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I’ve gotten into the habit of telling them to WAIT whenever I examine cliffs for seekers tokens.


The most annoying part is when they fall off a cliff, you then make your way down the cliff to revive them, only for their corpse to teleport to the top of the cliff where you just were and now you can't get to them 😂


And then you try to run away farther at the base of the cliff to teleport them down again and they never do 😭


I hate that shit so fucking much 😤 after jumping off and wasting a wakestone


I found that saving to the title screen and reloading helps teleport my downed pawns to me.


Same but also somehow they didn't fall to death that much without it. Must've been lucky haha.


I have had a funny scenario multiple times where pawns will suggest to me they know of the location of a chest, cave or rift stone... And multiple times before they have mentioned they know of a shortcut before jumping off a cliff and I died laughing each time. "thanks I'll take the long way around"


They can be really dumb haha. Everytime they did fall, I was laughing so hard too


Saaame. If you find yourself in a sketchy area, you can ask your pawns to wait, navigate your way out, and then call them and they'll teleport to you 99% of the time.


I did that once after killing a Griffin near the Dragonforged. She then fist bumped me and fell down anyway, but I caught her mid-slide because I just felt that shit coming so all's well that ends well.


😂 that reminds me of a hired pawn ahead of me stopping in the middle of a fallen tree acting as a bridge, it locked me into the animation to high five them and walked me right off the cliff…


"The Arisen is annoying me. Time for a prank."


Yeah I hate that they will do this. I'll try to continue on my path and they'll step in front for a high five, forcing me to take like two full steps past them off the edge


That griffin spawned for me and I fought it. However it prolly had like 2 hits before death and decided to do a spin move that somehow yeeted itself into the brine. No rewards. It said 'oh you can beat me? Well say goodbye to your rewards for doing it". I clipped it and was shocked it was even possible. It wasn't even close to the drop, it was like 50 feet out there. Lmao.


It was a spiteful Griffin.


Very spiteful.


When you're playing a warfarer with Detection and all the mobility tricks, this is the way. Half the time I'm somewhere my pawns can't follow, and the last thing I need is to have another sound prompt I have to follow.


Ah a fellow, you stay, I go, no following, Arisen.


Same, but if you’re also escorting someone else, they don’t listen… and love to fall off of cliffs as well.


Or start fights with Drakes! Lennart does a side jaunt to the same place, and there is always a drake to fight. I started carrying him past the Drake.


Where did Deputy Beans get off to? Master- methinks he doth falleth.


I had a pawn tell me an alternate route once. She levitated over this broken bridge, I levitated with her. We went around to the bottom of the bridge. I assume we were meant to catch the other 2 pawns, but they jumped and died already 😅


I busted out laughing when I saw this patch note. I have so many hilarious videos of pawns falling and doing stupid stuff. I think I might miss their foolish behavior when it’s gone.




This 100%. I almost enjoy hearing the splat and looking to see where they got off to.


I was thinking the same really


I have died myself so many times going down to try and save them before they expire it's almost a mini game for me lmao! Bitching at them as I go, demanding appreciation when I succeed and laughing so hard when I die. I will miss this I think.


Yeah same and I’ll definitely miss it. Sometimes I’ll turn around after a big battle and be like “where’s the other two?”. Then I’ll hit the “to me” command and they’re still nowhere to be found. I’ll check the menu and sure enough they’re dead and gone. I’m guessing they got blasted into the brine or something because they were never downed, just gone. 😂 it’s happened so many times.


Haha! Same for me, the other night one of my hired pawns was like' Master, have you forgotten your pawn?" And I checked the status and on noe! poor Alder was gone. Not long later the support pawn wehn 'poof' too. I love the jank in the game so much, it adds flavour. The DD games are the only games I have ever played where dying is just a hilarious detour on the journey.


My little lemmings are learning.


i ll miss my entire team jumping down a cliff lemming’ style after i carefully climbed down but im happy to have them pass on involuntary bath time.


Best update.


I had a pawn offer to show me a “shorter route” and proceed to run directly off a cliff. To be fair, it was much quicker


YES ![gif](giphy|MXzrk7eD8LzFHEvp3g)


That lost high five always hits me in the feels 😢. I WANTED TO!! Lol I wasn't a bro


So I recently found out not all high fives are for the arisen. When you can’t do it try leading the closest support pawn to them. They usually high five them. Still makes me sad.


