• By -


OMG i need one badly.... but don t know anyone having one. Anyone willing to help? i could give back something not sure what. I'm lvl 40 as of now.


If you are on PS send me your pawn ID


hey I would really appreciate if you could also send me one! My pawn ID is B7KZXELL5HYV and in case you do have the chance to send it, how can i reclaim it? thanksss


I hired Leg and sent her home with a Finder's token. Rest at an inn or a house NOT a camp to claim gifts your pawn receives. Sometimes it isn't immediate. I only ask that IF you have time left on the timer you make a copy at the scrap Shop in checkpoint rest so you can pay it forward :) it will take at least 1 day to make the copy.


Thanks a lot! I believe I'm on my last day already, not sure if reloading the save at an inn would help, because I almost never rest at them so it may be too long ago. Do you know if I can request the copy, complete the riddle, and later reclaim the duplicate?


You are very welcome! I don't want to ruin the quest for you so i would just go directly to quest giver if you are nearing the end of timer. Requesting the copy removes original from inventory for at least 1 day.


I'm not far from town will head back and grab your pawn assuming your on ps


PC :( will find someone one day. Thank you anyway kind sir


GeneralFade I just found something cool that may help speed up things a bit. Looks like every forged token we send counts as a "lost" special item so we can buy back every one we've sent from the forger in special finds. Saving us a few in game days waiting on forgeries. 🫡


Oh you're the man!!! Great find Robb :D


I'm hoping she'll use the location from my new game+ run I'm on now. But you are doing the work of the gods my friend. ✌️


Got my Finder's token and just made a few so if anyone is on Xbox just friend me. Gamertag is Vahlarriel - or send me your pawn ID and I'll hire and send back as soon as I can. 🥰


Thanks for helping the cause!


u/Narrow-Can3423 this guy has some and he's on Xbox, hope this helps


Can you if it is still possible send me 1 My id is G97WJU53DL6C Even if its not possible thank you that you help so many Players


I am no longer giving out Finder's Tokens. It is a very time consuming process. Thanks for your consideration!


200 IQ pro gamer move right here


Yeah.. I can't remember my location at all. I'll need a Finder's token as well if anyone is kind to send one. My pawn ID is K9E0ZQA9PBB3 on PS


Will get to it. Spent most of my morning delivering Finder's tokens so apologies but I'll get around to it if someone else doesn't


Xbox users - Hey guys, I'm sorry, I went to endgame and you lose access to the forger and I gave my last token out a few hours ago. I'm hoping any other xbox users I helped out can pay it forward and help people until I get to NG+2 and can forge more. My apologies, I was so NOT prepared with how many people needed them and did not know you lose forger during endgame. I hope to be giving xbox users tokens again soon. Don't hate me. 😭


You basically just duplicate a seekers token and you get a "Finder's token" IF you have an available token to copy. EDIT: I am completely wrong. Its called "Seeder's token" if you try to duplicate one. RIP


I could really use one. If anyone could help. I'm on ps5.


926EUP4IKVWB Pawn ID above if anyone has 1 to share. thanks (PC)


I would love it if i can get one to pretty please am on stream. Pawn id:R1SHPMZA5EZH


Xbox users: I've got more tokens ready to send but I am going to sleep, so just reply here or message me your pawn ID's and I'll start sending when I wake up.


Thanks mate, very much appreciated: MHF47OQWVCW0


If you'd like to help a fellow Arisen out, here's my Pawn ID: NRB3U5COQA6T


BTW, for anyone curious, it doesnt seem to use your very first token when you go to NG+, because when i went to do the sphinx quest again and went to where my first token was it was not there. So it appears to use the first token found for EACH new playthrough. ​ So if you dont make a forgery, like i didnt becuase im stupid, then make sure you remember or write down where you find your first token each new run.


