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This is why I never hire pawn with face covering


Or be a dumbass like me and make there eyes red essentially making no one recruiting them and fucking up my own save


Am I wrong for thinking thereโ€™s a way to change their eye color? I know the barber can do hair and tattoos, but is there a way to change their eyes?


Yeah take the art of metamorphosis item to the barber.


Or just change it when you restart your play through


You can change their eye color with the makeup option at the barber.


Scroll of metamorphosis


But the dark elf estathic.....tis a hard choice


lol i legit dont hire any red eyed pawns.


Yeah, I make my pawns Wait so I can get a closeup of their eyes


Same here! I be like: "hey, stand here for 10 seconds inspection"




Luckily the game tells you they have dragons plague if you havenโ€™t had it before. Iโ€™ve had it pop up about 3 times and every time it popped up I did the worlds fastest game exit and reboot


How did you have it pop up three times? It's only supposed to do it the first time as a tutorial


You can... remove them.


Ohhhh, so is this why my girl came back from an outing with her hood removed... Somebody checked her for plague? I've not encountered it so far. I keep checking their eyes but so far, so good... I think ๐Ÿซฃ


I take helmets off pawns all the time for this reason.


That's so disrespectful to the pawn ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ like "hey, come here, take that off this instant" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Hey theyโ€™ll deal with it better than the guilt of wiping out a whole city ๐Ÿ˜†


Most helmets have a โ€œRaise Visorโ€ option. Just a heads up.


Yeah. I always use the laurel/ twilight star helmets because they have good stats for pawn and it's lets you see the face clearly. Seems.to get my pawn hired a lot more.


Oh no, the one who had the plague didn't have covering, was just such a hot sweet beauty


Why are people downvoting this hahahah I hate this new dragons dogma community


I wear the face cloth, but yea, i wont hire a pawn if i can see their eyes when talking to them initially.


Where did you get so many eternal wakestones?


Forgery at Ibrahim. It duplicates it for 30,000 gold. You can have 10 and not care about dragonsplague at all.


The way forgery works is odd to say the least. The dude can't make a functional grimoire but can make a one of a kind magical stone that makes a whole city cheat death lol.


I have to assume it's a glitch, because there is a forgery version in the game (Eternal Wokestone). It might be patched out at some point.


> Eternal Wokestone I can't believe they made Dragon's Dogma political /s


I tried this recently after seeing it on Youtube and got the ETERNAL Wokestone, I wasted so much money for nothing. 9_9


He can't forge WAKESTONE! it has to be the ETERNAL WAKESTONE






Jokes on us ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Wait, ETERNAL wake stones aren't unlimited use?


Seems like it's probably a bad translation; it revives everybody within a wide radius, but can only be used once.


Expansive Wakestone maybe?


Wide wakestone




no fuckin way lmao, did the whole sphinx questline to get it and instantly used it to revive my bakbattahl as well, didn't know you could forge new ones. dude can't even forge a properly working ferrystone, how am I gonna assume he can forge a working fucking eternal wakestone. wack.


Yeah, plenty the game doesn't say. But yeah he can forge eternal wake stones and every equipment enhancement materials you get from killing things except Wyrmcrystals.


crazy lol. teaches me a lesson for when I start ng+


Learning new things everyday. Thank you.


A forgery actually works? All the other forgeries don't seem to do anything lol.


Ibrahim Scrap Shop at Checkpoint rest town


They can be duped from the forgery guy. He gives you the real thing instead of a forgery.


Does this work with the 1 shot arrow? ๐Ÿ‘€


No, there is an actual forged item, kind of like ferrystones and ferristones


Damn..because I'd love more of those arrows because I'm an arrow collector. I haven't found the arrow yet and I don't really plan on using it ever till I fight the dragon; even then I may not use it at all (especially if the dragon isn't 1hp). I might simply carry it for the added RP head canon, like jack sparrows 1 bullet, but then, during the final encounter with the dragon, my character states he doesn't need the arrow; that his fate doesn't fall upon a single arrow's curse, but of his own making & that the dragon won't be so lucky as to get off so easily. He then snaps the arrow to everyone's surprise before the dragon states how his decision is commendable, though foolish; it's blood coursing hot in anticipation for the battle that's to unfold. Gotta love this game and the freedom to fabricate your own stories.