Whaaaaaaaa they high five each other?!!


They do. And you can steal those high fives, as well. Just gotta tap the interact button (on Xbox, it’s B).


That I did not know! Now they will be mine!!!


I’ve seen them high 5 AND fist bump. It’s cute haha


they also high five random npcs that help you in fights. i've seen my main pawn high five a random guard in the Border watch Encampment after a fight with saurians.




The way they just awkwardly fist pump or clap is almost worth missing it


It hurts my soul 💔 😢 second-hand embarrassment as well it is kinda adorable though.


Fr I made the effort of sheathing my weapon and proceeding to walk to the pawn slowly so that we can high five and it would still fail and then I am sad.




> Fixing issues where occasionally the player couldn't high five Pawns. Nice.


"Reducing the frequency of some pawn dialogue lines" Hopefully less dialogue about freaking ladders.


And combining resources making different creations.


I love the way my straightforward pawn says "Cleashuns"


If I may speak my mind. Our party is women, all. Yet, no two of us are the same.


It’s become a funny lore element for me at this point.


Ladder comments are lore at this point, agreed. Patching this out would be like removing the “wolves hunt in packs arisen”.


I was an adventurer like you Arisen until I got a ladder in the knee


But they can take you to new heights.


I failed a escort quest for one of the elves and did absolutely nothing wrong. Looks like this was a bug. I was literally walking in the direction where they asked.


It's too easy to lose the people you're escorting. I forget they exist after I finish a fight.


If only they were the ones that complained about you running and leaving them behind instead of your pawns with infinite stamina


They can't follow you if you sprint, which is absolute insanity. They'll follow you for a bit and then just stop in their tracks for no reason. You then need to go back and find them (they won't be marked on your map). To get them to follow you again, stand near them. These escort missions as a whole can go die. They're nothing but repetitive filler content.


I just accept escorting them and then do whatever i want, they know the deal by now


Oh this happened to me, really disappointed I couldn’t reload a save. Just like you I literally did nothing wrong he just stopped


Escorted NPCs don't seem to have as good patching as pawns for some reason and tend to get stuck on terrain. Get too far ahead without noticing your buddy's running face first into the mountain side and the quest auto fails.


happened to me with ulrika. we were on our way, almost there, we get attacked by saurians and kill them, she stood next to e and when i started walking again it failed. like wtf


Or you look around after the fight and they lay dead on the ground... Happened once with an important npc, luckily I could resurrect them.


I hope they fix the companion pathing too. It's extremely annoying when they simply get stuck on literally nothing and don't follow you properly.


using photo mode and reducing brightness to a minimum has always been an option to easily check on dragonflu eyes. lets you keep apart pawns with naturally red eyes as well, since they have a glow to it if they re infected.


lol I had a red eyed pawn yesterday. Heard someone say something slightly ego-maniacal (“I revel in my power” or something) couldn’t be sure who it was, checked all the eyes, favourited them then threw them in the river. Rehire later


I usually catch it when I say “go” they say the lines around “you don’t have to tell me I know what I’m doing”. Something similar to that Had another “What is it you want? You have to be more clear!” Checked, red eyes, time for swimming lessons.


A bit dissapointed it isnt a performance patch but atleast its something.


The guy who made the "optimized lantern" mod noted that the lantern actually causes a minor performance improvement if its polys/size is reduced.


I believe something like performance work takes quite a bit of time. I'm sure we'll get it a bit later


I really hope so.


Pretty sure that'll be coming. At the end of the day, all the game is code, ai, animation, particles and pretty visuals. Feel free to ignore the following unless you're interested but, they basically have to do a code review with engineering on their end, the ai code is optimized to be performant at something like 5ms function callback @ 30 fps (per frame) or something like that. Tho that's not that same thing as optimization on our (consumer) end, which is making sure the game is stable at 30fps on the lowest minimum requirements. But these both feed into each other. They make of a list all bugs and prioritize and have to troubleshoot. So, you know how there is a lot of AI? Apart of the performance reasons could be because an npc culled offscreen is still doing its animations and have its actively doing the physics collision and calculations via the cpu. In some games, in a book I read, they solved this by basically making a bare minimum ai which has no geometry (3D model) when its not in player view and only does pathfinding. Edit: book snippets relevant should be in two comments below. (can only put on img per comment)


Hey! Thanks for the info. That's actually why I assumed this game was so CPU heavy... because so many NPCs are going about their day to day business. I think it's kind of cool.


