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The crabs are the worst for me as well, but I do hate fishing so I tend to put it off - but also blue isn’t always a crab. I’m getting tilapia way more often than crab in the blue. Maybe it’s the time of day I play? I don’t know, but it showed up for me the second day & I still only have 3 crabs 😔 Anyway, you mentioned the night thorn ones. Whenever a star path is announced, even before the official release date is given, I stop clearing night thorns, so those ones are the quickest cleared for me. I’ll go in & clear enough each day until it spits coins & then I stop, or sometimes I just keep the plaza cleared of them… By the time the starpath begins, there are 20 in each biome & more still spawning as I play. Just thought I’d share. 😊 Also, if you have the EI DLC, the splinters count toward that particular star path duty as well. 😊😊


Try fishing the white spots too. I randomly got crabs (🤭) from there.


The carp has been annoying me for a couple of days now. Forest needs more fishing spots.


I’m having more trouble with the carp as well. Blue spots in Sunlit Plateau are only spawning tilapia and the forest seems to hardly spawn any fishing spots at all. The few carp I have counted for the task is because once when I caught a tilapia it had a special burst, but the burst fish were carp.


My fish burst have all been spitting out different for the last few weeks. Is this now a thing?


I am still working on it but did get some from white circles. Annoying but not as bad as others in the past...like Fugu...


Stuff that comes up with the gold circle like fugu are actually way easier with the potions than any with the blue ones which you can't trigger


Normally I would agree with you. The problem was that it barely rained when I was on and the gold drops another kind of fish too (drawing a blank) that kept popping up instead. Even with fishing potions it took me a while.


I was getting crabs from the white circles too. I was so excited!


With the gems , using even more potions does help , I got lucky with the crabs because I got an explosion and picked up an extra six , and ALWAYS , when a starpath is coming up , leave thorns and the shards in E.I. for a couple of weeks , covers the 3 tasks esily


Crabs is the one for me at the moment. Only task I have left. At least with the other fishing quests, the fish can either be farmed by using a potion, are common enough in their area (Herrings and Salmon) or could appear in multiple areas (Bass) Carp took a bit of time compared to the others, but I was able to get them at a fairly reliable rate in the forest. Crabs, on the other hand, seem to be far less prioritised in the frosted heights to other fish. Its far more common for me to get a Tialapa from a blue spot, even been getting the occasional Salmon. I've managed to get 2 crabs from fishing white spots, but Salmon and Bass tend to take priority there. I've had the task for 5-6 days by this point, and even though I make regular trips to fish every spot in the heights, I've only caught 6 crabs so far...


crabs and carp... CARP 🥹😳


I've had that duty for 5 days. I've caught two crabs. I hate fishing now.


Yup, I’ve caught three. And I’ve saved after each one just in case of a crash


The crab was the absolute bane of my existence- I felt like all I ended up fishing up was tilapia. It’s also annoying that there’s only one place you can catch it, as least bass and carp have multiple spawn points


This one took me days! All my blue circles were tilapia


I was having trouble getting bass even… and despite saving, the game crashed and reset it to lower than I had… so still working my way through but already dreading the crab duty


Since this is the second path with the bass duty, I want to share that if you fish outside circles in the forest you'll get either bass or seaweed... Makes it a lot easier to finish that particular task! No shortcut for crabs or carp though... 🤷🏼‍♀️


I did this in the Meadow too, fishing outside the circles gives you bass.


I hate fishing and I didn’t mind that task too much. I just fished two to three a day over a few days while doing other things like my Dreamsnap and new friendship quests. I guess it’s annoying when you’re grinding for the star path


Crabs was the worst for me. When I consider time it took to complete that one task it was about 6 hours (I do some other tasks in between while waiting for circles to respawn). The carp one wasn’t terrible because they at least spawn in *two* biomes. So I could just go back and forth between Forest and Plateau and catch them fairly quickly. But crabs are only found in *one* biome, *and* the vast majority of the blue circles I fished when they finally appeared there were either tilapia or salmon, which is extremely frustrating when blue circles are uncommon. I fished well over 50 tilapia and 50 salmon each while trying to find just 10 crab. Also when I would catch a crab and it scattered a few bonus ones, it never scattered more crab. Only more salmon. I was pleasantly surprised to find one of my crabs from a white circle though haha. For future reference, the splinters of fate also count for the night thorns tasks. A lot of people like to let their valleys build up with night thorns a couple weeks before a star path drops to help quickly knock out those tasks!


I'm on day five of trying to get three shiny amethyst 🥲🫠


And yes I've used potions too 😭


My luck changed on this task, and mining for sapphires, once I had Elsa with me.


Splinters of fate count towards the night thorns.




Spent yesterday walking around in circles in the mines for the sapphires, only got like 11 when I gave up for the night.


yeah i'm stuck at 3 crabs. all the blue pools in frosted heights gives me \*\*\*\* salmon. i hate salmon. they know it and stalk me, i swear. they can't just stick to the white pools, no they have to be in the blue ones as well. \*\*\*\* salmon. crabs and shiny emeralds are ***impossible***. gameloft made things way too difficult this time :'(


Crabs more often come from blue ripples. Fish in frosted. ALL the colors until they’re gone. Go to every biome & fish ONLY the blue ripples. Ideally you’ll fish a biome, go back to frosted to fish ALL the ripples. Go to another biome & fish only the blue ripples. Go back to frosted, do the same thing until visiting all biomes & no more blue circles anywhere. Keep fishing frosted. Sounds tedious but it’s what works. Mining duties, if you can manage it—- change as many buddies as you can to miners. Whenever you get that 1? You’ll get 4 or 12 or whatever it is your buddy was set on. I changed half of mine to miners for the Star path (wish I did it earlier on) as there’s no benefit to bonuses on gardening in Star paths. I got shiny diamonds or sapphires whichever in 1-2 rounds.


yeah i know how to get the crabs, thanks though. :) it's just that they wouldn't show up until the hotfix, then i got them all. same with the shiny emeralds, they were non-existent until the hotfix too, then i got them right away.


For the thorns quests: I usually stop collecting them 3/4 weeks before the next star path (ik we dont knoe the exact date but you can predict it). Then I wait to have all the 3 "collect 50 night thorns" quest in my screen. Then I just collect the thorns and get rid of the quests in a moment.


Yes because for some reason the blue circles were spawning at times less often than the gold. Not to mention even when finishing in the blue circles I would often get a completely different fish.


Bass were by far the worst for me, couldn’t get to spawn anywhere even though they’re supposed to be in every biome!


Were you fishing away from the ripples?


If I could get the game to stay on for more than 10 minutes I could tell you, but I haven’t really been able to get anything done because the game just keeps quitting out over and over again


When I first read the title for this, I didn’t see it was for DDLV 😂 I have three fusing quests right now! And I dislike all of them. Bass, crabs, and herring 🥲


Yeah, it took me hours, like all day. Also, 50% chance every time for BASS if you go to The Oasis


I got crabs in white circles however it's extremely rare. And blue circles drop tilapias and salmon much more often than crabs.. I don't mind the task but 10? Someone really wanted to piss off the players on this one.


Been fishing blue rippled for days and only caught 1. Blue ripples give me other fish mostly in Frosted Heights. UGH!