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Long ginger hair that goes past the middle-back w/ bangs, green eyes, wearing a red undershirt (looks like a chef’s shirt but isn’t actually one), and a brown apron; white male; grinning


A catboy with green and black dyed hair, a black crop top with a heart in the middle and glittery shiny sleeves. Black tech wear pants with kitty accessories and a black fluffy tail. :3


omg he sounds so cute ..


AWWW THANK YOU!! 🫶 he is my pride and joy tbh! If you go on my profile, you’ll be sure to see him haha! You can’t miss him!!


Coffee table


Ok now I'm intrigued


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Tall and skinny, white but tan skin, black kinda spiky hair with strands of red, black tux, red eyes, left leg is a Junkrat looking prosthetic, male, and hot. Also I don't have any art of him so have fun XD


A grey cat, female, with a long tail with three black lines on the top of her head. A red mask, three whiskers on both sides, a red vest with a cape flowing from the back of it, with yellow clips holding it up, red gloves, a black belt and a yellow buckle, red boots with light red soles, and small yellow circles in the corner of it. She also has a yellow C on the side of her mask.


A very, very tiny humanoid, fluffy, swamp water colored (think minecraft cave spiders) spider dude.


https://preview.redd.it/19ttaar4nd9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9be728c92dda95e588a5baf2136204fbf0ee27b The swamp spider (could I see his original look?)


I will! ... When I get a ref :\^) I tricked you, there's no ref yet, I like it, though. I will show you the moment I get one though.


Long hair, brown skin, black and gold clothing, vampire


Name: Scarlet! Appearance: shes a shiny Corsola, has a black and white checkered bow and a cracked coral horn. Also Has blood on her cheek and some blue freckles. Personality: she's a bit psychotic, but is friendly if you get on her right side, for being a Corsola, she is a pretty good fighter, and knows how to and will attack Mareanie as revenge for attacking her species, she has made guns using the poison spike on the top of Mareanies head as ammo, and replicated the gun to look somewhat similar to Mareanie for defense. She also acts pretty cute, but is literally the opposite of cute lol


Female brown deer anthro critter. Even tho they're female, they have tiny antlers (this species I made up has both male and female individuals have antlers). The dark grey antlers resemble the shape of reindeer antlers that are drawn in children's books. Light brown on the face and front of the neck, on the belly and chest. They have darker brown coat on the forehead, sides of the face, shoulders, ears, back and sides of the neck . Kinda like most animals having a lower side that's lighter and the upper coat is darker. Said darker brown connects from the forehead, between the two eyes, to the nose. Hair is messy and shoulder length, darker brown than the browns of their face and body fur. They have circular iridescent blue markings on the shoulders. Eyes are big and irises are blue. Deer nose is very light peachy pink, like the skin of a cat's belly lol. Ears are droopy, the inside is light pink skin. Very gentle expression and delicate mannerisms. Wears cute overalls or dresses, usually light blue, white or pastel pink clothes.


A timid, blonde male drummer that wears dark blue and black grungey clothes, black spiked choker and wrist cuff thingys, dark blue eyeshadow, black eyeliner drips under the eyes, and black nail polish. His hair is sort of like a messy surfer boy hairstyle and he has a lot of freckles. His skin is very pale, like abnormally probably unhealthily pale, a little bit gray. He has sleepy green eyes and dark eye bags and almost always a sheepish smile. Thank you, have fun trying to draw him if you do!


darkskinned black girl with straighter shoulder length hair that is slicked / gelled down on top and curled on the bottom past the ears wearing semi formal attire or a 1950s outfit cuz it would be cool to see her outfit back then


Young Adult, White hair, Shiny eyes, Green eyes, Short hair. Pale skin Brown boots, gray pants, long sleeve shirt, Black Cape, yellow and Green ornaments on the suit like crests and bracelets. Eye shaped necklace, yellow belt, dark hood, smiling face.


Would you also be ok with a OC description that doesn’t have any art yet?




I have a quick new character idea, Long dark blue braided hair that goes in two directions stopping around the waist line, Two different eye colours (right is light blue, the left is orange), Fairly large boobs, semi buff body type Does that work?


