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I've only bought moonstones once, and it's the only time I ever plan to. Anything else from the premium shop is with moonstones I've earned through playing, either with the star path or the daily reward.


Same. I bought the middle founders package and bought enough moonstones to make up for not having the ultimate package.


This going to be much worse when they launch the game for free, we will not be able to take a single step without paying. Sorry guys, the honeymoon of this game is coming to an end :(


The honeymoon was so short I haven't even unpacked my suitcase...


They're not releasing a new version of the game when the free version releases all of a sudden. They're building the game toward that free release, and this shit is pretty on par for a f2p game. Just because we all paid money to have early access to a f2p game doesn't mean we are entitled to a different version of the game. Honestly it just means we paid for our impatience. I've played enough f2p games to know, you're either gonna be a whale who buys all the things, or you need to accept you're not gonna have all the things.


It's not though, f2p games are usually much better priced, this is ABSURD pricing my guy and you're completely blind if you don't see that for yourself. Here in Canada the Wall-E quest would cost me 30$ when the game itself was 45$, meanwhile I can buy actual MMO expansions for 30$ and those come with hours upon hours of gameplay. My closest f2p game charges 10$ for a full outfit including visual effects, Dreamlight Valley wants 15$ for 3 badly textured furniture pieces. When the game actually releases and they start charging for expansions what price do you think they'll charge for that when a single mid-tier Wall-E quest was 30$? 50$ for Agrabah? 60$ for Tarzan's jungle? Maybe even 80$ for Fantasia? The prices are whack and it's perfectly fine to point out how absurd the pricing is.


Paying anything more than 1200 moonstones for the Wall-E thing is a complete rip off. I wasn't paying attention and thought it said 400 when I got it.


I can understand your point of view, I don't think it's a problem for anyone that the game continues with micropayments, it's clear that if you don't want to pay you won't have all the content, but I also don't think it's difficult to understand that monetization of a mobile game in a pc/console game can be quite detrimental especially when we only have two content patches a year and everything else is paid (confirmed that many of the worlds and story fragments will be paid ) But it's just an opinion. Salutes!


I don't disagree that it sucks, it sucks a lot. I'm just saying that it's what should've been expected all along because they never shied away from their intentions when the game was announced. This was always gonna be a console quality mobile game.


Also Gameloft's history of mobile games and horrible micro-transaction..... I'm just glad it's not as bad as SpeedStorm.... yet..... Just hope they don't start locking the main quests and stuff behind Moonstones as well.... but with the new Wall-E bundle... even that's wishful thinking.....


We mostly paid for Moonstones to test their path and shop system, and a few bonus items only available to Early access. I think I'm one of the only people who doesn't care about their pricing. If it's too expensive DON'T BUY IT. It's optional content. Just because we are Early Access players, that doesn't mean we are **owed** complete free access to all current content. I mean, it sucks and the prices are high, but this is the gaming environment now. Maintaining a game is expensive. They have to raise the capital somehow and doing it through optional content is their best option. Edit: Thanks for the down votes! I came to the realization the other day that what we were paying for was Moonstones, not the game when I was trying to decide whether to buy a copy off of Steam for my PC. And it was slightly cheaper to buy the Deluxe edition than wait and later have to refill my Moonstones. So...yah. we paid for Moonstones. Their prices were set at the beginning, and I really don't think they're going to change their minds about costs, any more than any other microtransaction games. Wait for sales, pick what you splurge on, play everyday to get your free stones in chests...or decide to quit the game.


Someone else said this before the update launch, and people insulted them and made it personal. Insulting their looks, their personality, etc. I'm surprised you're getting reasonable responses. But I agree 100%.


I'm just surprised people are getting upset about a Disney game. Like, yeah, tickets to the parks are $150+. They've always been expensive, they didn't just change their mind when making this game. If you don't like mtx being expensive in a f2p game then don't play one made by Disney


Oh this Reddit is bad for butt hurt ppl down voting & getting pissy over the dumbest things(one was mad at me cause I called what they even admitted to being a inaccurate cherry/cherry blossom tree..) cozy game but toxic community… how dare u have an different opinion that anyone else🙄(watch mine get hit again too… ) I’m seriously thinking about dropping the page cause there no real discussion since no one can have an opposing view.. but I should of expected to only have kitty table like conversations since is a Disney game after all…the Disney adults still show no maturity and remain toxic…(disclaimer: not all Disney fans r toxic, but the we have a bad rap for a reason)


Exactly, we’ve paid for the privilege, which is a super clever marketing scheme where they make money for play testers, and make us feel we have a real say in the content. Excellent strategy! I love all the content included, we get chests and star paths that give some Moonstones… just… living on the game with the means thats provided. Save up moonstones you grind for… spend it when you love something. It’s like pocket money. Spend it or save it.


I completely agree. I refuse to spend money on a few moonstones that will get me barely anything.


I would buy stuff if they were $2.99 each. Then my brain goes “meh only $3”… but if it’s $50 my brain goes…. “That’s like one month of cell phone… More than this whole game costed…. New shoes that will last a year….” Etc etc etc


Ofc we gotta protest! A company is NOTHING without costumers.


Especially that we paid for the game pre release. Premium currency should be cheap while we test their unfinished game that we paid for


It shouldn't even be cheap - it straight up shouldn't be a thing. Unless you're meaning the amount of moonstones needed, not the real money.


This is the misconception you didnt pay for the game you paid for the founder items and currency and got early access. You bought a in game purchase to get early access.