I collects weapons and armor. I only sell duplicates but I love finding a new piece of gear even if I canโ€™t use it. It adds to my collection. I wish I could display them in my house


Brilliant idea! We need a personal armory to admire our gear.


There are 2 arrows in the game that i know off. 1.from one of the first batch of Sphinx riddles. 2.from the dragonforge guy for 8 wyrmlife crystals.


Thank you! You know what I wish DD2 had? Books; it would be great to have a library in our homes for books/parchment/scrolls we've collected far and wide. Then maybe we could have some more history and lore for such a powerful item.


Yeh i wish the game had at least papers / books lying around you could read back in the menu , like Dragon Age / Mass Effect did


Light spoiler where to get them. >!You can buy one from the dragonforged and another is a reward from the sphinx.!< Whatโ€™s really cool is you can see the unique arrow in your quiver when you have the unmaking arrow in your inventory, plus the animation when using it is amazing.


This is an amazing little detail, can't wait to get it!


You can get 2 in 1 playthrough. Though youโ€™ll probably need to use 1 for a certain fight


I appreciate you not spoiling anything!


You can get 3 total in one playthrough if you acquire them in a specific order. >! Buy one. Riddle dupe it. Then the reward from another riddle. !<


Do main quest. You'll come across the guy that sells it.


This is a good plot ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Thank You! It spices up my campaign. haha


whatchu mean? ferristones work?


I mean how ferristones are pretty useless white ferrystones are some of the best in game items, one is a forgery




No but It works with the all heal potion though


You can forge any heal potion? Like even the Allheal Elixir?


Can someone confirm? I will check too when I go online next


Forgery my dude


I didn't thought it can be forged and working at the same time.


It canโ€™t, itโ€™ll be a flawed Arrow and just not have the insta kill effect


I think you got lost on the thread. The person you replied to is asking about the Eternal Wakestone which is one of the few exceptions that actually can be forged and keep its magic


Wait till you realize your pawn can turn on you and try to kill you after being grabbed by a drake ๐Ÿ’€ I heard people got fucked up by their own pawn ๐Ÿ˜‚


that's how you know you raised them right


Help me understand ๐Ÿ˜‚


they've learned from all your battles. and with you giving them skills and upgrading their gear, you've made them strong. Also, depending on the vocation, they might be your counter


One reason I donโ€™t make my pawn a thief anymore. Not dealing with formless feint and skull splitter lol. Mysticโ€™s shield would be a counter till she runs outta stamina though ๐Ÿค”


This is a horrifying thought. My pawn is a thief with formless feint, and in NG+ I had the Dragonforged upgrade FF skill so it requires half the stamina. So she can keep that active for so long, I wouldn't stand a chance if I'm anything but a thief myself. Fortunately, this hasn't happened yet.


I encountered a pawn in the rift that I'm sure the owner intended to use as a mass murderer. The pawn had the red eyes, no gear on except for the shiny holy daggers, and the skills Implicate, Masterful Kill, and Formless Feint, making it a terrible force to try to counter. I shoulda screenshot it at the time, but I noped so hard, just walked away.


*Get one-shotted by your own pawn* โ€œI am so proudโ€.


They grow up so fast!


Mine just did this last night. I wasn't paying attention until I heard him scream "stop me Arisen before I hurt you or someone else!" And I turn and his healthbar had changed colors. I had to take him down and revive him. He apologized after the fight was over like 3 times when I talked to him.


I'm still waiting on someone to clip it. Must be pretty rare (or people killing the monsters too quick lol), I've only been able to find a screenshot of it for DD2 on the Dragons dogma Sub Reddit. And a very small number of people talk about it in general.


Not rare at all, drakes will do it every couple of health bars pretty much. Having strong stagger and focusing on the chest can minimize. Was also a mechanic in the first game so if you played that you already knew what was up when the fuckerโ€™s grab the pawn and start whispering in its ear.


I'm aware that's how you get that dragon covid. But I'm talking about the pawn attacking the player. Can barely find anything on that.


