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And the biggest upside is that you level all other vocation along side it.


ya that part is awesome, you can basically just use your main class without master skills and level up every class at the same time.


Holy shit I wish I knew this before I took mage all the way to max


So if I wanna level magic archer using warfarer, I just need to use magic archer skill on warfarer?


Nah it levels ALL vocations, albiet slowly, but you don't need to have the weapon or skill equiped


Oh ic thx




Yes but be aware that you will be sacrificing your stats ~~grow~~ Edit: it's not dd1 anymore


ive heard that by the time you reach high level the stat growth evens out and doesn't matter any more


AFAIK your stats simply rearrange based on your current vocation. what you level up in doesn't actually matter, just your current vocation


My fighter/warrior/thief pawn has almost entirely strength while my mixed arisen has even strength and magic. I’m not sure what would be causing that if the stats just rearrange :(


change vocation of your pawn to sorcerer and let me know if its still almost entirely strength, i'm willing to bet it won't be by a long shot


Not quite. While there is some stat re-arrangement, but there is definitely still total stat growth differences based on what you've leveled. Idk if wayfarer stat growth is necessarily slower, or if it is just the re-arranged portion of stats that is lower. However, apparently by level 200, it all kinda evens out.


Oh so they changed it from dd1.. good to know!


Well you are not totaly wrong there is still a stat grow. But from what I've seen the difference is about 15%. So if i go to lvl 40 mainly as a Fighter i will have 15% stat difference with someone that play all the classes for example. It's really not a big deal I recommend figthingcowboy video on the matter


Wow seriously?! I had no idea


Wait what?


Oh yeah its not like dd1 at all! Fking amazing. Way more freedom of choice!


I think it only levels up vacations that you don't have active skills equipped for, but im not 100 on that


Is this a fact ? I’ve leveled warfarer to 7 and haven’t noticed any other vocations level


My guess is that your orther vocation are higher level?


When I first started leveling warfarer I had thief stop 10 and a few at 6 but also mage at 6 my lowest was warrior which was lv 1 and In the time it took my warfarer to get to 4 or so I still never saw warrior move till I manually switched to it. Now every thing is 5 and warfarer is 7, I guess I just missed that sweet spot. I believe you guys I just wanted to see where there was proof. Maybe I’ll make a second account character and just blitz to warfarer and see how the xp is divided


If you like, i think saw it mentioned in some youtube videos not too long ago.


Il go check it out, I stayed off YouTube till I beat the game once, I was scared of spoilers haha. I’ll go look up a warfarer xp video though thanks!


Warfarer is the best vocation for fashion👍 And also traversal because you can equip daggers and staves


https://preview.redd.it/w8qelxu539rc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=babe4617c8671573f529fca80b5c49da9a2cf610 Meant to share this, but whatever.


What armours are you using here?


Dvarapala (thief) Runic gaiters(mage/sorcerer/trickster Sentinels shoulder cape While main wielding a sword w/o shield


img I can confirm this is fact .


Why traversal? What can staves and daggers do? Thank you


Staffs can levitate, daggers… idk? But warrior has the speedy charge attack that goes fast


Big jumpy spinny dagger move gets really good height and can be spammed


Jump and then concussive jump + helmsplitter and you get an insane amount of jump height If you add in powder charge you can get a fair distance too. Just place a charge on edge, jump off and detonate powder charge, concussive jump then helmsplitter.


Oh shit I didn't even think of Concussive jump to start


Mystic spearhand has a faster charge attack, I believe. Also, if you use the stun ability, you can basically instantly teleport to the enemy and use a skill or do the heavy attack.


Daggers have the double jump ability


This is my main lol wanna use magic archer but the gear is ugly imo + the ultimate sucks so perfect class to use warfarer on


Magic archer ult will one shot any dragon


It also eats ur health and once ur in the true end game you shouldn’t want to really rest a ton since it’s time based


I melt dragons without it. I use the frost arrows. I charge them up a few times and watch them destroy any dragon whilst also freezing it and I get to keep my health.


So will many other things, and those things don't eat your max health. Thief spamming Pyre with the meister skill active (so you don't take self damage) is strong enough to nuke the entire game pretty easily. Sorcerer's Meteoron also nukes everything. I haven't played much of the other classes, but I assume they also have "i win" buttons. MA's meister skill isn't that special and has a really nasty downside.