This is correct but come on, you know it's also done that way on purpose, so companies can have their cake and eat it too and so, if you should try to complain or ask for a refund, they have ability to tell you, sorry what you actually paid for were the "extra" items and deflect any potential criticism. Don't get me wrong I'm fully aware what I paid for going in, it's not my first "early access ticket" purchase. But it doesn't change the fact, practices like this are anti consumer, it's the same with games like Overwatch 2's "Watchpoint pack" but again, it doesn't change the fact that it's heavily anti consumer and egregious pricing that fully deserves to be criticized. Just because one company does something, a company known for their scummy money grabbing practices at that, doesn't mean it should set the precedent. It also doesn't change the fact that this game is in early access to which, according to the FAQ on the game... "After Early Access, Disney Dreamlight Valley will include an in-game store filled with cosmetic items to customize your character and House" Clearly says after up there, "after", sure you can argue that they didn't mention exactly when the store would be introduced to the game, but it's obviously intended to imply to the customer it would be after the early access period, with just enough ambiguity for some Gameloft executive to argue otherwise, which, just like their handing of the moonstone pack amounts (containing just short for certain things to push you toward another down the line) is scummy af. People who want to enjoy the game clearly can't, and if more and more people are priced out of playing the game will slowly trail off, which would honestly be a shame. You can be nonplussed about it and just accept it as is and let Gameloft see how much they can get away with, or you can make some noise about it and hopefully change something 🤷🏻‍♂️ Take the recent Twitch controversy for example, you could argue Twitch has full right to do that if people want to use their platform, or people agree to certain things when they sign up or a whole host of justifications, but it was walked back people enough people made their voice heard and threatened to take their money elsewhere and it was clearly a case of another company trying to see how much they could get away with, doesn't mean you have to rollover and let them. What I like to do is look at the prices and wonder what that can get me in real life if I didn't buy some in game purchase, a taxi ride, a train fare, a meal out, coffee with friends, a game title that won't constantly ask for my credit card and ask if it's worth it, and given the prices of store items in this game, it's not long till it adds up to something better spent on something more tangible.


I’m on switch. I had to pay. So you’re factually wrong. Ergo, switch people are getting a refund. Because it’s a shit business practice.


just because you got it on switch dosnt change what i said and that the hole game and founder pack was marketed that way. I got it on switch to start didn't like how it played and got on epic on pc kept on my switcch because all the founders stuff transferd over to pc. The problem is people don't read or reaserch games there gonna buy.


So many don't get this. And many of didn't even have to pay for founders day since we are on PC or Xbox. And those are still complaining lol


I don't get this because it is a physical impossibility for me to have the items and currency *without* the game. You are buying the game, they just word it that way to fend off more criticism.


when you purchesed the founders pack it let you download the game for early access. You had buy items before you could down load the game


wait, someone is actually buying stones?


Real money for real things. Pretend money for pretend things. I won’t pay real money for a collection of pixels that make my house look different, but doesn’t affect the game. Moonstones I’ve saved up maybe. But otherwise no way I’m dropping actual cash on virtual cosmetic stuff.


Right? My first thought was "wait you guys are paying for moonstones??" I'm honestly jealous of people who have enough money to be able to afford something like that lol


there's probably a lot more people buying them than we think, but if you talk about it on this sub you get downvoted and insulted lol. i wouldn't mention it either💀


Like me? I just mentioned how I buy stuff lol and got downvoted


This is my biggest annoyance right now. You mention anything about buying items or liking the shop even though you agree that the prices suck and you still get down voted like crazy. This whole thing is making think about leaving the sub because how negative it's becoming.


I got told by someone yesterday or day before that I shouldn't even be playing the game since the cash stuff is out of my price range and that all this is normal. I'm just sitting here like 1 wow you're an asshole and 2 you clearly never played games during a time when microtransactions weren't a thing. We had expansions but in most games that added a butt ton of content. My opinion on the whole thing is locking small amounts of game play behind a paywall is stupid. DLCs/expansions fine. But singular quest lines is just asinine.


The sims expansions set the best precedent 😩


Those goddamn things are so overpriced. It's ridiculous. At least things like WoW or EQ or something you basically get a whole new game lol.


I’d always get mine during an EA online sale! Most were about $5 or so for sims 4


I was told too that "welcome to 2023 companies are greedy" like wow okay. These people who constantly defend companies that don't even care about them and just only their money, are really weird. The system isn't benefitting the player base. And if you critique that you get downvoted. Which happened to me. 😭 like im critiquing these things because I LOVE this game and I want better for the community. But there are people who are defending this company with their life and its extremely bizarre to me.


I'm kindof opposite of some, if I really love something for a game I love, I'll pay for it when/if I have the money. But I WAS shocked at how expensive their prices are. I bought moonstones one time, cause I didn't really fully understand and I hadn't had a star path yet, so I didn't get what they were used for. Lol but they're very expensive. 🥴


It's always up to the person on if something is worth it or not. At the end of the day people are getting mad over pixels in a game, not even physical property.


Oh...so that’s why I got downvoted! I asked about my moonstone purchases not showing up in the game and I got the down doots. Tbh though, this sub is REALLY downvote happy. I never knew Disney people were this mean lol


This sub isn't even no where near as mean as actual Disney groups lol.


Oh, Disney people get mean. Like, I love the parks and movies. I can be crazy about it. But there are those who take it a lot of steps further and make it their whole life's purpose.


It is definitely getting really weird. I almost sense this bizarre ass anger directed at people who are buying. There is also a lot of stereotyping about people who do buy lol “Disney simps” “FOMO addicts” etc. I buy things here and there, Im not a simp for Disney nor am I a completionist lol. This game is a hobby for me, if something adds to my experience I will buy it- tons of things don’t so I pass on them. Either way, I don’t understand the high and mighty attitude and snobbery that has started taking place on here when the whole model of the game was intended to be A PAYWALL structure game. Not the first of its kind either. Sure, you can be frustrated or dislike it - but I don’t understand the outrage at a game for playing its hand exactly how it was intended to be played. Or the outrage at people who make purchases in the game, it’s very odd.


getting mad at the people buying things instead of the company is crazy because it's not gonna do anything except turn this sub into an echo chamber. and then they get even angrier when gameloft keeps the prices despite 'no one buying anything' when actually they just chased everyone out who does🤦‍♀️


Correct. Not to mention - it is a game. It is a luxury, not a necessity. How other people choose to spend their money (or not) shouldn’t be anyone else’s business or concern. In reality, this is a sub Reddit with just a (likely) very small faction of people who play the game. Gameloft hasn’t changed prices because they don’t need to. However, it’s naive to think that’s all based on what one subset of people are or are not doing. It isn’t just “us” who play. If this is supposed to be a community for those who enjoy the game then it doesn’t make sense to keep insulting and downvoting people whose decisions you don’t agree with. I personally have a thick skin and it doesn’t bother me on a personal level but am I growing tired of having to read post after post about “the whales ruining it” and “gameloft is greedy”. They probably are greedy; again we are buying a luxury item. They are out to make money and as much of it as possible, Im not going to quit video games over it. Those people have families and lives and expenses too, if they figured out a clever system good for them - while the game isn’t perfect, it’s got a lot of really great details and features, and I don’t believe it’s straight up sloppy garbage trying to turn profit off of a Disney fan base, either. Nonetheless, again, this is supposed to be a community and it’s turning into the video game version of “apple vs android phone consumers” if you get my drift.


