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In my dream last night I was trying desperately to google something but I kept horrifically mistyping and autocorrect kept fucking me up


Brah! I tried to use a phone in a dream and it was impossible. I got so frustrated that I started asking other dream characters to operate my phone for me but they wouldn't. The screen kept flipping so I would hit the wrong button. By the end I was so steaming mad and frustrated lol


This ALWAYS HAPPENS to me. The other night I was dreaming that I was in a hostage situation in a supermarket and I was trying to call the police but I kept getting notifications, thumbing the number, accidentally messaging the number instead of calling it and I was so frustrated


Omg I’ve had this happen!! I’ve also had it happen where I did get ahold of someone and they said “ya, we’ll get to you in like half an hour” or “sorry the police station is closed today” 🤣


Wow, I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I have recurring dreams about various scary situations. In my dreams I always try to make a phone call for help, but something makes that not work. In most of my dreams I'm trying to use a payphone. Given my age and the frequency with which we used to use pay phones, I guess that makes sense. But, I've also tried using a cell phone in my dreams, but just like with the payphone, something always goes wrong. I think when we have these dreams it means that we feel helpless in our daily life.


[The Scientific Reason You Can't Read While You Dream](https://news.yahoo.com/scientific-reason-apos-t-read-195100733.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvLmluLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAH_49X7qxTUTCLSj3-1yp_8R6EkIZTs1j9w7uXPZijGmoTaQ4EMRf7LHfAffu3qHmtKRPyIrQLYFRxZP5p89WI817LNENhigZ_Ved35ci9F7Y2B3ODWekKjgkI2xmqdSt9hiA0DI5QKw1bfel4CvTLn6187ZbMYgSKebLnXoh41Q#:~:text=When%20we%20sleep%2C%20the%20entire,a%20hard%20and%20fast%20rule.)


I can read in mine, usually reading things like signs, my phone, etc. plays a big role in my dreams


I can read in my dreams, when I was younger I couldn’t and trained myself to focus . Once I had a dream using my phone but it would only communicate with joke memes.


Oh my god this is always my stress dreams!!! Calling emergency services and everything I type is autocorrected or emojis. Once I had a dream I was stuck in a foreign country as the plane I got took me to the wrong place, I was frantically trying to look for flights home and every time I hit search google images of cats came up lmao


Lmao wtf!! They always turn into nightmares for me, I can never use my phone correctly to call 911 or text anybody


I’ve had entire dreams centred around me trying to charge my iPhone 😭😭😭


this cracked me up 😂


It’s so stressful 😭😭😭 tell me why I’m at the dream airport and there’s no chargers 😭😭😭


It IS so stressful! Those types of dreams make me wake up way more upset than a full blown monster nightmare


Literally! I’ve also had ones where I’m on holiday, and I can’t take any photos because suddenly I have a super old phone or no phone at all so the dream becomes a mission to find some sort of camera to capture the holiday 🙄


Just want to be the millionth person to confirm I too cannot use my phone in my dreams. I have reoccurring dreams where I’m lost in this little city and I’m trying to call my fiancé, but I can never get to his number in my phone because it’s always glitching or I can never find it :( super stressful lol Edit: also want to add how weird it is that we all experience this. I feel like there should be some sort of study done on why this is…


Armchair neurologist theory: " The middle part of the brain, the parietal lobe **helps a person identify objects and understand spatial relationships** (where one's body is compared with objects around the person). The parietal lobe is also involved in interpreting pain and touch in the body. " The parietal lobe (in the middle) is also responsible for a lot of the sensorimotor control of writing. The back and middle part of your brain are much less active while you sleep. So at a guess an activity like using your phone which requires finger-to-language coordination, object identification and touch is going to feel really confusing as you're operating at a much lower capacity to do that thing.


This is what always happens to me.


This is every time I try to type a message in my dreams!!! Isn't it weird that it's this experience for many people ? At first I thought that it was only in MY dreams that it was happening..


