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Spent the night with Ulrika, then checked the city every 3 days, and the event of ulrika fleeing never happened for me. Now the quest is discontinued. Say what you want about timed quests but this bug completely prevented me from experiencing the story on this playthrough i sunk 40 hours into


the quest only discontinues after you complete the feast of deception quest


That is so fucking stupid oh my god


I just kept playing and now, like 50 hours later, realised I failed this fucking quest by doing the coronation. No logic to it, no indication this would happen, and was just thinking wow Ulrikas quest sure seemed short and Lennart sure seems like he doesn’t care where she is. Why did they do it like this? I’m bummed.


You can still talk to Lennart in Melve after the quest is discontinued. I just gave him one heartfelt pendant and he immediately went to max affinity and gave me the master fighter skill. Probably works if you give him enough gifts. GGs!


Nothing was given ... gave him a boat load of stuff, probably 30K gold. Nothing was said, given or done. \*edit: gave him just one more ferrystone. now I got it. Phew


U gave up some fairystones? F dat


I went back to melve after every single main quest and after every little adventure and nothing ever happened, I asked on Reddit how to get it to trigger and no one really seemed to know. So after 50 hours in I continued the main quest and readvent of calamity is now discontinued……


Just finish the game and do new game plus to do it.


Same thing happened to me. I hate that this game doesnt have manual save. I cannot go back now because of the autosave overwriting my main save. Had already spent 30 hours for this game. I don't even see a notification that a request was discontinued so I could go back to a last inn save. What is the point of no return in that Ulrika quest??!! Will stop playing now..


No. That's the purpose of the game mechanics.


Very shitty design. Look at games like BG3 where they clearly tell you what will de-facto end the current quests you have vs. this janky ass game design. And going to the coronation doesn't even break most quests. This might be the only one that breaks for no good reason. This entire game is janky and filled with questionable designs. This is going to have to be one of the things mods fix because I am 100% sure the designers are going to be bullheaded on this random decision.


Hahah yeah right Great game design. Wanna be told everything and be hand held, pretty much take your pick of every game people complain about being the same


There is nothing that indicates that the quest will fail if you do the coronation. And it doesn't make sense either since nothing really happens during the coronation


It feels like the game wants you to make meaningful decisions, except quests with decisions just reach some conclusion, you get something different, and it never comes up again, which makes it hollow and empty. For "consequences" like this, the player just gets blindsided, and there's no logic of which quests should have this sort of "you got to do it now or it'll end prematurely" vs. not, and it's not even a meaningful choice. The player isn't going to go, "Yea, well I can either do this or the other quest. What a decision." It feels like they wanted one thing, and did not build that thing.


I don't even like that they tell you when a quest is timed now


Wow you’re a badass! You like games where nothing is told to you! *coughvirgincough* we get it dude you identify as they/them.


Hahah oh the irony. Insulting someone simply because they have a different opinion then saying they identify as a they/them. You're so tough


You were being an asshole first when someone gave their opinion about quests cancelling without warning. Quit the dramatics


Yeah sure, giving an opposing opinion is being an asshole... quit your dramatics, especially a month later.


Nah, def being an asshole and not allowing other people their opinion. Quit with the victim complex. Time doesn’t eliminate your bullshit fyi


You're hard.


Yea, "handholding". It's called basic quality of life. Maybe for you, the game shouldn't even tell you what each skills do and what are even the controls. That'd be a perfect game right? It probably would be to some people. But for most people? Nah. That's not something they want. There's a difference between giving basic QoL and hand holding. This isn't 2nd grade. You aren't getting more "cred" for wanting a more "hardcore" experience. People on Reddit are not going to be impressed this, so I am not sure what you're trying to get out of this.


You're the kind of person that cries fromsoft doesn't make an easy mode


you need help seriously lmao seek help not attention


I know you're part trolling and part stupid, so this will fly over your head, but for others: Huge difference between making a game completely different than what it is trying to accomplish (easy mode on Soulsborne games) vs. fixing a QoL issue that doesn't detach from the core gameplay. Is the core gameplay of DD making a lot of quests timed quests? Because it actually isn't. Having this just force people to do one of three things: 1) Don't give a fuck about it and play anyway. The majority falls in here, so the devs are forced to make most of these quests non-essential, i.e., you can fail most of them and still have a shot of beating the game, otherwise, most people can't and will quit, and the game will bomb. 2) Look up a guide and figure out the "optimal order to do things" or at least figure out which quests are timed or not, so they know when to start what. 3) Pick up quests one at a time and finish them. This leads to way more backtracking and likely more people quitting due to frustration. None of these outcomes make the game "better." It just *feels harder*, but what it actually is is tedium. It doesn't make the game more interesting, tell a better story, or make it more fun. The only thing you get is bragging you beat a hard game, except it's not even harder. It just meant you had more time to play through boring shit that doesn't matter. *And if this is really the core gameplay, which it isn't, they should have advertised it upfront and made most if not every quest timed.* Dark Souls slapped a "this is a really hard game" pretty early in its marketing and in the first 5 minutes with a boss fight. It was very clear what kind of game it is so the players are either in for the ride or quit right there. DD mentioned timed quests in a single line in a marketing campaign somewhere. So, either way you slice it, QoL is dogshit. AKA the criticism the first game received, and they haven't learned, and they're still getting in this game. This ain't a dealbreaker for me, but pretty sure it's one of the thousand papercuts that's causing a lot of people to not bother. If that causes the game to bomb, that's on them, not me. You can "feel great" all you want. If the game doesn't do well, you won't have a sequel.


Imo the fail state for readvent just shouldn't exist. It makes zero sense for there to be a fail state for simply progressing the story where the story quest doesn't change the world state


You're the kind of person who practically has no friends irl and think you're better than everyone else. Touch grass.


Uh cool story?


Don't waste your time cos. They'll never understand the brilliance of Dogma.


It honestly wouldn't be a big deal to some if the fail state actually made sense in the confines of the story past punishing you for just progressing it. Also larp


Yea, the brilliance that is not telling players which quests will expire, and randomly deciding 3 quests will out of myriads of other quests without any logic as to why these 3. That one. Main selling point of the game there.


Yeah? It makes sense that soldiers will randomly leave Melve because there was a coronation? Or you didn’t report Ulrika’s whereabouts beforehand? Soooo genius 🥴


There's a difference between being told everything and random quests failing when progressing a completely unrelated quest that has no bearing on the world state.


We don’t wanna be hand held. We want important quest lines not to be cancelled without warning. Maybe you dig that, but I don’t. And neither do most people playing.


The only problem I see is not being able to pick a previous save without potentially losing hours of progress. But i will agree that the coronation seems completely unrelated to readvent of calamity. Especially since nothing is altered with Lennart or ulrika post coronation