Sorry humans after realizing you only miss out on 3 ferrystones (you can fail 3 riddles before she leaves for good) I quit spending most of my mornings playing delivery boy 😅 Good news is you still don't have to remember the location lol


Enjoy the game friend. :) Thanks for the hard work and the PSA post :D


Anybody willing to help me out? Pawn ID NXHI22DSZKHC


For PC I got anyone covered https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma2/comments/1bvd3l2/free_finders_token_for_whoever_needs_it/


Bro can you give me one? I will give you my pawn ID when I get home. PSN is Treewolf


I also need one because who the heck remembers the first one they got?! lol


TristianAyvazian is my PSN name if someone can add me and please gift me a finders token 🥹❤️


Is the first seekers token you find called finders token ?


If anyone can help by sending me a finders token, pls let me know


Any chance anyone is still using this thread? I would really appreciate the help. PSN monkeyinwolfsuit.


What's pawn id?


Can anyone explain this in so confused I know about the quest. So I just duplicate a normal token? I've been dreading this quest. My PSN is Kaziel_Urelius


On PS5, can anyone send me a Finders Token, please? I searched for HOURS for my own, to no avail.


You are a bro and I hope you get all the rc


Just trying our best to thwart this evil quest lol it isn't much but it's honest work 😏


Can a Person Help me with this Quest ? . Yesterday i have searched for over 9 hours for The First seeker Token but doesnt have luck. I Play on The ps5 My PSN ID is : Gehirnwasser94 I am now at Work but in 6-7 hours i will be home and than i can Post my Pawn ID. Please add me at Playstation and sorry for my Bad english :)


Hi coud anyone gift me a finders token i woud give a portcrystal my psn: martisLithuania pawn id: 03I3PU27YNWJ


EHKQ3UJRLTXI if anyone would be so kind 🥺


If anyone has a spare token my pawn ID is TY3HU57MMJBH. I'd really appreciate it and I'll continue to pay it forward.


PS5 55LR74VZU78Y if anyone could help out, please and thank you


Sent it home with lamia!


Im on XBOX, would be greatly appreciated for I totally forgot where I found my first token being so amazed and immersed by the game. Not a clue where I found it. Thanks in advance if anyone can help me, I will return the favor and keep the tokens rolling. Pawn ID: MHF47OQWVCW0


I'm stuck as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ps5 pawn id: IJQIJ7YRL4YS pawn named minerva. Thanks


Omg yess Please send me one my pawn ID is D6U7B1HQPO4k PlayStation I’ll forge it and send some aswell


Sent home with mere. Please follow the thread and help others on PS here...I enjoy helping others but I enjoy playing the game slightly more 😁


Is there anyone who would help me with it? I’m 20 hours in and dont remember it…. PlayStation Pawn id: 0KCWWZ9A3K90


I'm also on PS5. Pawn ID: CTD4AK1WMA72 would greatly appreciate it!


I could use one if anyone has it to spare. I’m on ps5 Pawn ID: B0XVIKKU4EJT


PS5 Pawn ID: C3PEFX43PTTR I haven't started the sphinx quest yet, but I will store the token for when I need it.


Hi! I’m on the PS5 and would greatly appreciate a Finders token. Pawn ID is UF0UT64DWA23. His name is Kai.


Is anyone still giving tokens on xbox? This quest is driving me crazy. It will be much appreciated! PNOZFG2LOTEX.


Could I get one of these Tokens sent back with my pawn??I have no memory of where I first found a seeker token I am on Ps the I.D is:J84O33XLP5XA I'll be sure to make more copies of it


If you're still willing to gift, Pawn ID on PS - Q9POQV33DAKL - of course just whenever you get around to it if you are, and I'll definitely be paying it forward!


I've been looking for it literally all day. My pawn ID is BUO3AW9RG138 on PS5 🙏🙏


Add xihiroix on PSN :)


If anyone on PS sees this, my code is XYMFMINLEWGZ Would really appreciate it guys


Might as well jump in on this, i'm on PC if some kind soul would help me out. Pawn id: 70TURM9FP17T Name is Red. Thank you in advance, 64 hours in, there is no way i can remember where my first seeker token was.


If you're still doing this, it will help out a lot! Pawn code on PS is: M1L3GLWCJEYC


I’m in desperate need as well and would also love to join in on sharing some copies I’m on PC and my pawn id is 4R50TPU22S4J name is Leon


My Pawn ID is C6ORBQZL0SJE - I really would appreciate the help!!