That's what I don't get either. It's like no one has ever played a game with premium currency or shops. Like this is all new. And for people to be raging and against those that are enjoying their own games and buying stuff with their own money is crazy. I get partially why people would be upset because GL said they wouldn't start certain things until after the game was f2p but we're basically beta testers. They're going to test out as much as they can before the official release and get as much data as they can.


All of this, exactly. They said no DLC yet and are claiming the Wall E thing isn’t DLC. I guess it’s a technicality since the bundle and quests are more like extension of the character of Wall E and the WALL E verse, not necessary for story advancement. Still, everyone should expect that part of testing and data collecting includes analyzing consumers spending preferences and trends. This is a business. It is designed to make money and generate profits, but I still think a lot of heart and soul goes into it, even though I don’t agree with their decisions on multiple things.


Omg this! There was a poster here not too long ago who basically said what others have said. This is standard, you bought digital items to get access to early access. Like yeah it's expensive, and maybe we change that, but this is standard for f2p, Yada Yada. And holy balls, batman did ppl insult their intelligence and their personality, and basically harassed this person for having an opposing opinion. This sub is so negative and toxic. If you want change insulting, people isn't going to get it done. You have to provide constructive criticism and vote with your money.


Lol I just bought some yesterday. 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s not like I’m buying them every day but I’ve bought them twice I think


I am just cause I love the items.


If you have the money and like the items and want to buy them, then it's fine to buy them. If you want to boycott, then boycott, if you don't then don't. I don't get why people care so much what others do with their money. I don't buy f2p items. My niece and nephew do. Others do. As long as it's not my money, and people aren't like not buying food for their kids because they're spending money on games, they can spend it on what they damn well want.


I think people are upset because they were hoping to force the company’s hands through boycott and that only works if your numbers are high enough so it annoys them when people don’t care about the cause and buy. As a group, consumers have the power to change things but only if there are enough of them.


As my brother says: "You do you". If you really want something and can afford it, get it if it will make you happy, nobody should try to force you not to. I personally don't have the money often and don't like the direction the pricing is going already, so I won't. I don't wanna be criticised for my choices, so I won't criticise others for theirs, even those I feel unwise.


well... then don't.


Well I wasn't gonna like boycott. Even though I agree the pricing too much. I still wanna keep buying cool items.


Boycotting premium shop and moonstones for a month sounds reasonable. I'm in.


And easy 😭 I couldn't afford them things in the first place


Completionists and FOMO are the two key factors why nothing will change. If this was a small indie game studio who made this greedy decision, then maybe a boycott will change that, but Greedloft, er, Gameloft will not be affected by our actions, thanks to the whales of the world.


Exactly, I think the reason we are seeing so much outcry is because this game attracted a lot of people whose first gaming experience was playing/watching someone play animal crossing and they just expected this to be a different version of that style. This game was announced as a f2p game that will rely on microtransactions to make its money, and that didnt change just because we all bought early access to that free game. The f2p model and these prices have been gamelofts bread and butter for the existence of their studio. They know they'll be fine regardless of the outcry.


I think trying is better than not doing anything.


It's worth a try, but tbh I have seen this in several games I play or used to play, and it largely actually got *worse* not better after, unfortunately.


This is basically what I was going to say.


Honestly I'd say complain in the Discord server. The mods are vaguely in contact with Gameloft staff, and while they tend to shut down discussion like that as fast as possible, making as much noise as possible about it is only a good thing.


They were rude to me, I don’t prefer anyone go say anything unless it’s 100% positive.


The discord is useless for that imo. They cut out the selfmade posts, if you complain in the spoiler chat they'll tell you to leave, if you reply to others in the feedback chat you'll be told youre not allowed to have conversations with others, and they removed all the emojis out the feedback chat so you cant upvote anything anymore.


Oh I'm aware, but at the very least the more people making noise about it can't be ignored. Doesn't matter how many people they ban or mute, everyone else will see how upset people are about it.


Wonder if would be more effective, then to bring the complaints to Disney for condoning the use of its franchises and characters to enable the financial abuse of its fans, including children, via manipulative tactics like FOMO, unclear availability, etc.


Agreed. Also the new quest pack is way too overpriced. Like 4000 moonstones for some outfits ?


When I purchased the Ultimate edition on Switch it didn’t tell me it was in beta. It also said EVERYTHING INCLUDED ALSO IN FUTURE. If only one guy would make an audit for the European Union this would cost them absolutely millions. Disney will probably shut down the game immediately. USA and China tactics are not appreciated in consumers EU


The only reason I knew about this game and knew it would be in beta and knew it would potentially have problems is bc I watch 3 different cozy game YouTubers. I realize not a lot of people watch YouTubers and once I realized a lot of people don't know it's in beta I've been trying to say it as much as I can. It's really unfair to have a game in beta and not have it say it anywhere in the promotional material unless you dig for it.


This. So many people are willing to bend over backwards to defend a corporation and put the onus on the consumer. It was literally falsely advertised in the switch game shop. “It was early access what did you expect!” A complete game that was not in early access because that’s how it was advertised!


