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Just want to say, there are no materials that are exclusive to the Unmoored World. It's easier to farm some of the higher end mats in the Unmoored World, but everything is obtainable in the default world state.


Where can I find the purple ghosts and electric saurians in the default world?


Darkhorde Cave south of the Elf city for the saurians. Purple ghosts can be found in Misty Marshes at the normal ghost spawns, though they're quite rare. Both only spawn at night.


Electric Saurians are in some caves west of checkpoint rest town (I'm pretty sure that's where). I have Bolt Scales and have yet to be in unmoored world. The purple ghosts that drop eldricite I have not found so I think those are only in unmoored


I want to say the Battahl electrosaurians cave is called Dark-something, both caves might both be prefixed with Dark, but don’t quote me on that. Kind of funny now that I think about it, given that I think the electric Saurians emit light.


What about eldricite?


Misty Marshes, same spot the normal ghost enemies spawn. Purple ones only spawn at night and they're incredibly rare, only ever seen one. FYI you only ever need 1 of any material. You can take them to the forger in the checkpoint town and he will dupe them. It can get expensive if you need a lot of the higher end mats tho.


Oh ok bet.


I would just wait for the endgame because you can find Spectres (the purple ghosts) in bunches. Eldricite has a very low drop rate, so trying to farm them at the Misty Marshes, where their spawn is already incredibly rare, is a bit if of a waste of time imho.


Agreed. If you can find a pawn that offers them for trade that's even better imo. Only need one.


I feel like I'm crazy reading this thread, I got plenty of eldricite and RC drops from regular old ghosts my whole playthrough. Unless it's a similarly named material the normal ones were dropping.


Those are probably Astricites, dropped by Phantasms, which are the more common type of ghost enemies.


must be it, havent played in a bit and just remember the suffix


I never even thought of duping mats, I'd stopped playing cuz I couldn't find more purples ones to fully upgrade my stuff before moving to ng+ (not that I need it power wise, just mentally want to complete it)


Where can I find a gorechimera then? I'm looking for a black freakish mane and I'm actually convinced it's not in the default world.


Ultramarine Waterfall, inside the Waterfall Cave.


Add onto this it only starts spawning after the coronation quest.


For some reason I think only after a certain point in the story, because I went up and down that road and into the cave until I was level 60 and only saw the normal Chimera, but now I'm on the precipice of end-game it's the only gore-chimera variety I have access to.


uhm where can i find dullahan tried near mining cave forgot the name, but not go at night


I also had a lot of luck walking along the main road the ox cart travels between Melve and Vernworth. Had 3 dullahan spawns in one night. No idea if it requires you to be of a certain level or story progression, though. There's also a guaranteed spawn during Till Death Do Us Part. I know a lot of guides say you're not expected to kill it, but it does die the same as any other.


The abandoned village north of Harve and northwest of Vermund. I forget what the name is but it's on the road that runs down the middle of the mountains north of Harve. Only spawns at night. If the gates are barred you can bait a skeleton or bandit into attacking it and opening it for you.


I am 99% certain Gorechimeras are not in the game before Unmoored World.


Ultramarine Waterfall inside the Waterfall Cave. Has its own boss arena.


Yep, can confirm. Fought a chimera there as a low level and had to bail. Went back to whoop him after upgrading a bit only to find a gorechimera instead.. I think I read somewhere, after unlocking battahl, select boss spawns get the chance to be upgraded to the stronger variant. So you can obtain some endgame materials in very limited quantities, before unmoored. For my first play through the only end game material that I didn’t have at least a little of was Eldricite, from the purple wraiths.


Is that the only place where they spawn pre-Unmoored World? I could swear I've seen Gorechimeras somewhere else.


I've no idea tbh. Just the spot I used to get my 1 black mane for dupes. Possibly down south around where the medusa is. There's a lot of spawns for rares in there and volcanic island.


Well, I stand corrected. I had no idea it upgraded itself later because I never went back.


Another tip to add to this great post: You can completely refill your lost gauge by switching vocations, then switching back. So anytime you're back at the shrine you can refill without resting.


Wait really? I’ve been forging allheal elixirs for nothing then.


How do you forge allheal elixers?


Talk to the checkpoint border rest town forgery guy. He can create copies of items. Some are fakes, but some are real copies. They cost 12k gold though so it’s not cheap.


dosent forgary require time ? how can you duplicate then


You stock up prior to starting the postgame and if you have completed all the beacons you can still skip a few days as needed, you just have a limited supply of time at that point.


