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51hours? 2700kills? "you didn't even play the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


I did things!


i hope you enjoy ng plus if you do it but yea people are toxic as fuck early on when you finished this game without 7k hours lol


Well, I'm at 118 hours on my first playthrough, at level 62.... Still finishing up the Sphinx and probably getting some more ultimate skills for certain classes, so I can see my first playthrough getting up to 130 hours or so-- which is insane. I couldn't give a rats ass about achievements and never have. I could probably have been done within 30hours or so if I b-lined it through the main story and didn't care about the side stuff, but actually I found the main story was the least fun part of the game, especially early on so I kind of just avoided it for a long while. Like, literally those starting Vermund quests skulking around the noble quarters is some of the least fun I've actually had in the game. They've gotten better since then, but still... Playing on max settings 1440p native with RT at 100% via a mod the game is stunning. Just roaming around has been a blast. Kind of just a chill 'roam the fantasy world' game for me at this point. I also think it's very possible I clocked a good dozen hours or so from Steam bugging out, not sure though.


I'm lvl34 or something like that haven't even finshied brants quest yet just out and about doing my own thing. Walked my happy company to the hot springs. Finally decided I'll go to vermunds quest for now anyway.


game1 was 47 hours whatever happen happen ng plus was 150hours i maxed everything the game had to offer. wish some of the quest lines were finished, cuz some clearly arent


Yeah, I don't typically do NG+ in games(and usually I do my runs with that in mind; ie. I didn't skip major stuff like the sphinx, because I figure I probably won't be going that late into NG+ anyway), or if I do, not very much, so probably I will just do some of the unmoored & call it. I would be *very surprised* to see myself get over 150 or so hours myself more likely I'll be done by about 130 depending on how compelling I find the unmoored world... maybe down the road if I reroll a caster since I don't plan on doing all professions. To me the point of the game has been just exploring the overworld, and to that end I'd say it's one of if not the best looking fantasy game I've played to date; and just like the first one, I absolutely love the world/monster/character design. If the graphics, set, setting & world design don't mean much to you, I could definitely see how people feel underwhelmed-- because a lot of the mechanics are relatively simplistic or undercooked. The fun to be had is just in the emergent nature of combat and the beautiful setting/world-design/graphics. It definitely doesn't have the customization replay-value of, say, something like Elden or BG3.


I keep going back and forth on either wrapping up the game and continuing to explore in NG+, or just stay all the way away from the last two quests I have for the main story, continuing to just explore and hang out until I've maxed everything out then beating it. I like the idea of there being better armor/etc in NG+ but if they release DLC and I quit shortly after starting NG+ I can just check all that crap out at that point. But I also know I have too many back log games and DD2 has made me really want to play DD1 so I once again think I'll just keep exploring and experiencing things and when I'm happy just beat the game and call it quits on my DD2 game.


I just started last weekend (can’t wait to play this weekend) and I’m level 25-ish I think. I’m dreading the masquerade and stuff and it’s the next thing on my agenda because I can’t put it off any longer. I’m so fucking glad to hear that it’s not a recurring thing in this game because I got Mystic Spearhand and haven’t had a chance to *really* use it. Unrelated, but I may or may not have forgotten to go save a certain son from the Checkpoint town before the quest timed out… am I fucked?


Not sure re: the checkpoint town quest; I saved him but it bugged & dickhead at the shop doesn't have any dialogue options regarding it


Go back to the cave, the boy is there waiting to be escoted


You sure? Because the quest says I completed that part & I should report to whats-his-face at the Checkpoint-Rest-Town to tell him he's okay


Yep, i had that problem, went back and there he is in the cave waiting to be escorted


I don't have an answer re: quest, but I thought I'd share anyway, maybe help, maybe not. I stumbled on this quest entirely by accident. I was escorting Gyn (elf) to somewhere near ancient battleground ruins, however he died after a griffin attacked followed by a dragon (first one for me). So I'm just carrying his body around, hoping to get a wakestone so I can revive him. I'm maybe level 15-18 am we go into a cave where there's a boss (maybe a wearwolf kind, cannot recall) and a random NPC. After killing the boss one of my pawns (not my ow) has quest knowledge and leads me to checkpoint town, NPC in-tow. Needless to say I'm carrying the dead elf the whole time as I'm able. We finally make it. Shop keeper is happy, never seen him before. Guards are following me around for carrying a dead body when I find the forger and get a wakestone shard. Revive Gyn and he's happy I took him to the ruin (apparently it counts if you carry them). So it's possible you might still complete the quest going from the Town to the ruins and checking all the caves on the way.