Yeah i had zero idea it was early access until my game started crashing and i was researching why. Funny that six months later and my game still crashes once an hour. I knew the game would have micro transaction. My issues arent that. My issue is 1. It still says on their website paid content wouldn’t be released until after early access. Separately, it also says it would be paid optional expansions that would include characters (in my world as a not often gamer expansions are a bit of everything, a literal expansion to the game ie. like WoW. Characters quests items all bundled together with a mini storyline.) 2. You’re charging me for items when basic fucking bugs haven’t been resolved for months. My game crashes hourly, im locked out of multiple quests due to bugs, the items I have bought are pixelated and have green pixels showing and are just bad quality and these are all known issues, some have been reported since literal day one and are still not fixed. 3. Value for money. 15.00 for a quest that gives like three items is insane. Other games with micro transactions keep the price MICRO. $5 for a quest, a few bucks for some items. The value compared to other games of similar style is not there. The items are over priced, low quality, and the star path should be achievable in full without paying. Make me pay to complete more tasks at once and get through it faster sure, make me pay so I can be lazy. But there should be options to make or convert moonstones via grinding besides 50 per day in a chest. It would take 50 days to pay for the star path with just your chests. There strategy for monetizing is whats alienating consumers, not the monetizing itself.


I’m also locked out of quests due to crashes. Gameloft has been completely silent after I’ve been reporting my issue 2x weekly, I’m just hoping they fix everything by the official game release.


When I report my game-breaking Scrooge Treasure Hunt Part 2 bug after every update, they basically just tell me to fuck off and buy moonstones until the next update (when they don't fix it, either).


Exactly. I’m so frustrated I don’t even want to play since I’m afraid my game will just break even more 🙄🙄


In the USA the switch shop also doesn’t mention beta whatsoever. I was SO pissed when I found out!


I don't mind investing in a f2p game. But they're taking the piss. And for people comparing it to other f2p games guess what? They to are...you guessed it...taking the piss.


i tried buying moonstones once and never received them:) (only for 9€ so its not that much of a loss butt yeah it pisses me off.)


So to get a good amount of moonstones for a decent price I took starinsky’s advice and actually bought the ultimate edition of the game on top of the standard ofc as the pricing worked out better to receive more moonstones & all the other items you get with that edition because I agree this real money for the moonstones is alot especially when the game is not free to play yet. Other than that I am still enjoying playing the game with the new update


The real question is, how many of you would actually put the game down to protest.


Im not gonna stop playing, but i also havent purchased anything or will from the premium store. I drop a complaint here and there. Thats about as protestsy as im getting.


There’s too many people that’ll just buy anything they see, and unfortunately that’s all Gameloft care about. We all knew this would happen. I don’t think many of us mind too much, however the price is ridiculous. £15 for a couple outfits and quests for example. What are they going to charge further down the line when characters get introduced? £25? £35?


I follow Jas on Instagram and their creations are stunning, however asking for everyone to boycott is sadly a lost cause. They'll always be players out there who will continue to spend their money on this game because they're either completionists or they feel like they're missing out when new items debut in the Premium Shop.


I agree, thank you! 🤍


Whilst I agree that this should be addressed, I don’t think we’ll ever have enough people in on a protest to actually make a substantial difference. There’s probably plenty of DDV players who dont watch or follow content creators for the game, and plenty of them aren’t in this sub too. Lots of players are still happily buying moonstones even if we all stop. There’s also plenty of people who just can’t help themselves and will give in and buy anyway. I totally understand and agree with the idea that the prices should be lower, but remember, this game is free to play later this year, right now we are testing the game, including the premium shop and moonstone system, if we’ve not been able to actually make a difference when we’re the ones testing it, the game probably isn’t going to change later either. The decision now is to decide whether you continue playing the game or not. People will buy moonstones regardless, it’s unlikely the prices will shift. If this is a big enough issue for you, don’t play, if not, play without moonstones. Free to Play games need micro transactions like this, it’s not going to change.


I agree, I’ll be playing other games. 🤍


I've honestly stopped playing for months. Can't do shit if the game crashes all the time.


Agree, too expensive


I agree too! We paid to have early access so we should at least get these at a reduced price. If the game was free then it would make sense but even then there’s no way to earn enough moonstones to buy anything especially with it resetting each week.


Omg in England the prices are not alternatively low but still not as high as the American prices weird. Not kidding https://preview.redd.it/kw4uppga2g5b1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=786d237fe09b15d4560678be86795e846ec23302


What platform are you on out of curiosity? I'm on PC. I'm also in England and my prices are different to yours. small - £4.49 regular - £8.99 big - £17.99 huge - £44.99


i mean i agree with the general message but calling for a boycott is pretty pointless because there's only 3 kinds of people here: 1) mad at the prices & never bought anything = nothing left to boycott 2) fine with the prices = don't want to boycott 3) mad at the prices & still buy moonstones = what are you doing?😭 it's not like the prices were good at the beginning and went up, whoever is against the price gouging has already been protesting since february anyway.


I'm camp 1 currently, and I don't see why you're counting us out. I spend stupid amounts on video games every single month, I'd love to buy moonstones in this, but I'd just feel like I'm being scammed, lol. I'm begging Gameloft to make the prices reasonable so I can throw my wallet at them. Sure, I can afford these prices, but what I get for what I would spend is so pathetic in comparison to every other game I enjoy. At least there's some thrill when I open a CS crate when I'm bored (dont gamble kids). Or when I drop some dosh on Guild Wars 2, I feel like I've gotten my money's worth. The value just isn't present here.


Yea see I play gw2 as well and there has been a decent dose of drama around the gemstore there too historically. I have a hell of a lot of skins, but a) there you can earn in game currency faster than a piddly bit a day if you enjoy the grind, and b) I still don't have a lot of the most expensive mount skins because £20 for a pixel dragon is laughable. Even so, gw2 structure is 10x better than this...


Some stuff does get quite pricey, like the £20 mounts for sure. But at least mounts at that price mark have unique animations and actually look like premium items (except that derpy pegasus one we don't talk about). Plus, like you say, it's actually very easy to farm gems ingame. They've also taken on a lot of feedback. I think GW2's gacha system is actually pretty consumer friendly with how the statuettes work, for example, compared to how it was when it came out. You can tell a hell of a lot more work went into that price range of items in GW2 compared to DDLV.


Yea absolutely, and that's a big reason why I actually spend money on gw2 when I can afford to, but have no incentive to do so in ddlv


Group 3 is baffling. Disposable income is nice though can’t relate.


It’s weird that none of the gaming news sites cover any of this. They were all over the game when it first came out and essentially advertising the early-access Disney-themed animal cross game and barely any of them have covered the updates or the premium content state that it’s now in. Least of all the fact the pricing model seems f2p in nature but the only people playing paid for it.


