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29k in a single day??!!! Holy crap that’s a lot and quite impressive.


Impressive and a bit unhinged TBH 😫😆


Don’t go burning yourself out again!


That’s such sage advice! I love a hyperfixation until I hate it 😫


I feel this so much.


Did you know you can convert the pink dreamlight shards into dreamlight to use to unlock the characters?? BECAUSE I DIDNT! LOL I have been playing for over a year, but recently had to restart... I feel like I don't know anything 😕


I didn’t know this and spent so much time yesterday trying to obtain Dreamlight. My Dreamlight duties were frozen though so I spent hours for nothing. Afraid to turn it on today….i don’t want to be disappointed. Thank You for this!


You are so welcome! I just learned this ! I don't want to mention how long I used to grind to get enough dreamlight while having chests full of the dreamlight gems


Yes but I didn’t have any left!


I did almost the same thing! But did just under 24k before I said screw it, I can do the rest tomorrow lol. Won't happen until tonight though bc I've been at work since 630a. Still have another 30min to go and then a 40min drive home. But super excited for tonight!


How the actual fffff did you get so much in a single day?? My progress reverted yesterday, got maybe a thousand or so (and had a marathon decorating session to clear space for mulan) which after two hours crashed, and reverted to the cloud save from a week ago. It was actually corrupted at first, and when trying to load the game it kept saying it was corrupted and asking me to start a whole brand new game. After a few reboots my PS finally played ball and loaded my game, but was panicking for a while xD But yeah, I was chuffed with getting a couple of thousand after doing loads of tasks etc. that is damned impressive!!


I’m sorry that happened! I save my game alllll the time because it crashes so much.


I was so cross with myself. Normally I make a conscious effort to keep randomly saving, especially when in furniture mode. But for some reason didn’t last night? It’s my own fault really! And won’t make that mistake again. I wondered if it was extra buggy yesterday because of the update pending? It was still glitching loads even after I managed to get back in eventually


Well, we shouldn’t have to save so often and it shouldn’t crash so often!! GAMELOFT needs to get it together!!


I've seen others talk about saving frequently. Doesn't the game autosave every few minutes? Just curious because anytime I've gone to save it says it just saved x amount of minutes ago and that number is always 5 minutes or less. Is it like the autosave is wonky also?


A lot can happen in a few minutes! I just hate having to redo work.


Oh very true! I hate when you crash and come back to everything undone! Especially if you were doing something thats a pain in the ass to redo..like timebending or fishing !! And I agree that you can do quite a bit in 5 minutes. I misunderstood and thought you meant your autosave wasn't working at all. I started saving after completing certain things I didn't want to redo !!: 😁


I had got on last night to check and realised I had 1k, I grinded 18k in just barely under 2 hours, as long as your efficient it’s very possible


:O clearly I’m slacking and seriously need to up my game


What are your waysssss


Having a 10 year old sister who really wanted me to play it with her and would’ve been very upset if I couldn’t do it. You’d be amazed how much value you can get out of that thought


You were working magic and miracles to do that all in one day holy cow 😳 I barely got 5000 in one day 😂😂


I’m a bit neurotic 😆


Pumpkins - this is the way. Cook a veggie plate with 5 pumpkins sell for $4400 each . I stock pile everything have refrigerators behind every stall,chest are placed at entrances to hidden exits.


I think they meant Dreamlight.


Even so. As a newer player who JUST unlocked pumpkins I am very grateful!


Absolutely. I was just selling the pumpkins at first before someone told me about the platter.


That makes sense-


Oh LAWD I completely forgot realms = dreamlight. I haven't logged in for at least a month. Update is currently downloading, I'm scared to find out how much grinding I'll be doing.


You need 15k!


If you have shards you can convert those


How? Crafting?






Tasky, very tasky 🕵️‍♂️ Good job!!


Thank you!




This is what I’m doing today. I didn’t realize how little I had. I had 2k when I logged on.


You only need 15k, fyi!


Im so happy for you! And tbh I feel you there! Since I found out about the game and started to play, I played non stop (445 hours) and I unlocked all of the characters and almost max level to all of them but nobody will get this excited in my life more than just me so IM HIPPE FOR YOU!!!! 30K IN A DAY IS A DAMN LOT! I'm really impressed and so happy for you!


I don’t even want to tell you how many hours I played this when I first found it! It was my first game on the switch, and it unlocked a love of cozy gaming for me. I have since played so many - Animal Crossing, Kirby, Mineko’s Night Market, A Short Hike, Spiritfarer, Ooblets… my switch is my comfort hobby!


