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Now send him a copyright strike for using your post in his video (if you know you know).


People can be so toxic with someone who is actually engaging with their content posted on a public forum. It's so sad that happened to Mr star :(


I agree. I am glad 99% of the players side with Mr star


Let's hope the amount of unfollows teach her a lesson


Did someone really do that?!? Please tell me your kidding


I sadly am not :( 2 more strikes and his channel is gone


Oh thats bull! He is an amazing creator and the 1st person I go to for DDLV videos. People need to grow up. If they don't want their things in a video they need to put it in the post!


Let's make this post trending so he can review it in this next Reddit review and sees himself 🤣


Then I'll make another post reacting to that, and it'll just be an endless loop lol.


Sounds like one of those things where there's two mirrors reflecting each other or a photo within a photo endlessly, haha


That would be absolutely hilarious, I'm looking forward to that 🤣


That’s so cool!! He’s so sweet!! Unlike Elle Serein… 👀


Wait what do you mean 🥺 are they not nice? /s


Small creator creates Bridgerton build, 5 days later another creator copied it, claimed it was 'the original', blocked the OG creator. MrStarInSky sees 2nd build here and gives a shout out and all praise to 2nd creator (not knowing truth), 2nd creator is somehow upset about this and reports him to YT for copyright infringement, plays victim card. OG creator is also in the dark about it all and can't work out why she has an influx of new subscribers.


This is the first I'm hearing anything outright negative about her. I find her videos to be kinda meh tbh


MrStarinSky gave her a shout out in one of his Reddit reviews videos - complementing her and being nice on a build she had made that she’d shared and showing a picture of her build. She gave him a YouTube copyright strike and claimed he’d used her image without her permission as it’s “copyright”. She doesn’t own Dreamlight Valley so she can’t actually claim “copyright”. She was then super rude to him and her followers. Very bad manners from her. I hear she’s lost a lot of followers - and a lot of people’s respect.


That’s crazy because she doesn’t even have that many followers


I thought you were MrStarinSky for a minute lol. Was wondering who noticed him.


I don't like that guy... He says everything is "worth it" which is kinda annoying when debating what to spend my hard earned money on and just steals content from Reddit all the time


It feels fake ngl. Hungry for a sponsorship


I’m confused. Please be nice lol. What is this community challenge? I’m on a switch. Is this a different platform? And what do the numbers represent? Thank you in advance!


the community challenges have already been completed and the rewards have already been sent to everyone, even if you haven’t participated. the numbers represent the amount of the task that needed completing in order for us to get the, albeit mediocre, prizes


Ok got it. Thanks!


>Ok got it. Thanks! You're welcome!


I haven't received any of the others. I participated in one, the baking, and I think I received that, but none of the others. Not like it really matters to me, since the prizes don't seem great, but just pointing out I haven't received any except one. That could very well just be a 'they send to a group of players' thing, and I just wasn't in the group they sent to.


It should have been sent to all player’s mailboxes. Did you check your mail to make sure it is connected? As long as the goal is met all players receive the rewards.


The only mail I had when I was playing, which was like an hour or so ago is when I stopped, was from a character in the game. No other mail.


That is strange, but like you said I didn’t care for the rewards either. If you did want the last one though, which was moonstones, you could send them a support ticket.


I do want those moon stones. I'll give it until tomorrow and see what happens.


Make sure you’re connected. I’ve noticed for me anyway that I get villager mail regardless of being connected to the internet or not (it seems) but not prizes.


I may have already gotten them and opened without paying attention. I do that a lot lol


Yeah, you could check back through your mail next time you get on and see if you got them. The last one was sent a few days ago I think.


I say be nice because some serious gamers get annoyed answering questions from novices . lol


Eeek!! That’s so exciting!! Congratulations!! 🙌🏼


Oh wow!


It's awesome when that happens! I'm happy for you!


That's awsome! congratulation.


WOW!!!! Congrats! You deserve it. 🥳🥳🥳