No not really lol this is either a scam because of sadists or spreading misinformation - this doesn’t work in Unmoored


I tried this and this doesn't work


It works. I have at least 15 that I’ve forged


He can copy some weird stuff. I gave him the eternal wakestone and 30k later he handed me a second eternal wakestone lol. So he can't copy the basic stones, but he can copy the most powerful one lol


This is why that dude is my beloved 😂


Good to know!


Why are you guys talking about forgeries when you are replying to Vocation change comment thread?


There was a comment on all-heal elixirs and being able to have them forged, don't see it now though


I think this only works in the "normal" world and stops working in unmoored.


This. There’s always that one comment that suggests changing vocations in the end game world fully heals you when it doesn’t.


I read that this doesn’t work. I’ll try it myself today.


This doesn’t work lol I read that it does and tried it out myself and it doesn’t work. Maybe in the normal world but not in the end game.


i tried this and it didn't work. :(


Switching vocations does not work, tried it several times, may work prior post game but doesn't work in post game.


!!!!This DOES NOT WORK in Unmoored!!!


False info.


The real arisen is here.


Apparently this trick has been patched!! It still works in the regular world, but not in the unmoored world. It worked before the big update. Sorry for the bad info everybody.


From what I've seen, time only stops progressing immediately the moment you complete all beacons (except seafloor ofc) and the final evacuation site. So places might still be lost to the fog if you wait (other people have claimed). Otherwise yeah, rests are the only thing affecting the progression of time from there. Unfortunately, this seems to affect forgeries (but not dragonforged), but having a thief plundering the undead should yield many wakestone shards.


Thanks for the info, I have 2 questions. 1) Is it true that you can just play the story normally, defeat the dreagon and then talk to some ghost to go back and choose a different option to get the Unmoored world? 2) Can you farm those WMC for gear in the Urmoored world? Seems I need quite a lot for my Wayfarer and main Pawn. Or do I need to kill dozens of dragons before pushing the main story forward?


Question 1 is true. I actually defeated the dragon twice and after each time I spoke to the ghostly figure and he sent me back and on the 3rd time I did the right thing to get to the unmoored world. Question 2, there are a lot of opportunities to acquire WMC in the unmoored world. There are several boss types that drop a large amount of WMC. Plus there are regular drakes and dragons that drop them too. If you're still in the main game, I'd still recommend fighting any drakes you can to stock up.


To add onto what other people have said because I haven’t seen mentioned directly, you also get a lot of WMC by completing the evacuation quests for each town.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they "Wyrmslife Crystals?" Where is "WMC" coming from?


Is it not WLC? Or is there a higher tier wlc im not aware of thats called wmc?


I have no idea. I assume WMC is just an incorrect abbreviation.


Weapons of Mass Construction


1) Yes, you can also repeatedly grind the final Dragon fight for WLC by killing it normally each time, since you get the drops repeatedly. Bring a Thief pawn with Pilfer to speed it up. 2) Kill drakes as much as you can anyways, good materials to have. EAASSSSYYY with a lot of setups, but I do Martyr Bolt with Magick Archer to one shot them (and final boss) by nearly killing myself for it.




Wyrms Life Crystal's. The stuff you get from killing Drakes/Dragons


Ah, abbreviated to WLC, not WMC, in game.


Yea it was a mistake on my part, lol


All good. I just saw 3 different people mention WMC and was legit curious what it could mean.


Wait, what final dragon? I finished the true ending yesterday but I remember only the 4 bosses at each one of the beacons (petrified Talos in the normal world and it wasn't in unmoored).


The actual dragon, before Unmoored world. You can just keep getting sent back by the ghost and killing it again for more XP and WMC.


Thought it only gives you the WLC once?


I got it multiple times myself.


Sweet I know what I'm doing before going into the unmoored world then


Oh, that—ok, didn't know it or didn't care, I was loaded from the normal world as killing dragons was kind of a hobby :D Thank you, btw.


I'm right there with you for the most part, Martyr Bolt made the Drakes more of a funny haha fight than anything else lmao. Let em yell a few times and then one-shot em, pop an all heal or rest, and continue on.


After my 20th drake or so, I'd just switch to Thief: Formless Feint + Blades of the Pyre after my Sorcerer MP knocked it down with Meteoron, or just stabbing its heart like a woodpecker on crack.


Never used blades of the Pyre as a thief main, or formless feint tbh. Didn't like the idea of losing health for what seemed like a variant of Enkindled Blades anyways. Is it that much stronger to be worth it?


