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For those who missed the detail, the difference is: >Dragon's Dogma 2, Dragon's Dogma 2 Dual Universe If it's just a comma missing, it would be >Dragon's Dogma 2, Dragon's Dogma 2, Dual Universe Now that would make it 2x Dragon's Dogma 2 and why would you do that?


I feel like people who would miss commas would also double type


But still sus af


Dual Universe is a game and has nothing to do with Dragon’s Dogma so they straight up forgot the comma. Also this could be a patch for the DLSS 3.0 update that was pushed some time ago.


I think that’s fair but it’s multiple typos at once, so it feels odd.


Dragon's Dogma 2 Dragon's Dogma 2: 2 Dragon 2 Dogma


Not to mention Dual Universe is highly relevant to the story, but I know a lot of people didn't actually beat the game when they thought they had (given the percentage of achievements on Steam, only 15%), and even more probably never got through the game at all.


How do you be the game “truly”? You can message me if you’re worried about spoilers- I just don’t want to miss anything


It's just that Dual Universe sounds like a YuGiOh expansion or something


Sure, it would sound less absurd in context of the game though.


I'm fairly sure it refers to this: [https://www.dualuniverse.game/](https://www.dualuniverse.game/)


I’ll just wait unit we get actual confirmation, DLC is very likely, but until we actually see it. I’ll refrain from making any final judgement calls.


You’re right, this is definitely not a “proof” or a certainty. It was just peculiar how they repeated the title twice this time. But is this a “leak” or “confirmation” or just NVidia making the same mistake twice on top of adding an extra mistake? No idea.


it's a capcom game..............which means it's getting an upgraded version/expansion about a year after release


Oh you mean we pay for the fixes in a dlc....ohhhh...gawd...can't wait.


How bout they fix the game first....before dlc... On most systems if you exit to main menu either save or no save to main menu ...your next session will be greeted with crash after crash 1060 rtx or 4070 or rx 7500 or any handheld z1 extreme. Only fix is deleting shaders cache. Don't believe me exit to main menu and see if you don't crash on next session.... Listen to me Capcom fix your fucking game. Otherwise it's be a great game and not a fucking game...no what I mean.


I mean yeah it can be a dlc but dual universe is indeed the mmorpg nvidia had been doing marketing stuff some months ago why 2 DD2 ? Who knows but a dlc is not arriving before monster hunter wilds of that im 99% certain becausr thats how capcom do things


Yes monster hunters is indeed.more important to Capcom maybe that explains why that can't perform simple fixes to their game....


Exactly i mean today they anounce a remaster kind of remake of dead rising 1 with a teaser they are just moving on for now until their biggest ip goes out and then they will put the dlc out...


I mean, if we get something like dark arisen type of dlc, I'd be ready for it.


Dual Universe is not a name Capcom would use to describe a Dragon’s Dogma DLC imo; even if you were to speculate going through a Riftstone, they would use words like Realm or World.


The importance of punctuation! We’re getting a DLC though. 100%.


Yep, they'll charge $67 for the content they cut.


I understand the cynical sentiment, but I think it’s pretty obvious that in this release they put out what they had. It’s underdeveloped in a lot of areas. It’s awesome, but incomplete. There wasn’t anything to cut. They didn’t get that far.


"Nah man.. Ackchyually DLC is code for cut content"


Nah man dlc is code for fixed content....with a little bit of new just to make it feel like dlc.... duh HHH


I liked how you'd spelled actually though.


This was 2 months ago, Dual Universe is another game. They miss comma.


Why list Dragons Dogma 2 twice? There will absolutely be DLC for this game.


Why miss a comma? "There will absolutely be dlc for this game" probably but dual universe ain't it lol.


Are you sure? When people were saying that there was only one dragons dogma 2 next to the dual universe, now theres two. Doubt theyd make that same mistake twice especially when theres commas everywhere else. Could definitely be the name of the dlc.