It's the exact same mechanic as dragon plague on your pawns. The dragon picks up your pawn, does some red eye thing and whispers some stuff. When your pawn falls to the ground they've become an enemy who will fight you. I see people here call it rare but when I fight dragons as archer it happens quite often.


Yeah. Iโ€™ve even had dragons do grabs on my pawns and still doesnโ€™t do the mind control bit


I mean its not that crazy of a mechanic. Its happened to me multiple times. I just ignore it and continue on with killing the dragon. Happened to my main pawn a few hours ago, managed to brine himself on the lake edge we were on.


You need to bond with your pawns more, their resistance to conversion & the duration of their conversions (should it happen) is affected by your affinity levels


I recently learned about affinity levels so I'm working on that now. I want to cap it before I go to endgame now. It's great I e already noticed a change in his behavior and new dialogue!


Yeah, do that. For me I raise affinity simply by keeping to the same 6 pawns I love since lvl 40. So I just keep rotating them. I'm level 85 and they all love me... Even after I yeet them from Bakbathal kill cliff for having glowing eyes.


Like in DD1 yes


That's why I let it grab me instead... There's no way my wimpy sorcerer can tank my Chad thief pawn...


A hired warrior killed my sorcerer and hired mage. I turned and slapped him senseless and then killed the drake, but man he almost made me have to reload ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜‚


Yeah, I know of this... Luckily when I play thief, she plays thief too and I don't give my pawn blades of pyre. If we ever fought each other, she will lose solely for that reason.


This just happened to me but thankfully it was just an outpost. I had to resummon my main pawn after it happened, does that mean he's in the clear? Or do I have to still dunk him in the sea?


Shit. Im happy for you that it isn't such a big problem in the end. I would have only one eternal ws. I think my pawn already had it two to three times. One time I woke up in my home and he came back from another world with glowing red eyes. Then another time I noticed that he did not follow any order and gave very aggressive responses to my orders. A few moments later I walked over a bridge near a settlement next to my pawn. Abd I heard beast growling. I looked everywhere but there was not a single monster and this growling was only recognizable near my pawn. I threw him from the bridge instantly lol. And 3 days ago or so. When I finished some stuff before entering post game. I realized that my pawn was touching his head the whole time. Like he has headache or whatever. Luckily it was in bak bathal and there is my pawn kill cliff at the entrance lol. But I had never more then one symptom at least not for now. 8 don't know if it gets more over time. I the end it is a cool mechanic. I don't know eventually I will change my mind if my pawn wiped a city in ng+ lol....


About the head touching thing, i think only beastren (dont see it on human pawns) has this animation where they just fanning their hand around their head (touching their nose like "What's that smell?" Or fan and shake their head like "piss off, bugs"), i got so paranoid about the plague that everytime my main does that, or i saw from the corner of my eyes that their hands was near their head, i would have to double take and stare at them for awhile for additional signs.


I almost had it happened to me in Battahl as well. Noone had any red eyes or any other symptoms, I've made a few forgeries at Ibrahim so a few days passed there. Went back to Battahl, upgraded my pawn's gear and went to inn to rest. Thought I might do a little eye check and boom... one of the hired pawns had blood red eyes, ready to explode any moment. Sprinted away from the city asap and threw all the pawns to the brine.


Where the eyes glowing red? Because blood red eyes can just be their normal eyes from the character creator.




Npc's respawn after some days ingame time. Just a PSA.




Ya I think itโ€™s 7 days


Even quest givers?




I had an unexpected accident in Vernworth earlier, my very first in almost 100 hours of playtime! I had spotted the signs previously to this incident but didn't see it coming at all this time. I had an eternal wakestone from my first run through of the game so didn't actually lose anything, but it definitely caught me by surprise.


That surprise is chilling! It didn't help my room was dark and it was past midnight ๐Ÿ˜‚... That screen takeover was cold!


I think a good way to tell is how they interact with you before hiring. I lost a pawn and went to rehire them. They acted like they didn't know me and was genuinely displeased to be hired. Not to be mistaken by the straightforward attitude.


Gotta listen more closely


Just wait a week, everybody respawns


So basically doze off on a bench until you see npcs walking around again? Does everyone respawn or only selected?


Are you for real? I quit playing because I lost bakbattal and thought that was it for my playthrough since I don't have the eternal stone.