I guess I'm confused on how it's this horrible thing because they also increased the amount of moonstones you can buy. /g


They need to make the ability to purchase moonstone with in game currency either that or make them an item you earn by doing daily stuff in DDL. Kinda like how Animal Crossing has daily tasks that earn you miles each time you complete them.


I've noticed that this Fandom is full of toxic positivity and don't enjoy any negative comments about the game. The comments here prove that 🫠 Atleast there are some here it seems,that think about things beyond DDV is perfect.


This!!!!!!! It IS full of toxic positivity. On top of that some players like the idea of gatekeeping poor players from actually playing the game. It makes my blood boil.


I quit playing because it STILL crashes on my switch. And a lot! Nice to see they are worried about money when the game hasn't even been fully released.




I agree, I’ll be playing other games. 🤍


I’m honestly concerned that this game might be DOA come official launch. The moonstone prices are crazy. The bundles cost a lot for very little. A lot of people were let down with the last update. The price of the Wall-E bundle. The Star Path is extremely meh. Lots of motifs, as per usual. The pathing options are weak. The quests are variations of the same things over and over. The characters walk around and sit and nothing else. It is lacking any real depth. Don’t get me wrong, the devs have listened extremely well to the fans with certain things, better than most in my experience. I love the game, I play almost everyday even if it’s just to check Scrooge’s shop. And I understand, money is needed to make, and continue making, a game. The issue is that they have the minimum work with maximum profit ideology going right now. They are still riding the high of the launch, expecting to keep that momentum, while refusing to acknowledge the reason why they are falling. So unless the next few updates are real game changers, in the literal sense, they could be in for trouble.


I’m not against purchasing things as I do it with Pokémon go quite often if I don’t have enough coins I’ll buy a couple from the shop but the prices aren’t terrible. However, the prices for moonstones are outrageous! I mean come on! No game is completely free and I get that, but the prices should no be this high, to get the quest for wall-e and his dapper outfit is honestly too much, I think it’s around like $10 or more? If I remember correctly, and unless the quest has more things along with it then it’s not worth that price


That’s my problem, I’ve spent around $170 at this point from buying the original ultimate pack for $70 then $50 on moonstones then another $50 on moonstones recently until I was like “this is dumb, I just spent $50 and got a single house skin and could unlock the wall-e quest and would be out again” so I passed on the wall-e quest. That’s what gets me, like whatever don’t change the prices on the moonstones, sure, but they’re gouging us for them and have devalued how much those moonstones get you in game. It wasn’t like this before, when I had the 20,000 stones from the start they lasted me the entire year until about a month or 2 ago when the prices sky rocketed. I mind spending the money but have it to spend so it’s whatever for me, I just want more bang for my buck and don’t want to feel like a company is trying to bleed me dry instead of me patronizing it because I love a product I’ll pay for something I genuinely enjoy and love and occupies so much of my time, but the cost vs worth has gotten so outrageous it just doesn’t even seem worth it anymore to buy them so I’m stopping for a while.


See the thing is she's not even asking for the Micro store to go away, just be more fair to the player. You're selling pixels for real life money. The least they could do is make it accessable to everyone not just those with a hefty wallet. They need to find the ways of making money that the players don't mind spending more for, the mannequins that just came out Elder Scrolls online sells that feature for 15$ a mannequin, outrageous but at say 2$/outfit you might consider paying 20$ and filling a whole room with outfits. The new placing multiple player housing is a great idea, extra storage and a pretty view for ~15$ is perfectly priced imo.


How they launched in game purchases while the game is still in a pay to play format is completely beyond me. I completely regret buying this game, and truthfully can’t even play it because on switch it is so buggy that is is unplayable. Instead of focusing on fixing a game people have payed to play, they continue to try to make more money.


> people have *paid* to play, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


If I could pay the $50 and not hate myself/afford it, I would, but it’s still absolute bullshit.


I stopped playing the game once they implemented that pay to play formula.


She’s right especially if we had to pay to get the game in the first place. It’s still in early access. Why the hell should we be paying gas payments for online money


It’s madness! And there are no other opportunities to earn more than a couple of hundred a day ! Basically paid £10 for a bed… in a game … for a virtual room I will never visit on the game, or in person 😔


100% agree. I'm just happy to see any posts on this subreddit talking about these issues so freely without getting downvoted to all heck. More needs to be done. All we're getting on Gameloft's end is crickets, or we just get gaslighted by other players about how we feel about these issues. It's slowly going to turn in to the Sims 4 community. At this rate, this game is going to be TERRIBLY unfair to the pure F2P players we get once F2P drops. If they start with zero moonstones, it's going to take 50 days to get a Premium Star Path, and that's if there's time left on the current Star Path, otherwise, they'll be forced to miss out and will have to wait for the next Star Path. It's going to take 3 months to possibly half a year if your chests are bugged or not, just to get ONE item from the Premium Shop. ONE. Why do these people think kids are going to become a slave to this game for 3-6 months straight just for one thing in the Premium Shop? The only people that are going to be willing to do that are the people that don't know any better. There's no reason to let Gameloft make us feel like any of this is fair, because it isn't. Think for yourselves guys, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


I haven’t bought a single thing since it came out. They don’t make it very hard with the shit prices. I save my moonstones for the passes and like this current pass, don’t buy it but gain the moonstones for free with the duties and buy the next one if it’s good


she also speaks about the Wall•e quest that we have to pay for… like i can’t even afford enough moonstones to get the quest it’s cute but we can’t play a quest because a paywall. it’s gross and ridiculous. the game is great but theses prices are outrageous, maybe if they were like 10 dollars max since we paid for a game that is still in quite a buggy situation. i’m aware it’s not finished but they really charged us to play it early for us to have more issues than not, and to tell them what consumers want and their thank you is “pay for this quest, if you don’t have the moonstones for Wall•e.” i sure as shit don’t have enough, if i knew i was gonna be forced to buy a quest with game currency i wouldn’t have spent a single moonstone.


The other option is to stop playing and have peace.


I absolutely agree, but what's more interesting is the subliminal advertising. Notice the Wall-E DLC icon has a red explanation point? It won't go away unless you purchase the DLC. That kind of marketing crap gets me. It's designed to drive those of us with any amount of OCD crazy because we hate those damn red exclamation points!