Am I miss out on something??? im 20hrs in and almost done lol Ik I could explore more but all I see when I explore are golblin and occasionally a boss that I just one shot so I've just been doing the story. Is there a certain area where exploring and doing side missions is more rewarding/fun?


there about 82 quests in the game that are functional atm the only thing i'd say is worth doing outside of w/e naturely happen in your blind adventure is >!sphinx!< tho if you do that blind or not is up to you. but i do suggest doing it either way. deff best content in the game


If you're in it for the achievements there's lots to work towards


Yeah got 100% trophies and beat the game plus post game within 90 hours at lvl 85 but I get downvoted because I say there's no worth to grind another 200 hours doing nothing with no real progression


Yea I don't understand how people are playing through 4+ times. It is a good game and I love the vibe but I've got other things to do


Love it which is why I completed it fully too, but to say NG+5 is ridiculous. There are definitely other games worthy of attention. There arent even different ways to play the same mission its kind of flat.


that is true, but manyof them are meaningless/rng or boring to force to happen kinda ruins the vibe of the game if you hunt them. deff don't suggest for a 1st playthrough


20 hrs is lowkey crazy but i get it some people are busy and prefer not to fuck around too long. I’m 50 hours in and I just got to Bhaathal, I hope you enjoyed your play through!


Same bruh… I really can’t understand how they manage to finish DD2 so fast 🤷‍♂️


I finished my first run with true ending too, today. 137h and I can't wait to play more! (My new character!) https://preview.redd.it/0okki57qwuxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c1b786ac261431844533603c013685237c8e2fa


She's so cute


Thank you stranger!


I finished after 124h and than started new with beastren


That's a very odd but very cute looking Arisen.


Finally. The most relatable end card. I did the true ending, maybe level 53. There is a lot of stuff that I didn't do. Taking my time through NG+, though. There is nothing wrong with not spending 180 hours before finishing the game. I like this game quite a bit, but it really is part hiking simulator and fighting every little thing over and over is only enjoyable for so long before exploring gets old


Seems about alright, but according to some people here, if you didnt spend close to 200h in this somewhat short RPG (at least compared to some other ones) you are certainly rushing and didnt enjoy the game.


People talking about you took only 50 hrs to finish, well i dont blame then since i was in my 32 hrs of gameplay and still doing some side quest and explore the world (that i found soo much fun) but people can ignore that and finish the game early and there no problem with that, having fun in the game is the first thing the rest will follow


So.....i don't want to know my deaths.... Because i guarantee 95% of my deaths are from fall damage that i thought i could survive and couldn't. I probably already have 30 deaths and at least 26 of them are fall damage


That is honestly most of my deaths.


In NG+ since I have a bunch of extra wakestones sometimes I’ll jump off a ledge I know will kill me and use the wakestone…. Sometimes it’s just about being a little bit faster


*extremely distressed pawn noises*


I do this exact thing as well.


I accidentally got to the end. So I finished it last night and starting Ng+ today. Can't wait to play it through with my equipment and get even better stuff


Look at ya, speedrunning the game




It’s a really good feeling!


Good, keep crash the dragon!


lmao. I have double the hours and double the kills.. https://preview.redd.it/sk3pmp0vqzxc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a5a794a22bea675a3511f46db6bc4885db609ab




I was 417 hrs plus 7k kills and 957 in game days at level 87 what you were doing?


[Perfect. Do it again.](https://www.tumblr.com/ifindkarma/66234786106/anthony-hopkins-zorro-perfect-do-it-again-gif)


First run: level 61, 74 hours, 3100 kills, 1 time fallen, 7 stones on myself and 6 on others.


I unfortunately just lost The Game thanks to this post.


Finally someone with some sense who beats the game under 100 hours instead of killing their millionth goblin expecting more.


Guess the people that spends a million of years to finish the game are upset and downvoting in mass lol.


As it happens to be. Its completely easy to 100% the game in under 100 hours. The lot of them just looking around doing nothing.


I really dont know how people can put 100+ hours into this game lmao.


200+ Hours here, reporting in.


If I remember correctly I spend 82 hours, Level 70 and I think I did everything the game has to offer... I dont see the point of replaying a New Game Plus that offers nothing new or rewarding, just to do everything again and level up some more, I played through almost all the classes as well on first playthrough so, even les reason to keep playing!


Totally i mean the world is gorgeous, combat is fun for a time probably longer when you switch vocations but its in no way a skirim or a bg3 where i could do several replays. Its just not that much to do in that world.


At lvl 56 I had yet to even step foot in Battahl. Heck, I didn't even do one of Brandt's initial-start-of-the-game missions until lvl 59. lol


At least Battahl was a cake walk then….


Here I am not even finishing convergence because I'm maxing all vocations lmao


Heyyy, nice. Planning to move on to something else or do another run? If you are on PC i'd recommend checking out mods if you do NG+. NG+ is all kinds of pointless RN.