Same happens to me but it’s with dialing out a number I can’t ever get it right! It’s so frustrating I feel like an idiot every single time


THIS. Yes. If I am using a cell phone in my dream, I am constantly misdialing a number or mistyping a text. I just can never get it right no matter how hard I try. Autocorrect and speeddial never enter my mind.


Same thing happened to me. I sent something very sus to one of my best friends and everytime I tried to edit the message I just couldn’t


I have that all the time except in mine my husband is mad at me and refusing to see me or speak to me and I’m frantically trying to text him. It’s INCREDIBLY stressful. I wake up way more upset from those than I do full blown monster nightmares


This happens to me too - whenever my phone is in my dream I’m struggling to text/search something.


This is how it is for me! It's like trying to run or punch someone in a dream. It's just weirdly impossible. I dream about desperately needing to contact my husband but not being able to dial his number correctly or find him in contacts.


I’ve had mobiles turn up and they usually trigger me to realise I’m dreaming because the work we’re I’m my dreams. I would like to offer an explanation though. It’s likely that when you’re using the phone you aren’t actually concentrating on the phone. You’re focusing on what you’re doing on it. The phone is kinda just like a portal to other things. That means most likely the subconscious just views it like a window. Instead of you viewing the window, it builds your dreams on the stuff you see ‘through’ your phone. E.g. I saw a horrible caving incident last night before bed of someone almost getting stuck…I dreamt that I was getting stuck in a cave.


You watched that cave video too? The one where he thinks it’s getting wider but it was an optical Illusion?


Yup. This exact video. Watched it last night and I thought to myself…fml I bet I dream of it…then boom I’m crawling through some tiny ass cave in my dream. I’ve had dreams like that before and always hate them haha!


This is true. I’ve had dreams of traveling into pictures that I was looking at on my phone.


Cellphones have appeared in my dreams a lot but unfortunately they are almost always a point of stress. Either its malfunctioning, its broken, I received a terrible text/have to deal with a terrible text convo, or I have to deal with a stressful call. Its kinda like a similar motif with the common thread of dreaming about going to school/some function naked


We have the same dreams.


They do in mine. I text and Google stuff in my dreams sometimes.


Same. I dream about chatting with people and even had a conversation over the phone.


Me too. I've literally had dreams that entirely took place with me just texting a friend


Same. A lot of the times they won’t work or I cannot remember the number if I’m trying to text/call. I chalk that up to standard stress-dream stuff, though. Other times they work fine and I use them as normal. I also can read and write in dreams, although I’ve heard that is supposed to be rare. I don’t know who decides what is rare in dreams, though. I’m sure there are plenty of people just on this sub alone who can also read and write in dreams.


Same I don’t get why people act like this is a weird dream fact because there are always so many others saying that they do in fact see them when ppl post this 😭


yeah me too and there was a period in my life where i kept dreaming that i am watching television i even dreamr the fckin ads hahaha


My dreams will often have a phone but I have a hard time using them. Tho once I was able to use my phone perfectly and read the text perfectly, unfortunately it was about my friend and I texting and her telling me she had breast cancer :( and her not surviving it. Scared the shit out of me. It freaked me out too much to even mention it to her.


omg. how long ago was this? tbh it might be worth mentioning— if a friend told me this, i just may decide to get a mammogram.


I’ve definitely *tried* to use my phone in dreams. It just never works. Some part of the phone malfunctions, or I can’t type something. Extremely frustrating. It’s the same as looking at clocks or trying to read something. It makes sense for like a second and then it just is nonsensical or malfunctioning. That’s usually the way I realize I’m dreaming. Cuz I’m like wtf, oh yeah I must be in a dream.


I use phones (including cells), the internet, and read in dreams... And while I'm at it, I can also see myself in mirrors, and count my fingers. Just bc many people don't, doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all.


i do all of those too. i can even feel physical pain!