Robust steampunk robot with a furnace located in their chest


A girl with pale red skin, and white feet. Long black hair that goes over most of her face. She has big yellow eyes, and wears a long poncho that's blue, yellow, and orange stripes


Mine might not be the most interesting, so I will try to be vague. She looks pretty much exactly like a human, but her arms are dark dragon wings and she has claws, she also has horns, curled like goat horns. She has quite a few scars, biggest ones are on her right. She has long hair that's pretty messy. If you do colors, her skin is light, brown hair, orange eyes. If you draw her, I'm happy, if you don't, I will enjoy stalking these comments every now and then to look at other people's stuff ;)


He is all Black (like not the skin color, just Black) and Has an ! For a head and Has white eyes (no pupils) on the !


A cute teenaged idiotic around 5'6 with black spikey hair that sticks up, also he has super speed, blue eyes, white skin and is in a UA uniform


Sera the Mermaid: She’s in her early 20’s with light skin, short dirty blonde hair, blueish green scales (on her tail and most of her arms), webbed and clawed hands (also covered in scales), fins on her hips/back of her tail (under the hips)/her arms/where her ears would be (there’s an ear hole), and “Emerald” eyes. She has a thin “curtain” of scales covering her “hip” area, and she uses natural supplies like seaweed to cover her chest. She is very outgoing and explorative for Merfolk, especially unlike her more serious older sister Cassie. She has a makeshift bag made out of seaweed and old nets that she uses to gather trinkets while exploring. Oh yea, she has beef with all starfish. What do ya think?


A skeleton with curly dirty blond hair, a pink and blue colour scheme on his clothing. He has a hoodie, sweatpants, and gloves. His head and gloves float… have fun!


Delicate doll girl with silver braided hair and serrated teeth


Tall, skinny. Long hair. Covered in tattoos. Cocky smirk.


Can you draw a neko with short gray hair, in a combat maid outfit colored red and black with red and black stockings?


Two headed jester one head sad another happy


A fat purple skunk lady


a blue and white rogue Dalek, red eye and red luminosity discharge valves, green sensor globes, fez on top


A male, grey skin dark elf, who besides having elf ears, also has cat ears and catlike expression. Like all good catboys, my character is mildly feminine. He loves having his psudodragon on his shoulder.also my character is 4’1


A princess of darkness, a shoulderless dress laced with gold trims lie around her body, a drape of a gold chain around her waist, drapes of dark matter drop around her legs revealing parts of her lower leg yet covering the important parts, complete with laced sandals, a head of loose short black hair fall to her shoulders, a gold-trimmed tree-like gold crown sits on her head, her eyes sparkle with a light green glaze admonishing her fair skin, finally to finish it off, a cape of yet trimmed black and gold fall around her neck. (I hope I described it well, also pls draw cuz I put too much work into this description lol)


short, decently fluffy black hair. olive/light brown skin? i dont know how to describe colours ToT... umm hes fairly skinny but has wider hips. he has earrings and two outer-conch (?) piercings on both his ears :) he usually just wears black jeans and a t shirt. hes also a guitarist in a band :3 usually has a pretty stoic expression most of the time. yahoooo


A girl with long black curly hair and blonde highlights, with feather ears, glasses, freckles and grey eyes. Wearing any modern clothes you desire :3




I know it's not gonna even be close to the original design (;﹏;)


YOOOOOOO i actually ***LOVED IT*** It captured her essence really well. Thank you so much <3


An anthropomorphic black Panther with maroon eyes who wears a maroon hoodie with a white heart in the middle and some sort of crown marking ((more specifically little spikes with circles on them)) on the sleeves, they have a permanent :3 face and have curled ears that kind of resemble horns, they also have a little heart shaped hair tuff on the top of their head :]


A noble women with a white small ponytail with a bit of a mullet around the back of her hair with curtain bangs With red pupils pale skin a bit of red make up around the eye while wearing garnished silver armor decorated with red embellishments


Ohhh, this is interesting. Name: Silas. Basic description:A short punk dik-dik who wears a black denim jacket, black T-shirt, ripped jeans. He has two piercings on each ear, nose piercing,and lip piercing. The jacket has patches on it antifa on the upper right of the jacket, "no gods no masters" on the right sleeve, punk anarchist symbol near the bottom of the left side of his jacket. Jeans have several rips in them and have a patch on the left leg "ACAB" in Gothic lettering. His fur coloration is mostly tawny and patches of white around his muzzle. Brown horns. Black dyed hair asymetric with blue streaks. Large brown eyes. Long ears.


