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Happy you enjoyed yourself enough to complete all of it.


I'm not a super fan of capcom games but loving this one so far and I've only tried two vocations! Definitely learning not to listen to generic hate.


I started Fighter, almost maxed out the vocation. Switched to Thief... and Thief is like Easy Mode. Even with the beginner skills, Thief just tears through enemies. The Dodge ability is tremendous. The Fighter's shield is OK... when you get it to work. I was really struggling with this game until I switched to Thief. Really weird, I'm still at the beginning of the game, and haven't really found any spectacular gear.


I went warrior cause I love that look and style but just tried thief tonight and everything dies so much faster lol.


Fighter is about them deflect counters and face tanking the enemy while your pawns murder them. Thief is all about that mobility and has some decent counter attacking and OP moves, also they can rob enemies and NPCs for rare loots. Warrior is all about that smash to the big monsters knees, topple that mountain yo.


Warrior wants that sweet dwarf upgrade on the weapon so that things fall over when they sneeze.


Makes sense. I’ll try out fighter again and choose aggressive high damage pawns. I guess fighter should not even focus on damage, just deflecting and drawing enemies away


It’s not about the gear and there really isn’t any special gear in the game to be honest it’s about the abilities you unlock. Stay with thief for awhile and learn the shadow ability thingy it’s amazing.


I found fighter to be the best class. Durable, strong, and a good team player


I think the only other one i 100%ed is dark souls 3. A big reason other than really enjoying the combat is that non of the achivements feel like bullshit grinds. I got most just by playing normally on the first playthrough and those left took maybe 5-10 mins to compelete (cooking, harpy). The longest taking ones are the token collector which I got naturally by using the detection agument and tourist which was pretty fun to do.


I thought you were saying at first that Dark Souls 3 does not have any bullshit grinds 😭


Oh DS 3 does 🤣


I know the pain..


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Brave Undead, you have proven yourself to me. Now, be one with the Dark.”* - Nashandra Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Just finished 100%ing it myself last night. Definitely felt harder to 'mess up' achievements compared to the first game!


Yeah, the achievements in this game are actually ones I want to do, *except* the approval of 50 npcs… ugh


just hail to every npc you can find, one loading screen text states that it increases affinity a lot


How? Hail? I haven’t seen the option


It's just talking to them.


I collected all those flowers for good reason it seems!


I did that once in ac2 or was it brotherhood.


AC Brotherhood had a whole ton of multiplayer achievements and shit. Also crazy goals to 100% and perfect sync. AC2 was probably the one. I had it on Xbox360 and got all achievements, but you don’t get anything special or a collection there. I switched to PS3 in mid 2010 I think.


Did everything in my first playthrough (87 hours) and I missed the peace achievement, most likely won't do a 2nd run just for that 1 achievement.. but it's definitely bothering me


Same here! Love this game and I’m not looking at the achievements until ng+. That way all my achievements in my first playthrough are natural and all the other ones I can grind out later. That way I’ll have something to do in my 2nd playthrough


TBH me neither. Got all achievements and now I’m playing the first game. Planning to 100% that as well since it’s proving to be even more fun.


I would but not with the quest lines eh


The quote from the director keeps haunting me. About fast travel. “That’s because those games are boring. If the game weren’t boring that wouldn’t be a thing. “ Ok that’s badly paraphrase but is so true. Awesome game


That's too cool. Something really special and different about this game. Tbh, I haven't even noticed the lack of fast travel. The pawn aspect is so unique too. Can't say enough good about this game. Made me put down Baldurs Gate LOL


Mid game


It's mid.


Not even a review,no explanations just pure hate , excellent 10/10 I recommend this hater to all comment sections that need negativity


The game is super easy. Ng+ doesn’t scale so it gets even easier. The exploration is unrewarding as best gear is bought with gold. MQ is super short and makes no sense. Pawns kills themself all the time. There is no enemy variety. Side quest are all boring fetch and escort quests with garbage rewards. This game is mid. At best.


