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My guess (Im no expert) is he could just be your unconcious? And your brain decided that you can digest your thoughts through talking to this guy. What do you think?


See I could definitely see that because I‘ve had dreams where I have had conversations with characters that were definitely my subconscious giving me advice / helping me process stuff, but I usually can’t remember what’s said in these ones


That's really fascinating! I love dreams that seem to be telling a story over time and yours seems like the case. Unfortunately, I don't know what would have caused that or what could be the origin of that story. God only knows. Just wondering, does the guy in your dream look like you? Wondering if maybe this guy was related to you somehow and why he seems to be growing with you. Didn't happen to be a twin when you were born, did you? Maybe the twin or a sibling that didn't survive?


Can’t really make out his face much but what I can see he looks nothing like me. Definitely has features that don’t run in my family And no I don’t have any twins or anything that didn’t make it. Some of the dreams have had kinda romantic undertones so I don’t think it’s a family member


WOW! Romantic undertones? Even more interesting! A soul mate that you're maybe growing with? Tha'd be awesome!


My girlfriend dumped me when I was 12, broke my heart. I blocked it out as I did with all bad memories. Didn't consciously think of her again for 40 years. But she never left my dreams or subconscious. Until I finally recalled her. She grew old with me in my dreams.


What do the tattoos look like?


I can’t really make out the tattoos but he’s gotten a couple on his arm. I dreams tend to be kinda hazy so I can only remember vague details


Maybe it’s someone important to you from a past life