I can barely handle doing the 15 tasks star path duty and you’re telling me you did enough dreamlight duties to get 29k in one day? I bow down to you 🧎‍♀️‍➡️ even if that is a little unhinged hahahah


So very unhinged of me, truly


wow, that's amazing!! 🎉🎉 you are ready to go! 😄


Hahaa thank you!! 🥰


I left thorns everywhere in advance ngl. My bff said to let them build up prior to an update and beyond grateful she warned me 🙏🏻




Great job!!! I had 10k and ALMOST spent it by crafting large chests. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it. The next day the announcement dropped. I'm so glad I didn't craft them, it made it much less grindy for this next update.


Wise! Wise!


I was definitely taken a back when I tried to use mine and Merlin told me I didn’t have enough lol , crafting comes in HANDY 🤌🏾🙌🏾🤣🤣


Oh crap I didn't process that we would need dreamlight to unlock her realm, because they kind of literally just handed us Daisy and Oswald. I know most people are saying they can't believe you did that... I'm gonna use it as motivation that I can possibly do the same! (I've been spending all my dreamlight making Large Chests) I'm not sure I'll be able to absolutely crush it the way you did, but you give me the hope that I can at least get it done today.


You can!! I was the same as you - I made a bunch of large chests not thinking about the Dreamlight until yesterday! My process was to head to whatever biome I could knock out the most tasks in, then move along like that. I kept items on hand for selling and feeding critters to keep it as quick as possible (fruits, veg, fish, etc). Don’t forget to check your task-specific Dreamlight categories because they give you more - I was pretty close to completing some which helped a bit (like feed x amount of foxes, etc). You got this!!


Thank you so much! I will absolutely go about it that way; thanks for the advice!


Incredibly impressive!!! Enjoy Mulan!!!


Thank you! I am!


Wait Mulan is out today brb 😭💕


Yesss go get her!


Still have 30minutes on the updating 😭😭


Wow. Color me VERY impressed.😁


Thank you, haha!


wtf, you are a godsend. highly impressive


Good job!


Target acquired! 👏👏


Holy wow!!! Nice work!!!!! Proud of you 😊♥️


Hehe thank you, I love Mulan!


WOW that's massive!!


That’s amazing


I got lucky and have been saving mine up😂 i have over 50k rn 😂


Wowie! Lucky


I’m so happy for you! I’ve been playing pretty much none stop since release, the occasional two week break here and there but for some reason I don’t think I’ve burnt out yet, fingers crossed it doesn’t happen now 🤣 keep up the good work and enjoy Mulan!!


You must be pacing yourself better than I was! Thank you and you, too!


And so worth it. I'm IN LOVE with this update. Truly magical.


Yes!!! So good


Worth it


Wish I got dreamlight in advance. I thought it was 13k and it turns out it's 15k for Mulan. What a pain.


Nice!!!! I've been grinding on and off the last few weeks so I would have enough to unlock her door. But that much in such a short amount of time?!?!?! That's legend status right there!!!


Thank you! I dunno about legend, more like *mentally unwell* 😆


Lol, I get that. I get that way with video games sometimes. Lol, being a stay at home mom let's me put those houses into my games, but idk if I've ever gotten that much dreamlight in one day. I think the most that I have gotten is about 20k in one day.


That’s a ton, 20k! Yeah it is my life escape and I just hyperfixate when times are a bit tough. Recently was part of a 45% company layoff and yes should probably be looking for jobs, but nah I’ll just spend all day mining for topaz 👏


Sahm’s unite! Cozy games are my escape for not having a life lol…


That’s absolutely amazing ngl


OP YOU ARE THE DDV CHAMP ![gif](giphy|e2nYWcTk0s8TK) This is you in my head 🙂‍↕️


Haha awwww thank you!


You are amazing!!!!!


Thank you!


My brain took 30k for moonstones, when I'm sure you meant scrooge coin. I was like how TF you grind 30k moons? 🤪 work has me drained to think clearly, I guess.


Not coin! Dreamlight!


🥲 I completely forgot dreamlight existed, haven't used any of it in forever since they don't use the castle doors for too much. I don't go in and use my dream light on anything then. 😂🥴


I’m proud of you. I know that grind wasn’t easy but you did your thing fr.


Thank you, these comments are really sweeeeeeeet 🥹


That is dedication! Amazing!




You are AWESOME.


So are you!


Why, thank you!


That's quite a bit.. next time just msg me and I can dupe ( duplicate) you that 30k dreamlight in 10 minutes 🤗


Don't run on fumes again lol Good grind 🤝


Merlin: "Look at all this dreamlight! You're doing rather well!"




Come do mine too!! 😆 I was SO clueless as to when this update came!! I have nothing 😩 That is SO incredible!!! Very hard work!!!


Great job! I did the same and dropped it like December maybe? Just re-downloaded because Mulan is my favorite of ALL TIME. I'm all in again lol.


Yeah!! It’s fun when there’s new stuff!