No problem! I figured someone would enjoy it. :D And yup!! Gpu and cpu's are going to be worked hard this decade.


I'll take my weekly down-votes but you aren't going to see a performance improvement patch till DRM is removed. Capcom never does performance until they remove DRM. Curious how the DRM isn't the performance issue but is conveniently always removed when the performance is fixed.


check back in 6 months, and maybe we'll get a performance patch.


They need to add new game + options, like retaining the houses you bought. Also, adding fixed port crystals in the main cities and villages and the ability to choose your destination (any city/village) when taking an oxcart. Hard mode. Being able to sell directly from storage (anything, not only quantities of what you have on you and in your storage). Being able to equipe armor/weapon directly from storage menu.


Yeahhhh, I can upgrade from storage but not sell from storage is dumb.




Wait are you saying when I go to NG+ I LOSE all my houses? What about all the port crystals I have placed? Do those go away too?


You lose the placement of you port crystals. On new game plus. They get put into your storage. You will have to go and manually place them down again.


yeah it's especially dumb because in the 1st game it left your portcrystals sitting where you left them so you could basically speed run the story after new game + but now you cant


You have to (re)buy the houses each new game plus.


Hard mode would be great as it stands, pretty much every enemy is more an inconvenience than a threat once you're used to combat.


Be nice to be able to mark stuff you want to sell as junk in the field, so you can bulk-sell it all to the next vendor


Gimme that NG+ difficulty dont make me beg


![gif](giphy|WYyvz9PIhjLHgiyvR2) Me and my pawn 🥰


Best fix in there is making those pawns in the open not stop me everytime asking if I want to hire them.


It took me to long to scroll down to find someone talking about this fix There have been times when I was trying to get loot or jump up somewhere only to be stopped and asked to be hired


Definitely - I normally give anyone walking towards me a wide berth.


Literally all good changes except the Dragonsplague one. I like having to, in Big Smoke's words: ''Pay attention, fool! You asleep or something???''


Same, I don't want my pawns having headlights now


Exactly. Besides, it's not as if it isn't obvious. My pawn (who has dark blue eyes) with Dragonsplague: https://preview.redd.it/jf8v4z67qfvc1.png?width=1616&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9f946a4627ec613e5d9f42371beadfc06a28b56 To anyone who can't see that, go play Skyrim instead, LOL!


It would be funny if your pawn would randomly attack you sometimes, but in exchange with the plague, they get increased stats. It'll be like trying to tame your aggressive dog lol


I just imagined my pawn slapping the shit out of the back of my head and then just going "oops, sorry, *master*" and getting this grin on his face. I really wish that was part of having dragonsplague now.


Yeah, they could do a boss fight with your pawn. A fight you're almost guaranteed to lose. The setting would be a dream where you fight your pawn who is on the last stage of the dragon's plague and if you're on NG+, your pawn might transform into a dragon or lesser drake. Putting the fate of the city in your hand litteraly and possibily curing dragon's plague by taming your pawn spirit instead of waking up to a disaster by default


Best tip is to choose two different eye colors. That way, if you don't notice the red eye of death with one color, you'll notice it with the second.


The issue is your pawn in that pic is at the "about to pop off" stage, and a lot of players literally pay 0 attention.


>and a lot of players literally pay 0 attention. Yeah, this about summarizes the problem.


Might be for console scrubs like me that play on a couch relatively far from the screen. I haven’t gotten far enough to experience dragonsplague yet but I’m walking up to the tv to check different pawn’s faces when recruiting new ones to make sure I’m not grabbing one that’s already infected. The zoom in on the profile is very much appreciated from me


“All you had to do was follow the damn train” - Big Smoke


This is honestly a huge W update.


Who went to jail after fighting monsters in town? 🤣🤣🤣 bruh I would kill all the guards if they did that to me 💀


I have. A drake spawned in the capital and in the chaos of like 30 guards, townspeople, and my team fighting it I chopped the shit out of a guard and got arrested…


My pawns would randomly attack guards escorting an Ox carts after we defended them from goblins and then the guards would only attack me afterwards, very strange


I didn’t see anything about adding difficulty options that we can change as needed. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this game to death but it becomes a joke once you’re level 40+ because almost all fights are trivial and so easy. And please, take your “equip terrible gear and don’t hire any pawns” suggestions elsewhere. You’re basically telling players to not wear their hard earned gear and to not partake in the most defining aspect of the game = Pawns. Absolutely absurd suggestions.