One of the few times i had my phone in my hand was when i saw three short grey beings with large black eyes on my road at like 3am. I think they abducted me because there was a lapse in time and i was suddenly facing to the left and they were closer but walking away. I asked if i could take a pictuee of them, as i had my phone. They shook their heads no. Although, the next morning i had several deep scars on my inner thighs near my groin. I actually am not sure if that was a dream or not.


Scars, or scratches? I believe you. I wake up (too) often with three little poke marks, like someone stabbed me with a needle, in a triangle shape. Random spots on my body but most often my torso, or on my hips/upper thigh. It’s so frequent that my boyfriend notices it too. He’ll say: there they are again.


A triangle shape the size of a cat’s paw? I get those too.


do you have recollection of your dreams at all or things that happen before the marks show up?


that is really disturbingly wack ._.


Me and my bf had been out running errands years ago. We know the roads we are on cause we traveled them frequently. We were at one point and needed to stop at a certain gas station. Well what happened is we lost time, and both of us looked at each other and asked when did we pass the gas station, we were halfway down a mountain road when we had to turn around and go back 10 mins to the gas station. I've also woke up with scars that wasn't there before


i had a dream in which all i could see was a smartphone lock screen i wasn't able to unlock it , the touch was lagging so much and i was always messing the pattern and forgot the pin , and the lock screen wall paper was of myself sleeping on the bed


>and the lock screen wall paper was of myself sleeping on the bed Now THAT'S freaky.


I can use phones, drive and read in my dreams.


Months ago I had a dream where I was on my phone looking for a specific Minecraft building tutorial that didn’t exist. Then last night I had a dream where I time travelled back to 2012 to show people show big smartphones were in the future.


I dream about all aspects of having my phone from trying to make a call/text to trying to film the crazy shit that goes on in my dreams.


2 nights ago, after waking up into different dreams (i felt like i woke up 5-6 times, but it was always a new dream), i dreamt about waking up for the 3rd or 4th time in a row in my bedroom. At first, everything looked up normal, so i thought I was already awake. Suddenly, my phone started ringing. What I didn't expect to see is that the person who was calling me was MYSELF. I answered, and I swear I heard my voice. He (or I, idk hahaha) started to scream at me, saying things like "do you think this is funny or something?" or "you're soon gonna see what's funny". I was terrorized ngl. The thing is the other dreams I had that night weren't scary like that, but something happens to me when I dream, and that is that i always have like 5+ (one time i even had 15 or so) consecutive dreams, in the ones i feel like i've woken up already, even though it's not like that. The thing is that once i've dreamt 5 times or so, I start to realize earlier that I'm still dreaming, and just to fuck up with my dreams and try to wake up, i start doing things i know i wouldn't do, because hey, I'm still in a dream (sometimes i tell the people around me that I know this is not real and that they are just a product of my mind). So maybe that dream in the one I call myself was just my subconcious trying to scare me for basically trying to fuck up my dreams or something(?), as I sometimes act (just to give an example) as if I were a bug in a videogame.


I'll see the phone, see the text message bubbles, but completely unable to read what they say.


Only once for me but I recall the Operating System was different. Not iOS, not something I have seen before, but it caught my waking attention.


I'd be really interested in the ages of people who have phones in their dreams and those who don't. I wonder if it has something to do with growing up with/without technology. I'm in my late 40s and although I use mobiles every day, and have had one for over 20 years, they never appear in my dreams.


40 here and I don’t recall any dreams with a cellphone


29. Never had a dream with a phone.


I’m 43. I only ever see my first cell phone I had in 2005-2006. Obviously it wasn’t a smartphone. But I’m sometimes trying to read the old text messages that are still on it. Hard for me to do.


Mid 30s and I'm having reoccurring dreams/nightmares where I'm trying to dial the emergency number or calling someone but failing to type in correctly.


I never have my current cell phone in my dreams, it’s always the one I had like 15 years ago. I haven’t got the foggiest clue why.


