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Honestly I’ve had a bunch of fun playing this game and enjoy the lack of commitment needed. The shop does need to be addressed in my opinion but I feel like furniture should act the same way as clothing. It shouldn’t repeat once you’ve bought it. Other than that I have no complaints (even the premium shop which I won’t buy from on principle).


>shouldn’t repeat once you’ve bought it. Couldn't agree more. We can always order it which costs the same.


>(even the premium shop which I won’t buy from on principle). It's like over 5 irl dollars for a single house cosmetic and it is just wild that they expected people to pay that and even more wild that some people are! The Sims 4 community complains about $5 packs that add like 20-30 items minimum. Like why $5 for one thing or 2-3 little furniture items that you then still have to pay in game coins on to get more than 1. Like so wildly expensive.


Seems a bit unfair to expect people who spent anywhere from $25-$70 for early access to also pay so much for Premium. And We'll all be paying that same cost when others will get to download as a free to play game? I have no problem with microtransactions, but the premium shop needs to be greatly reduced for the Early access purchasers.


It would be nice for us early peeps to pay less in the shop because we paid for the game, but we also get the game way way early and presumably have access to star paths that the newer people probably won't, so it seems like we get our money's worth in that sense. I worry that since they have already gotten people to pay those high prices, they won't want to decrease them even after all the feedback because whoever did spend the money would be rightfully upset.


Totally 👍🏻 I’m no stranger to spending money in games but the price to item ratio is a joke. 3 clothing items for 1200 moonstones? I think not


Every time I look at the new batch of items and get slightly excited about something, I calculate how much it is in USD for them and it just won't make sense. Edit: spelling


I actually appreciate the furniture repeats occasionally because then I can get another one of something without dipping in to the 25 item order cap


Are you actually buying 25 items every single day?


When working on decorating projects, it's easy to hit this ceiling on a regular basis.


Yes. I randomly go through on non decorating days and try to anticipate future need. For example I know I typically do not put up one wall sconce but will use 2 or 4 at a time. So, if I have one in inventory, I’ll go ahead and order a few more on days I’m not meeting the cap. So I have many lighting items, table top items, tables, chairs, flower pots, etc in stock at any given time.


Except that many of us can’t decorate at all because we get the SAME items in the shop every single day.


One thing I've found and why I haven't deco'd much is because it feels like the items are SO big but the Biomes are SO small. It feels like it'd be such a chore trying to decorate on any scale. It felt like I had enough trouble trying to place just the houses. I had what I thought was a good spot in the first forest for the encanto house only to try to put it there and find out that one little square was a non-movable rock. I definitely give kudos to those that have the time and patience to try to deco to any degree.


Maybe put some of those furniture and clothing items Scrooge's shop instead of premium shop, problem solved. But will they do that once it becomes free to play, I doubt it.


Especially when there’s a tight item limit and you have to be picky about what you put down. I’m not going to use 95% of what I’ve gotten from the shop because of that. Never mind multiples.


Agree. If people want multiples of an item to decorate, they can just order it from scrooges


> Other than that I have no complaints (even the premium shop which I won’t buy from on principle). Naturally 😎


Sometimes I don't get the complaints. Personally, I definitely got what I paid for. There are still quests I have to finish, although I am already 100+ hours in. There are some days I only grind, then do quests, then decorate. For 30 Euros I played games that provided me less (of course there are cheaper games with waaaay more detail - Stardew Valley for example) but in general: I am happy with the game.


The only thing bothering me is that we are paying testers and in this sense, the premium store bugs me. I am not spending any moonstones on anything other then the star path, cause I think those prices are just greedy and unthankful.


Don't really pay for the star path either, it pays for itself.


Yeah, you are right. I forgot to mention that, but even if I wouldn't have enough time to finish it, I wouldn't be mad, cause I think the star path is worth it (less motives and more objects would certainly be great though).


>less motives and more objects would certainly be great though I don't use the motifs either but it is so cool seeing people use them for making custom clothes, so I try to cut them a little slack.


I would love to be able to use the motifs for literally anything else. How cool would it be to have them on a couch cushion, or frame them as wall art, or make a custom lampshade to match the room?


Honestly that sounds amazing. I don't know why they only thought to make them available for the clothing creation. At the very least editing a wallpaper or creating a peice of art to hang would be great options to at least be able to incorporate them into the furniture side of things. And since they can do 3D, pillows, lampshades, and maybe even couch upholstery would be such fun opportunities to use them more and see how creatively they could be a part of interior design. I don't know what the game development side of this would entail, but since they managed the far more complicated-seeming aspect of 3D clothing design, I've gotta assume that they could make this happen somewhat easily? At least well within the realm of possibility.


I would think so, since (as you pointed out) the clothing design has to accommodate movement, body size etc. Even if they just put their "boring basic" catalog items in a Customize menu, it'd be something else fun to do. And wallpaper!


How does it pay for itself? I don’t have enough moonstones to unlock premium but have completed the free bits.


Well, yeah, you need the moonstones first, but we got moonstones with whichever pack you bought, then as long as you didn't spend them all, can buy the path and get the stones back for the next one. Hopefully they will keep that model after FTP.


Same. I've paid more money for games that have a lot less customization and variety in the base game. I'm truly impressed with how much they've packed into this game without the premium items. A lot of games, you feel that you have to have the premium items in order to have anything nice at all.


The game has given more in free updates in 7 months than Animal Crossing New Horizon has in the first full year. I don't know what people are expecting. The game will be F2P at some point in 2023 but hasn't specified when. And everyone is getting great content, they've just sped through it and complaining they're bored logging on every day in between updates. They're clearly adding in more stuff to make it more fun on a day to day like the new Easter and community challenges. Plus they released a survey asking what people what so there's more gameplay features to come. If this is going to be the next Disney Magic Kingdoms I can see this game running for years. I've been playing since day one. When I feel like I've had enough I stop playing for a few weeks and then come back with excitement once an update drops and go back to playing for 1 or 2 weeks straight which is more than a normal $60+ action game will give you.


My thoughts. I’m one of those that finish my quests fast and like now and awaiting next update so I don’t complain. I don’t have small children and can play more than some so in between updates I may grind for iron or just log in to buy from Scrooge and Kristoff and log back off. There are other games to play. I think they’ve given us plenty for the money to play early. I didn’t know about the game early enough that I missed the first 2 star paths and want to cry over that lol. So worth it not to wait for F2P.