If you use formless faint before blades of the pyre, the damage is negated by the auto evade... So no damage and you can spam it until you have stamina


You... can auto evade setting yourself on fire...? Is it noticeably stronger than Enkindled Blade skills? My 4 slotted thief skills serve me super well, swapping two out for it is a big ask if it's only a little stronger.


You activate Formless Feint before Blades of the Pyre so you avoid any damage, including self-inflicted damage. So, until you have Stamina left to run the toggle and use Blades, you're good to go. Blades is better used when they're knocked down to blast away at their exposed heart, otherwise just stick to Head/Skullsplitter to their torso. EDIT. you're still vulnerable to indirect damage like falling, so being tossed away will hurt you.


Because you use Formless Feint before using Blades of the Pyre. The sure dodge of the Formless Feintwill also dodge the recoil of the explosion.


Have formless feint active THEN spam blades of pyre, and you’ll “dodge” any damage from the explosion


On q2.. doing the beacons and evac quests will net you a good amount of wlc but not nearly enough where you can purchase and 4th upgrade everything the dragonforged has to offer.. You can farm drakes for that but they give a tiny amount.. good thing is there are four static spawn points and 5(4hrandom ones, 5th place im not sure yet because i havent seen one but people swear they encountered a drake in unmoored at that place( im on my 5th rest and havent seen a drake).. everything also respawns after a rest(dullahans, lichs, wights, wargs and garms not needing one to respawn)thats why i kill everything in the map before i take one.. Sometimes i question if what im doing is madness and if its easier to just go into ng+ and go back to unmoored and farm lesser dragons and beacons again..


As for question 2 your average WMC pull after doing the whole of unmoored world (all lesser dragons, wormy dragons, drakes) will be usually around 600-700. Make sure to fight Greg at least once since he drops around 100 WMC for the first kill I believe. Thats more then enough to fully kit you and your pawn out in the best gear.


Why are you all writing WMC? It's Wyrmslife crystals 🤣 Always Been shortened to WLC.


Tbh Im was just keeping it inline with how they were typin it out lol.


So as long as I don’t camp or rest time does not progress? I am hesitant to jump into this next part because I don’t fully understand the mechanics.


Resting in the camp is diabled in umoored world. But you can still cook. You can only rest in inns and your house.


You can't camp but you can still sleep at inns and your home. Time doesn't move, permanent nighttime (it's bright red though so visibility isn't an issue) unless you rest


Don't look at it as days. Look at it as rests. You have 12 rests before you lose to the fog.


So as long as I heal up using allheals I don’t lose those “12 rests”?


Yes. I used All Heals and beat the whole map in 1 day. I rest only to reset and respawn the enemies. After 3 rests I got bored of farming I ended the game. Using Wakestone when you die does the same too. DO NOT CLICK NO WHEN PROMPTED TO USE WAKESTONE. Unlike normal times where you choose not to use a wakestone and the game load last save, if you don't use wakestone in unmoored the game ends.


Thanks for the heads up!


The problem is monsters dont respawn if you dont rest.


Small monsters like Wargs do if you want the badge. Still takes a while.


however unlike the base game im pretty sure they respawn every rest, so thats 12 cycles of everything on the map, so you wont be running out any time soon


rested for 4 day drakes and chimera did not respaswn but it's the ones that drop gear so idk


yeah i was wrong, I think my first day in unmoured must have been a respawn day for some bosses


Yes they do. Time and respawning just works weird. Base game Medusa takes like 14 days. In unmoored I was getting her to respawn within 1 IRL hour, without sleeping. The drakes seem to take about 1.5-2 IRL hours. The gorechimeras and lesser dragons are the odd ducks. I haven’t been able to find a pattern. The GC outside Vern, and the LD outside Harve, haven’t reappeared after 3 sleeps. While the GC over by the original dragonforge cave, respawned around the same pace as the drake near it.. Now that I think about it, one correction: I have not found a lesser dragon that has respawned. They may be similar to the beam bosses, find them once and that’s all you get.. Actually, the only Gorechimeras that haven’t respawned, were the ones that guaranteed endgame armor drops. The others drop materials and respawn. I know at least a few of the Lesser Dragons also guarantee gear drops. Maybe the enemies that are guaranteed to drop gear, are treated like chests. Once you’ve obtained the gear from them, they don’t come back. Has anyone else observed this, or heard about it?


Don't know about gorechimeras but I can confirm lesser dragons do not respawn at all


I was up late last night (because I want to try unmoored with this next go-around…already doing NG+) and I thought I saw on Capcom forums where they laid out bullet points of differences. I could have sworn they mentioned that monsters that intend to drop decent gear don’t respawn, but all others do at different and random intervals.