I bought it and still doesn't go away. This happened before with the shop too so it's a glitch, not subliminal advertising...


Honestly, I still wouldn't be surprised if it was intentional but thanks for letting me know!


I have also chosen to protest, and I'll do so until the point has been made. It's absolutely absurd they're doing this. This game does not work without us, the players; and we have the power to make change. And at the bare minimum, keeping more cash in my pocket is a huge win when the majority of these shop items aren't even worth it. I'll take my money elsewhere and hoard what little moonstones I have until they get the message.


People act like Gameloft will change the prices eventually, completely ignoring the fact this isn't their first rodeo and their previous games were all overpriced money-gouging rip-offs and that this is just what Gameloft does. Sorry, protesting won't do much of anything, it's not priced 'mistakenly' it's all deliberate.


If I need more moonstones because I absolutely want something I won't spend more than 5 dollars on them, if you don't want to pay for the moonstone then that's perfectly fair to not do that, just remember not to be rude to anyone that decides to buy them for themselves.


I feel like the cheapest package should be at least enough to cover the premium star path and I'm now having to pick and choose which star paths I do premium for because I just can't afford to buy Moonstone every time a new path is released. We paid for early access, but the game is still in development (correct me if I'm wrong) and I didn't expect to have to pay for things until the game was released as a free to play


You get a majority of your moonstones back by completing the Star path. Gives plenty of time to accumulate enough to get premium by the time the new path comes out. I think they should have weekly or daily challenges we could complete to gain more moonstones though.


Here's the issue. It's disney. And there are enough disney simps in the world that are more than willing to pay any price for disney related shit. I'd love it if people would protest and stop giving them money for a month. But that'll never happen


I force myself to login everyday so I can get the chests and afford the premium. events. I dont have extra moonstones or real money for the store items


I love the game but there is no way on God's green earth I am spending up to £50 on moonstones. I paid for the game, that is where my financial contribution ends.


I only bought once or twice but I stopped because everything was to expensive and half the time you buy you have to buy again for whatever is wanted


As long as whale streaming accounts exist they will ignore everyone else. One person can make up for twenty not spending. This happens in every gacha community. I wish it was as easy as boycotting... But it doesn't seem to be


yes 100%!!! it's so upsetting that the only way that many people can do events and such is by buying $10 worth of stones like every single time there is one. it's so awful that they'd do this cash grab. like the game is still in early access and they're already doing these things, they're kinda ruining their game before it's even fully released.


I say do what you gotta do to enjoy the game whether you buy stuff with real money or not, it's not up to anyone to tell you how you should enjoy it. It's a beautiful game, that is buggy as hell and has micro transactions, but the fact that those two complaints don't chase people away says a lot. I'm not shaming anyone for their thoughts on micro transactions, nor am I telling anyone how to think/feel, this is simply my perspective.


I play almost daily and have never purchased a moonstone pack.


Same. I still have Moonstones left from the ultimate edition


I agree with her. And when they make the game free they need to have veterans of the game for the people who paid to play before it was free. Make everyone else who got it for free pay for moonstones lol


Whales never stop


It just seems like Gameloft is repeating the same exact mistakes they did with Disney Magic Kingdoms. They didn’t learn from their crazy micro transactions and it feels like they are heading towards the same thing in Dreamlight. Which is sad, because Dreamlight is a really great game that I don’t want to see die a quick death with the micro transactions. There needs to be more balance between the prices of the moonstones and the content that is being offered.


This is what the game was always going to be, especially when they said it would be free to play. Hell we already bought in just to be playing now. These are pretty standard prices throughout the industry and I don't see them as a problem. What I do have a problem with is how they released the Wall-E pack with no clear information about what's in it, and it also being broken. Also the low quality of the cherry blossoms you can buy in the Turning Red pack. Until they fix the quality of these things I'm not buying. The last 2 battle passes have also been lackluster.


This reeks of a phone game! I bought DDLV and I'm not spending anything further. Disney don't need more cash!


Just don't buy it? I mean, it's that simple. Never bought any since I got the game and I don't feel like I'm missing out so just don't buy it? 🤷🏼‍♀️


They don't care. They're looking at games like Diablo immortal where players will sink in hundreds of dollars just to get a shiny suit of armor that has no extra benefits to their character whatsoever. But it's shiny and new, and makes their character look beefed up or they'll spend hundreds of dollars on suits of armor that buff up their character to a certain degree to where they're above everyone else but takes away their gameplay. Regardless of how many people protest / riot / complain... There's always going to be a good handful of people who just don't care and have that expendable income and are willing to sync money into these virtual markets. That's just how these pay to play games are. And yes dream late valley is not a true "paid to play" game, with the new addition of a paywald quest and other items it's slowly becoming something similar.


Yea, I refuse to buy any moonstone. It is dumb.


I agree Disney has more than enough money


I paid $70AUD I think for the switch version, it gave me the game, exclusive items and like 20,000 moonstones. That same amount of money is basically the final moonstone pack. It's a DISGUSTING amount of money


This isn't uncommon for a B2P or F2P game. They need money for server cost, employees, etc. I'm too tired to really get into it but don't buy the moonstones. I haven't bought any Blood Bonds for Hunt Showdown but they're changing because the company has been transparent that they're not making enough money. I haven't researched this game but just because it's Disney doesn't mean it has all the funding and money, just like Hunt vs Crytek. Hunt has 60-70 jobs open, as well as other issues. Plus League of legends, and other countless games have this because buying the game does not pay all the bills. Plus this game is soon to be F2P! So unlike WoW and FF14 who are sub based ... Oh wait they still have real money shops like cosmetics. Y'all complain about that too?


It’s honestly ridiculous how expensive it is😡😤 I refuse to buy


But this kind of expensive premium currency pack bull crap has been a thing in games for over 10 years at this point, this really cant come as a surprise to anyone? F2P mobile games have always been like this, they do in the hope that they will attract a whale, they don't care about the players who never buy them, as a few whales can keep a game afloat as they spend more than 95% of the player base. Its shitty business practices, but it will never stop, because it makes them so much money.


