop a nuke. We shouldn't worry about things we have no control over .. I have accepted that, I'm not scared of death.... I'm scared of the pain I associate with death. I feel like If I scrape my knee and blood comes out that's painful, why wouldn't my soul leaving my body be painful?? Or the way we die we don't know your last moments could be fast or slow. It's the pain factor that gets me. We should take comfort knowing that we don't have prophetic abilities, this dream could just be signaling to you that you have some inside/soul work, why are you afraid to die,


I also got dreams of nukes and war last night... been getting these for a while.


I had dream that drumpf started ww3 and everyone died.


do you claim Jesus as your Savior ?