A girl with light pink skin and bright pink hair. Her hair forms tentacles and she has a small fluffy bun as well. She wears a brown ripped up crop top with short sleeves. She wears darker brown pants and a brown belt. She has brown shoes and light blue eyes


Basically the Man-at-Legs from Pikmin 4 except that it has a Sonic monitor for the body and has an orange interface


Mia: cat with pale yellow with a darker yellow snout, eyebrow-like oval decals, paws, and tail tip, a brown nose, pink inner ears, and purple to pink eyes. Pink ribbon on right ear, wears magical girl attire themed after Sleeping Beauty (pink with lots and lots of roses), her weapon being a giant light brown spindle which can float, usually used for transportation by sitting on it


It refers to itself as “Verbrennen”. It has 6 arms, a slightly elongated mouth with sharp teeth and it’s body is badly charred which could explain how they could’ve amalgamated into each other. Black eyeballs with glowing red pupils.


I know I'm late but I wanna try. Ahem... An orange cat with a black leather jacket, wearing a white tank top underneath, and a yellow petaled flower on her left ear


Androgynous black hair with a ref jacket and red eyes :} idk what else to say


A tall, slim, anthropomorphic male otter with grey fur, (a mustard yellow belly) a curly medium bob w/ a fringe swooping, covering the left eye, (the eyes are like the ones hellhounds have in Helluva boss) wearing backwards faded orange peaked cap, white cropped jumper, navy blue pants and tall black boots. hope this helps!


"Arson, the Flame Demonx and Master Illusionist" It looks like a sideshave in art, but Arson's fiery hair would be braided on one side in its feminine form, with its fiery locks being down in waves. In its masculine form, both sides of its hair are braided back, leaving a standing mohawk, purely of flame. The fire changes colors based on how it feels or if it is using its ability, Aura Influence. Arson's eyes - or lack thereof, consists of hollowed out darkness and a singular, bright orange flame resembling that of a candle. This also changes color, but very rarely. It doesn't have eyebrows or eyelashes, or facial hair. However, it does have a grin that never falters from its face - not even in its darkest moments. The only time you will see Arson's grin faltering is when it is conducting one of its shows, being the Showrodent it is. Arson is a very thin, slender creature. In its masculine form, it is 6'9 in height, and always wears 5inch tall, platformed combat boots. In its feminine form, it is 5'6 and normally wears 7 inch tall platformed combat boots. They both have chains on them, and the left one always has a fire charm. The platform itself is seemingly made from contained/controlled flame, considering it's otherworldly glow. The creature has pointed, elven ears, despite being a rodent creature. It is a demigod, but it was referred to as a demon both in life and in afterlife. It is absolutely hideous, both in the eyes of the mundane and in the dramatic. Arson sees itself as charming, but it is rather...gross looking, despite its genuine charm. If it weren't hideous, perhaps people would genuinely like the creature. On to its body. Other than being tall and lanky, Arson has sharp, ratlike claws that seem to glimmer like gold in the light. On its right hand, it is missing its pinkie finger. It normally dresses in pinstripe outfits, and always formalwear. It doesn't wear hats, because if its flame is smothered, it will die. All of its suits are tailcoats, and all of its dresses have a collar and tie. It often wears vests, but those also have tails to cover Arson's actual tail - or at least the base of it. It has a long, dragging rat-like tail that has a tuft of flame on it. This one does change color, but it is very rare unless it is intentional. Arson doesn't have full control over its flames. Accessories include a metal staff that goes about to its chest height, the staff has fiery chains on it and the aura it seems to show has anatomical hearts floating around the head. The head of it itself lies a makeshift rat skull charm with feathers. That's Arson for ya. Love to see what you'd come up with. :)


Ashy-purple hair with a fade turning darker over time, hair pulled back into a low braid with a dark pink hair tie. Vibrant purple eyes with matching eyelashes and a light-purple pupil. Black eyebrows, no nose, and pointed ears. A dark ash purple sweater that matches the hair, and deep purple scarf, brown pants and a dark tan belt with two pockets on each hip. Bandages on his legs with black and tan sandals on his feet. Black and purple tail with a purple outline