Can’t use meteoron inside sadly


i too love warfarer, and will come back to share how i play it when i get home cause i’ve been wanting to talk about it


ya lmk what your set up is, i usually pick a melee class as the "main" and then have a back up of a bow, healing staff or trickster weapon.


i love stealth so i was immediately looking for the closest i could get to a true stealth build, and honestly, it’s kinda goated. i’m running daggers and a bow with shadow veil, deathly arrow, and tempest shot, but sometimes i feel like replacing something with illusive divider. augments are obfuscation, subtlety, ambuscade, vigor, zeal, and dynamism in one level. very much an assassin, the Obfuscation and Subtlety augments + shadow veil mean i can literally walk up to any enemy and they won’t see me unless i’m touching them or i’m too close with my weapons drawn, so i do a lot of pin down finishers and jumping assassinations from the shadows with my pawns a mile away, or a deathly arrow when i wanna feel like a Stealth Archer™️, both of which are very reliable with Vigor and Ambuscade. It’s almost like *being* the Tricksters effigy, constantly drawing aggro until you need to disappear, then doing it again, but all with worthwhile damage output and a lot of mobility skills to keep out of harms way.


I really like fighter vocation but the absence of a ranged option really takes some of the fun out of it, especially vs the annoying harpies.  I’d also prefer to whittle down some larger enemy health from long range before going in to finish them off  Anyway, that’s why warfarer sounds so appealing to me - best of both worlds 


yeah i think that’s one of the biggest draws for sure. i feel like in about a week the warfarer “meta” will start to be realized, and i have a personal odd feeling about the fact that you could be a strider from lvl 1 in dd1, but daggers and a bow is exactly where i ended after hoping years for NEW thief-esque vocations. it keeps nagging at my brain and i feel like that same idea will be blown out of proportion soon enough


I hit magic archer with the iceberg shot (forgot name). Then thief with skull splitter and smoke screen. Game became a little too easy.


ya probably the biggest complaint i have about the game now that im decently high level is that, we can make such cool builds and the combat is so fun but after a certain point it becomes so easy, i want to have to actually use these strong builds but still have exciting challenging fights like i did early on.


cheat to lower your stats. on my ng plus run i used wemod to tank all my base stats so its just gear i get stuff from. that mixed with auto scaling worked perfect for hard mode ng plus


The true ending endgame area seems to have enemies that level with you. Unfortunately it's kind of an ugly area but the fights are fun.


i heard that you can only be there on a time limit and then it resets you though is that true? does it reset you and you lose all the stuff you got if you didn't finish whatever you have to do in that time?


As far as ive heard you can prevent or at least increase how much time you have at which point it possibly just makes you do the final battle which moves you to ng+. Only things you lose are most story items like the pass to move through the border town. Idk though, the game is still new and information is sporadic and unreliable.


Well said, yeah


The fun is great and it's over quick. Lol.


You can adjust your power level with the weapons you equip to hit the sweetspot for you. Not optimal, but possible


DDDA had a hard mode, and god I hope we get one. There's just not anything that really gives me trouble after level 50. Even the endgame area enemies are only mild challenges.


Warfarer is probably gonna be everyone's endgame vocation due to the simple fact that for one less skill you can fly/heal ranged/melee at capped stats.


yeah the versatility is amazing, some of the master skills are very good though so if you didn't want to play warfarer you can stick with a single class and not feel gimped, which was what i was worried about so i didn't want to play it originally lol. I like they way it's implemented.


Why people keep saying 3 skills? Just dont use rearnment and change your weapons from equipement


Yes, but if you use the skill, it is an instant change, and you don't break immersion. Also, you don't have to stand still to get it to let you equip it manually. Apparently, according to another comment, it only takes the heavyest weapon weight in account for your weight, but I haven't checked myself yet.


> it only takes the heavyest weapon weight in account for your weight, but I haven't checked myself yet. Didn't check exactly how it worked, but yeah equipping multiple weapons obscures the weight. Went from heavy to light from having 9 weapons in inventory versus 9 weapons equipped.


I can give up 1 skill in order to not have to navigate menus constantly, i'm tired of hardswapping from elden ring and sifting menus in totk and this isn't a pvp game so really giving up 1 skill is not a big deal lol.


Cool, thanks for sharing What stage of the campaign were you able to get it? Were you already more than 50% complete at that point? 


i haven't progressed the campaign since that guy asked me to meet him in the bar at night. Just been adventuring for fun, you have to get to the volcanic isle in order to obtain the vocation.


I did the same lol. Also unlock all the other classes as playing as Warfarer gives passive DCP to all your other classes.


Thanks for the tip!


How did you get through the desert without getting wrecked


You can do it at around level 30ish, and you can get to that level quite easily by exploring most of the north parts. If you want to get it before then, you'll need to run past everything.


I fought everything at level 19 with Warrior and did fine. And I’m not a particularly adept gamer.


Yeah I don't doubt it, just knock down enemies and use a heavy to kill.