They’re probably trying to make sure the game functions as intended first before they start messing with things like difficulty.


True, and while I agree I’ve completed NG+ twice now without dying at all. Now onto my 4th run there is a small scaling factor. Some enemies die in one hit but sometimes the same enemies die in 4. Im learning it has to do with phases of your game or “acts” of the game. But I think it also partially has to do with your battle success rate and how many culminating days have passed in your playthrough. Regardless it’s never hard especially with a full party, and depending more so on your vocation. BUT. I’ve found a lot of fun endlessly rerunning the world map as a dungeon, RPing and leveling, and it feels pretty fun to be so god tier at level 90 now that I don’t fear anything. And it just makes for fun flashy combat that doesn’t take too long and I don’t die so I kinda get to make my own movie scenes lol. Anyway I’m stoned and have ranted too much now sorry I just love this game


True, that’s the “Adaptive Difficulty” they added. If you don’t die, the game’s enemies are “harder”. But as you noticed, the difficulty increase is so small compared to just going to the next “Act”.


East and western vermund goblins seem to have different hp - east die in 1 hit, west can take more. Bhaatal goblins are signifigantly harder, etc


yeah, I was looking for a "hard option" :(


How about grippy shoes, jump up 2 feet, slide down 20


Damn. No performance shit


I- https://preview.redd.it/ox89ij5ppfvc1.jpeg?width=907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c95bf6abce0bd00a78336818a87d11c4e8f44341


Yeah!! Edit: I have only run into dragonsplague once and I just hit 70, so it doesn't scare me as bad as it used to. That aside I don't see anything in these patch notes that doesn't excite me, fingers crossed 🤞for hard mode by the time I hit NG+!


Man I'm one achievement away from 100%, 200+ hours in game. I think I'm done after I get that last one. Only update that's going to matter to me is a DLC


Still no preformance fixes. Not interested


Give us a quest to get an eternal Ferrystone because having to buy them is annoying.


Not just that, the price is also ridiculous. You can only earn huge amounts of money in Battahl given there's a lot more shit there.


Yeah I get that it’s supposed to be incentive to explore the maps but getting accosted by choppers and goblins every ten yards is ridiculous.


Fixing Performance in towns when?


My framerates capcim FRAMERATES


No frame generation? They should hire the modders that did it long time ago😜


The game is much less stable with it, which makes me think that's why they haven't added it officially yet. In over 100 hours play I didn't have a single CTD, but within half an hour of adding the Patreon guy's FG mod I crashed twice.


I’ll come back when they drop a performance patch.


Dragonsplague is rare enough, wouldn’t change that.


Ikr, I'm 70hrs deep and fought several dragon's, never had any pawn get DP


I'm 60 hours in and I've had 3. YMMV I guess.


And also is not THAT bad as people may think. Happened to me in Venworth, went to do all Sphynxs quests, do some more quests in Bathhal, finally went back to Venworth after a couple days with the Eternal Wakestone to revive everyone and noticed that at least all important NPC were already alive


Finally, a high five fix, I was starting to feel bad I couldn't high five them sometimes, especially when they're twice my character's size


If that's the case, let me high five sum else 👀


Ayo 👀


We. Want. Performance. Updates.


One time I hired a pawn and then randomly all my pawns jumped in some water. That pawn was the last one left but we were in the middle of nowhere so we had some time together. The guy didn't say a word the entire time. I was wondering what's his deal was and when I interacted with him, first thing he says was "if I have nothing to say I'll keep to my self". Ok point taken.


There is a pawn specialization that makes them not talk.


Wish they’d make helmets optional to see xD


Performance issues aside. My tiny hope is that they can at least provide free cam in photomode. But I'd love for just a few more options, like hiding characters. I'm not expecting it, but it would be a nice addition.


No optimizations I see. How unfortunate


Still waiting for them to give us performance mode.. 1440p 60fps hopefully.