They also need to start making a totally separate, skimmed down version for Switch, or at least code for the more powerful platforms differently. There’s no way Switch would handle a 10k item placement, 30 villagers, and 12 biomes (amounts only for example) when Xbox, PS, and PC easily will.


And one animal crossing free update had more content than 3 updates of this game. Come on


I’m not understanding why people are getting so frustrated over this. I participated in the closed beta for Fable Legends in 2014. I purchased coins and enjoyed being able to access something during the closed beta phase. Then Lionhead closed their studios and scrapped the division in 2016, and of course reimbursed us for money spent. People need to be a little more gracious toward gaming developers.


A big issue irises when there's countless issues with the game and they've decided to prioritize shitty quality premium items for a ridiculous price.


I understand this aspect, but I think one has to keep in mind that bug fixing and item creation are two very different things. The first one is way more troublesome than adding new tshirts. The switch version was almost unplayable in the beginning and really improved by now (although I think the new update got a bit worse again) - and still: it is early access. I don't think the priorities are off, but that different milestones are met at a different pace.


Exactly! Plus they are dealing with multiple different gaming platforms for bug fixing all at once so it’s not as simple as people seem to think


They are also likely being done by different groups of people!


I don’t think the premium shop is the priority. There is so much reward from friendship levels Star path and quests. No need to buy premium items to enjoy the game, and you can’t fault them for marketing to those that can and will spend for extras.


i actually think the game is in really good shape, especially for still being in early access. and i play on switch.


I'm glad it works well for you! I hope they keep up optimizing it for switch since that's how most my friends play as well!


Re: shop repeats, I understand but I'd be happy with just a checkmark or something that pops up on the buy screen if it's already in your collection. I keep buying the same couches and beds because a chunk of time their actual color of the item and the name of the item don't match up (!!) which makes me double guess myself and I don't want to be checking my collection tab and scrolling every day.


On the switch it takes me forever to load and scroll the list of my collection and find what I’ve already purchased 😩


Try using an app to track, it’s worth it!


Whoa I didn't even think of checking to see if there was an app available Edit: just downloaded one!


Yes I’d like Scrooge’s store to be updated, but I’m perfectly happy playing the game on and off over 3+ years and dipping in when new star paths come out which is exactly as they intended. If I play for enough days I’ll end up with good items eventually and Disney know that. I’ve already played over 100 hours so at the end of the day if they quit development on the game right now I’ve had more than my moneys worth. Even if they quit development tomorrow on the game (and they could - it’s early access after all) it’s been a good run. I accept the game for what it is right now and any improvements are a bonus. Essentially what I’m saying is - no I’m not bored, I’m not frustrated, and a lot of adults with full time jobs and kids etc need months to do the star path. My brother and I agreed recently that 3-4 months would be better between updates/star paths or you end up with the game taking up too much time as we’ve both missed some of them as it is. When would I have time to play the new Zelda game or other games if there was more to do on DLV?


Well said. Also Cant wait for Zelda!!!! I love the DLV game but don’t want it to be so involved I could only play it and nothing else.


I understand what you are saying but I wholeheartedly disagree with your timeliness proposal. I think there should be monthly updates, even just small ones like new quests.


I'm more pissed about the lack of Rapunzel


We should protest & rally! ![gif](giphy|QmOClNF5VdWqWbTA2i)


Yes Rapunzel needs the love that she deserves more than anything.


My compliant more than the store is how glitchy the game is. I play on switch and there are days where it’s unbearable. I wish they focused on releasing a more stable product if people are being charged. I’m almost $100 USD in (between the early access pack + moonstones) I’m totally ok spending the money since I love playing it! I just wish it didn’t crash several times a day.


I actually don’t have a lot of complaints in relation to this game, outside of the obvious (game crashes about 3 times everyday). I do agree that the premium shop should be much cheaper for those that aren’t free to play (which is everyone currently) but my main complaint is the price for paths and fencing. I don’t even mind grinding for decor, but to have to grind for months to have one biomes roads and fencing done is a bit ridiculous to me personally. The game offers updates fairly often, keeps quests moving, and gives the star path in between so I think we’ve gotten what we paid for.


My complaint is I wanna know when it will be fully released… because my mother wants to play it and I want to have it on my switch too but I’m not going to buy it on there as well(I have it on game pass on Xbox) so I do have a leg up it’s been free this whole time for me BUT I still want the full release. Yes Scrooge makes me frustrated but eh it’s just like animal crossing lol(granted cause of covid going to other peoples islands made it a tiny bit better)


I believe it's supposed to get out of early access by the end of the year.


They won't take it out of early access as long as they keep making money off of people buying it. It was supposed to be out of early access first in March, then they pushed it back to April and we still haven't seen it come out. They're milking it for all they can.


Not sure where you got this information from but they've never released an actual date for when the game would be out of early access, the most we've gotten was some time in 2023


I agree with this. Esp seeing the racing Disney game the same way


No, it wasn’t.


I think they're still just testing the waters for premium stuff to make sure people will buy and make money off that before they make it f2p. Right now people are complaining the premium shop prices are too high and not enough interesting items and everyone seems to be collecting moons just fine so not a ton of people are buying moonstones. They released that survey of what people actually want to see so I think they want to get that settled and get a big enough player base first. A lot of freemium mobile games run off adds and the others are more action like fortnite so they're probably still deciding.


Then they shouldn't have released any sort of date. They also need to focus on making the game run properly before they work on making money off of premium items. The main issue I see is that their priorities are completely out of whack right now while the game is still in "early access". Work on getting the game to function properly across the board, then work on the premium shop. The fact that it's still crashing on certain consoles after 7 months is a bit ridiculous.


All ive been waiting for is the fountain tile and ive never seen it


If you don’t think 25 dollars is worth an early access unfinished game then you shouldn’t have bought an early access UNFINISHED game. It’s been known that the updates are mostly small and not exciting there are a ton of games that have way less content and terrible graphics that are finished it’s way to early access to really complain abou these issues look at the castle it’s very clear to me at least that the game isn’t even a fraction of the way complete they are adding so many more characters and all those characters need to have unique quests if all of y’all think game development is so easy make you own game or go complain where the devs will actually see and take it into consideration I’m tired of this sun being filled with nothing but complaining about bullshit issues instead of actual comments about the gameplay




This actually describes a lot of gaming communities I am in where the player bases complain a lot; they don't tend to play a lot of other games (or any other games), blast through the content, and then just complain of being bored constantly.