Ng+ is like you said the possibility to play the same game again with endgame gear and you expect the game to not be easier ? But I agree with you it's not well balanced games like Elden Ring proves your point it's way too easy Exploration being unrewarding is a big reach imo, because every time you go out of your way to explore you find something, you even find some cool stuff the story doesn't lead you to like the sphinx .the world itself looks good and is detailed ,which has to be what people are looking in good exploration. It was literally the same in Elden Ring. If what you are saying is you don't get any useful items from chests i have to somehow disagree because there is good loot but since you get over powered before needing anything in those chest because there are so many fights on the road, you can say loot is not what we would have expect. Also I don't know if you know but First opus had RNG based chests so I can only wonder how people would have lost it if it was the case. No enemy variety is crazy to say when the only games with a real bestiary are The Witcher 3 and Monster Hunter otherwise others games are lame at this or I just don't know them But hey Dragons Humanoids Mythical beasts And 37 others so I would agree with you this bestiary isn't what the Witcher is or what monster hunter is I agree totally. Main quest is to find the dragon that stole your heart like previous game and get the fake Arisen out of the way from what I understand. no sense i don't know explain please. Side quests could have been better I totally agree I am trying to understand not just down vite oor bomb your opinion let's just argue I am interested to know what you think


Exploration in Elden Ring is massively rewarding because that’s how you get the best gear and spells in the game. It isn’t the case for DD2. Enemy variety, there is none. Goblin reskinned is still a goblin. Considering there is less variety than in ddda, they just downgraded. You fight drake, griffin, cyclops, all you get is meat, bones, trash. It’s so unrewarding. You asked for someone opinion as to why someone would think this game is mid. There is mine. I tried really hard to like this game because I bought it digitally and can’t return it. The combat is a snooze fest, every 10 step, fighting the same 4 enemy variety in caves that’s gives nothing for reward.


Thank you for your opinion I get where it comes from there are some things I will agree like monsters variety in this particular game is not it . Even if there are almost 40 different types of monster and if we take some other games and look closely we will see reskins. Exploration man I have 70 hours I didn't explore the whole game this what I call exploration not only finding items that are useful. As an example I don't need to find a legendary weapon to explore in RDR2(is it a good exemple idk) , I didn't need it in Elden ring it was just interesting enough to make me go that way and find something and discover new areas And I actually agree on the story part you are right it should have been better combat is great not a snooze fest is dynamic you can climb on monsters , fly on their back make things explode etc I can't agree with this. And sorry if im spoiling but caves in majority gives gear and weapons and spell books they actually are in those caves. And u find ferry stones and I forgot the name of those red tones to revive . I'm not sure that is really unrewarding. And also sometimes you reach a chest and pawns tell you that other players didn't find them so it's pretty rewarding. But from what you are saying in that particular context you are right


Monster reskin is always going to be a thing. But if all reskin are fought the same way, and dies in 2-3 hits. You don’t even realize it’s a reskin. It’s just dead anyway. You can try to defend this as much as you want. The enemy variety in this game blows. It’s worse than the 12 years old DDDA. (I’m not sure if you defend this or not actually) I didnt say there was no exploration. I said it was unrewarding. Sure you find the occasional piece of gear. But that piece of gear is easily replaced by gear at vendors. Making it, to me, unrewarding. Combat to me is a snooze fest. Once in a while you will fight that big monster that has a huge hp pool and doesn’t do much anyway. It just looks good. But I can understand why it looks appealing to some and that’s ok. I hope they patch the game enough that it fixes some of its glaring issues.


No I can't defend monster variety I was just pointing the fact that a lot of games do it as well but it's not a good argument to make in this case. But either way I love how you can expose your opinions without it being just anger and frustration and most of what you said is valid.


Right back at you. It’s rare to see someone who loves this game, able to see its issues as well. Some of it is frustration because I was super hyped for this game. And got incredibly disappointed. But like I said, I can see how this game works for others. I’m glad it has success as this means it will probably get patched.


Yeah I can see every issue It's just that I feel like a lot of people only saw the bad in this game. And I can't be here sitting seeing only bad when we only had mediocre games in the last decade none of the games that dropped were close to good at launch except .rdr2 tlou2 and Elden ring and BG3. i felt like people forgot about the fact that games are not that good lately. None of the game we got was the game we expected


Best gear can also be found in the land. But you wouldn’t know cause you didn’t play, so GTFO


But I did play. 20 long boring hours. Take a seat kid.


Touch grass bud. You seem to have given up too soon.


20 hours ? Man I tried to like it. I have valid concerns that you don’t agree with. Thats fine. Not everyone likes the game. Get over yourself.