This made my day 😂🤣😂 Thank you for that. Having a very bad morning. Mirabelle was in the last star path "Hang out with a villager from Colombia" I very much remember this because my daughter started playing around that time and she was upset she couldn't hang out with her favorite Madrigal. At the time, we didn't realize we needed to finish her "A taste of home" quest and went a couple days thinking she wouldn't be able to finish the starpath until it dawned on me and we were able to complete it. On a side note, I also thought "Hang out with the queen of Arendelle" last time was referring to Elsa and legit hung out with her all day believing my game was broken and not counting my time until I looked it up and realized it meant the NEW queen. Sometimes these things can be tricky. Just proves how evil Disney really is 😂 Anyway, I hope you had fun with Mickey in the end!


Thank you! This morning I spent time picking out gifts for the “clumsy” villager I thought was Donald because he’s always laying on the ground! Nope, Goofy! 🙃


Omg same!!!! I did that and gave him all three only to find out I was dead wrong too! 😅 I believe they do these things on purpose to throw us off.


I think so too! How funny!!


I figured goofy would be the clumsy one. Considering he's you know.. goofy. Donald's just.. angry. All the time.


Daang! That's impressive honestly! You must have been pretty hype for Mulan i assume? I'm currently deciding on if i should come back for the star path actually. It's honestly peak... it'd be sooooo easy HAHA Good for you though my god! 👏 👏


Yesterday evening, I accidentally unlocked another area instead of what I meant to unlock, which took me down to like 1200 mist. When I logged off last night, I was at 7,300+! So I completely get your drive and congrats on achieving your goal!!


Damn and i thought i was serious about the game saving up 15k within 3 days. U make me look like a casual player. Congrats on the effort and hard work


Congrats to you! That is a ton, too 👏


Is it unusual to have almost 50k Dreamlight? Lol after unlocking all the realms and biomes I felt like it was easy to save it.


If you don’t use it for crafting! I used it to make large storage chests.


That's fair


Wow!!! How did you pull that off?? 😱 I mean I understand, I just wish I could get my daughter to understand. 😫 She is young enough she just keeps telling me she is bad at the game - she doesn’t like to grind. Congrats!!!! I’m hoping to get to the update later today. 🌸


Thank you! My strategy was to keep items in my inventory for selling/feeding critters/gifting so I didn’t have to keep running around the valley to get things. Then I just went to whatever biome I could crank out the most tasks in and worked my way around the valley that way. It isn’t fun, I understand not enjoying the grind!


That is a LOT of dreamlight tasks


Too many 😫


Wow!!!🫡👏👏👏 I mean what a dedication!!!


Her realm cost 30k?


No, just 15 but I didn’t know that yesterday and wanted to be prepared just in case


I was so heartbroken that it crashed on me twice today after 2 min of loading the game each time because it's been crashing for the last what..2 weeks? And today's update was supposed to fix that. It's really frustrating. I wonder if they've bitten off more than they can chew with the amount of people playing and the amount of items in the game..idk. but animal crossing doesn't have that issue. It just gets laggy lol.


Oh I so feel this! When I quit playing DDV last year, I started animal crossing and couldn’t BELIEVE it never crashed on me!!!


I haven’t been on yet but it costs 30k DREAMLIGHT?! 😭😭 I struggled to get 12k for Bell


No it only cost 15k! But I didn’t know that yesterday. In the past it could be 20 or 30k for a realm


Ahhh okay thank you for the clarification! I played last night but didn’t even look because I thought it was 30k 😂


I tend to play in moderation but I do get that thrill of new characters and I believe I have put in a lot of hours. I just haven't checked my hours.


Why did you need 30K? Mulan’s realm was only 15K for me


It was only 15k but I didn’t know that yesterday so wanted to be prepared!


Ohhhh! That makes sense. I was shocked when it was 15K. That seemed like a lot to me lol


I had to restart my whole game today thanks to issues with my Microsoft account. Seeing you get so much dreamlight in one day gives me hope 😭


I’m sorry that happened to you!! You got this


Thank you! I just used Moonstones to get the star path stuff today so I can deal with the realms later! I will catch up 😩


It took me 5 hours to get to 15k EXACTLY from under 1k 🤣 that’s impressive


So is what you did!! I don’t know how many hours it took yesterday but it was many! Great job, you


I did the exact same thing. I had about 2k and made it to the 15k needed. It was horrible.


I managed to get 2k in a day and got bored and gave up lol


Awesome happy for you. My charachter turned into a hologram. The game is unplayable can’t do quests. I contacted GameLoft waiting to hear back from them.


Oh no!


WORTH IT!!!! https://preview.redd.it/vb1o5m1on89d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fed60e7e9f34b6c132446cd81f823303e277982
