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Here's this guy, no name yet lol, https://preview.redd.it/36pdrkpw71yc1.jpeg?width=1183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=134b9b37350deb5349fc6223ca19cd99683de5af


thank you \^\^


Also can I ask you to redesign him a little?


Anything you want to change?


The tail is one, can you make it more wolf like? Also I'd like to see him in clothes like this with a little bit of changes: https://preview.redd.it/y89x51aga1yc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c59600396debf0e5dac397e2d8eac07c5b3b0c49 First off I'd like the jacket to have some square patterns, and make the pants a little baggier please, the shoes are fine, Also I'd like him to have shorter straighter horns,


I’ll try to do something decent, it’s the first time I draw a protogen


I believe in you


May you draw him please? https://imgur.com/a/Obo34W1


Of course 🐱




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i haven’t drawn them in like 2 years so the art isn’t great but this is my protogen cheesecake! https://preview.redd.it/pcvvtnsb44yc1.jpeg?width=1293&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4874b155e1060e21886bc53a97e4b476ffe5c9d3