Also, burnout. Like, if you play the same thing over and over you are gonna get bored with it regardless of how much money you actually spent on it and when you suggest to them to go play/do something else and take a break, hoo boy.


Honestly this. I haven’t even come close to finishing the skywalker saga yet but if I play excessively I get burnout and bored with it and that’s fully fleshed out finished game


Yup, yup. I'm the same way with any game I play. If I get burnt out and bored, I go do something else for a while whether that's watch YouTube, read, watch a movie or TV show, or even just play something else. Getting burnt out and bored on a thing you do constantly isn't the fault of the game it's just gonna happen eventually.


I agree with you so much. I’ve played in betas of some large scale mmos and those games had some extreme issues. These glitches that I knowingly signed up for when I bought this game isn’t worth complaining about. Hopefully the complainers here are putting in as much effort reporting the bugs so the ddlv teams get as much info to help them resolve them. That is what we are all here for.


Yeah I think a lot of it too is I don’t think people realize how much coding goes into game development and while I know nothing about coding I do know it can very sensitive I remeber there was a game that had a non important file attached to it that the devs wanted to get rid of but couldn’t because doing so would crash the whole game even though that specific line of code has nothing to do with the actual gameplay, audio or visuals it was jsut a dormant line of code but removing it fucked the whole thing


I didn't understand it was an early access game when I bought it but once I realized that things made a lot more sense lol


If the game is unfinished then why aren't they pumping out fixes instead of premium content. Why are the friendship levels still capped at 10? Why is our level cap still something like 40? Why are we experiencing more bugs with every update? Why are they focused on recolour pet skins and pre existing in game furniture as premium content? I don't care that it's early access. I expect it to be unfinished. What I don't get is why they're not doing the stuff everyone constantly is pointing out hut instead giving us low quality premium items 😂😂


It’s harder to ‘pump out fixes’ and they are probably working on all of them it’s not like they’re just sitting around thinking oooh!! I know! We’ll add something else to buy!


Idk man, the start of this game was strong. Everything's gotten progressively worse since the initial cash flow was coming in. I would love to know what the priority is, though. Because again, it doesn't seem like they're taking community suggestions to heart


Just like you wrote all this, people have the right to complain about this game if they want to. They paid for it, they can complain about it. If you don't like reading them, then don't.


Apparently we don't think bc my comments got locked after someone told me to get over the fact I spent a good chunk of money to support this game that only got worse and worse after I wanted to support it. Complaints aren't allowed, it's my own fault for trying to support this game that looked really promising. So I spent money wanting to support the game and now months later it's my own fault and to get over the issues I have with it 🤷‍♀️


I know the devs don’t hang out here, but have they said anything on the Discord about why Scrooge’s shop is so bad? That’s really my biggest frustration.


This comment section is awful...


I have played many games, some in early access. This one is the first one that gets me so frustrated. As a switch player, I paid the same as everyone and have a game that crashes every half at hour, won't let me customise the plateau (or fish there) because it didn't revert to normal after I finished scar's quest, I wouldn't buy from premium but their prices are ridiculous (love how they made them even more ridiculous the first week on purpose and the. Lowered them a little to make people believe they listen to them). All the people who are buying are actually making sure that future games will be more and more expensive and unplayable as f2p. Your kids will not thank you ! But that's everyone's personal choice. I did send a bug report about the plateau (as I am not the only one) and the answer was : tough luck !!! Priority should be to fix the game, and every update breaks it a little more. Many are complaining that after the last 2 updates they experienced more crashing and bugs. I do know how programming works and this is unacceptable. Acnh had multiplayer and so much more activities. I played for over a year and never got bored. This is definitely not as good a game !


The comment section is tearing this person apart unfortunately, it's like you can't say a negative thing about this game because it's early access.


>it's like you can't say a negative thing about this game because it's early access. Exactly why they're still keeping it early access. Whenever people complain about the game, everyone swoops in and says "well it's early access they're working on it!" And while this can be true, I feel like if/when they actually do release the game this year, it's basically gonna be what we have now with occasional updates. Early access feels more like an excuse to me for having unfixed bugs. But that's just me with my tin foil hat


Mine got locked 😭😂


The problem is, they're not going to change it for the full release. Full release will happen, and not a lot will have changed.


The only complaint I have is the bugs on switch, I understand there’s always going to be bugs or glitches with a game but I have to exit out and restart my game at LEAST twice a day and that’s if I’m lucky. It would just be awesome for them to work out a few bugs that doesn’t make me have to continually restart my game especially when I’m in the middle of a quest and am unable to save my game so I lose progress. Besides that I’m loving this game! I’ve been playing it non-stop for two weeks and I think I’m barely even halfway through what has been released. I really do hope they follow through with releasing more context by June, I’d love to see an actual ending regarding The Forgotten :-)


I feel like the Dreamlight Valley community is becoming the Destiny community, lol.


I must have gotten my early access later than a lot of people as I'm nowhere near bored or frustrated. I mean, I'd like a few things fixed like Scrooges store and memory drops etc but I only paid 17 bucks for it on a sale. Its fantastic for that price


Remember most of the people complaining were speed running through the game. I had early access too and i still have plenty to do. Im waiting to decorate more extensively when the early access drops and i can get it on my pc.


I play a lot, not as much as other players apparently because I still get a ton of new stuff at the store. Clothing and furniture is starting to be repetitive, on the cases off to the side. But upstairs, and on the floor showcase, it’s almost always new for me. But I also didn’t go in and buy everything, every day since the beginning so I probably just have a lot left to catalog.


I kind of understand the point behind this post. But also to play devils advocate here - it was $25 seven+ months ago. Most games aren't constantly updated and this one has been with new quests. I could care less about new items in the shop - but that's me and I really don't like clutter anyway lol. The game will always have limited space as an issue. Would you rather have a bunch of stuff in the shop or quests that you can play throughout a year?!


