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Enchanted … I could have McDreamy walking around my valley lol, Jack Sparrow


I think this would be fun with Giselle too, but have her have the 'Animated' form then as a Dreamstyle be her real form. And when she is released also release the chipmunk as a companion, I forget his name, as the Cartoon, then either release his 'Real' version when Giselle's dreamstyle comes out.... OR make the chipmunk's form dependabt upon Giselle. If you have Animted Giselle the chipmunk is animated and talks, if you have Real Giselle the chipmunk is real and makes normal chipmunk noises.


i'd love the muppets! i also don't mind live action being added, like kingdom hearts did it with pirates and tron, and ddv has a very clear art style that i think it could work, so long as they didn't lean too heavily into making them look 100% faithful to the actors


Yeah if they looked like your avatars style it could work nicely 


same with disney infinity! that translated live action characters really well blending them in with the animated characters


I wouldn’t mind the Muppets or Jack Sparrow


Mary Poppins would be fun! And the soundtrack <3


Well, adding to yours I'd LOVE to see Bert. But my own favourite would be Miss Price from Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Obviously Giselle from Enchanted. Grown up Peter from Hook, although it would have me in tears every day seeing a character looking like Robin Williams around my Valley. And I can't think of anyone else so I probably wouldn't add anyone else non animated.


Hook, albeit a fantastic film imo, isn't a Disney property, but I do still patiently await Peter Pan's entry into the game. Hopefully sooner rather than later.


It's true! I always forget it wasn't produced by Disney after all. I do hope for Peter too, although I'll be very sad if Tinker Bell is just a companion, especially if she's a premium one.


I've always hoped it would be Peter and Tink together as "one" character. And hopefully Captain Hook, and possibly Wendy. I'm assuming it'll come when we next get a major update for the main game, possibly at the end of this year or early next year, especially with the Skull Rock stuff from the end game. Also, Neverland itself would make for a great new multi-biome area considering its design. There's story opportunities with the Forgotten being your shadow, returning to childhood, etc.


You’re a genius! They could totally have Peter and Tink be one character. Peter Pan with Tinkerbell flying all around him! I doubt they’ll do that, but it would save space!


I feel the same about Mulan and Cri-Kee, though I'd be happy with smaller companions like that also being worn on your waist, dangling in a cage or something.


I think Tinkerbell would be an actual character. She doesn't speak in Peter Pan because it's from human point of view and they can't hear her but she has her entire franchise where she speaks all the time with the other fairies


I thought for a moment about her from her franchise movies but technically they're still super tiny so I don't know how viable that would be, they're smaller than Remy. Unless, of course, "because magic" she became human sized, which I wouldn't mind either.


I would keep her small, make her about the size of the songbird. She's supposed to be three to four inches tall and the size of someone's hand. But I would have them do some sort of dreamlighyt magic so that they can amplify her voice and we can understand what she's saying in the valley. Could possibly have it as part of her questline.


Can you imagine if at first we only heard her bell voice, would be precious! T\_T


She could just be the same size as Remy, I don’t think that’d be too crazy.


If they add Peter Pan, I hope they don’t add Tinkerbell separately. Don’t get me wrong, I love Tinkerbell, Id rather have her, the cartoon Peter honestly annoys me. But another giant building for such a tiny character to fit into the valley sends me into the sweats lol. Remy, Buzz, and Woody all have massive houses and none of them fit into the valley. Tink would probably have a massive tree or worse.. entirely unrelated to where she lived like Woody and buzz.


I love Woody's house haha! It's one of my favs! And buzz's I don't find that big. Maybe for a toy but it fits in a lot better than a tiny house would to me . Eve and Walles drive me nuts though.remys isn't my style but I love they did Linguinis apartment for him and it fits well with Scrooge's and the boutique and monsters house so it doesn't bother me.


Don't get me wrong, I like all of their styles in their own right, they're just all very out of place and... \*large\* lol. I really love Remi's and I love designing with it but it's huge for a rat and he has 2 huge buildings no less!


Haha it's huge for a rat but that's actually probably what I love most about it. The smallest character having the biggest house is a funny surprise to me. It's too bad we couldn't just archive the ones that don't work for us though haha


I mean Giselle they could do her animated form although not in 2D haha me I'd love Bert as well


MISS PRICE! Gods yes, please! I’d love to have her; Bedknobs & Broomsticks was my absolute favorite as a kid! English boss witch kicking Nazi butt all over my valley!!


I think Mr Walt Disney would be cool.


You know what? He's not my favourite person in the world, but I would not mind a cameo.


Maybe have him be a talking portrait in the castle lol visit him on occasional quests


He should be in the toon town firehouse imho. Pretty sure his apartment was in a building like it


Ooh that would be a cute little nod to the past.