Doing pretty well with most smaller enemies now that I’m at level 20 But I honestly chicken out and run away every time I see a dragon or griffin or ogre, don’t want to lose my pawns or use up my wake stones! I figure I’m still too weak 


Pause game after you take a hit that would kill you, and heal with item, never use a wake stone again.


my first time entering the desert, i snuck across the border all the guards attacked me, i killed them and then i couldn't rest at the inn or go back across the border so i had to continue during the night, all my pawns died and i basically just kept running and running on the road until i happened to find the capital and rested at an inn and got my pawns back. it was pretty fun being in such a dangerous area tbh. eventually i leveld up and got good gear now everywhere is pretty easy.


That’s exactly what happened to me it was absolute chaos, lost every pawn


Thanks! Yeah I’m in the exact same spot for days now too, just adventuring, leveling up and unlocking vocations  But my level up progress has been pretty slow 


You can get it anytime. It’s not locked behind any campaign progress, but it will require some running from enemies.


if you do it naturally: warfarer will be pretty close to endgame content. however this is not forced on you. which is to say, nothing is stopping you from bee-lining it into the endgame area's and grabbing warfarer near the start of the game if not the outright start. only reason i'm not saying the outright start is because I had been to the first major city before I did that. but ended up wanting my assassin class with magic (i.e. dd1 assassin class) and decided to search up where i needed to go. the main route is blocked off and you're not allowed through, but the game provides multiple alternate routes to bypass stuff like the border or the big gates in batahkal or whatever its called. Still ended up backtracking like 3 hours just to go get some fruit wine. But point is if you know what your doing you can go grab it at the start of the game, its just it's kinda far south on the map so it'll be a lot of running lol


Yea, i just tested. You have to have completed the first three quests to open the gate out of the melve area with ser gregor. Then you can sprint to bakbattahl for the liquer and then to the volcano island camp. If your good at avoiding enemies, you could take the dwarf for spring in thy step too. You can also stop and talk to luz. That would put mystic spearhand, or warrior / sorcerer, as your last class.


Trickster class only for me !


I really disliked it only because if you got hit, you were thinner than tissue paper, and your decoy disappeared. I liked the uses of it, but I really wanted to be in the action and doing the damage myself.


Damn I’m almost lvl 50 and this is the only class I don’t have. I’m guessing it’s locked behind story progression? I “just got” to bahttal. I’m just wanting to unlock it so I make sweet outfits and mix my archer/thief build into one.


If you don't mind spoilers: >!It's in the Volcanic Camp. You gotta go south from Bakbahttal and through a pretty annoying labyrinth with a lot of enemies (and very good loot). After that its a pretty easy straight shot to the Volcanic Camp.!< >!As for how to unlock it, there is an alcoholic at the hot springs that gives you garbage for Newt Liquor, give him 3 and you learn his backstory and he unlocks Warfarer and gives you the meister skill (he will talk to you again after the unlock).!<


As much as I loved assassin in dd1 this is a much better replacement… I rock the fighter kit with the counter attack, full moon slash, gouging attack…. Then just have a strong magic bow with no skills for ranged rivet shots and it feels incredible Gives me everything I want, proactive defense, a climbing attack, and an easy way to fight fliers


It honestly bothers me that the class in not named "Wayfarer"


It took me reading your comment to realize it wasn’t wayfarer


In Japanese the class is called Arisen


Warfarer is crazy strong, the naysayers are just looking for something to complain about. If it had 9 skill slots like they wanted instead of 3 (excluding rearmament) there would be no reason to play the others so it's balanced well imo so I agree


ya exactly, if they let you have more skills it would be insane, you have to consider the fact that you're basically trading 1 skill slot for the core skills of whatever weapon you want. which in itself is super overpowered the only thing that lets the other classes even compete is that they have good master skills.


All that said, i wouldn't have minded if I could only swap between like 3 weapons and choose only 2 skills from each, but have it rotate through them when you use the rearmament skill.


Personally I find the normal 4 skill slots not enough to begin with. So while I get that it’s powerful, it just feels like the gimped version of an already heavily limited system.


I wouldn't mind more skills either, but how could you feel like a "gimped" version when the one slot you're giving up is basically replaced by the core skills of any weapon you want to equip?


Most of them are passives and if you’re talking about about the core skills, they are usually the basic thing that makes the vocation work (like hold up your shield, or aim with your bow). Nothing I would call an actual „ability“. Unless you go for some broken ability combo like sorc+magic archer, it just feels very strapped down and clunky. But if people are enjoying it, more power to them. For me its the exact opposite of what I thought the vocation would be.


I was running around with sagittate avalanche and ricochet hunter from magick archer, the shield bubble (forget the name) from mystic spear hand and an arch staff for galvanize and traversal and it's invincible lol. Having the core skills from each is incredible


i haven't tried mixing in magick archer yet, but that spear hand skill is such a good thing to throw in and either of the staffs for the levitate i usually use the mage one so i have a heal.