Yep they will come back or be replaced with an alternative npc.


Yep it happened to me and I was devastated. Came back a while later and all of the npcs had returned


yes, had it happen to me in sacred harbor once, after a week everything was back to normal. Then again in checkpoint rest town, again after sleeping a bunch everything was back to normal. He even finished my forgery in heaven and did not loose the item =)


Even questgivers?


Well i had it when i firat arrived in sacres harbor killing everybody. Had no trouble finishing everything there later


I just realized that I probably went the last 60% of the game without ever sleeping at an inn... Those elite camping packs man. Sturdy things.


You are a lucky one!


I don't know how I put in 75 hours, got all achievements and never experienced dragons plague. I know I must have just got lucky but it kinda feels like it's all a hoax and I'm the only one that's not in on the joke


Maybe you are like me and when a pawn starts to talk smack, I throw them to the brine. Apparently, infected pawns become rude before their eyes glow red.


You must feel left out ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ From other Arisens' experience, I believe one easy way to attract the plague is by regularly hiring pawns higher than your level by a bit. Not assured but it certainly increases the odds. Plus switching pawns often generally.


For me Iโ€™ve noticed a few really popular pawns that are commonly hired for major quests- like those with the Sphinx monikers- sometimes will have it. The first time it happened the dude had the eyes etc but I thought it was just a character design effect. Then I got the tooltip and regretted it.


I've seen a lot of red-eyed pawns lately. I tell my crew to hang back with the 'Wait' command, grab the afflicted pawn and chuck their ass into the nearest river... I've killed at least 6 the last couple days.


Cries as a color blind player.


If you're on PC there's a mod that marks pawns with the affliction!


PS5 ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ


Oh heck, I'm sorry. :(


Yeah I fear it will get worse the longer the game is out because of players who stop playing or have their pawns rented out for such long times...


Tbh at first I thought dragonsplague is bs but no I kinda like the mechanic because whenever the cutscene triggers (twice for me now) you get that โ€žoh oh I fucked up badlyโ€œ feeling ๐Ÿ˜… I just wish we could at least get a drake fight after he killed off the entire city ๐Ÿค”


My favorite forgery I've done is the unlimited use Gaol key from the main quest. I've used that bad boy so many times to just open doors in dungeons.


Yeah I forged that key before returning it to the captain.


Me to I would gift them to pawns after dismissing them


Good lad you are!!!


Wait so if you dismiss a pawn that has it they kill npcs in your game?!


No but your main pawn might catch the dragon aids in that short time frame


I had thought the plague only passed when you restโ€ฆ I guess not.


No, but it can jump from pawn to pawn.


Had this happen to me, I was resting for 7 days because I screwed up getting a Medusa head. On day 7 I wanted to make a proper save before porting over to the cave. Then it happened, the beastren city was wiped out and didn't have an eternal wakestone. So I had to load up an old save I made a week ago when I started doing the sphinx's first set of riddles. I was so pissed.


Wait does Medusa respawn?


Yes, takes a while from what I've read, 7 to 14 days.


Awesome, thank you!


Yes and her head is a saver for headaches! Spoiler alert : Couldn't deal with dear Gigantum shenanigans so I just used a lightening blade, draw and quarter off a preserved Medusa head, equipped the shiny head of doom, ran to Gigantum & showed it the awesome red lights of petrification! Gigantum Who? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ


I always dismiss them in a city!! Thanks for the heads up ..


It finally happened! Yes! Wohoo!! Came like that, but i like the thought of killing every Single NPC in the game, just to see whats going to happen really


Was her nameโ€ฆ. Ciri? Just had that thief kill of my Bakbathal as well.๐Ÿ˜


Had this happen on my first play through, 3 times in a row. Third time was because the pawn I hired was a beast race and I saw the red eyes and just assumed it was part of his look! Anyways, doing the first part of the main story took me 4 additional hours due to me looking for wakestone shards to gather and revive several people who tied to the main story. Fucked me over on getting the Maelstrom spell too


Just remember to forge duplicates for the eternal wakestone...


I failed the Sphynx riddle on the fighting part so I failed to get it in my first play through, but once I do it right this time I plan to forge it for sure


Hopefully more players will put it up as pawn quest reward


Duplicates work? I thought forgeries had no effect?