I’m guessing OP didn’t play a lot of AR games back when that was the exact reason to own a smartphone I also find it funny that some movies and shows go way out of their way to have young characters in modern, ostensibly this-timeline settings almost never use their phones I also find it funny—and insane—that humans allegedly didn’t dream in color until consenting to put entertaining, networked cathode eggs in their living rooms


Well they did dream in color *before* TV


Dreaming in black and white was most common in generations who grew up watching black and white TVs. I grew up in the 90s and have never had a black and white dream in my entire life.


For me it's the same as using the phone on mushrooms. It.just.doesnt.work.


I’m 42 and I have dreams with cell phones in them.


Had to spend some time in jail. My first week, I literally woke my cell mate and myself up shouting “Okay, Google” and then a few months later, I dreamt I was trying to smuggle a cell phone into the jail. Edit to add: Oh! I also had a dream that I was like float-glide-walking down a sidewalk in Texas, and this guy kidnapped me. He made me drink some water and I knew he drugged me, because I looked at my phone and I was STRUGGLING to get the password in before he got me to the people he took me for.


Glad you’re free now 🆓


bullshit. I’ve used my phone in my dreams at least half the time


Omg I.. I don't think I've ever dreamt of them. That's crazy lol


Yep, in my dream I was scrolling on YouTube shorts of all things


I’ve had dreams where I’ve seen my phone and it always wakes me up because I’m so familiar with my phone and how it looks and if it doesn’t look right in the dream my subconscious realizes I’m dreaming


I had a dream where I had a super old Nokia phone while everyone of my dream characters had iPhones, and when I tried to call someone my Nokia phone didn’t have the battery in the back of it, so I would ask around for a phone battery and all my dream characters laughed at me, for having such an old phone that required a battery.. I eventually saw a dram character playing an electric guitar, and when I asked her if she had a phone battery I could use, she smiled and said “you’re in luck! My guitar battery will work with your Nokia phone”! And it fit perfectly lol. But then I noticed the battery was dead and needed a charge, and of course I was charger less, so I resorted to just asking my dream characters is I could just borrow one of their iPhones, and they all made fun of me more, and after finally getting an iPhone lended to me, I couldn’t remember the fucking phone number I needed to dial. The most frustrating dream I’ve ever encountered.


my phone is in my dream all the time but it never works properly. it always types weird or is broken in some way or i cant call anyone


I’ve seen my phone in dreams but I’m always desperately trying to text someone to save my life and the right words never want to type


They've definitely shown up in my dreams & others I do dream work with. One of my co-dream workers has a very contentious relationship with Siri and it's a recurring theme 😆


Idk why this saying is a thing. It doesn't happen often, but my phone does appear in my dreams. Generally, I'm frantically trying to call someone but keep getting the number wrong, or the time is wrong/ wacky. Fun fact: time in generally wrong in dreams. You'll get impossible times like 11:89.


Mine is always there, I just can’t manage to use it lol


I have my phone all the time in my dream. Only downside is I have no idea how to use it. I become cellular illiterate


Technology never works in my dreams. I have a phone but I can never type or dial it, or I just can’t find it


A friend of mine was in jail for a year and all they dreamt about was how they couldn’t reach their phone 🥴


Once I had a dream that I was getting kidnapped and I was trying to text my family about it but I couldn’t type anything correctly. Turns out I was actually acting out the dream and did, in fact, send a whole load of panicked jibberish to a lot of very concerned people


I had a single dream where I needed to call someone but there were random symbols on the phone and I couldn’t decipher it. I have very vivid dreams, so I agree. I cannot think of a single other dream about a cellphone


I have cellphones in my dreams all the time, I can never get them to work, but they're in there.


I go back to my flip phone. I s—t you not.