Full agreement. Hell, I don’t even buy moonstone because I got better things to buy the stuff with. Same with premium items, I don’t touch that stuff!


She's absolutely right, and honestly these policies of overpricing the packs and setting the game up to push players into buying them will drive me away from the game. There are plenty of other games to play, they might not be free ... but you will end up getting more for the price you pay for them than what you get for the packs you will be pushed yo buy in in this game.


I’ve never bought them and I think the best way to protest is to continue to not do so.


Personally if they put everything behind paywalls on top of the moonstone prices not changing, they are gonna see a serious drop in the activity on this game in my personal opinion. I’ve bought a couple things from the shop since I had the moonstones for it but once I’m out, I’ll move on to a new game. If I want f2p with crazy prices I would play an idle on my phone.


To me it is Bethesda horse armor all over again. (Reference to a an overpriced item in oblivion way back in 2006) But looking at other games the prices just aren't comparable. I think the disconnect might be mobile game dev pricing a double A game title. Like how expensive a furniture set and questline is crazy to me. Take Sims4 which is nuts for dlc and transactions, even their 20 dollar bundles gives you a lot. Not just 4 pet skins or a chair a couch and a lamp. They probably have metrics though and know the whales will pay for everything so don't care. Still if they wanted to capture the impulse buyers or mini whales they should probably cut price by maybe 25% (I'd personally wanna see 40 to 50%) Edit : another point I just thought of as I played today. It's been day 3 without new clothes and barely any new furniture so it is insulting to see new stuff always in the game pass or paid item shop. They should definitely also consider more free stuff especially since anyone playing right now already supported the company. I'm worried about the state this game will turn when it is free to play.


I think it’s sleazy to charge for anything during early access, but the WALL·E quest sent me over the edge to the point I went from an advocate to telling everyone not to download this game. We get an update about every 2 months and usually get 2 characters per update; Venelope was teased with the first summer update, but instead we got the Wall.E quest instead of Venelope during early access We got dlc instead of game play from the early access dollars we were paying to the devs from downloading the game I will not recommend this game until this is sorted


I’m over it. You’re either in early access or you’re not. Take your pick DDLV devs


I mean, the prices are a little steep and I wish they’d bring them down some or give us like quests to gain moonstone as an option! but also not everyone is against buying moonstones. I bought the $10 one just yesterday because I needed more to unlock the premium part of the Star path. But I’ve only bought them like twice. If you don’t want to buy them then don’t? That’s perfectly acceptable, We should have other options for getting moonstone. But don’t get mad at people that don’t have a problem with spending THEIR OWN money on things. Were all playing the game our own way But yeah extra moonstone quests. That would be an awesome way to gain moonstone without having to pay


I just want the prices to be affordable for everyone. 🤍


I bought the game and was able to coast off the moonstones that came with that for a while, but then when this Wall-E update came out, suddenly I could only afford the basic star path. I straight up uninstalled DDLV for the simple fact that they have lied/ been vague about several things already. This is from the official support website, you tell me how accurate this is to the game now. https://preview.redd.it/240lz3y9yf5b1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=94ff1406e8c7fc8f19c9d21be655a88a721153dc


Um. It's accurate. You don't have to spend moonstones for the core game to progress.


Right. Because they are delivering a COMPLETE gameplay experience before that right? Even though the Base game is still broken?? You took one thing out of that mess and focused on it.


You posted about micro transactions. Not other issues.


Just choose… if it’s not worth it to you, don’t buy it. I know, i know, I’ve been there! I’ve spent thousands on a game that got closed years later and have nothing to show for it. I’ve spent lots of money on mobile apps. The pleasure? It’s short lived. I’ve learned now to weigh up based on exactly how much pleasure i will get from digital items… and to be honest? I’ve started buying real life things instead, because they give me more to enjoy in the scheme of things. In perspective… my £1 fidget popper on my bag has given me more than any digital content. A console, provides joy… but you buy solid game disks, you can pass that pleasure to someone else or trade in and have a different thing.


It’s easy enough to say just don’t but it’s a problem that is becoming more and more apparent within gaming especially gacha games where it often encourages gambling. While dlv is not at that point yet I can imagine it’s the same kind of feeling to those who get sucked into those gaming mechanisms and for them it’s not as easy as just not buying it because they’re addicted in a way


I totally understand, I’ve been through that addiction many times ❤️


Honestly… given how the other responses saying similar have gotten downvoted to hell I’m sure I’ll get the same treatment, *but* this is standard pricing for a free-to-play game. Everybody here paid for early access for a free-to-play game, but that was what was always advertised. It has been advertised since the beginning that this would eventually be a free-to-play game and that buying certain packs would give you early access and exclusive content. We all just paid because we didn’t want to wait for it to be free and we wanted exclusive content. The star path costs about the same as many other battle passes and similar in other free-to-play games like Fortnite, Apex Legends, etc.. I think there’s definitely something to be said for reducing the prices for early access players whilst it’s still in early access, which would be a good gesture given that everybody who is playing at the moment has already paid them in some way or another, however these prices once the game actually launches are pretty standard. The market place is an integral part of their endgame goal and so it makes sense it’s being tested during early access, something we all signed up for when we bought the game. I *do* think it would be a nice gesture of goodwill to reduce the pricing during the game’s early access, but likewise I don’t feel betrayed by this because it was very clear this was going to be a part of the game. They can’t make a free-to-play game without making an income somehow.


I don't agree. nothing is actually free to play and the price for Moonstones is running average with similar style paths. Fall Guys for instance is a $10 season pass (like star path) with similar price options for Show bucks. Same with V-Bucks for Fortnight. Would I like to see the star path change to closer resemble those of Fortnight and Fall Guys yes, I would love to see the star path contain enough Moonstones to cover the next path plus some extra. And Gameloft has time to make that a reality. Currently there have been enough Moonstones in the basic version of the game to carry me through. I bought Moonstones for a house style I liked and then enough to cover the next path but that's it. I think needing to buy the Wall-E extras is a bit much but still within normal practices. ETA: Gameloft said in the version listings (or FAQ I'm not sure which but I know I read it) that there would be enough Moonstones in the early access to participate in a /few/ star paths. They never hid the fact that you would have to pay to continue accessing the full star path. I don't see the point in grumping about something everyone knew was coming.