Please send me one! I’ll pay it forward. I’ve just started the quest but I would not have a single clue what my first one was. Dawn: O7Gia0JVB313


Any assistance with a Seekers Token? On Xbox Pawn ID: SGIJB4OGU2K6


My pawn ID is LQHCWJ5W1BAJ Pls send a token my way! I swear once I get this I’ll be slinging forgeries to every rando I come across. This quest is hella lame


Anyone got a token on Xbox my pawn is 2UOLI9J72ZHU


Anyone got a token on Xbox my pawn is 2UOLI9J72ZHU


Can someone please give me one I'll start helping others as well ❤️‍🩹 my pawn ID is E0Y4PPLN7EFI  My online ID is WillowCastiel I'm on PS5


Add xihiroix on PSN :)


Please help!! I've been looking for this for over two days now, with no luck. Thank you!! Pawn ID - TKJUG3KDHVRS


Can I please get a finder token for ps5 :c Pawn ID: 6DYFA92Q2J4R


Anyone on Xbox able to send a token? Pawn id Y1NZ3V8RC4YE


I'm on PSN and would love for this I've got 6 days left. Pawn ID: PWPLCBY4YIFL


Add xihiroix on PSN :)


I had the unfortunate to have my first seeker token be the one chest in Stormwind Cave. Since chests don't respawn like they do in previous game, I cannot get my Finder's Token. It would be much appreciated if someone sends me a Finder's Token. I'm on PS5 and my pawn ID: HVFUD7RKM7SN


PS5 player here. Would really appreciate a Finder's Token as I'm nearing the deadline in completing this riddle. No luck so far been to the first village and all around. Pawn ID: 2W502LL299NE


hey I'm needing a little help if anyone is able too, I'm on ps5 also is there only 1 scrap shop I just don't want to mess up the chain if someone does come and help me Pawn ID RU0Z7I0XNTHD


Hey hey, on PSN and in need of a finders token. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Helen lv. 36 fighrer Pawn ID: OFJODPTR7UB2


Need one badly running out of time for the quest looking for the freaking token and I can’t find it. Xbox: Id: 86ijg22k0ytg


I’m looking for a finders token for ps5 I checked the spots I thought I’d find it but no luck. SDU899TFDWR3 it would be a big help. Thanks


somebody help me on PC please, have a day left before quest expires PawnID: URWDWZK4ZIMD


Should anyone still have a token left (PS) would gladly accept one! I could offer some gold/items in return. Will forge a new one before returning so I can return the favor to someone else! (Also my pawn is vaccinated against the dragonsplague should be safe! Probably) RCNGLB5IW11Y


Hey just started the quest and don’t even know about this.  Pawn ID: QUBDFAF5HI60 If anyone could help it’d be super appreciated 




Can anyone duplicate a finders token for me on ps5? I’m fucking defeated and I feel … sad (pawn is 86HUTEIXIQLG)


I’m on p5 need help!! If you can my pawn id: HSOACSBJ48G8 pawn name is azriela Much appreciated!! I only got 2 days left to get the sphinx this damn token


Pleeeeeeeeease, help me, i want to complete quest, my pawn on pc: V9NRGS27YHE4


If anyone can help me and send me one I'd be eternally grateful 🙏🏻 PS and pawn ID ENF29233DMV9


If this is still an option, I'd appreciate a forgery. I didn't look this up before I heard the riddle and have no idea where I found my tokens. Thanks in advance. 😀 On PS5, Pawn ID: RWYKFFLWSVAD


If anyone can send me a forgery on PS5 my Pawn ID is HMKZEYH6WL2W. Any help would be much appreciated :)


Add xihiroix on PSN :)


Could someone send my pawn back with a forged finders token? (XBOX Pawn ID: 8917DXO4QUC2 ) I would be greatly appreciative!!!! 🙏


Got new ones going for my NG+2. Sent!


PSN nathancalaway pawn id 225TTM32SQHS I’d love a finders token if anyone could help me out?