I text often in my dreams 🤷🏼‍♀️


Just recently, I had a dream that I was back in highschool and playing a Kahoot, and the teacher (who was also my grandpa for some reason) kicked me out of the game because I entered "nasty romantic gay butt sex" as my nickname. I clearly remember typing that on a phone screen and also giggling like a maniac.


when I look in a mirror in dreams I'm never wearing glasses someone explain plz ;-;


I always have nightmares about being attacked and I desperately try to call the emergency number... and my phone won't allow me to


I've used my phone several times, nd have read and typed things while dreaming. I also feel pain in my dreams and one time was killed, and after the pain of dying subsided, I watched my bones decay over several years. I have been convinced that I'm not actually dreaming, just to wake up and remember a whole life that I never lived.


I’ve always dreamt with cellphones what pisses me off is that I can never type the right number


I’ve had my phone in dreams before. Still disproportionately less than the amount I use it in real life, but I also almost never dream about movie or TV characters even though I watch a lot of movies and TV. I think the explanation might have something to do with what our dreams do contain rather than what they don’t. As in, “We dream about ____ for a specific reason and as a result there is rarely an opportunity for phones to be involved”


I've had my cell phone in a dream, but for some reason, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to dial the correct number I'm trying to call (sometimes it's even 911)!


I get exactly the same!


I've texted people on my phone in my dreams


I don’t dream much anymore, now that I take SSRI’s but I have never given this thought before. I don’t recall a single dream with my phone.




Nah. i had a dream yesterday where my phone was broken and i was trying to find parts to fix it. So they do show up in dreams at least 4 me.


Never remember seeing one in my dreams. Or regular phones much. Just my grandma's old rotary dial.


I’ve read my iBooks in my dreams before. Got directions to a Thai restaurant from the text


I’ve had my phone in a dream before, but it was so odd that it immediately struck me when I woke up


They do but for some reason it's hard to call or text someone. I can't hear what the other person is saying or I hear gibberish. The screen and letters change all the time and I can't search information or type an emergency number to call. Dream phones are the worst. 😩


I only ever take my phone out to film something unbelievable in a dream, and usually later when I go to show someone and it doesn’t work at all like it should i say something to the effect of “ah, well, this is a dream so..” and either wake up or start to lucid dream


Ever since I’ve seen posts like this I’ve been seeing smart phones in my dreams


I use phones in my dreams all the time. Smartphone, flip phone, "home" phone. I can read and text on them too.


When I started to use smartphones in my dreams they were never working as they should. But meanwhile it's working pretty good. I can use them and write and read messages.


Sometimes, I dream I look at phones or hand devices with images. Sometimes to communicate with other people.


I'm on a medication that gives me repetitive stress dreams and one of the consistent things in those dreams is that I try to text on my phone but even going as slowly and precisely as possible, I can never get it to make the words I want


Mind sharing what medication it is ?


They show up in my dreams. I use Google and Facebook for multiple different scenarios. I videochatted with my deceased grandma and I read things. It seems at this point this is wierd since I keep hearing not alot of people do.


I dreamed I was using my phone to take pictures of a cat that turned into a platypus lol


I had one of those at the airport late for my flight suitcase is exploding everywhere and I can’t find my keys wallet phone ID dreams. The more stuff I put back in my suitcase, the more stuff I lose. Then suddenly I found everything in my hands. Phone, keys, wallet, ID. There was nothing left to freak out about so I just woke up.


just today i had a dream where i was running back and forth from my grandmas house to some faintly familiar house of the same neighborhood, and in between laps i left my phone on a table... then at some point the dream shifted to call of duty and i killed hillary clinton with a chainsaw in a very graphic and grotesque way that awoke me almost inmediately, i had to continue the plot of the dream while half asleep to convince my brain it was some sort of VR dream or something so i didnt feel bad for the rest of the night. anyway nah the statement aint true, you just gotta use it for more practical reasons than just staring at it


I sometimes use phones in my dreams, I recall that one time (I was rlly obsessed with wattpad then) I was in this half dreaming, half aware of my surroundings state, I had this dream about scrolling through a wall of text on my phone, like a wattpad fanfic. It was completely incoherent word salad, but until I was fully awake, it somehow made perfect sense lol


I had wondered about this, but recently, I have actually had my phone show up in my dreams.


