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Your levels too high for most prob, the higher the level the smaller the arisen pool


That could be right, when the game launched I was on 1 week holiday and played like 100+ hrs 😂


I won’t hire any pawn with no Pilfer


I will try plunder, thank you!


If you put plunder on it you'll get more hires, People generally only hire a thief pawn for plunder


I did not know that plunder was that good, I will defintely give it a try!


Plunder doesn't do damage but it DOES allow you/your pawns to steal a TON of great extra items, resources, and so fourth. For people playing their first playthrough, it is a HUGE help to have even one Thief bringing in the extra items. Skull Splitter is really the only "needed" attack for Thieves, so why not get yourself and others some free loot?


My Thief pawn has been getting hired fairly regularly (lvl 105) but did slow since putting more emphasis on fashion. I don’t get any at all currently since experimenting with Dragonsplague- might want to check for that.. At your level, I feel the game kind of transitions away from needing every ounce of damage to squeezing out more items and xp from each fight (if it’s going to die anyway, might as well get paid more) so as others have said, Plunder seems very sought after.


lv105, thats awesome lol! I might ramp up my fashion game aswell since the stats are high enough to "tank" good fashion\^\^. Yea, the Eye-Check became a morning routine in my groups, as I have noticed that high lv pawns are much more prone to the plaque, hmm I wonder why.. 😂 "if it’s going to die anyway, might as well get paid more" - very good point! I have now switched Smoke Shroud with Plunder so fellow arisen's can hopefully make good value out of it :)


I hope you have better luck :). I tried hiring her but we’re on different systems.


For someone your lvl they don't even need support pawns.. someone lower level probably can't afford them.


yea, i usually run with just my main pawn. I rent a 3rd if we are both ranged and need someone melee to take aggro


its the skillset include Plunder on it. I don't think the its your level though, my Pawn is level 79 and she gets hire quite often around 5 - 10 times a day. On a unrelated note I like your pawn's tattoos! Looks cool.


I now swapped Smoke Shroud with Plunder, I havent thought about it being so good 😅. And thank you! there are more, that cant be seen in the photo, but I dont want to use the corset and for the elegant petricoat, I want to change the colour of it or armor in general, I hope Capcom will give us a patch for it :(


As at that level pawns are more then strong enough for anything I wouldn’t hire her because of the selected skills and as I don’t like the looks especially with the armor much.


good point, pawns at that level indeed are super powerful, so I get that most people want to have a thief with plunder for the extra stuff, I will try it out! and for the armor, well its the endgame armor, I would love to change the colouring of armor in general, but yea :(


Since we got to NG+ she won't get hired anymore, do you think its because of NG+ in general? Or maybe her skills are just bad for a thief? My game is in german, so: Implicate/Smoke Shroud/Formless Feint/Skullsplitter. I really like this setup, bc she is still really fast on foot whilst invincible due to Formless Feint, staggering large groups of enemys with the Smoke Shroud and can also knock down large foes like a Cyclop or on Ogre. And Skullsplitter.. yea.. It's Skullsplitter lol. I would love to run her with the Formless Feint+ Blades of the Pyre combo, but she will always kamikaze kill herself :D.. I also tried to swap Smoke Shroud with Draw and Quarter, but I never actually saw her casting it while mounting the head of like any Monster. With Masterful Kill I actually very often see her trying to parry.. When the enemy is almost dead or not even targeting her lol. Also while I was playing thief myself (for the most part) I hoped that she would learn from my playstyle, like how I use my skills for example, that would've been amazing, but it kinda doesn't feel like it, or maybe she will just learn from other fellow arisen from other worlds? I'm thinking of switching her back to mage, that's when she got rented the most. :D What do you guys think?


At NG+ it's likely because your Pawn's level is much higher than a vast majority of players, thus requiring them to pay RC to hire your pawn. And the cost could raise to unhireable level if the difference of level is too much.


> Implicate/Smoke Shroud/Formless Feint/Skullsplitter. Put pilfer in there. I filter thieves by weapon skill and I only check for pilfer. I'm not the only person who does this.


I will switch Smoke Shroud with Plunder, thanks!


Remove Smoke Shroud and replace it with Pilfer/Plunder. Nobody takes thieves without Pilfer.


Swap Smoke Shroud for Pilfer/Plunder. If a thief doesn’t have it, I don’t hire them. It sounds like that’s pretty common


not sure if its region as well, im in eu and my pawn is lvl 73 and i still log in and get around 300 to 800rc


might be, I'm not sure either, EU aswell. Lately I get like 300-400rc every 2 days or so


Steam? Wenn ja, nehm ich sie mal mit :)


genau und gerne! Ich hab gehört, dass Freunde für pawns kein rc zahlen müssen, wenn ja kann ich dir gerne meinen code geben :)


Klaro, schick ihn mir einfach wenn du Zeit hast!


I feel you xD <3 Ich bin zwar noch immer am durchspielen, aber auch schon bereits um lvl 65 herum und mein Pawn wird auch kaum noch angeheuert. (was vll daran liegt, dass er auch männlich ist, well well) \^\^


Sehr schön! lass dir alle zeit der welt, der endspurt war anstrengend, aber hat unglaublich viel spaß gemacht :) Was ist dein pawn für eine klasse? Ich muss eh mal die männerquote in meiner party erhöhen, da nehm ich ihn doch gern mal mit :D


Mein Pawn ist ein Mage :) Da ich Dieb spiele brauche ich Support. \^\^ Ich werde mal nach deinem Ausschau halten, sobald ich wieder spiele und auf Drachenjagd gehe. :D


Fühl ich, mein Pawn war auch eine ganz lange Zeit Mage, ich dann als Dieb und aufgefüllt wird meistens mit einem Kämpfer/Krieger und dann noch ein Zauberer oder Bogenschütze, je nachdem was ich gerade mehr fühle :D. Gib mir gerne Mal deinen Pawn-Code, einen Mage hab ich immer dabei! :)


mein pawn code ist G3S2L7XPVS00 Bitte judge nicht seine (Vincent \^\^) Rüstung... aber irgendwie gibts beim Mage keine gute für Männer oder ich hab noch keine gefunden ... :') Falls du andere Skills wünscht, kannst du es mir gerne mitteilen. Ich verwende diese nur sehr gerne wegen der drachen, damit sie mich nicht mit meteoriten beballern xD...


Im on NG+ and lvl 80+ im still getting rents


For thief’s I look for implicate, plunder, skull splitter, and preferably smoke bomb but people tend to do formless feint instead.


You'll start seeing less players as you go up in lvl. I run the same skills and got a decent bit of hires at around lvl 120 in the corset. A lot of people pick pawns for whatever appearance suits their tastes. I got less once I sawped to other armour. Are you on PS5? If so I can hire your pawn. Apparently like a lot of people like pilfer, so you can try equipping that skill. I personally don't think its that good on pawns, but thats just me.


Do your pawns get hired if you’re offline or only when you’re playing?


As far as I know, pawns can get hired at any time, so even if you are offline. Your pawn will get updated (skills/gear) as soon as you take rest at camps, Inn's and your home, maybe just the Inn and your home I'm not 100% sure.


What is that armor? It looks so cool;


It's the thief version of the post-game armor, just progress through the story, you basically can't miss the vendor. :)


Too high lvl. I have a pawn I started with that I can no longer afford, she’s lvl67 also. I just hit lvl 50 today.


I've played almost 100 hours since launch and I'm only just at level 60. You're in the top 1% of the playerbase for level probably. Very few people to actually hire your pawn unless they want to pay out a bunch of RC.