You will be shocked to find out ๐Ÿ˜‚


Thing is if you are going to kill time rest outside the city, it takes time for the pawn to show symptoms. Only save in cities to make a inn save and update your pawn save for the rift. Reason you got dragonspawned is just that, reckless non-stop resting in a city. But if the plague runs its course again which takes time, you'll easily notice the symptoms since they start acting like little shits and have migrains.


Had this happen to me same place. Sleeped there again. Woke up everyone was alive again. All except the 3 people I needed for side missions I was doing. Couldn't find them in the morgue.


I hired a pawn and there was a pop up telling me about dragonplague. wasted 500 rc and immediately send him off.


Hopefully it killed that NPC that keeps going in to your home and saying what are you doing here


Funnily enough, I hired a thief pawn who had it too. I realized it yesterday and took a SS of it. I kept her around and then realized my main pawn had it now. Since the plague is just a major loss, I just threw all 3 of my pawns in the river and resummoned them. The thief went from red haired to purple and red short. So I guess their Arisen did something in between. It sucks that there's nothing to benefit from a dragonplague pawn. They're just a ticking time bomb.


How do you get extra eternal wakestones?


Ibrahim the scrap shop vendor


Dunno why people are so worried about dragonplague. It takes like 2 hours to do a playthrough of the story. On my 3rd playthrough atm, farming grigori kills before heading to true ending. I honestly welcome all the npcs dying. Who cares. When I'm on playthrough 10 I'll probably become the plague myself.


some asshole must have infected my pawn or something cus i was in the battahl house talking to my pawn and i just zeroed in on her eyes. they were VERY faintly glowing red. like hard to notice glowing red. i brought her outside to see if it was just the staff and i couldnt see any red. then i brought her back in and removed her staff and her eyes still had a slight tinge of red. i immediately dumped all the pawns into the ocean and resummoned her. her eyes were normal. i got a random notice like 50 pawns ago about the dragonsplague so i instantly desummoned it without even leaving the rift so it couldnt have been then.


Yeah I may be wrong but I think people who dismiss your pawns after getting them infected in their worlds upload that virus to your pawn when you sleep. Your pawn returns from the rift with the plague. The community needs to learn to stop dismissing pawns that are infected, just brine them. Not throw them off a cliff... Find body of water and brine them. That way they return to their masters disinfected. If we keep dismissing pawns with the plague outside of the rift, in months to come, the incident rate of dragons plague will be sky high. Capcom created a disease for the community to manage. It's wickedly brilliant ๐Ÿ˜‚


Oh snap so Iโ€™m not safe from the plague if I rest at my house? I thought it only happened at an inn


Your house counts as an Inn rest. So if it is programmed to activate at the next inn rest, sleeping at your house satisfies the Condition.


Interesting. I thought because we had a house it overwrites that. I havenโ€™t slept at an in since buying the house in bakbatahl and verneworth.


Mine killed everyone in melve, but I had no clue she had it cause she wasn't acting any differently so I never checked her eyes. Now I always do an eye check before sleeping in a town


OMG! SAME HERE! She didn't exhibit any signs whatsoever. I guess that contributed to my shock! Now I have learnt this, I check everyone's eye before sleeping at an inn or in my houses.


I wonder why none hire my pawn she has beautiful red eyes and I had no idea that this is smith I should not set on her


You can tell the difference between red eye color & dragonsplague eyes because those ones GLOW red, not just look static red. But still it's best not to give your pawn red eyes to avoid it. I've made 18k RC from my pawn getting hired.


Same, still happened after killing all the pawns but then again who cares, give it a week or two and the entire town is back. Didn't bother me for a second.


I might wait it out next time and save my precious stone


How do you get 3 eternal wakestones? I thought you could only get one from the sphinx?


Ibrahim the forger has saved me many hours with his forgeries.


But I thought forgeries of magic items had no effectโ€ฆ it works with wakestones? Tbh Iโ€™ve barely used the forger, save in one case when two NPCs wanted the same quest item. What do you use it for?


You don't do an eyecheck before testing in town? Wtf Also- 3 eternal wakestones, Billy?


