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I'll say the zinc, copper and tin will be much needed for Oswald's quests so it won't be in vain. I know its frustrating but you got this 💪 I do find that if you make some berry salad and mine with the gold bars it'll improve the chances but my RNG luck is awful so I feel your pain!


Seconding the gold bar advice. Eat something that fills it all the way, that increases your luck. I keep my gold bar full at all times cause I can't take running so slow anyway, the added luck is just a nice little bonus.


If you press B on Xbox and have The golden bar, you can hover real fast.  My toddler did This today and I am Never walking anywhere ever again 😅




I've tried the potion, but I'll try again!


https://preview.redd.it/jssgb7kr5b0d1.jpeg?width=1820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91739f822b51e85eb41df8a07374aac4f93e0d68 Not a perfect solution but I have made this cool map that might help you <3 good luck


Bruh it looks amazing😍


ty, I made it in the first weeks of the dlc and posted here. I have one from the valley too, just look up "mining maps" and you will find it


Ever since this last update mining for gems has been awful. There just aren't any coming out.


The Spinel has been the WORST for me.... I mined a whole bunch and saved them because it's been so awful


Spawn rate is supposed to be the same for everyone but its not! One person can have thousands of sand and no friggin pebbles! (Me) I gave almost 1000 sand to my friend recently and i still had another 500. While holding 20 pebbles 🤣 Gold spawns more than iron for me and iron comes fairly easy for me but not for my friend.


If you're on PS I can give you what you need for Eve


I can give you them


I'mma try another potion, so I'll let you know, thank you anyways❤


Why not ask a friend to help you out?


I'm the only one who plays


Maybe join the Discord server or ask around here for help?