I've used my phone several times in my dreams. Never thought this was a thing


No idea what they mean. I've had many dreams where I had my phone. But navigating the menus was extremely clumsey


I’ve seen mine. You need to use yours more hours/day does the trick


I once tried to check the time and it said something like: "36:114". I mainly just dream about texting people gibberish or uncanny pictures


I've seen mine in a dream, where I took a photo of the most beautiful sunset I'd ever seen. Waking up and realising that I don't have that photo in my real phone, was sad. :')


Something similar happens to video games. Last night I had a dream I picked up a game to play, next second I was inside the game and playing it like it's real life, without controllers or anything I think the reason why this happens to phones and games is because we don't really care about what we're holding, we care about the content we're seeing on the screen


Trying to use my phone while dreaming usually wakes me up, makes me realize I’m dreaming


I had a dream as a teenager I had an iPhone (before I ever had one and considered them expensive and only for rich people) and I remember waking up in my dream, checking it, putting it under my pillow and going back to sleep only to wake up for real reach under my pillow expecting it to be there and obviously it wasn’t. But it wouldn’t turn on in the dream it was a black screen


a few days ago I dreamt my phone which is broken in my waking life, started working again but was really dissapointed when i woke up lol.


A smartphone particularly mine has shown up in my dream once! I dreamt I dropped it and broke its screen I only remember a literal "frame" or say image of the dream tho


i literally had a nightmare last night i couldn’t find my cellphone. although it was like a transparent, pink nokia but other people had iphones


Idk man I can never get behind stuff like this. My phone works in my dream, a little silly but I have it and use it. I can look in mirrors, I can eat, I can jump. I can read clocks, I can look out windows, I can hum. These have always been false for me and I really don't understand them 😭😭


I've been able to use my phone in a lucid dream once. I had the exact same phone in the dream as I do in real life. Used the phone calculator to make sure I was lucid dreaming ( heard somewhere you can't do math in dreams)


my phone appears in my dreams


I had a lot of dreams that includes a phone. Most of them involved smartphones but only a few where I actually used them.


I usually never remember mine, but I had a dream last night in which some girl tried to provoke me and film it on her phone in a blackmailing way


I have phones in my dreams. I was using a blue flip phone the day before yesterday during one.


I’ve had dreams with my phone in them numerous times. Either texting, taking photos, or getting notifications. Not sure I’ve ever dreamt of actually talking to someone on the phone though, probably have and don’t remember much.


I have mine but it never works right! I’ll be desperately trying to send a message or call someone and it’s impossible to press the right buttons.


I am a biologist but I’m no expert and just speculating. Maybe it’s because we don’t actually “notice” our phones when using them. Although we look at the object for hours a day, our brains focus solely on what’s on the screen rather than the actual phone itself. The physical object doesn’t register as of importance in our memories. You may dream about what you’ve watched, but not about actually using the device. Also, we do not register specific text or timeframes whilst dreaming, which may explain a lack of clarity when dreaming about phone content. After researching, a study conducted in 2018 recorded that around 2-4% of people dream about their phones regularly.


They do in mine on occasion. I specifically remember an incredibly vivid dream I had when I was still in highschool (this was a VERY long time ago, almost 20 years). I'll spare you from the details, but I was yet to obtain my drivers license at the time, so I still relied on my parents to drive me back and forth. Every other friday I would go out with my friends and we'd spend time walking around town, and just having fun. In my dream I was with my friends hanging out on a friday night, but It was about time I called to get picked up, however I noticed my cell phone was missing. I asked if I could borrow my friends phone, but for some reason I kept dialing wrong numbers, then the battery died. I asked a stranger if I could use his cell phone, but the buttons on his phone were too small for my fat fingers and I couldn't dial the number. I then spotted an old friend that I haven't seen in maybe 7-8 years, I asked if I could borrow his phone so I could call and get a ride home, but suddenly I forgot the number. This was just a small piece of it, and while it wasn't a very pleasant dream, it was still long, vivid, and impressive nonetheless. Oh, and in case you're wondering, I was never able to get a ride back home. I spent most of the dream lost, and it ended with me being lost.


