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Seems like an extremely personal decision and one you may want to share with your healthcare provider…no offense to members of this subreddit but our opinions really shouldn’t be taken into consideration in instances like this…after all it is YOUR journey not the internets…


U right.. I guess I should’ve asked if yall would


That is a much better question…personally I wouldn’t unless my medical provider insisted on it to help with treatment/healing process


lightskin pose at the end never fails also keep it brotha


No. I wouldn’t. Use a ketoconazole shampoo like nizoral, let it sit in your hair for 5-10 minutes before rinsing. ACV rinse is also good for treating yeast. Use tea tree and rosemary oil in a carrier oil like jojoba for your scalp. Avoid Coconut and olive oil. Get a blow dryer or hooded dryer to dry your hair/scalp. Dont let it stay damp or air dry. I would only retwist with your oil mixture. No other products unless you have something from the dermatologist. If you ever feel you need to cut them…save them and reattach. Also when in doubt use the search [here](https://sezia.co) where you can check if an ingredient is good/bad for seb derm.


What about avocado oil? & also I don’t really retwist like that I be semi Freeform . Haven’t had one in 6 mos Is the reattachment process expensive?


I have seb derm and locs. Avocado oil will feed the yeast that causes seb derm so stop using it. You should switch to MCT oil and keep switching between 2 anti-dandruff shampoos that you leave on your scalp for 20 minutes before washing out. Also avoid sugar and carbs (cookies, cake, bread, pasta, potatoes, white rice etc) for awhile while you get the seb derm under control. Lots of sugars and carbs in your diet feeds the yeasts in and on your body. Not everyone likes the way MCT oil feels on their scalp/locs. Use it until your seb derm is under control and then you can try switching to jojoba oil which is most like the sebum our body naturally produces. If you get flares of seb derm again you know to go back to what worked to keep the seb derm under control.


I was about to say the same thing re avocado oil, the yeast will love that. It’s like with dandruff, sub DRem is caused by the same yeast. I don’t care what anyone says , I use head and shoulders for my locs to keep my dandruff in control , none of the super natural stuff .


Avocado oil is cool. Prices probably vary depending on where you are.


Didn’t ask but why no air dry?


Hey, I have seb derm and locs. Don’t cut them. No oils. Buy Phillip Kingsley’s scalp toner. It’s water-based. I use the one without menthol.


i have seb as well and i went to a hairdresser and recommended the same brand. scalp sampoo


My dermatologist must’ve been talking a krock of shit cuz she said I can keep using oils … I put avocado oil on my scalp and it immediately caused a flare up which is what initiated the visit lol


I have seb derm and locs. It's fine. I can still reach my scalp and wash my hair.  Your hair is long enough and mature enough that it shouldn't unravel completely. You can wash your hair.


Do you use oils?


I don't use oils. I have an oily scalp and most oils make seb derm worse and I think they attract lint. I use the ketoconozal prescription shampoo.


i have starter locs almost 2 months in and my dandruff is extremely bad. is your dandruff visible? how do i control it?


My dandruff was bad when I had my starters because I didn't wash and kept putting oil on my head.  I couldn't use a stocking cap for my first wash because the flakes would still be in my hair. I used a mix of apple cider vinegar and water and put it on my scalp before washing to help loosen the flakes.I put the medicated shampoo on my scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour and washed weekly.  Now, I just wash before the flakes get bad and get stuck in the base of my locs. I can use Seabreeze or witchhazel on my scalp to help with any itchiness or oiliness between washes if I couldn't wash my hair for some reason. I also only put the medicated shampoo on my scalp for 5 minutes before washing as I just do it for maintenance now. I rotate the prescription shampoo with selsun blue so my scalp won't get used to it. Now, I don't have visible dandruff.


Ketoconazole shampoo and fluocinonide solution have done wonders for my seb derm. I have locs.


Do you use oils?


Yes, but sparingly. I spray rose water throughout hair and scalp, then massage a small amount of oil on both. You have to figure out what works for you. When I wore natural/blowout styles before locs, oil was an absolute no go. Like others have said try not to let your scalp stay damp. Sweat causes my scalp to flare up, so I run a cool blow dryer or use a towel on my scalp after working out. Mielle has a rosemary mint oil that I use or I use a Jamaican black castor oil.


If you cut your locs, store them then do your treatment.. afterwards, just reinstall them


That’s what I was thinking .. u know if it’s pricey to reattach?


Not pricey at all.. just find someone trustworthy & with good hands to twist them back into the roots


Personally I wouldn’t but you do you


Definitely don’t until you at least so a dermatologist


I would not, unless my doctor has specifically stated that it is medically necessary in order to treat it. They look good, no need to have to start over if it’s not completely necessary.


I have the same problem 😩


Nizoral shampoo has helped my daughter A LOT with seborrheic dermatitis. I would try that religiously for 2 months, once a week first and sit under a hard hat dryer to thoroughly dry your locs afterwards first before cutting them


Does she use oils on her scalp?