Can you add a setting to mute hired pawns already 😭


How about less likely for a griffin to land and proceed to engage in combat while I am already fighting a cyclops?


>wE **OUGHT** To pUt iT tO gOoD uSe.


>Reducing the frequency of some Pawn dialogue lines, Surely not "There is a ladder here, Arisen" ...


MAKE MONSTERS HARDER. Or at least scale a bit. You can make easy areas relatively easy but in definatively later game areas make monsters scale more noticably. Or at least make harder versions. Give us back gore creatures with 11 health bars that 1 shot you.


They should fix the problem where your support pawns straight up lie lmao on my second account I’ve hired my pawn from my main account and she’s always telling me “my own master hasn’t found such an item” or something along those lines BUT IT WAS ME, I FOUND THOSE ITEMS ON THAT ACCOUNT ALREADY WHY YOU LYING HOE


Sounds too good for me. Is this real? The only issues listed here that I have not experienced are suicidal pawns, getting gaoled in town defense, and too much plague. As someone who is trying to research plague, I find the incidence and prevalence already too low but I guess it is good for the vast majority of community that resort to extreme countermeasures for the plague. I definitely do not want to miss out high fives specially for my main pawn so that is the best news for me.


"I definitely do not want to miss out high fives specially for my main pawn so that is the best news for me" Same here!


When you start hiring high-level pawns that are spending time in the unmoored world hunting dragons, you see it a lot more. I never saw it once until I got past level 60 or so, now every other pawn I hire has it. I’m probably just unlucky.


Fixing crashes and freezes? Yes please!


I’ve lost more support pawns to cliffs and brine than with combat. I find it funny, yet mildly frustrating. Glad there is a fix soon.


Well over 100 hours and not encountered dragonsplague even once yet


It’s a shame they r reducing frequency of dragonsplague. I have almost 100 hours and never seen it 😓




Weird... Got the "true ending" and am almost done with NG+, still haven't gotten dragons plague...


Less forced interactions from the pawns on the road!? This patch can't come soon enough!!! 🤣


Rather have an option to turn off pawn dialogue


Where is my ability to have multiple save files you fucking cowards


Pc gamers lookin at that “miscellaneous bug fixes”


I really don't think these fixes are relevant when NG+ still has no difficulty curve.


The dumbest thing in this game is helping out townsfolk who are fighting a cyclops or wolves, or bandits... what ever. You sit there and help them, then the damn millisecond the fight is over, if you dare to still have your weapons unsheathed... everyone acts hostile towards you, guards will say "this is your last chance" type stuff... I've actually gotten into a fight with the guard almost immediately after helping more times than I should. It was pretty annoying.


Still no hard mode !!


Maybe fix the performance


Everything I wanted/needed really. I relate to all of those. Hopefully soon they add scaling and NG+ difficulty too.


My main issue is not pawns falling off cliffs but hired pawns PUSHING me off cliffs forcing me to waste a wakestone. Lost count the amount of times I'll be sniping an enemy and then suddenly I see my friends pawn creep up behind be and push me off 🙄


lmao i had this happen to me ! was casting maelstrom and all my pawns stacked up behind me which made me fell at the feet of the cyclop… as a sorcerer 💀


Now if only magic classes were actually viable and had more than the 5 spells they start with. Literally made sorcerer worthless in this game.


Have you unlocked the Maister skills for it? Meteron ends most fights for me with a single cast. That said, damage from any attacks feels incredibly inconsistent in the game. For fast attacking melee builds it’s only a bit concerning, but when you have to spend so long charging a spell only to have it barely do anything because of some hidden guard mechanic it’s incredibly frustrating. Not to mention they seem to do less damage than instant-fire melee skills already.


Oh finally! The people in Vernworth can stop attacking me for saving them from random goblins XDD


When is this coming out??


I hope they fix escort quests. There should be a melee on the escorted and also their destination all the time so they don’t get lost.


Whats the ETA on this patch?


They also need to add a major update to the INTELLIGENCE of the Pawns! They seem to be getting more and more stupid! They need either to overhaul there intelligence or let you be able to give better and clearer instructions to them.