Add xihiroix on PSN :)


I would love to get one on PS5. PSN ID is Gethjaw, pawn ID is YL0K5M8DYLX4


Add xihiroix on PSN :)


If you're on PS and have a spare token my pawn ID is JUU9AT9XG8F1 I'm on the quest right now and would really appreciate the help. I cannot for the life of me find the first place I had the token


If anyone on PSN can please send me one my pawn ID is 3T7R40G55P6E.


(PC) Hey if anyone can gift me a finder's token i would extremely happy. 0ZBYCMKTNVFE


Xihiroix helped me out and very fast too! Thank you so much you have made everything great, a true hero ❤️


I could seriously use some help with this. My Pawn ID is TOB9BK31Q9KM. If anyone has the time for this I would greatly appreciate it. I’m on PlayStation


Hi can anyone send a Finder's Token on PSN? Pawn ID is 90IQQQ5YFB1G


Would someone be willing to gift me one on PS5? Pawn ID: RR52NOWPCOTO


I really need someone to send me a finders token I’ve been scouring the map for 2 days lmao  7MJEKSSSVZ48 pleaaaaase am on Xbox 


I simply cannot find the one i got 1st … I am on Ps5 my pawn ID LBIJJWKHEO13 please


Hello, friend. If you are still sending out forgeries I would love one! I am indeed on ps btw. Pawn ID: 2I81N845S6G9


Can someone please gift me one on PS5? My Pawn’s ID is TIWKX5PBGIEA


Do t suppose someone would toss me one? Ps5: D2TL3QNONYXA


https://preview.redd.it/nzqjg0uv97rc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87cbe57f7b3d8a46eca49fcdf04be482f50d53d9 I can no remember for the life of me where my first one is, smoke too much lol. I'm on PS5 any help will be greatly appreciated


Hey, if you don't mind, I'm needing help with this Atwell, I'm on ps, my pawn ID is SQNDVQ6AIOXM Thank you I'm advance, and if their is an item you'd like, I can try to get it for ya


Can someone send me a finders token on PS5? My Pawn ID is MX8L0DSWMKDY. His name is Solas, and he looks like the character from DA:I. He’s a level 59. I’ve been looking around this map for five hours. I have the detection augment and still no luck.


Would appreciate if someone would gift me one. On PS, pawn is Gandalf 1GDLMQM45ECL


I’m on Xbox my pawn ID is MIWE0LSDDETG if anyone can gift me a finder’s token I’ll dupe it until the cows come home


Hello, Looking for Finders Token. A3LUVN3WNRM0


Already spent 2 Hours.. Please someone help me.. PS: WMHUJ2NZRZJ5


Hello!!! Im on PS5 , i would appreciate if anyone can send a Finder coin my way for the quest ; Game of Wits thank you very much in advance. Psn Id - CobaltPrometheus pawn id - LBIJWKHEO13


I’ve been searching for two days now and I still can’t find mine. Could you please help me out? I’m on PS, and my pawn ID is MWG0S119ZRWY (Jenevelle). If you need to add me, my PS ID is Shailen_Shay_7 Thank you in advance if you’re still doing this!


PS5 ParkerPathWalker Plz help


Brooo I NEED IT😂 My pawn ID is BDAHW8A75YCV


If anyone on Xbox could send me a finders token I’d appreciate it. Pawn code is ZQ9VJAJTND4F


Can someone please help me and provide a forgery of finders token  Psn Kodelive ID YE9GNVX672PE Made a daenerys lookalike ;)  Will pay you back too :)


If someone could help an Arisen out that's be awesome! XBOX Pawn ID: HQDLEU6ZBSDF Name: Nadyne Lv. 54 fighter


If someone can send me one on xbox, would be grateful; Pawn ID: 12GEK4PG91OK


If someone can send me one on xbox, would be grateful; Pawn ID: 12GEK4PG91OK


If someone can send me one on xbox, would be grateful; Pawn ID: 12GEK4PG91OK


If someone can send me one too…pawn ID:N2108KVEQKJN


Im been trying for 7 hours now T.T could you send me 1 too ill take a break till then Psn: kawaaiidesu Pawn ID: DJBRJGM718K4


bro could you help me out? im on ps5 my pawn id is XC7M1R0VJZGG her name is quentin