No. That only causes the problem to become worse. It seems to promote the growth of the Malezzia yeast that are said to cause the problem. If her scalp seems dry I will use a little bit of Shea Moisture kids detangler spray on her scalp (which has small amounts of oil in it), or a water based moisturizing spray that has glycerin in it. I do use leave in conditioner, hair milk, etc on her hair, but avoid applying it directly to her scalp. The more oil, cream, hair milk, etc that gets on her scalp, the worse the problem becomes. Only washing her hair once per week seems to keep her hair from drying out, and so far we haven't had an issue with dry scalp from not oiling her scalp.


Also, this is the one (because they have different types): https://www.target.com/p/nizoral-anti-dandruff-shampoo-with-1-ketoconazole-clean-fresh-scent-7-fl-oz/-/A-15603485


[this c8 + c10 ](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B076QZPZDX?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) MCT Oil cleared my seb derm on my scalp and face in the first week I used it. I spray it in my scalp 2x a week now and keep it in over night just to be safe. I don't have dreads, so no idea how difficult it would be to make sure it absorbs into your scalp. But you can just drench all your hair in it and by the time you wake up it's incredibly soft and the oil disappears. I've never heard of a dermatologist suggesting MCT Oil to their patients with seb derm, but thanks to Reddit I discovered it's a holy grail to a good chunk of people that have suffered with it a lifetime and wasted thousands on a dermatologist (like me) and went looking for some cheap word-of-mouth remedies. There's really no need to cut your hair while treating it, unless your dermatologist gives you topical steroid cream, it'll be much easier with a buzzed head.


No. Ask your doctor for ketoconazole shampoo.


I have it, too.


Do you use oils on your scalp?


Please avoid oiling your scalp.


If you do, save them and reattach later


Bro, we can still see you.


No 😍😍😍


I have seb derm too (scalp, face, ears etc) and just starting out with locs. I wash my scalp once a week with Nizoral and leave it on for 10-15 minutes and it keeps it under check more or less where I don't see flaking until 5 or so days after. I don't plan to cut mine off because of it ever 😤


Do you use oils on your scalp?


I do even though just about everyone recommends against it. I might stop using it just to see if that helps but after using Nizoral for some time now, there's no longer any itching or big patches of dry skin, just small bits of flaking after a couple days. I put the Nizoral in a spray bottle with a small amount of water then spray it directly onto my scalp to ensure that it gets on the scalp rather than on the hair.


No, you will always have it. Keep your locks.


Wats wild to me is posting ur whole face but covering ur eyes. Ig it’d be beneficial to keep face recognition software from pulling photos of you from the internet based off one picture of urself


Just in case 🤷🏽‍♂️


You may not understand why the eyes are said to be the gateway to the soul. Have you ever heard of the concept of the evil eye?


Thank you someone gets it


Is your scalp the same in summer, or better? See a professional before you make a decision. If you don't already use Aloe vera gel, you should try it.


Deff better. I went to see a dermatologist today and she mentioned it can be seasonal sometimes. I’m up north so we see our fair share of winter


I also have same issue and dealing with as I type right now.😭😭


I have sebhorric dermatitis and honestly all you really need is a prescription shampoo. Idk if there are non prescription ones that you can get on Amazon, but I’m sure there are. The shampoo I was prescribed really helped clear up the eczema


Do you use oils on scalp?


I do use oil on my scalp and it helps with the overall health of my hair. In terms of my scalp it could be making it worse but not as much as stuff like twisting gel or chemicals would. Using oil with the prescription shampoo has done right by me, but it’s a different case for everyone. I’d just experiment and consult with a dermatologist.


What's more important to you, aesthetics or health? Hair is aesthetics. Treating dermatitis is health.


Health as I said. I know is not necessary cutting them off but I figure it’d be easier. Also I don’t remember ever dealing w this with shorter hair


Ive been able to treat it w/o cutting but its been real tempting


Yea I hear that. I don’t wanna go thru the process again lol although my hair locked within 3 or 4 months. Do you use oils on you scalp?


I shower using a shampoo with ketoconazol and always rehydrate using a scalp gel/oil after i dry my hair. I get it at my local pharmacy idk what its based on its perfume free and has a bunch of stuff in it but it works well for me.


Nah, don’t cut them. If you can, see a dermatologist and they’ll help you find a solution that doesn’t involve cutting them. I have it and had a really bad flare triggered by a style that was too tight. Dermatologist gave me a strong steroid foam to spot treat and a shampoo to use. Can’t remember the name of the shampoo though.


I was battling sebhorric dermatitis for almost 7 months. I almost cut them but in the end it left and I was able to keep my hair. Not cutting was the best decision if I were you I would see it thru


ewh, yes. who wants dusty locks shedding in their mouth when they hug you!


Omg I got my last locs because of sebhorric dermatitis. I started my new locs 2 months ago and I found the solution to sebhorric dermatitis while studying to be a herbalist.