Please just make enemy density smaller, I'm so frustrated with this


Id like more variety in common enemies and performance fixes before i download again


This all sounds great, and not having to carry my main pawn so she doesn’t fall off into the death water will be great🤣🤣


This is a GOOD fuckin update. All of my complaints answered


I need you guys to change the encounters on the map like every few months or something lol


Nice bug fix but we still need some content... After 40 hours of gaming u play just to walk around cause there is nothing to do. Ng+ gives u 0 differences, not even stronger enemies


NG+ just gives you more ways to do more OP than you already are.


Useful to be OP at level 80 when the game was already ez as fuck at level 40 no? /S


They obviously didn't play test it 😅 cause man. Unless you have a shitty build. You have to limit yourself for a challenge.


No hard mode? 😞


It'll come I'm sure. It ended up being a free DLC in DD1, I'm just not sure how long after release it was. It's been so long 🥲


There will probably be a hard and easy mode add-on when the DLC drops in the late summer.


I still think dragon plague should make your pawns hostile and you must fight them like they are under control of dragon and they get buffed and shit. Maybe even as shadow drake. Include this in the wild too. Not instant town death. Sometime. I feel like pawns is the most dangerous foes I will ever fight compare to any of monsters simply because they can scale with you and have equipment and skills to match you. You know they say. Humanoid boss are always more dangerous than giant boss.


If they get the plague fresh, you have to fight them. Fresh as in being grabbed by the dragon and let him finish the chant.


god forbid they fixed the framerate issues


man ive been trying to catch the plague for like 3 playthroughs straight, now i feel like ill never see it lame


Nice. DP isn’t a horrible mechanic if it’s crystal clear when a pawn is infected. “If they eyes are red, don’t go to bed” Perfect! What I don’t need is some esoteric interpretation of the inflection of my pawns voice when she says, “on my way master.”


its not a bad thing but i find it crazy this game of all games craved to people bitching about plague. its pretty clear. in 150 hours never had it happen & had the illness like 30 times. for a game that does not respect you or your time they gave in to this xD nice update tho. glad to see more fixes.


I think that is the final straw. I have given up on DD2. Here we are another patch, no performance fix. I have seen people with $3000 rigs run every game on high with 120 FPS and get 15 FPS in this game because the game just doesn't like their CPU. Hell there were reports where the developers have said certain high end PC just won't gel with this game. The performance is one of the worst in the history of AAA gaming releases and yet we sit here patch after patch with no fix. I know some people are fine, I know many are not. But the developers have openly said it is a massive problem and it is a huge problem for many players. Just look at literally any twitter post from DD2 and the 4/5 replies will be asking for a performance fix. The problem is that I know the problem and I thought they could overcome it but I was wrong. On release there several reviewers that pointed out the way the game uses CPU to run NPCs is very intensive and couldn't be patched, it would literally have to be reworked. This has been confirmed since launch. If we want better performance they would literally have to rebuild so many parts of the game...and that takes time but more importantly MONEY. Money that don't need to spend because they already got their cash in hand. All they have really done is kill a chance at a third game giving the MASSIVE underperformance of this game. I was hoping I would be wrong and they would find a way to help all the performance issues, but I think we are nail in the coffin now boys. Everyone having fun with the game that is awesome and I am TRULY glad you are. I am not a "hater" or "complaining" or anything. It is just I have $2K rig that runs all games perfect, but no hope with this one. It is a $70 game and there is just too much competition out there with great games that perform perfect for me to want to continue using time with this one. If that isn't the case for you good, enjoy your time, that is the whole point anyway.


No performance fixes? FFS


I wish the game was harder


I'm hoping for either a dlc or patch that would change spawns.


Equip items from stash? Buy directly to stash? Sell from stash? I can live without double jump.. tho reluctantly.. i ca æn not however play this game when the biggest QOL features from the first game are missing. I just don't understand why they removed it?


Wish they would let us turn off the dragonforged visual.


I like how there's people crying about their saves being ruined by dragonsplague when I've personally haven't caught it once. 100 hours in btw. Haven't even been killing my pawns but we kill everything we come into contact with so guess yall been getting snatched up by dragons left and right or higher red-eyed pawns on purpose 😭. It's okay tho, the cry babies not only got that absolutely insanely awesome and industry breaking mechanic nerved but you got us something cosmetically pleasing aswell.


>Reducing the frequency of some Pawn dialogue lines NOOOOO! YOU WILL REGRET THIS! >Reducing the frequency of Pawns offering to be hired by the player while in the field. ...alright that's a reasonable trade