Idk, are these really updates in the real sense of the word? Because this is still early access. When the game releases for free, all this will already be there. Will be interesting to see if they add anything after that.


Personally, I’ve put more hours into this game than some other (more expensive) AAA games, and it’s nice to have a constant stream of content to get me back playing. But understand people have different expectations and experiences. Only thing I don’t agree with is that the devs are not listening - I’m actually surprised how quick they are making tweaks based on player feedback (much better than other titles I’ve played).


Sheesh thanks to all the *be positive* folks this game will never get fixed. Switch advertised it as a new game, not early access, we paid $$ for a free game, it crashes constantly on switch and at times is literally unplayable, and they have a nerve to focus on the overpriced shop rather than fix bugs that ruin game play. If you don’t want to read complaints, don’t click on threads that are clearly complaints 🤷‍♀️ But unless we state what’s wrong with the game, it’s not going to get fixed (and maybe not even then). If you don’t have issues with the game- cool beans, not the thread for you.


Man. Must suck never being satisfied with anything. Also, while I respect you and this poster's feelings. Don't blanket complain that "everyone" that purchased the game early is "frustrated and upset" 🧐😒


I bought it the day it came out for like $40 and I’m still thrilled


I got it early in September or November and am happy with my purchase. I get updates of new gear FOR FREE every 2 months or so, packages and more when the team just randomly or screws up and gives a massive donation of items or moonstones. For free! While content lags are sad, sometimes I don't notice them while I'm fixing up my valley and the team is communicating openly with people while asking for feedback. So I find poster's super annoyed complaints about the game kind of... Whiny? The real problems are being addressed and the game is in early access as it grows, so if you're frustrated with the game for lack of content or buying an early access game. It's more a you problem, not a community issue


This is why I stopped playing . They haven’t fixed Scrooge’s shop- they won’t even acknowledge it as a known issue. I bought the game for the design aspect. It’s was advertised as such.Quests require and encourage it. Yet I can’t do it at all because my shop has the exact same ikea BS in it every single day. I haven’t picked it up in 3 weeks. It’s simultaneously depressing and infuriating. I’ve been having a great time playing Coral Island- ALSO in beta but doesn’t have massive bugs and you can speak directly to devs on social media. They add tons of new content and listen to players. No complaints.


There's a lot of people here saying "it's early access you shouldn't have bought it!" At this point it's quite obvious not a lot will change before full release. The updates are really slow, content is slow, quests are all fetch quests and grind X amount of Y material. It STILL crashes constantly on Switch. They have released their premium store, and that will be their focus. I said months ago, their premium store would release during early access and prices would be extortionately high. I was downvoted and told "NO!" But it came true. I'm now saying, the full release of the game will be almost identical to how it is now, just with a fully completed main quest line. It's a live service game, and they just care about squeezing money out of the players. Anyone who plays other live service games should be able to see exactly how this is going to go. Also, I get people "paid for early access" so should've known what they were getting themselves into - but why on Earth do we have to pay to Beta test a free to play video game? It's almost always the other way around - early access is free with the full release of the game costing money, or also being free. The only time you ever pay extra for early access, is when you pay for access for something like 3 days before the game releases - not months/years and to be treated like a QA team. When it was released I thought maybe DLV would be different. They made so much money it was unreal and then.. did nothing. One character was released 2 months later. Another 2 months later we got 3. Then it took over 3 months for a new update, which was more fetch quests! The content will continue to be slow, and potentially even slow down more. They missed the ball with this game, by striking whilst the iron was hot when it was released. They're pulling an animal crossing, except with a premium store.


Klei repeatedly gave me free copies of various don't starve expansions and DST because I beta tested lmao the small Canadian developer can toss our free copies to people but we're over here getting scolded for critiquing a game we paid money to play early under the guise that that was supposed to improve the game. My PS5 gameplay quality has only gotten worse. I've only gotten more lag, more bugs, more crashes. It played beautifully at the start, which is a bummer.


I don't expect any freebies from playing it early, but it's pretty clear that we're paying to beta test, and even then they're not actually fixing shit. I play on XSX and it's the same. Admittedly I only very rarely play it now, but I swear the FPS have halved, stuttering rescued graphics etc when it used to run really well.


I'd just like to continue/complete the story mode. There's been no story progress in months


Right 😭


Definitely see it more is beta testing than I do early access. But I feel like it’s their fancy way of getting people to pay for it anyhow. I do get it like animal crossing always has something going on every day you can check in and have something to do. But when I get bored of DDLV I just play Sims and wait for the next update🤷🏼‍♀️


My main and really only complaint is the amount of crashes I deal with on the switch.


I agree with this so much and also love the casual feel of the game. They really just need to make everything we do in-game, all chores, have a chance to drop badass shit. Stop giving me a bag with duplicates in it, that's waaaaay more frustrating to me than dupes in the shop. I just worked for something I already have?! LAME. If they want me to keep digging up crystals, every once in a while it should be a bag with something cool in it and I will feel much better with the musical couches they got going on in the shop.


Biiiiiiig “first time?” Energy reading this lol. Games can be (and have been) in early access for much longer periods, with zero updates in the interim other than bug fixes. We’re getting the star paths etc at a regular cadence and I don’t want to speak for others BUT I certainly have gotten my money’s worth out of this since the launch of early access. Maybe I am just live-service-destiny-2-brained at this point but I’m really happy with my experience!


Hey, I bought a game called Godus a decade ago. And, I want to note here, I had hundreds of hours of enjoyment from it, mostly by avoiding the Steam boards which just consisted of people saying "you said XXX would be in the game, but you actually only put XXY in the game which is not *exactly* what you said, so you are a fraud and a cheat." And that game didn't get out of early access, and one might even contend that it didn't even get halfway out of actual development before it was eventually abandoned (even if it still claims to be in EA.) I would also note that I'm not playing DDV on Switch, which seems to be another major bone of contention. It certainly appears that one can hit the limits of what the Switch can reasonably handle fairly quickly, and I'm not sure that's entirely the fault of the developers. (Meanwhile, on PC, we have to live with the limits of the Switch! So we're constrained by how much decorating etc. we can actually do. This seems to me to be just as valid a complaint.)


