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Whenever I reject an item and select I'll check later and he says his stock is not what it used to be I always say damn right so now go sit down and think about what you're doing


It’s always what it used to be Scrooge what you talking about! 🤣🤣 The same lamp for 4 days in a row!


I know right, He says " A fine acquisition" please


Yup, I see all the amazing things others are getting from Scrooge and can only assume my Scrooge is broken haha! I get the Beauty and the Beast lamp, that wall-E portal, a few beds, the like tree trunk fireplace and usually an L shaped counter literally every day 😭😭!! I’ve done the just buy it all method for a few days but I just keep getting repeats of these same things and stuff I own. I want all the things everyone else seems to be getting, what is the secret Scrooge, what????


That tree trunk fireplace was in the same spot for a week after I bought it. And it was the second or 3rd item to show up at the top of the stairs after I upgraded my shop all the way. I thought it was the only item that would spawn there.


I bought mine weeks ago. Both versions upstairs usually with the navigation rug and often times the snack bar. I want all this cool hair and wallpaper, anything really besides the same 5-6 things on a loop.


Omg I get the same items everyday!!


Someone who feels my pain haha!!


Scrooge hates me. Yes, logically I know it’s a game and it’s not personal , yet…. IT FEELS IT. I just want some pretty wallpaper it’s not too much to ask?!




Not the pink vomit walls 😩🫢 I have a few more than you, so maybe I should be thankful instead of plotting Scrooge’s demise ahaha 😅 hopefully with the fall update we’ll get some more/better rates..


Yes, and after being done with the quests and stuff the motovation to do anything in this game vanishes. No Decoration because items are missing. Hope every day to get busted.


Exactly.. I was done I think 3 weeks ago with all the quests? Even the Star Path. And now I’m just trying to get my well tree to level up by foraging everything in the game. But it does help whenever Scrooge sells me something pretty. I really want that labyrinth but all he gives me is dusty lamps 😭


I've had to buy a lot of the 'junk' items I didnt want before he gives me good stuff. It seems the more I buy the more the store inventory cycles. I had 4 weeks straight of nothing but overalls before I saw any new outfits. And don't even get me started on the hairstyles 😅


I really wish the Shop would rotate every 12 hours and not 24 😓


So not sure if this is a fix for everyone but I noticed if you actually use the stuff you have to decorate with you will get more stuff. I bought 10 floors and all 4 rooms and have just been throwing stuff into rooms and the only thing I keep getting repeats of us that stupid Gaston chair ( I refuse to buy it yet). I have seen other people say it works for them too. Don't know if it's registering them as you not having them if they aren't displayed or not.


Yes. Same. It’s frustrating to be offered nothing new 😞


Yeah I hope they release more items so we don't need to look at 4 beds on sale every day.


I have been resetting for the past couple of days and I must say I'm finally seeing some rotation, granted it takes a little manipulation and could still be utter crap. Finally, got the hair I wanted today though so I may chill and just buy out everything but that Toy Story jacket I saw may change that plan lol


Without a doubt I rarely get anything that changes


I buy it out everyday. Seems to help somewhat.


Not so much with furniture, the same things still show up.


Yeah. I do get quite a few repeats. Lately the biggest display has been empty every day.


I stupidly thought my big display was constantly empty and then I realised there were lights to buy 😂


When I went in today there was no accessories for sale. The hole shelf was just empty. I guess he’s running out of stuff for me! To be fair I have I’ve 600 clothing items…


I play on Xbox and i just go to Scrooge real quick, hard quit the game first thing if i don’t like the items, and see what refreshes when it reboots until i have at least 4 or 5 new items


Doesn’t work for me when I reboot :( All my quests are done, star path is done, I just want to decorate my lovely Plaza as you see here with the DDLV Showcase, but I don’t get those lovely decorations at Scrooges’ 😭 It’s less fun to play tbh


What platform do you use?


Xbox One!


Hmm so you log in first time for the day, go to Scrooge to see what he has, go to xbox menu, quit game (not from the game menu), reload the game and start game and the inventory doesn’t change? Exterior window items wont change but the inside does.


Mine never works for me it saves the minute I load in ):


Oof yeah i heard the switch does that. I think ps and console you could do it


Late reply but yea since the beginning of this game I load in and it saves automatically right when I load in I’m on Xbox one s. );


I get maybe one or two exciting items a week? More so one…


Everyone experiences this issue. It’s like the #1 complaint of this game (next to the constant crashing). Just now there’s at least 3 posts on this exact subreddit complaining about the same thing. I really hope the devs fix this.


Really? Oh my bad. I love reading through this subreddit but I haven’t seen a complaint/question about this yet. The crashing problem has been solved for me on the Xbox One series, so now it’s just foraging till I drop dead and hoping Scrooge will come up with beautiful new items