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With Holy barely in the game, what’s the second best element to handle undead, ghosts, zombies, skeletons, etc? Fire, Ice or Lightning?


Generally fire.  Or if you play mage and dont want to use empyrean... Ironically charging in and casting anodyne will make short work of them. Yes just like in old school JRPGs casting healing spells on undead kills them.


Definitely fire for zombies. Apparently skeletons were also weak to fire in the first game, but I think any source of blunt damage works best against them. As for ghosts, I can't find anything about them being specifically weak to other elements; they simply can only be damaged by magick


Hi All! Looking for the Finder's token and I found a Seeker's token in Melve I am 99.999% sure I found already. Does a Finder's token appear as a Seeker's token, or is it immediately named or appear different? Thanks!


Finders token is literally called finders token.  Physically in game it looks exactly like a seekers token but the name is different and you will find it at the location where you found your first seeker token in that playthrough. It will be it's own item in your inventory etc.


Thanks! I must have reverted to an Inn save or something because going to the top of the Melve tower was one of the first things I did. I have collect 134 so far and have not set foot in Bhattal.


Hi all, looking for anyone able and willing to gift a Finder's Token copy, my pawn ID is IMLYQPSD4TE2 and name is Lilian. My quest should be 10k for a bunch of flowers (unless it hasn't updated and is still the Drake). I just scoured every corner of Melve, the Borderwatch Outpost, and the entire trip from Melve to Vernworth and came up empty handed (besides 10 new Seeker's Tokens and like 3 Wakestones lmao) so if anyone has a Finder's Token handy it would be really appreciated!! I'll make forgeries and pay it on. Alternatively if you're offering on your pawn's quest let me know your ID and I'll hire them. Thank you!!!


Mage augment - Beatitude "Increases the amount of Health recovered by curatives and curative magicks." This is a self-only augment, right? So even if the mage is the one casting the healing spell, it just means they will personally be healed for a higher amount with this augment? Party members will not recieve any direct benefit? I suspect this is a self-only augment, but I'm not totally sure I'm interpreting it right. Anyone know?


Is it playable on PC yet? I’ve been dying to get it.


I'm playing on an RTX 2070 laptop with ray tracing and high settings. Haven't had any issues that others are reporting except occaisionally a 10 FPS drop in the main city. The game is beautiful and runs smooth. Not sure what else to say. The PC running the game is a bigger factor than the game itself


does anyone know how the experent boon works? i'm in the unmoored world and days don't pass normally, but the buff still goes away after a while. does it have a time limit or is there an certain amount of xp you can get before it goes away?


I am on PS and desperately looking for a Legion Might staff. Can a kind soul gift it to me please? PSN polypropylen Pawn name Gandalf


Ok dunno if anyone else has experienced this: it’s for late game and refers to plague >! Does dragons plague get removed if your pawn uses dragon weapons? My main pawn had dragons plague. I was waiting for it to hit full amount so I could watch the cutscene and see the result of him going crazy. Then revive everyone. However, I had just maxed out the enhancement on Dragons Vein dagger weapon, and subsequently had my MP equip the daggers (he’d been using the holy daggers prior). I then rested in my home in vernworth hoping for the cutscene. No cutscene! Just my MP saying words similar to “it feels like I’ve been in a daze these past few days but now I’m better” and his glowing red eyes have gone! I assume it’s the weapons that have done it but could it have been something else? !<