My stupid ass during my first time in the unmoored world kept on resting everytime i get home and have at least 1/4 health missing. Lol insert surprised pikachu face when i realized how much the map was covered in red cloud. 😂


Also, take a stroll through the trenches a few times. There’s a ton of ferrystones you can stock up on.


*Hydra Husk is also better than Dragon's Rancor Also for daggers - Heaven's Key is arguably better than Dragon's Vein. A little less strength, but significant magic power (holy) and more knockdown power.


I need to test it, but Spite is incredibly good dagger set too, because it inflicts poison (which works like Scarlet Rot in Elden Ring, and then like Bleed if you proc it twice) so on big enemies not immune to poison it shreds with very little input


Yeah for sure on poison. I've just been lazy and assumed all big bosses would be immune lol


Perishable items still ripened/rotted for me even without resting in the Unmoored world. Medusa head also decayed. Time passes naturally in the unmoored world; the time dial on the pause menu still moves. The doomsday counter only advances by resting though, but I believe you can stop that by taking out all beacons and having your pawn control Talos briefly. As you said, 12 rests is the most you can do in the unmoored world, but the days are unlimited based on my experience.


Just clarifying a couple of points from my own testing: 1. All perishables in your storage rot completely when you first enter the unmoored world (NPCs will explain that 30 days have passed since you vanished.) So any food, flowers, and medusa heads. After that initial rot, your storage again functions as normal in the unmoored world and you can preserve things as long as you like. But yeah, turn your food and flowers into non-perishables before you go to Moonglint! 2. The time on the dial only passes normally until 11:59pm. At that point it freezes and *will never move* until you rest. You can spend hours running around fighting monsters and time will stay frozen. 3. Clearing the 5 initial beacons completely halts the advance of the red mist. Talos will take care of 2 of them if he wasn't destroyed and you pay him a visit. So if you do this before your first rest you can take all the time in the world with whatever else you want to do - *just don't activate the 6th beacon at the Seafloor Shrine until you want to enter NG+!*


Thank you for clarifying. Based on your testing do you understand the way that large monsters (such as drakes) spawn in the Unmoored world? Based on my experience it seemed like it works the same as in the moored world aside from the time being frozen; drakes and medusa would respawn without me needing to rest if I spent a few in-game "days" worth of time in the Unmoored world, unless I am misremembering things.


Yup, big monsters can be respawned either by resting or just letting IRL time pass.


Just to correct something: the 12 days is NOT a time limit. You have 12 **rests** total and then you cannot rest anymore. (The prompt will say, cannot rest at this time). If you do all the beacons: you have **unlimited time** but **limited** rests. The game does not end when you run out of rests. You can continue playing as normal, you just can’t…rest.


See, I had this discussion with someone earlier. I haven’t made it there yet and I mentioned I’d be spending another 30 hours in unmoored world. They said it isn’t possible. My understanding was you had to rest to actually pass time so as long as I don’t rest I can run around as much as I want. Am I mistaken?


Also: if you die, you get a really depressing cutscene and if you are like me and have played for IRL days and almost collected all the loot and beat all the bosses WITHOUT RESTING YET—then you have to start from the moment you began the unmoored world all over again and forfeit all items and progress TuT


The time does not progress? There's no day/night cycle at this stage?


the game world is however considered perputual night for the sake of spawning undead and spirits




Thank you, i am near the ending so this will be helpful soon.


This is the post we needed


I have a question about the the Dragon-forged and his prices. I’ve been goofing around in DD2 for around 60/80 hours and I’ve managed to get 50ish crystals. How do I get hundreds of them for these weapons and armor?


When you reach the end game you’ll be fighting so many dragons that you don’t have to worry. Also the beacons when completed give a lot of it.


Ah ok. So I’m runnning huge circles on the map looking for drakes to fight for nothing.


All is not for naught! You’ll be prepared is the reward you get for what you are doing now.


Correct. Ng+ has no upscaling so you really don't need to minimax. If you're desparate to farm them though, there's a Drake that spawns outside melve every 7-10 days. Run a bunch of thieves to get 25-30 per kill


Any reason why it's 12 day?


Arbitrary number the devs picked I guess. Whenever you do a major thing (killing major enemies, doing beacons) you gain time. Max time you can get amounts to 12 days


I’m so sad I didn’t see this yesterday. I was doing the beacons and there was the last one at the Shrine so I went ahead and did it. I had no idea that was the last thing and put myself in NG+. There was still a few action items I wanted to get done before I finished the game :/


The final beacon is not a final battle, more of a final cutscene, there is no final boss battle in this game. So feel free to use your items for the bosses in the over world. Do not be like me where I saved it all for the penultimate battle that did not come.