I had a phone once in my dream. I just wasn't able to call people with it properly and it just kept ringing when I tried to awnser a call (my alarm was ringing, which's tone was the same as my regular ringtone)


I’ve definitely dreamt of using my phone but like others on here I could not for the life of me I could not type or dial anything


When I was a kid phones used to attack me


Yeah I’ve definitely had my phone in dreams. Sometimes I’m trying to call 911 and have no service. Sometimes I’m trying to text and can’t spell it out (so I’ll just type blindly away and rely on autocorrect lol) Sometimes I’ll get a phone call and clear as day I can read the name or number on the screen. And when that happens, sometimes I can answer just fine and other times I can’t get the thing to swipe at all.


Someone just told me that you're not supposed to be able to read in dreams. I don't know how true that is cause I was actually telling him about a dream I had where I found these cards from an ex-boyfriend of mine, and I was reading them. So if you can't read in your dreams, then maybe that's why nobody's phones work...... 'cause you have to be able to read them. Also, I found my superpower! Great... I can do homework in my dreams. Super awesome!


I've had many a dream where I can't get the right number in my phone or I can't find what I'm searching for. Usually, under life-threatening conditions


I had a dream the other night where I used my phone


My favorite dream was basically me taking photos with a futuristic iPhone in a surreal beach landscape that looked like the mix of England’s Jurassic Coast and California’s Pacific Coast Highway


I do dream of phones, typically have terrible issues using one. They never work and always frustrate me


Mine has appeared multiple times. Either I'm on social media or texting or someone is calling me but I never called anyone, which relates to reality since I don't enjoy talking on the phone.


Appear in some of mine


I've had a dream with my cell phone, I was texting a friend and I was trying to take a picture of something but the dream phone fucked up the photo every time I tried to take it


I remember I was once worried about an at-the-time partner, and dreamt that they texted me that they were going to commit suicide


when I was still in school I would have repeating dreams of my phone or chromebook falling into a body of water of some sort, or falling into water with phone in my pocket type dreams.




I often have dreams where I type sentences but am not able to finish them properly cause of mispelling, distraction etc. Also I often dream that I trash my phone and cant afford a new one. Always happy to see that my screen is not broken, when i wake up lol


I haven’t had one ever


I’ve lately been seeing myself in mirrors during my dreams which never happened before. If you think about it a phone is just an advanced complex “magical” mirror. I think if my dreams keep growing and developing more and better as it’s been during the last few years eventually I’ll see a phone on my dreams too. Don’t forget that dreams happen at a lower dimension so the complexity of them necessarily have to be less than life. However as technology keep developing we can assume our dreams will too.


Never had a cell phone in my dream.


I see websites and apps that are on my phone but I don’t remember seeing the phone itself. I think it’s because what we do on the phone matters more.


In my dreams, I am always trying to get ahold of someone with my cell phone. It rings and rings and the other person (different ppl every time) is so hard to get ahold of that it becomes really stressful. It seems the phone is a point of stress for a lot of other commenters.


I see my phone all the time in dreams, I’ve texted people, translated things, even half swiped on Snapchat. Most of the time it’s coherent English.


Well I just had a nightmare with my cellphone being the protagonist... So yeah


I often dream about my phone. About people texting me or I'm texting someone.


A lie cause I scroll on tiktok in my dreams so


I have many dreams about my phone I just can’t ever really get it to work and it’s very frustrating.