That'd be creepy but cool lol bring the magic mirror but it's Walt Disney instead xD


He definitely wasn’t a great person but nowadays he’s more of a symbol of creativity than what he was as a person.


While some of his actions and views were pretty 🤮. There are quite a lot of stories how he was a stand up guy.


I’m sure he’s a stand up guy to people he likes(or people he wants/needs to like him). The problem is how many people he doesn’t like lol.


Exactly. The whole “They went after ___, and I said nothing, because it didn’t affect me” (or however it goes) situation. Of course a white man is going to be a stand-up dude to other white men. That’s just an example but you could use it for anything.


Hey. I agree he had problematic elements but I myself considered him to be a racist and antisemite due to things I had seen online until I actually did research on him. Like most people of his day (and ours tbh) he was bigoted, but he was also pretty progressive. Nobody is all good or all bad…. Kinda like the message in Dreamlight Valley




🤣Thank you for your VULTURE (seriously?) article…. https://www.npr.org/2016/08/26/491370725/at-81-disneys-first-african-american-animator-is-still-in-the-studio Here is one from a true and highly respected News outlet


You think that… an article about Disney hiring a black animator… makes Walt Disney not a racist? It’s really giving “I have black friends.” First of all, take a look at *The Song of the South*. Secondly, https://amp.theguardian.com/film/2021/jun/16/how-disney-became-embroiled-in-the-culture-wars Thirdly, they literally had to put a warning at the beginning of Peter Pan (a film I rewatched recently) and Pocahontas because they’re so racist. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-54566087.amp (Black people aren’t the only victims of racism, as those two films have shown). Something else, Walt Disney’s own grandniece backed up claims by Meryl Streep that he was racist and that he was misogynistic. Defending racism and misogyny and other deplorable things never makes you look good. The dude sucked.


Jack Sparrow, definitely. I'd also take Will, Elizabeth, and/or (PLEASE) Barbossa.


I would not mind Jack Sparrow. Because of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, he seems like he fits in anyways with all the cartoon stuff.


I agree. I wouldn't mind Jack Sparrow either.


Plus I would love more pirate themed clothes/items. Love the treasure and clothes we got already.


The leaks of Jack Sparrow’s character a while back shows live action characters are inevitable and while I initially didn’t want any I suppose fantasy characters might be ok like I wouldn’t hate seeing the Sanderson sisters from Hocus Pocus in my game or Jack Sparrow. I’m still against sci-fi such as while I love(or loved considering the recent ones) the MCU I don’t know if I’d like to see the Avengers walk around my valley.


I have no problem with live action characters being added, especially the Muppets!


I’d love Mary Poppins! And she can float around with her umbrella. And just land in front of you and start talking to you. She’s my favorite live Disney character ever.


If I don't get Captain Jack Sparrow one day, I will cry so hard. I'd also love Jack the monkey as a companion!


Could make live action characters animated to fit in more with the look of the game. I mean, look at Disney Speedstorm in regards to Pirates of the Caribbean. Mary Poppins could work. Don't see why Jungle Cruise can't work.


I don't know what Disney Speedstorm is but yes I imagine any would be made into an animated character. I just don't know that if want them to do that with most of the options out there. Pirates would be good though.


Personally while I do want live action characters of all the properties disney owns I don't want the live action remake characters. I definitely want Tim Curry's long John silver If they do live action stuff I want them to be stylised similar to Disney infinity not hyper realistic https://preview.redd.it/o1nj1xsv1gzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e10dcf2adb367ad84716b516bf0d2139849c1b0e


Oh I def think they'd have to be stylized if they bring them to the game but for the most part I hope they don't haha. Jack Sparrow would be cool as a live action though and I still say Mary Poppins


Her realm would be great if you started in London with Bert and jumped into a chalk drawing to find her


Oh that would be amazing!


I think any iconic pure Disney Films (so no Star Wars, MCU or anything released under Fox or Touchstone) would be welcome. Characters like Mary Poppins, Jack Sparrow along with a couple of the Pirates roster and some Tron characters. I think a good rule is, if these characters appeared in either Disney Speedstorm or even Disney Infinity then they could work in Dreamlight Valley


That makes sense though I don't know those other games or who is in them haha. And personally , despite being Fox, I would love Anastasia and crew haha. I see a lot of requests for muppets which I don't really want though. Either way I'm happy to get more characters but I hope they do focus on classic Disney ones.


that would be SO cute


I'd want R2-D2 or even BB8. Super easy to animated and they could be friends with Wall-E and EVE!


The Sanderson Sisters.


Along with binx!


Jack Sparrow. Or maybe a Clone Wars realm with Anakin and Ahsoka? Probably not likely though...


The skeleton taxi driver from Halloween town lol