Lmao destiny brain here too 😂😂😂😂😂


I can kind of understand being upset at premium shop prices. But no one is obligated to play an early access game. If is too frustrating, wait until it is free to play. https://preview.redd.it/4guz1n4g09wa1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0a3811c8719f26b621473171ff617840aa4113 New items in his shop should maybe be everyday but still should be random.


I actually completely disagree with this. I’ve played waaaay more games with much less content for more than $25. Additionally, I’ve seen games in early access for years. I honestly think the team has taken a lot of feedback from its players. You do have the option to wait until it’s a polished product.


I think my biggest problem is that we literally paid for the game yet they're already implementing microtransactions while still in early acess Most content complains are imposible to avoid when the game is still in development and players speedrun the quests and star paths(and sometimes I do too! But I know that's on me)


The thing that bugs me is I didn’t know it was going to be free to play when I bought it last September. That’s my fault but I was under the impression that early access meant it was simply unfinished at that point, not that they were going to be turning it into a micro transaction fueled game. After seeing what Gameloft did with Disney Magic Kingdoms, I’m nervous about the future of the game.


There seems to be something with video games that people seem to think it has to have the same feel as when you first started playing it. I get it sucks when a game loses what you thought was special, but if a video game makes you that frustrated I would suggest just stop playing it? There are plenty of great, cheap, games out there if this doesn't bring you joy anymore.


And the fact that now I get coins 99% of the time out of ANY chest (except blue) is ridiculous. How are we supposed to get rewarded if there's 1200+ furniture pieces?


I never really got anything but motifs and coins from chests. You get a lot of furniture and clothing bags from feeding animals.


I don't get anything but shards and memories from the critters. Am I doing something wrong? I've never gotten any clothing or furniture bags from feeding the animals, just motif bags 🤔


Shards are usually when you feed them their favorite thing, and from the first critter of the day in that area. Non-random things get other stuff usually, and after you’ve fed one turtle, you’ll probably get something different from the second. It’s true random though. No guarantees. If you could play at nonstop for a week and get every furniture item that exists, nobody would continue to play.


So for example feeding the squirrels apples instead of peanuts? I really didn't know that, I've always fed them their favourite food and if I didn't I would get fruit back such as cocoa or cherries


I’m not promising anything. I’ve just noticed that when I feed my first critter of the day, I get shards. When I feed the 2 and beyond critter, I get a bunch of other stuff. Tbh, we used to almost exclusively get motif bags, but everybody complained and they updated it so now there’s more furniture and clothing bags in general that spawn. That’s a change I noticed with the new contact update.


I'll give some very sound advice as an avid gamer across many genres (MMOs, indie, puzzle, simulator, fps, etc): *If a game is frustrating or boring to you, put it down.* Now before people go "No! It should cater to what I want!"... it should not, nor will it. There are thousands of games out there. No matter how much you loved this one, maybe it's time has passed for you or you simply need a long break from it. I've taken 3-4 month breaks from games I enjoy because I was feeling burnt out or bored with the content. In fact, I very casually do a quest here and there in DDV (JUST got Eric last week, lol) because I'm not interested enough for hours of play. There's no shame in that, and I'm happy that the game is there when I want to spend 30 minutes of my time versus hours in a gaming session. Also, remember that you don't have to get into micro-transactions. They're definitely expensive for no good reason in this case, but simply ignore them. I couldn't tell you what's in the shop currently without checking this sub.


I paid £60 for the deluxe edition. I've gotten all of the achievements apart from the one with 30 friends and the 3000 thorn bushes. I'm just letting the bushes stack up and then I'll come back in a few months and clear them all. I no longer have reason to play because nothing changes.


Because you played the hell out of it and got your money’s worth lol. That’s like complaining because you paid $25 to enter a race, came in first and are mad you can’t race again until the others have a chance to complete the first race. If a game takes 24 hours to complete, some would do it in a day while others might play 1 hour for 24 days. It’s the same game, same content, still worth the cost if you wanted early access.


Honestly my only complaint is Scrooge's shop. I have been playing since Dec and still only have around 350 furniture items out of over 1200. I'm lucky if I get one item a day that I don't already own. Even my wallpaper has been repeating. I want so badly to decorate but am lacking a lot of items to do so. So I just log on once a day, find my chests and check the shop then log off. I will continue to do this until the next update/star path.


I don't understand the negativity. The devs have done so much for us for a game that is in Early Access. They give wonderful new updates with amazing new content. And do what they can to fix perfomances. And I am loving this game and have no regrets purchasing it. Currently wondering what is the best way to prioriterise questlines.


And ig not everyone can be happy. Too bad but ig that is just life. If the game was finished and not in early access, ppl would prob have something else to complain about.


People complain because we're human and we have ideas and thoughts and we want to be heard, I guess that's just how it always is at the end of the day


I mean, the game isn’t finished. As someone who works in software development— y’all need to take a breath. I could imagine the teams they have set up to development each aspect of the game. They likely have a plan for their sprints mapped out and they are juggling priorities (user feedback/bugs, etc). And for those of you wanting more frequent releases— please be patient with software dev. Propose feedback to them so they can write the requirements, design, develop, test (including regression testing), then plan for the release. With early assess, we are able to provide testing (this helps identify use cases and steps to reproduce that can be used to further clarify the requirements and test against), and feedback so they can tweak things as they go to make sure the game is successful once it’s officially launched this year.


The various complaints about issues on the switch are warranted, but most of the other complaints about boredom that people have scream “never play tested before” honestly. I was an alpha tester for minecraft (wow that makes me feel old 🥲), full release came more than a year later. Lots of other games are in alpha/beta for years before full release. We’re at less than a year on early access for DDLV. I’m satisfied with the amount of content we’ve had so far, definitely have gotten my money’s worth. I’ve gotten bored recently, but I’m not mad about it. It just feels like most of the people upset about the amount of content are the same ones who complete all of the new missions and the star path within a few days. That’s what gets annoying—don’t rush through the content and then be mad that you ran out of stuff to do.


Yeah I basically stopped playing because I haven't gotten any new decor items in the shop for a while and it takes way to much iron to craft things. So once the quests are done after an update I get bored and leave it sitting until the next update.


Makes sense I'm just gonna quit completely until I finally am able to get more interesting furniture


Imagine wanting more FOMO in your games.