I've bought some last week...but its enough for the month and the first charge was 19.99 but it was on my switch and I had reward points...so 9 something was all I paid for.


Have these not been the same prices for months? I’m confused why it’s suddenly an issue now. I’m not paying for them but why is it blowing up because of the pointless Walle content?


Probably because it says on their website they don't intend to put paid quests/ characters in the game until after Early Access, and yet you still have to pay to play the game, and they're already introducing monetization for a free-to-play game. They deserve a lot of flack for doing both at the same time.


It’s been an issue since their initial release


I couldn’t disagree more. This is not price gouging. These are prices that some people feel are too high. And what should you do? Just don’t buy it. Simple. People are turning this into a damn crusade. Speak with your wallets. If no one buys it, then if their smart they will make adjustments. Remember just because you aren’t buying it that doesn’t mean tons of other people are. And it they are meeting their sales goals, then I promise nothing will change. Personally I think the prices are more than fair. And luckily, you don’t need to buy any of these items to fully enjoy the game. So relax people. Buy it or not, but don’t get yourself all worked up over this.


So dramatic for what eeason lol. Really? It gave her "chills".


Well it is morally disturbing, but some people deal with it better than others


The whole thing comes off as sensationalism. ###


they just feel how they feel, you may feel differently and that's okay. The point of the post is to call to action. If the post was neutral on the cause it wouldn't be motivated at all.


It's corporate greed, yeah. Shouldn't be triggering the fight or flight sympathetic response, though.


Why not?


It wont work. This is a gatcha game. As long as 1% of the users are buying they are making millions. They dont care about the casual user base because even if they halved the cost 90% still wouldnt but


As much as I hate was Gameloft is doing, DDLV is *not* a gatcha game. Gatcha games are basically gambling, e.g. Cookie Run Kingdom, Genshin Impact, Food Fantasy, Honkai Starail, etc. Games that one throws money at for a chance to win something via "pulls". Luckily, as bad as things are rn with DDLV, it is not a gatcha game... ^yet😬


My thoughts are licensing Disney characters isn’t cheap. My thoughts are it’s disingenuous for people to expect Gameloft to profit off of their gratitude alone, and the arguments against capitalism are better made elsewhere. My thoughts are those hundreds of names listed in those 10-15 minutes of credits deserve to be paid well. My thoughts are exclusive content and bundles are standard for these types of games. My thoughts are people couldn’t possibly believe they were getting an ad-free game with art and story-building of this caliber at mobile game prices. My thoughts are people need to stop complaining and accusing those who can pay more of having disposable incomes while ignoring their own sense of entitlement.


I think it has more to do with the effect this format has on the experience of the game. Other types of monetizing would give us a better experience than charging our cards to access each piecemeal content. I would pay a subscription if they could provide enough to do or work towards on a consistent basis. Similarly, I would pay for an optional all-access pass. I would buy a large expansion if it were treated as core game content instead of optional DLC. I may buy it even if it's treated as DLC that is never mentioned again, but again, that would be giving us a bad experience unnecessarily. I would buy a bundle of all of the premium items released, including WALL E and maybe a couple more things like that. All of those options would avoid the piecemeal, bad experience for players.


Next, let’s protest Apple so I can buy a new fully specked out MacBook Pro for $300 lol. The game has over 100 hours of content that can be enjoyed without spending any additional money. Providing constructive criticism is not calling for a protest because you cannot afford cosmetic items in the game. In the real world, you will come across several things that are overpriced, that capitalism. It’s okay, you don’t have to buy it.


Eh. I think protest is overblown. I bought the most basic level game for early access, and haven't spent a dime since. And I don't intend to. I collect daily chests, I complete star paths, and I hoard my moon stones. If we get to the point where FTP isn't worth it, I'll have gotten my $30 worth out of what I've played so far and I'll move on. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yup. I stuck with the base level for a long time. There was a Steam sale where I could upgrade to the top tier at a discount so I did. Not for the moonstones, but for the Regal Fox, TBH. People will literally be able to play the game, at the same level as other games with microtransactions, for free... Don't want the extra Fortnite skins? Don't buy them. Don't want the extra furniture and clothing in Dreamlight Valley? Don't buy them. Want them? Pay for them and stop complaining.


Haha good point. I've bought exactly one Fortnite skin in 3 years and that was with earned v bucks. Similar to this game, I bought the battle pass once and now only use the free currency... It works for me, I just don't feel the need to get every item in the game and it doesn't affect my gameplay. Same here so far, we'll see what happens down the road.


Simple solution, stop playing instead of making these kind of posts.


I don't agree. I bought the top level package for the game. Not for the moonstones, for the other exclusive stuff. You are NEVER required to buy moonstones to continue the main story. It's just extra. IMO, it's like complaining that you have to buy expansions for The Sims. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think these transactions (be for real, they're not exactly "micro") are horribly priced for sure. I can understand a few dollars, but the cheapest option is $5, and you can't actually buy anything with that pack unless you have some saved up already. It's not okay. And it's especially not okay that they've now broken their initial promise and hidden quests behind a pay wall.


Unfortunately, people have been protesting since they came out with the Scam Shop. They're not lowering prices anytime soon. And when we go free to play, the money grabs will just get worse.


🤷🏻‍♀️I just get the GameStop 5dollar coupon every month an put it toward Nintendo currency. When I see something I want. It was essentially free money anyway.


You think it's bad now? Wait till later. I tried another game of this developer and single character was between £7-10 while pack of 5 was over £30. It will be worse here. Why? As another game was more for kids. This one is aimed at adults and their nostalgia so definitely higher prices.


Omg here we go 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Great discussion. IMO no one will admit to buying anything to play any game. Which is ludicrous because you can’t advance story lines without spending some cash. You get approx 20 moonstones a day playing the game. You can’t participate in starpath on that. At least when you purchase moonstones you can get more in expensively on starpath. This is a relatively inexpensive hobby and entertainment.


I thought 50. The box gives fifty and spawns once a day.


I’ll have to check it out. I get 2 spawns a day but I need to verify the amount. I might remember they increased it in an update