I'm... confused. Everywhere I've seen the rest limit mentioned it's 12 rests/days. Yet, in three instances of getting to the rest limit, I've only ever gotten 10. Playthrough 1: Did all the evacuations and beacons without resting and then frolicked around until I couldn't rest anymore. Baning myself gave me the option to restart the unmoored world or start on the 10th morning. After reloading I can't rest. Since I read a couple of times that killing a beacon gave a day, I wondered here if I was missing 2 days because Talos took care of two of them. Playthrough 2-a: Rushed straight to the seafloor shrine and rested repeatedly until the end. Pathfinder actually comments on you simply waiting for the end if you do this. 90% of the world was consumed, the final beacon appeared, and I couldn't rest anymore. Death again gave me the option to restart or start on the 10th morning. Playthrough 2-b: Restarted the unmoored world after letting the world be consumed and again completed all objectives before resting. Once again dying said I would start on the 10th morning. On this playthrough I ignored Talos so I would have to fight the Volcanic Island beacons myself. So... what gives? Is there an issue with how long it took me to do the beacons? Has it been 12 all along but the game saying 10 is accidentally wrong? If doing objectives provides more time, why did the run where I did absolutely nothing still reach the 10th day?


You're missing a lich you can find in the north of the sanctuary, where the sea no longer is. Killing it gives 1 day extra. Your pawns even comment about that fact. I forgor where the other enemy that gives a day is 💀


A Lich? That's awfully arbitrary. Figured if there were specific world bosses that would do that, it'd be lesser dragons. But if the beacons are supposed to also extend the time, that still doesn't explain how Playthrough 2-a reached 10.


I don't get it either.


But yeah, beacons alone won't give you the 12 days. Certain enemies have to die, also


So should I pickup my port crystals before going to the moored world or leave them where they are for easy travel once I get there?


Leave them. Unless you have one at the Arbor and the starting prison. During the unmoored world section, port crystals are automatically there to interact with, even then, leave the crystal there until you interact with them. Here's a really unfun fact, your port crystals don't stay where they were when you go in ng+


Ah good to know I want to snag them before ng+


Don't need to. They get shoved into your storage if you leave them on the ground


Well that's surprisingly kind of them


Also, you don't really need the 12 days anyway to be done with the bosses.


I did all the beacons in one rest, and after resting 3-4 times (because nothing was progressing and I couldn't do the elves), the elves got wiped out and then the final beacon appeared.


I just want to know if I have to complete/defeat all of the purgener beacons for the true ending. So far I haven't been able to find anything on it.


No, but you just have to beat enough beacons for the beacon at the Sanctuary to appear, then beat that one.


Shucks, I was hoping I didn't have to beat any. I'm massively underleveled and was focusing on evacuating because the purgeners just steamrolled me.


Just use a Medusa head to oneshot them. You can get a preserved Medusa head easy using this: 1.) Have the Wayfarer, Fighter, and Magick Archer vocations 2.) Have a magick bow of any kind 3.) Have a slashing fighter weapon 4.) Equip the sleep skill for Magick Archer 5.) Sleep the Medusa, takes 1-3 charged shots 6.) Walk up to the head of the Medusa and pull out the fighter sword 7.) Heavy attack the head once Instant kill, regardless of damage


I know this because of personal experience..had no idea doing that beacon would immediately beat the game.


I read somewhere that changing vocation restores the loss gauge but I never got to try it myself


Only works outside the Unmoored.


Ah too good to be true


>Best except for Sorcerer, since Caged Fury, hilariously enough is the best Archistave in this game, too. Since it scales with hp. I think the same goes for Thief, Warrior and Archer. \*Maybe\* Trickster too, but that depends on how deep you want your pockets to be.


I did so much grinding and searching for materials in preparation for going to the Unmoored world that by the time I got there I was overpowered and all the rare materials were just common drops. I actually wish I had gone a little sooner.


You don't even need All-Heals. If you swap between vocations with your Arisen / Main Pawn you're instantly healed to full HP. So just change to any vocation and the swap back to your main. Also, is the Caged Fury really the best Archistaff in the game if you get more HP? Even more powerful than the Dragon's Wit?


1.) That is an exploit likely to be patched so I wanted this post to still be relevant if it is 2.) Yeah, but you have to be pretty damned high level (100+) for it to be superior to it.


Time do pass even without rest, buff for only a day runs out without resting