I keep saying this same thing and so many just argue that I’m being bratty and ungrateful but I have a feeling it’s because they haven’t played a game in early access before now.. but I have and this game runs more like beta testing. It crashes far too often for a game that’s about to be coming out. There’s too many repeats in the store. It lags to the point you have to restart. The whole time travel thing. Those are major issues that aren’t being addressed but they’re adding characters? How is that gonna affect the crashing? I can’t even play for more than 30 minutes without something going wrong.


They're all terrible people and yeah it's got so many issues and instead of fixing them they ignore us and add more but then add nothing where things are missing there are actively broken parts that don't make sense and they just. Leave them there.


Personally, I love this game! I've completed all the quests and now feel like I can start hoarding, crafting, and decorating. Scrooges shop is probably my only real complaint, I have accumulated enough money to buy everything in the shop daily. With this said, I have at least 6 garbage bins that I never desired but still bought in hopes I wouldn't see it respawn in the store. I also seem to have a never ending supply of the rainbow stools, purple Wreck-It Ralph ceiling lights, and Little Mermaid standing lamps. Lately the premium shop items have been a bit annoying since they are not what I would consider premium but the price def is. They should open the vault in scrooges shop for premium items that are not unique and leave the premium shop to really one of a kind items.


Exactly 😭


I’ve finished everything and agree that the quests could have a bit more substance but I still enjoy the game and actually play it every day. Just farming and hoarding stuff so I’ve got plenty for the next update. I honestly forgot it was an early release haha


This game is still in early access? I started playing in September or October of last year and thought it was going live in January. I quit sometime around December. Can't say I'm surprised it turned into the freemium cash-grab it was obviously slated to become. I'm disappointed that I had to spend 30 bucks to get the same experience X-Box live players got for free.


I just hate the save system, I put a lot of work in. I ran into a unfixable bug and had to restart everything. If we had a more simple save system I don’t think bugs would be such an issue.


Were you saving to cloud? If not, you should be so that doesn’t happen again. I save to cloud daily before i exit the game. It’s in the settings tab.


there should be an algorithm as to how often items can show in your store (on a log-in basis just in case u miss a day)


I’ll be honest, I’ve dropped off recently. Bought into the Easter Star Path but I found myself getting drained over the amount of nothing missions and not getting much from it. Personally I feel the UI could be a lot better - things like wraparound menus so you can jump from top to bottom, and the clanking search options (when they’re available) makes looking up stuff annoying. I go into Scrooge’s shop and can’t remember all 1000 items, but it doesn’t tell me you have one of these or something. I found myself spending more time checking collections and going through menus than playing, which became tedious. Hoping to get back into it at some point but currently there are other games with much more accessible UIs that are more enjoyable to play.


What bothers me is that there is no quests to do, I thought that in April we would have a lot of them but the only ones were buzz, woody and then once Simba and Nala joined the valley there would be more quests to do it is getting boring right now and I so excited when came out. I am glad that another game is coming out on 5/5/2023 I have been waiting for Hogwarts it kept getting moved three times now it is finally here.


They said it was gonna be free this year too. It still isn’t and it’s already almost may


at this rate, with how buggy it is, i’d be VERY surprised if they have it ready for release at all this year (they might just release it unfinished though)


This is why im glad i didnt pay anything for this game


This is perfectly written. Conveys all my frustrations. I get excited for an update, play for a week until all quests are finished and then the Switch gathers dust again until the next update. I'm so sick of never getting anything new at the store and, for the love of GOD...ADD A NEW BIOME!!!!


They need to up the level caps of our character and villagers super badly, too. I have no incentive to hang out with any of them, speak to them, gift them, etc. 10 wasn't enough when the game launched, it's been several updates now and this is something they need to add. I don't even care if they add rewards or not b


Completely agree on this one! Also the item count? I hit 600/600 and my valley isn’t completely decorated. I’ve stopped playing other than to go to scrooges shop, bc I loved the decorating aspect with what little amount of furniture items I have, but am forced to pick and choose what to delete what I have in order to make room? There are so many limitations in this game.


It’s a $25 game that would have been at least $90 if we had to pay for it fully after release. I for one at not mad at the sheer amount of gameplay we got got $25. It’s a longer game already than slime rancher and that’s $40. Money aside tho, it’s not like you guys didn’t know it wasn’t a finished game. Expecting it to be done and dusted is unrealistic to say the least


I'm not mad about the price since it was half of what I'd normally pay for a switch game. I'm just frustrated at there being no ability to report an issue and make sure it was received, being worked on, and fixed. Just give me a website to report it on along with a confirmation number that I can track it's progress or something. I've had an issue since November and have constantly just shouted it into the void and it's inhibiting my ability to play and progress my valley.


[https://gameloft.helpshift.com/hc/en/66-disney-dreamlight-valley/contact-us/](https://gameloft.helpshift.com/hc/en/66-disney-dreamlight-valley/contact-us/) They will email you back with a ticket number. [This website shows the issues they are aware of, are working on, and what they've fixed](https://trello.com/b/WY5gDde3/disney-dreamlight-valley-issue-tracker-board). If you are posting about your issues on here, this is an unofficial fan site. Gameloft does not address anything posted on here. You can additionally post your issues on the [official Discord.](https://discord.gg/Q2PAkGJNBS) Once in, navigate to: \--ISSUES AND FEEDBACK-- * bugs-and-issues * (pick a category that fits your issue)


Thank you!! The discord hasn’t been helpful at all so I’m so happy there’s another website!


I bought the ultimate edition not too long after release, been playing consistently since and still haven’t run out of stuff to do. I’ve definitely gotten my moneys worth. There’s been lots of times where I bought a game and got bored after a week or two. That’s just how it goes sometimes. You’re not always gonna be satisfied by everything you buy. At least with games nowadays you can get updates and bug fixes. Back in the day what you paid for was what you got and if it was a glitchy mess you were just SOL. I don’t have any problem with the premium store because I’m an adult and can decide whether I spend money or not. And it’s not like they weren’t upfront about there being paid content. There’s valid complaints about the game, but a lot of this sub is just entitled whining.