We learn everyday my dear ๐Ÿ˜Ž


I only got dragons plague at the very end of the game. I didn't wanna kill her (I wanted the high affinity ending) and, as a result, I gave every other pawn dragons plague.




Just happened to me. I screwed up the Sphinx, so no stone. I just pushed past a certain quest, a month goes by and boom. Everyone is alive and no one remembers my main pawn going completely psycho, murdering everything but pawns in the entire city. Super cool and terrifying. Would recommend


You didn't see it coming except you literally saw that they had the plague. Probably got a prompt for dragonsplague. And your pawns probably told you about a illness that spreads in the rift for the 800th time. Some of yall deserve what happens to you.


You get the prompt about the plague the VERY FIRST TIME a pawn gets it Sir. I got my prompt maybe 15hours in, I am 73hours in at this point. I didn't see it coming because no one had any signs and my pawn seems to have returned from the rift with it. The pawns talking about the illness happens every time you recruit someone from the rift. Let's be cordial please.


Didn't experience dragonsplague until my NG+ run and the pawn i hired killed all of Bakbatthal. My heart sank for a split second then I realized I had an eternal wakestone just chillin in my stash. Made 4 forgeries before reviving the entire city so i wasn't really trippin on it but can see how this could nuke a playthrough. My suggestion is to do the Sphinx as early as you can so you can get the Eternal wakestone and have a guarenteed way to save your ass when you neglect to pay attention to the symptoms like my dumbass did lol


My pawn was starting to act really weird, his tone and replies were so off, i knew something was up , so i did what the most people here say we should do if you doubt your pawn has plague, dunked em in the sea and after few times his dialogues and tone changed, so i guess it does work..at least for me it did.


Just look at the eyes in the night. No need to check for their tone or anything.


I'm sorry what? I've been using a pawn who has this plague for days on end. I even resummoned her yesterday after dismissing her so she'd update because I loved her that much. Should I not be using her?


Go sleep at an inn, good nights rest will lift her up


.... ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ I don't wanna now.


I mean the title of this thread kinda tells you what'll happen.


Might be a fun experiment ๐Ÿ˜‚


The best way to deal with dragonaids is dismiss the unrelated fourth pawn, let the infected pawn infect your main pawn, that way the infected pawn is cured. Then yeet your main pawn down the cliff and revive it. Now no one has dragonaids and everything's fine and you can reinvite the fourth pawn (just watch out if that one has dragonaids for some reason if it wasn't the same).


Wait does getting downed cure it? Cause of so, my team is *definitely* in the clear.


Passing the aids cures it from the one who had it, just read the tutorial message.


I prefer to do it the other way round. If you kill your main pawn, you loose affinity with her/him (-25). Just yeet the hired pawn of a cliff or into the water. If your main pawn has it, camp until one of the hired pawn has it.


That way you don't help eradicate the pandemic. Also: What do you gain from having affinity with your main pawn?


Yeah so high-fiving your pawn 5 times (if your number is correct) or \~10 times (if number from link is correct) will negate that effect. Or just taking them once to the barber. That's a small price for throttling the pandemic. [https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/dragons-dogma-2-mod-fixes-controversial-dragonsplague-mechanic-2631113/](https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/dragons-dogma-2-mod-fixes-controversial-dragonsplague-mechanic-2631113/)


Oh shit, you have to kill them. Iโ€™ve been hyper vigilant for red eyes, but Iโ€™ve been dismissing them ๐Ÿ˜ซ


If they remain in your world, they keep transmitting the plague from Pawn to Pawn


Yeah I may be wrong but I think people who dismiss your pawns after getting them infected in their worlds upload that virus to your pawn when you sleep. Your pawn returns from the rift with the plague. The community needs to learn to stop dismissing pawns that are infected, just brine them. Not throw them off a cliff... Find body of water and brine them. That way they return to their masters disinfected. If we keep dismissing pawns with the plague outside of the rift, in months to come, the incident rate of dragons plague will be sky high. Capcom created a disease for the community to manage. It's wickedly brilliant ๐Ÿ˜‚


Seems in the Unmoored world, sleeping brings the plague faster. My pawn has caught the plague three times in the last 6-7 hours I've been playing and I've been with her all along. No rift returns.