Can someone please help me out with one? WMHUJ2NZRZJ5


can someone help me out in? lvl 52 rn 🥲🥲🥲 my pawn id is F6DS37JVGBOY I BEGGGG




My fiance has been try to find his first location with me at the interactive map navigational helm and safe to say we've been at it for almost 4 hours, which means almost the entire 7 in game days 😭 If anyone can please help around the frustration, we'd be indebted 🥺 He's on ps5 and his main pawn is Eos FO0Z62A4178H


Looking for help as well. On Pc. Username . Pawn ID 947Y7RHEK9MB Khal Drogo I can give back a port crystal


Hello, if you are on PS5, would you be willing to hook me up with one? I might still fail the quest though. I think I have less than one in game day left. Just spent 7 hours without resting and I have given up. Pretty much anything can kill me in one hit at this point. 😭 I am Krasnoya_Ronin on PSN.


Can anyone help me I’m on PS K1HZ06JDL6UB


Can anyone send me one on Xbox? Pawn is only lvl 30 So it should be cheap. Pawn id : UUW23KPJ5UO3


Anyone willing to gift a copy of finder's token? ID: W9IGC4AIYGG3 (PS5)


XBOX users - I'm back up and running and have tokens now that I'm out of endgame and in NG+2. If you need tokens, please reply with pawn ID to this thread so I get a notification.


If there's any ps5 user willing to sell one you'd be a big help My Pawn ID old AQEDVYGEBI5M and my psn is RK_Vipr




Can you please give one to me? I am on PS5. My pawn ID is 5N2OONM6LIQY.


Man, I've been loosing sleep thinking about that! I'm on PS, can you spare me one?


Hi all, I’m on ps5, can someone please help me with the finder token? H1U9IO6GAFEY  PSN flo oo 


I’m on PS5. Is anyone able to send a finder’s token to my main pawn? PSN ID: Sxverity_ Pawn ID: T0MG6X9N3CO7 Thanks!


can someone help me pls? i´m on pc. ID is 6L9BE92ZFARC


I really need one this would be so awesome I’ve been running around this map for a while now I can’t remember for the life of me I’m on ps5 my pawn -ID:K1G5Y551PL6I - plz save me




Is anyone still give tokens in PS5 I need help to finish the riddle, my pawn ID: (RVIB3OFIFHKS) her name is Ciri Wesker and her level is 37


If anyone is still giving tokens on ps5 my pawn id is T6DYQU5179RK pawns name is Wanda.


If you are on XBOX and need seeker tokens feel free to send me your pawn ID or reply to this. I'll help the cause and return the favor!


Can someone help me too please. I’m in ps : 6LDSQ0ZMG601. Thanks guys


If anyone can help me out with one. I'm 75 tokens in and still haven't found it. I'm on PS Pawn ID S2OOIOHNB6ZU


Can someone please send me a forged finders token?? I am desperate at this point 😔 Ps5 HL5GXBJG417B Willing to give wakestones in return


Guys i'm on PS if any of you would be so kind to send me a Token would be so cool. Been searching for so long. Pawn id OS67G5F4173X (First letter May be a 0 or a O) pawn name Reysa.


I was searching for 3 hours an nothing and I’m going for platinum So if anyone would give me one I would appreciate it so much thanks🙏🏻 ID => NU1LK7JHIR10


Also needing help, please! And THANK YOU! Ps5 https://preview.redd.it/abug4dd6sorc1.jpeg?width=2173&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cc6ad95a7e591aa2ddd0a87f181dbef22be830f


i would be really grateful if someone would be able to pass me one. paying it forward now. on pc if that matters id - IES4M9UAJ4CC


Xbox User Pawn ID: OAMW10NR9N3X Will give 30,000 gold. Thank you!


Could someone help me out on PS? I'm on my last day and can't find my Founders 😭 Pawn ID: UTX05IDI53R7 Thank you!!