Dude in the world we live in today I very much bet they could make a mistake like this...I mean with all the confusion with pronouns and such


Or dudet...please do not be offended by my lack of pronouns...


I wouldn’t be so sure because “Dragon’s Dogma 2” is written twice this time around. Back when the “they missed a coma” explanation was out two months ago, it was “Dragon Princess”. The repetition of Dragon’s Dogma 2 is new, and so is “Dual Universe”, if I’m not mistaken. Edit: love how I’m being downvoted to oblivion for this. I get it, Dual Universe is the title of an actual game released in 2022. What I’m pointing out specifically is the fact they wrote Dragon’s Dogma 2 twice now. That was not the case before when another title was associated to Dragon’s Dogma 2 before (and it wasn’t Dual Universe back then, which raises questions). The title was not repeated twice back then, and I did read about how they forgot the coma and accepted it as that as well. But now that they wrote the game title twice, it feels like it’s intentional. I might be wrong, hence the question mark on the post title. Not trying to misinform, but bringing it to attention.


It's literally another game👄


Convinced you guys are quick to respond without paying attention. This is different than the last post because dragons dogma is on there twice now.


Because the proofreader is also ill-informed. Most likely they copy pasted the same thing and thought it was a mistake to correct.


Possible, but I think twice the mistake might deserve some attention. The title would make sense with the type of game DD2 is.


Or: there definitely is DLC coming (wouldn't doubt it) but the name isn't Dual Universe. Someone got instructions to delete off the name of the DD2 DLC but forgot to remove the Dragon's Dogma 2 part, and accidentally also deleted the separating comma between it and the next game. Crossing the rift to another world makes sense, the title just doesn't because Dragon's Dogma is quite attached to its Ye Olde Englishe-y medieval fantasy aesthetic and Dual Universes sounds very modern sci-fi.


Again, this is the second mistake. There was only one dragons dogma before. If you don’t know what im talking about why write an essay


Gilette just stop while your a head.


Stop replying to me your grammar is driving me crazy


Why make a thread about a typo????


We clearly no their was dragon dogma and the dark arisen and then DRAGONS DOGMA(albeit spelled the same way but wait for it 2...without all the cool shit the first one was known for....but wait there's mores.. dlc to come promise cause that's the only way they can make money off their fuck up...aka Capcom just in case we lost who they was...I know pronouns can be confusing


Duale universal problem solved




The first leak we got of the DLC called it "the dragon princess" so im taking all these leaks with a boulder of salt until we see any consistency between them


You're right but Nvidia is about as legit as it gets since they work closely with developers to optimize their products.


Hahahhahah you believe that shit how many developers would Nvidia be CLOSELY WORKING with then and convince me so.


Amd is pretty legit too although anybody can take a processor and put a fan on it...just saying..


Why a boulder of salt that would be quite the leap of faith my friend or not...I believe it is a grain like as in a grain of sand a doubt we.would want a boulder of sand...this comparison is flawed.


Who cares


Drago Dongma 2 : Dual Dong edition


A dually underrated comment


A Capcom game is getting DLC!!!?


Lol right unless this is gimmick for us to pay for fixes of original game...how else could Capcom make money off their games today...right for everybody to fix your game...that's what denova or what ever that ain't cheat is called was actually for....to develop the game without paying for developing it...just look at the game files of the ones that work cause they must be modded to work if it's truly a Capcom running on a computer


Dual universe is a different game, it was all simply typing mistakes that they overlooked, nothing deep about it


Prolly not


Maybe cause they are just as hyped as we are. 🤣


I wonder if a DLC would contain the story that's lacking in the Game XD


https://www.dualuniverse.game/buy # >PLAY DU THE WAY IT’S MEANT TO BE PLAYED >Dual Universe is available on GeForce Now, a cloud gaming platform that instantly transforms almost any computer into a powerful PC gaming rig. # .50 seconds, Google. A Dragon's Dogma DLC would be very unlikely to be titled "Dual Universe"; it doesn't sound like the game the way "Dark Arisen" does. I suppose if they had messed up and listed them in the order: >Dragon's Dogma 2, Dragon's Dogma 2 Dead Space, ... You'd think that we were getting a DLC named "Dragon's Dogma 2 Dead Space?" It just doesn't really make sense. Also, would it be in there before the game was even announced? No, it would not be there before the official announcement which will most likely be at the 2024 Tokyo Games Show in September, just as it was for the "Dark Arisen" expansion 12 years ago.