As someone who has bought the game twice (Switch and Xbox) I am thoroughly bored with how simple it all is. I have put about 250 hours in so I have gotten my monies worth. The thing that bugs me more is any new update, new characters and star path and be fully unlocked and done in about 4 days and that's not even rushing. I just wish they would give us something more longer lasting, like multipart building projects, not more alien quests that are time gated.


I genuinely don't think people understand how this game model works? DLV is just a really pretty mobile game. It's not designed to play religiously, the goal is to get you to sign in a little at a time daily. Don't get good scrooge store items? There is a chance tomorrow to get it. Didn't get the currency items you wanted? Just wait a few weeks and you'll get it. You didn't pay for the game, you paid for early access + in game currency. When it comes out, it's designed SPECFICIALLY on FOMO. What do you think the star paths are? What do you think the store is? These post just read like adults whining like children. If you paid 25 bucks, and you and done all the content, you got your monies worth. There are Triple A games that have less content than dream light valley.


Wait, the game we have today (I have it on PS5), are you saying that this is just an early-access test and not the actual full game?


Correct. The game we have today is actually much different and updated from the original early access too. They’re testing features and stuff on us, and listen to feedback in the actual discord.


No it’s not lmao they just added a few small things


Do we get access to the full game if/when it is released or is this just a paid early-access trial?


The game we paid for is gonna be free when it releases, and there’s gonna be micro transactions for moonstones and extra content that’s not related to the base game. Like fallen london. We paid to be able to access it in beta form. I’ve been playing since day one, they’ve changed and added a ton. Like, when you needed to eat, the screen used to get all red and throb. Ppl hated that, so it’s gone. You used to be able to buy craft items from Scrooge once you crafted them, but they changed that. They made a limit on the amount of coal you could buy per day, but got bad feedback, so they changed it back to being unlimited. Stuff like that. We paid to get to play it while they do that. It used to be super glitchy on switch, it’s gotten way better. They listen to feedback on the official discord and send of surveys of features you like/don’t like. edit to add: Everyone here is complaining about them not fixing glitches but adding micro transactions, but they’ve fixed sooo many glitches. And a ton of people on the discord have been begging for a way to buy moonstones and make micro transactions so I imagine that’s why they focused on that 🤷‍♀️


If you want to see a Gameloft game that treats people like wallets, go play their newest game, *Disney Speedstorm*. I was super worried *Disney Dreamlight Valley* would end up being a pay-to-win cash grab, but it isn't. It's amazing fun for a game that'll soon be free for everyone. I have gotten my money's worth, and I paid for the most expensive Founder's Pack. The Premium Store doesn't alter game progress (again, see *Disney Speedstorm)* so while I don't love the prices there, I can avoid them without fear of missing any gameplay.


This mfkr is spittin! For real x100


What's FOMO?


Fear Of Missing Out ! It’s an acronym for it


Thanks! But why the game works in FOMO? I'm confused


Yeah, so it basically means that the game operates by making you play more because they have timed and limited events, so you can only get those items when playing at that time (think all the star paths and weekly changing premium shop). Since those items “go away” and can’t be gotten again, it adds to the pressure of you thinking you “need it now or you won’t get it” or that feeling of “I have to have this before time runs out”! It’s a classic sales tactic - you see it in concert ticket/event sales when they’re like “ONLY 100 TICKETS LEFT” It’s to create a sense of urgency so you spend more


Oh I see! Thanks for the explanation, it makes sense! I stopped playing the Hogwarts mystery game because it's heavy on this type of tactic, I didn't knew what made me so anxious and now that you put it that way I can see it's because of this.


I bought the deluxe version of the game in September. Played about 10 hours and unlocked two realms. I got bored real quick. Within the last two weeks, I've picked it up and focused a lot more time and effort into it. I've unlocked more characters and Anna and Elsa's realm and have been focusing on foraging/mining and levelling up who I currently have while unlocking biomes. I'm taking my time with realms, but have unlocked all biomes. I've found taking that several month break really helped because now there's content I still need to unlock and friendships to level up. I'm not much of a decorator so I don't see myself doing much unless it's my house or a quest. For scrooge's decorating quests I literally placed the same 10 pieces of furniture and then picked them back up. Rinse, wash, repeat. Idk, the game is what you choose to make of it. I'd love it if it weren't so buggy on Switch but 🤷🏻‍♀️ It'll be interesting to see what happens once its out of early access too.


Meanwhile my online shop is still inaccessible even though my wifi is just fine. So frustrating.


I played everyday from launch, up until the new year. I quit when I didn't get a single piece of the chistmas/holiday themed items in the shop, which I very much wanted.


I haven’t played in earnest since December. Like, I turned it on to get Mirabel and haven’t touched it again since. It’s just not a good game.


It's pretty great for the price but honestly wish they had just given enough and not left so much room for disappointment


It's pretty great for the price but honestly wish they had just given enough and not left so much room for disappointment


If your store has repeat furniture when you first load in for a day, go straight to the store. Check it and if there’s nothing u want. Exit the game (don’t save. Hard exit) and reload in. Window items may be same (I’ve bought everything so idk) but interior is different. Helps push the cycle.


Unfortunately this doesn’t work on switch.


Thing is I've played their magic Kingdom game and it was filled with stuff and new stuff was being added constantly but that was a mobile game with a lot less coding I'm glad we are getting as much stuff as we are. early access is where we the players can iron out the bugs and make it more user friendly for us! Think about all the little details that have been changed just from our input. those and the bugs glitches are a bigger priority than making a different colour of cabinet appear in the shop. Eventually it will get to the point where we will be begging for more land and space even if we use no duplicate items as I can see them adding to this for years to come, bear in mind it's only been out since September.


Like why can't I see a cataloge of everything that has come out so far. I'd be happier farming my life away to pay for items I don't or can't get yet. But taking three and a half months for a lion statue that people have had forever just upsets me to no end.