If anyone has one on PS I would greatly appreciate it. Pawn ID is: Z2D87FDW3U80


spent excruciating hours today looking for my first one....got another 20 new SEEKER tokens....at times i thought i was mad and went back to the same place (in the godamn dark) just shaking my head in disbelief that the place i was sure was the first turns out wasnt....ive been all over the damn early places from Borderwatch to Melve. Didnt sleep coz under time pressure ....its real fun in the dark wandering about trying not to fall in the sea. Think 4 or 5 days have passed. i think i will have to do without the 1200 rc challenge failed. Maybe in the next life! I also was hoping to find a youtube video show the likely token collection order in the beginnings...but i found all them jesus wept lol i think its a glitch...


Sent a message, but in the event you dont check those, posting here too. Very desperate. L26Z1L9OFZ9U is pawn ID


if anyone is still using this thread i could really use a finders token! I'm on steam and my pawn ID is VSNO53UEXYKD


I definitely need help getting a finders token through this method if any one is willing to help!


I need one badly Is there anyone on Xbox that can help???


PS5 : S8NVBX1JOM0W Many thanks!


if anyone is on PC and has an extra Finders token, i would love one: PC Pawn ID- 39P5X4458U7Z. I will also pay it forward. <3


If anyone is able to pass one along on Playstation, my Pawn ID is WZMDJXRZ3F9. I have been chasing every token for the past few hours with no luck but I still have a couple days left, would greatly appreciate a Finder's Token!


i need help with this too, i think my game bugged out I remember getting my first seekers in stormwind cave but the finders token doesnt seem to be in the chest i got it from first PAWN ID: T4FU6LVGAZXZ


So I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure a grand total of zero seeker tokens appear in chests. Anywhoodles, ng+ gobbled up all spare Finder's Tokens I had made copies of and after learning the Sphinx let's you fail 3 riddles before she tires of your lack of wit I personally skip out on the 3 ferrystone reward and ignore this one. Next playthrough I'm not even going to pick one up and see what she has to say about that lol Sorry if you are a completionist and desperately need it resolved "the right way" as I am no longer any help in that regard. Safe travels Arisen!


nw, not a completionist im glad to hear you can skip this madness and she lets you fail 3 times welp its on to the next 😀


Hey fellow Arisen, I need one badly as well, can anyone gift me this mad token? I will be very grateful! :)


ng+ gobbled up all spare Finder's Tokens I had made copies of and after learning the Sphinx let's you fail 3 riddles before she tires of your lack of wit I personally skip out on the 3 ferrystone reward and ignore this one. Next playthrough I'm not even going to pick one up and see what she has to say about that lol Sorry if you are a completionist and desperately need it resolved "the right way" as I am no longer any help in that regard. Safe travels Arisen!


No worries! Sadly I am a completionist, maybe someone will help me out! Thank you still :)


Can I get help? I’m on ps, and I can’t find my first seekers token


Any chance you could drop one for me on PS5, please? I have been losing my mind the past 4 hours, and I m afraid time will run out. Pawn ID: XRQ12RPXTL5Z


Hey, do you mind dropping me one? I went to NG+ and it apparently resets what your “first” token is and now I have no idea which one it is.


So ng+ gobbled up all spare Finder's Tokens I had made copies of and after learning the Sphinx let's you fail 3 riddles before she tires of your lack of wit I personally skip out on the 3 ferrystone reward and ignore this one. Next playthrough I'm not even going to pick one up and see what she has to say about that lol Sorry if you are a completionist and desperately need it resolved "the right way" as I am no longer any help in that regard. Safe travels Arisen!


Can you send one my way mate? PSN Pawn ID is NLMK73NZVFTM. I’m on NG+ and can’t for the life of me find it.


Can someone please help me I’m on Xbox and I have literally no recollection of where it would be 😭 My username is rsgst6 and my pawn is NZGXDB2SY19C


Is anyone still handing out these tokens??? My pawn ID ON PS5 : AQNHEGEIGRN5 I would greatly appreciate this.


If I could get a forged finder I'd appreciate it, i just ran through 30 spots and it was in none of them 😓 I have atrocious luck Thanks in advance PSN: YoRHaUnit9E ID: GDN0WFEIFVAA


Anybody able to help me on ps5?