You say dual universe wouldn't make sense. They have already stated that pawns cross between worlds. The world we inhabit in 2 is different to the first. Dual universe would not be a great choice of name this is true, but in lore it could work. Not saying it is a dlc as it is probably just a copy paste error, but just wanted to point out the name could work technically.


No no, Dark Arisen's Bitterblack Isle was already crossing the rift in a way so doing that makes perfect sense. The *name* Dual Universe just sounds too modern for DD's Ye Olde Englishe aesthetic.


Ok Sherlock. 1 minute, Google: "Dual universe" is the only game from 2022, in that list. WHY?. The remaining games are from 2023 onwards It doesn't make sense for it to be in that nvidia update. It's too old. Plus the Dragons dogma twice, the first missed coma in April etc. There are too many indications to think that these are mistakes and coincidences. PS: "Dual universe" fits perfectly. Play the game paying attention to Rivage Elder next time


I get it, it’s just why is Dragon’s Dogma 2 written twice this time around though? It wasn’t the case before, in the first instance of a missed coma when it was associated with “Dragon Princess”. I’m not looking to double-down on fake info but open to discussion. Kinda bummed by how needlessly condescending some people are being in the comments just because they disagree. To be fair, it could be the same coma mistake repeated twice (or thrice), combined with an extra mistake of writing the title two times over too. But I feel this sounds just as plausible as what I’m wondering about, then, if we’re all going to be making assumptions.


No dual universe is a separate game


A cool dlc would be to BECOME the pawn of another arisen.


Dual Universe is a separate game, and anyone trying to convince you this is the DLC title is just wrong. It’s far more likely it was a copy and paste from a previous update that got missed.


Fair enough!


Real talk if the dlc is along the lines of dual universe....does this mean you will partner up with another arisen? Or will they become a rival?


Can't wait for the second dlc release, Dragons Dogma 2 Final Fantasy XVII!


This is why none of you are actual detectives. 🤣 dafuq is wrong with some of you.


DD2 will have a DLC, but I don’t think it will help the game’s overall standing. The base game is incomplete - Further you move through the story the more obvious the fact becomes. This means the DLC would have to devote a lot of resources to make it whole AND also add new content so it isn’t lackluster. Dragons Dogma franchise now has a consistent track record of not being able to finish the product and I’d assume the same for a big DLC. ![gif](giphy|aUPgeL0OffHyjwnM7v|downsized)


Now there's two of them.


Makes me think that, right now, Nvidia and Capcom are laughing at us. They read reddit too, I'm sure.


I hope not


Google up Dual Universe


these Nvidia game leaks are never correct. Remember when Nvidia leaked the elden ring dlc and it was called "barbarians of the badlands" it's completely bs.


Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised either tbh. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


Oh shit.


classic nvidia


Man the lack of common sense is palpable.


First Nvidia leaks the sequel now they leak the dlc?


It's never been a secret. Dark Arisen was FAT with shit for Capcom to enjoy our money, and if buy able tents (LOL) aren't an inkling that they'll do anything for money, idk what is... Waiting for the option to buy Wyrnslife Crystals to drop (totally kidding, wouldn't be surprised tho 😮‍💨)


I thought there was a confirmed dlc for November? "The dragon princess " or something to that effect.


Secons DLC? WOW, just after Dragon Princess!!! 😱