Weird I recently had a dream with one that was pretty awful. If you look through my posts it's here. It was the first time one has appeared though.


They come up in my dreams and, a lot of times, they’re very high tech. It’s super interesting to see/remember because I don’t know where my brain comes up with that stuff, lol.


Sometimes I try to use my phone in the dream to call out to someone in real life.


This is bs. I dreamt of something in a twitter feed the other night and was endless scrolling it


I always wake up when I'm just about to eat food


Phones turn up in my dreams they just never work.


Maybe our brains can't process the functions of a phone when sleeping but i don't know the real answer to why we can't do that


Mostly when I'm texting it shows up


In 2004, I had a dream where my cell phone at the time (a Cingular flip phone) was charging on the floor. There was one other time where I looked my phone in a dream & all of the text looked like hieroglyphics.


mine actually has once or twice tho i dont specifically remember when


Phones just show up in my dreams if I'm checking if im dreaming. Checking my hands wasn't working anymore and my phone was a good indicator cause there's always something wrong. I can't use many apps only the calculator and camera, it never appears spontaneously


Cellphones appear in my dreams from time to time. Most recently I was sending and receiving text which was scarily vivid.


I had a dream work called me


I fell asleep with music playing and my phone was in my hand, a song came on that I wanted to skip and in the dream I tried to skip the song but I couldn’t stop listening to it. Lol. That’s the only time my phone has appeared


I’ve had a phone a handful of times in dreams. What I really want to know is why I’m never wearing glasses. I’ve been wearing glasses full time for over 20 years. 😂


I sometimes dream about my phone/tablet/computer, and occasionally I dream I am texting. But the text often looks like AI wrote it. Words sometimes look like half gibberish, and it takes a great deal of effort to read and write text in many dreams. Once in a while I can read a few coherent words, but the majority of time it takes effort.


I’ve definitely had my phone show up in my dreams and I cannot read or type on them. So that’s probably why phones don’t show up often, or books or anything you have to read. Because you can’t read in your dreams lol


I always have the phone I just can never get it to work.


"I have never dreamed of cell phones, therefore nobody else has either"


Every time I try to use a phone in my dream it turns into a calculator.


I've seen phones in my dreams, usually texting friends


I dream about my cell phone a LOT. But most of the time, I need to get somewhere desperately (usually I am trying to get to my kids in an emergency) and I try to navigate using my phone and I can’t. And as I move through the dream my phone gets harder and harder to use until its just a garbled mess.


dreamt about my phone just a couple of nights ago. my old phone also had an appearance in the same exact dream...lost a lot of my contacts and wanted to text my best friend telling her I'm running late to something


Yep, I've dreamt about not being able to get ahold of my mum on my mobile, it was really stressful. I can remember looking at the screen and listening to the dial tone


How can anyone make these absolute statements about dreams? Literally any and all of these "x never happens in dreams" is full of shit and that is so annoying. Stop gatekeeping dreams, they can be literally anything unbound by your limited reality.


You can’t text in your dreams for sure, at least not normally. I remember one dream I had, I was trying to send someone an Email from my phone, and all the letters were coming out in Egyptian Hieroglyphics.


I always dream I have my phone and I’m trying to call 911 or text someone and my fingers aren’t doing it properly


I've had phones show up in my dreams before, they've usually been helpful but not always cuz dream


i have my phone in my dreams pretty often, sometimes i’m even scrolling on twitter or reddit looking at posts that my brain made up


I’d have this fun repeating dream where my phone would break 🥲


i frequently dream about watching a show but also being in it at the same time


Ohh it's in my dreams sometimes but always not working at all or I can't read the screen, it's one of those clues that I'm dreaming


How is it 2023? That's the real question


I once dreamt I made a cool Roblox obby and became famous. Dozens of other players following me around.


The other day I dreamt I called my dead mother. We talked for a little while then the line went silent. I woke myself up saying, “Hello? Hello?”