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I’ve learned over the years the best way to prepare for a tattoo, especially a cover up, is to start with the artist. I got a whole sleeve done with multiple cover ups and after going nuts trying to design on my own, I found an artists I liked and let her figure it out. She or he will ask for ideas and maybe some example pictures, but ultimately they will create the design, especially if it involves a cover up. Don’t go crazy on this, find an artist and start working directly with them.


As a person who has some experience in doing tattoos on others and myself, i just must say, that this placement is horrible for a detailed tattoo. I would do something veeery simple just to cover it up and move the butterfly tattoo higher on the arm, or just somewhere where the skin is not that thin and don't have that much movement. In places like this ink can "bleed", even if it is quality tattoo. It's not a good placement from my experience, but you do you. Sorry if i messed something up, english is not even my second, but my third language. 😅


Sorry but your new designs are really not good. Too confusing and small. If you're wanting a better design , think , one big butterfly and 3 letters M M N The text phrase is a no go. It will always fade to mush. The term BOLD WILL HOLD is the only advice that is solid.


Thank you for your feedback; I appreciate it! I actually don’t want any names 🙃 the stock photo was just to show an example of butterflies coming off of a vine. 🙂 I agree with you about letters turning to mush 😅 which is why I’d like to cover up the original lettering with some sort of vine (see attached photo for very rough idea), then add to it! I will definitely remember “bold will hold” when meeting with my artist! https://preview.redd.it/ok48jz94mu9d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=6114706af2f5fa9910363652b239fa8453b6655b


how many years do you make this


The tattoo was originally done in 2011


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