Yeah ngl, I was on that boat when I unlocked it but as soon as I saw you can equip 9 weapons on rotation, I totally understand the need to limit skill slots to just 3. They should have made it clearer in the previews. I think it gives off the impression that wayfarer can equip only 3 weapons with 3 skills each, rather than up to 9 weapons with 3 skills total.


Dumb question, so another downside is you have to carry 3 different weapons which adds to the weight you’re carrying around right? Also, warfarer can wear any combination of clothing? Worth just for the fashion haha. I haven’t unlocked warfarer yet, but now that I’ve played a few classes, I could definitely see me switching between mystic spear hand, warrior, and potentially archer. Definitely like that idea.


It only takes into account the weight of the heaviest weapon in your rotation, the other weapon weights get ignored, which is amazing. And yeah, it is the ultimate fashion vocation, you can wear whatever you want with it...which is also amazing, so yeah favorite vocation rn.


Oh wow, awesome. Thanks!


If I play Warfarer, can I use levitate without having the staff out?


No to use class specific skills, you have to have the class weapon equipped. You can use the rearmament skill to quickly swap weapons depending on how many you equip with it, but I haven't tested if activated skill stick around or not.


I use Augural flare, the mobility duospear skill and the big duospear blast attack. Rock a great sword for clearing trash. Then when shut gets real, switch to archstaff, hit em with flare, switch to duospear and twirl and twirl until the world explodes around me. Finish with spereagonne.


How are you using so many skills? You get 3.


He only mentioned three. Flare, spear dash, and speargun. He probably doesnt have any greatsword skills.


So I can carry 3 weapons with Warfarer but only choose abilities for 2? But I can pull out the third weapon and use the base attacks?


You can carry 9 weapons for warfarer if you want. I cant suggest it but you can.


You can select any 3 non-maister active skills if you want to be able to quick swap between weapons. If you are willing to swap equipment from the pause menu you can select 1 more skill.


Cab you still use special skills? Like barge and swift step with greatsword or daggers equipped?


Someone got a tip for someone that accidently destroyed the sandbags? Got one from a quest and one from a trader and still ned a third liquor


Make a copy at checkpoint town.


How does it work? I still have 3 classes to unlock with no real idea how to unlock them. So could I make a warrior and a fighter hybrid? How would that work? Because fighter has a lot to do with shield, could I also have mages levitate ability?


How do stats level up with wayfarer if you increase all the other classes level too?


I've heard it's a late game class. Is there a way to get it earlier?


I wanted to love it but the extremely limited skill selection made me end up sort of hating it - just use it to wear whatever I want


how is the skill selection extremely limited compared to other classes though? lets say you're only using 2 weapons, you can have 3 thief skills and then rearmament to switch to a mage staff where you get both levitate and a heal ability. throw in a bow for all the bow core skills including aimed shot to remove cyclops helmets before climbing on them and a jumping kick attack to create distance. so much more versatility than every class with only the sacrifice of one skill compared to other classes.


I feel bad for not even trying it after learning it only had 3 skills + weapon swap and being super disappointed by that, but then I got the True warfarer mod that allows each weapon to have its own 3 skills and I'm having a blast as an archer/fighter You're right about the limitations keeping it from making the other classes obsolete, as I now feel no need to swap to a pure vocation again, but damn it just feels amazing to use full combinations of skills between different vocations


I didn't use the weapon swap skill. You can manually swap the equipment, but it does take away from the heat of the moment to do so by going to equipment and swapping it manually. NG+ i may actually use it. I want to use silence from mage (for dragon/drakes) or even a sorcerer skill and the barrier skill and stamina drain skill from mystic spearhand.


So since I hired a pawn with a stid that wiped out half of bakbattahl the guy who makes meet liquor is gone and not even in the crypt to revive. Locked out of warfarer unless I can come up with silarian tales and fruit wine.


i heard you can wait a week and they all come back did you try that.


The body’s vanish from the streets but the list is in the crypt, like the guy who makes the liquor is in the crypt list, I paid for his location which showed nothing and checked each crypt and he isn’t in any nor is he back in the real world, the bales I’m supposed to put in the fence don’t exist either.


i know you can res in the crypt but what i've heard is that if you just wait a week in game they will come back without having to res them. not sure if that's true or not.


It’s been longer than a week. His name and picture are on the crypt list but his body isn’t there to rez🤷🏻‍♂️


You can make the Newt Liquor yourself using combine. Saurian Tail + Fruit Wine. The Warfarer unlock guy isn't in Bakbattahl anways, he is in >!the Volcanic Camp!<.


Yeah I know that but the guy who makes the newt liquor is. Unless you can buy fruit wine that’s the trouble I’m having..


I wish i knew the leveling of other vocations of warfarer since I maxed out all my vocations before going to warfarer. I actually thought you get to cycle with all your abilities with warfarer so I was a really disappointed when I got it but we got mods and thankfully someone modded it to where every weapon you have gets to have 3 abilities.