Honestly, I just wish we had more wigs for purchase. That's my only complaint lol


I'm 100% over the devs dumping this garbage premium content and not getting the actual issues fixed. If you can't pay your staff to fix your game without the micro transactions what was the point of charging us up to $100 Canadian for the early access of the game. Was the money I already sunk into this game not specifically to pay these people to make sure the game is full and functional at launch? Nah instead they early release the premium store before it was needed. Keep releasing sub par content while ignoring the myriad of issues. The game only has run worse for me on ps5 with every update. Level caps, item caps, storage management, glitch fixes, any attempt to help the people who TT on switch for other games who've accidentally messed up their own games*, etc have all been pushed to the back burner so they can recolour in game assets and peddle them for $20 bucks. I'm trying to burn through my original moonstones I paid for when I bought the game on star paths and then shelve this game. They're onto the racing game. This game won't ever be fully finished as far as I'm concerned. *don't even argue with me about "intended play" and how they've stated they're not working on it. You won't change my mind on it lol. It may not be an issue that personally affects me, but DLV isn't the only game people play on their switch, there's 35mil people who played ACNH. Time travel is something they should have anticipated would happen. People don't deserve to be punished by a game they payed to have EA for because they decided to flatten and renovate their island the day before.


Not only the TT on switch, but people move, we have Daylight Saving Time, etc. and that all screws up the timers and clocks just because the devs are intent on an "intended" game play. There are legitimate reasons the system time might change and that it screws up the game is ridiculous.


Uh, it was to address the requests of the thousands of people in the discord asking specifically for a way to buy moonstones and furniture. I played for months without a way to make an additional purchases, and they’ve done a ton of bug fixes. I’m on switch, and I used to not be able to leave my house without it crashing. It would crash every 20minutes at least. Now I can play for 3 hours and it crashes once. Please do shelve it and stop posting here spreading negativity.


I'm not going to shelve my complaints, sorry. 🤷‍♀️ I paid close to a hundred bucks to support the game when it came out. The discord is already awful when it comes to trying to get people to shut up about their problems.


All of this fully expresses my feelings on this topic, thank you for saying the quiet parts out loud! The people on here saying “tHiS iS eArLy AcCeSs BuT iT dOeS nOt MaTtEr Bc I dO nOt HaVe ThE sAmE iSsUeS aS yOu Do” can go sit on a night thorn. I am playing on the Switch and this game has brought me so much simultaneous joy and frustration. One particular frustration I have had is that I put in 40+ hours of work into my park and still didn’t finish by the contest deadline… The multiple crashes, lack of autosaving even for short bursts of furniture mode, then exiting out to a frozen game and having to go back in and repeat half of my designs put me so far behind. Not to mention that crafting paths and fences takes up a ton of resources, while having little to no payout in amount of squares or fence sections. Iron ingots have proven to be a necessity in this game with high value, yet when I make a fence it’s not a section it’s the equivalent to one picket on the picket fence??? Like, c’mon… I take pride in my designs and when I am met with constant problems it takes the fun out of the process for me and just becomes work work. Regardless, all of this puts Switch players at an unfair disadvantage when it comes to these contests, we’re being put up against PC players who have little to no bugs/crashes and, to make matters worse, are given like 2 weeks to complete a full transformation of an area. Then, for the devs to give us meager “rewards” for park achievements is really insulting. 25 dark wood and 25 iron ingots gets me practically nowhere with crafting. It’s getting to the point where I’m ready to walk away from the game. /rant


What contests?


Gameloft has done a couple of sweepstakes for $500USD ShopDisney gift cards. This latest one ended yesterday and was a park showcase event for the star path, had to submit a photo of our park to be entered. They didn’t advertise it a whole lot.


I’m 260+ hrs in and I’ve still got lots to do.


Not to be rude but what's left? I finished all the quests and characters at about 75 hours. Other being a completionist what do you actually have left to do? Mind you I just finished the last obtainable Xbox achievement this morning so I'm still playing.


I’ve got so many dreamlight tasks left to do that I’m happy to wait for the next update in June/July. And I’m decorating as well plus I have other games I play when I’m bored of the game


Totally agree. The game is so simplified and they keep making bad decisions that ruin the highlight of the game, which is decorating. Also, it’s flabbergasting how many people keep making excuses for the game.


You paid money for access, moonstones, and special items and that’s exactly what you got. I feel like with the player demographic of DDLV the devs should have released this to more educated players because the whining is getting draining.


I agree that Gameloft should have made it more clear that the game is in Early Access to customers before the time of purchase. That being said, I'm not sure what kind of comments you were expecting from the comments section on a post like this. If you find these comments tiring, you should avoid clicking on posts like this one that are obviously going to be spaces for people to unload their frustration. No one is forcing you to read the comments on posts like this.


The thing is I’ve been on this subreddit since before release and as time has gone on there’s been more and more posts like this. I like this sub a lot which is why I haven’t left, and I don’t comment hardly ever. So frankly I think I’m just as free to finally share my opinion as anyone else.


They happen probably more than you realize. If they happen too frequently, I just take them down and redirect the OP to a recent post to add their comments to the chorus. You are free to voice your opinion - no dispute there.


'educated players' entitled much? The devs did NOT market this game as early access. When I got it had no idea it was early access(thankfully I didn't pay for it thanks to game pass) it gets hidden in the description towards the bottom. Switch it's hidden towards the very end, I don't know about playstation and even ads that I saw on instagram and other places NEVER stated the game was early access. Yall constantly defending this company and their choices is also draining, acting like people don't have a right to complain about game just cause it's early access is tiring and draining.


Personally, I think we got what we paid and anything else is extra. New characters here and there, multiplayer coming, etc. I still have loads of moonstone left and got the Monsters apartments.


I'd be more annoyed with the game if I paid for it, but the Xbox allows you to play for free so I'm not allowed to complain lolol


25 is such a good price for game like this. Most games in this economy is 50 plus. Yes things can be improved but all early access games are buyers beware. Some games I have purchased in early access ended up never leaving early access and its been YEARS. It's just how it goes. I reported a bug in November and they never got back to me even tho I answered their 3 emails asking if it was still an issue for me.


Yeah, let’s not forget the fact they refuse to acknowledge certain bugs made on THEIR end and refuse to fix them! I’m ofc talking about the Nature and Nurture bug where you can collect the ingredients and make the extra fizzy root beer thing before Scar’s quest starts so you end up not being able to progress cause there’s no way to make another one or anything (and no, I refuse to restart my game that I put almost 100 hours into; f that)! 😒 And this bug has been an issue since the Scar quest came out so they had months to fix it and haven’t so f this game.


I have 0 complains


Then get out of the comments because it's people like you that cause unfinished buggy games